HomeMy WebLinkAbout867061'l '9nd '9861 1 lo'' uo!lez!Joylnead pue swawpuewV pun;Jadn9 941 '(„V10H30 'bes la '1.096 00!13eS '0'S'n Zb 'papuewe se '086 ;o
1.3V N!I!ge!l pue 'uogesuadwo0 'esuodsau Ie3uawuoJ!nu3 anlsuayaidwo0 e111 u! quo; Jes se s6u!ueew awes ay). aney Heys 'aBe6uoIN 9!143
u! pasn se „'esealai peualealy3„ pue „'eseal9J„ „'lesods!p„ „'eoueisgns snoplezeq„ „'alsean snoplezeq„ swim a41 •se3uelsgns snopJezeH
•amen SI! anJes9Jd of AJessaoau a0ueualu!ew
pue 'sluewaoeldaJ 'suede 112 w10 ;Jed Apdwoid pue uo!1!puoo elgelueual u! AUadoJd awl u!e4u!ew Heys JolueJ9 •uleluleyli of An
•AUadoJd ewl woJ; slued oqi.
loapo0 pue AUadoJd 943 ebeuew pue aleiedo pue ;o lolwoo pue uo!ssessod u! u!ewej Aew JolueJo 'line4ep u! !Run •asn pue uo!ssessod
auo!s!nOJd 13u!nnollo4 9143
Aq peweAo6 eq Heys AUadoJd 9144 ;o asn pue uo!ssassod s,JolueJO 4eg3 seoiBe 1o1ue1
•e6eBio!N 9141 Japun suo!4eBHgo S,JOIueJD 40 He wio ;Jed AIo!Jls Heys pue 'anp ewooaq Aay1 se a6e6Uo1N
sm. Aq pelnoes slunowe 'le Japual 01 Aed Heys JolueJO 'eBe61JO1N 9!141 u! pap!no1d es1Mieg4o se ldeox3 '30NVWH0dH3d ONV 1N3INAVd
SWH31 DNIMO11Od 3141 NO O31d300V ONV N3AI0 SI 3DVD1HOIN SII-11 'siN3Wnooa antrum 3H1 ONV 30V0I11O1A1
SIHI H30Nf1 HOINVHD d0 SNOI1V0I180 11V d0 30NVINHO11:13d (Z) ONV SS3NO31830NI 3H1 d0 1N31NAVd (1) 3Hl03S 01 N3AI0
•AUadoJd 8143
wo1; pan!Jep si!;auaq Jay4o pue 'sll ;aJd 'se!1IeAo1 'sanss! 'awo0ul 'senueneJ 'slue, °lulu; pue luesald He sueaw „slued„ pJOnn 941 *swam
•sseupalgepu' 9143 yllnn 110!309uuoo u! pe4noexe 'Bu!4s!xa Jai;eaJal! Jo MOU Jaglaynn 'sluewnoop pus
sluawaaJBe 'SluawnJ4sul Jeylo He pue '4snJ1 ;O speap 'se6e6Uow 'sluewaaJ6e A !,noes 'sa!1ue1en6 'slueweeiBe'eluawuOJlnua 'sluewaaJ6e
ueol 'sluawaaJBe 1!peio 'seiou AJoss!woid He uo!lel!w!I lnoyl!nn epn!ou! pue ueaw „Swewn000 pa4elad„ splonn awl •sluewnooa pe ;eleH
•110!3099 „aBe6uotN ;o lueiO„ ayl u! enoge paquosep sly6!J pue slseJe1u! 'AlJadoJd eqi ueaw „AUadoJd lead„ slum eql •AUadoJd IeaH
•AlJadoJd IeuosJad ey4 pue AUadoJd lead 941 Al9A!40911oo sueaw „AUadoJd„ [Nom 941 •AlJadoJd
•AlJadoJd ayl ;o uo!4lsods!p Ja410 10 ales Aue woi (swn!wejd ;o spun48J pue speeooid
eoueInsu! He uo!lel!w!I lnoyl!nn 6wpnlOU!) spoeooid He y1!nn Jayla6ol pue :AlJadoJd Lions ;o Aue 'Jo; suo!1n4!4sgns He pue ;o sweweoeldel
Ile ol sU011!ppe pue 'sued 'suo!ssao0e !le yl!nn Jay4aBo1 :AlJadoJd 'eau 914; 01 pax! ;e Jo pawoeue 19429Jay Jo MOU pue '10111219 Aq paunno
121429.194 Jo MOU AUadoJd IeuosJad ;o sa'o!1e Jayio pue 'seanlx!; 'luawdmbe He ueaw „AlJadoJd IeuosJad„ spJOnn 941 •AlJadoJd plumed
'31V8 1S3H31NI 318VIHVA V SNIV1N00 310N 3H1 :H01NVH9 01 33110N 'luewaai5e Jo 9300 A1oss!woid 941 Jo; suo!lnUlsgns pue
10 suo!lepposuoo '40 s6u!OUeugoi ;o suo!1eo! ;!pow 1.0 suo!su21x2 '40 SleM2UOJ He yl!M 19412601 'Japual 01 1o1ue19 W014 00'009'99$
;o ;unowe ledlouud leul6uo eqj u! 'OOOZ 'Z l AFT pelep weweej6e man Jo 910U AJoss!wold eqi sueaw „eloN„ paonn 041 •e;oN
slued pue Auedo.d IeuosJad x141 01 BugelaJ suo!s1nold Isamu! Alunoas
pue sluawu6!sse 11e uolle4!WH lnowiM sapn!0u! pue 'Japual pue JolueJO ueeMleq a6e64OI■ s!41 sueaw „aBeBUo'N„ p10M 941 •e6eBUoyu
9 !41 Japun eaBe6;JOw 0144 s! Japual 041 •suB!Sse pue sJOSSa00ns s4! "V'N 'Nue8 Alunoos ls'!d sueaw „Japual„ p10M 0141 •Japual
•e6e61Jo1N 9141 u! pap!noJd se slunowe Lions uo lsaJalu! yl!M /9440601
'e6eBUo'N 9!141 Japun IO1U21CO ;o suo!le6Hgo a0JO ;ua of Japual Aq paJJnOU! sesuedxa Jo Jolue19 ;o suo!leBHgo e6ieyos!p of Japual Aq
paouenpe 10 papuedxa siunowe Aue pue aloN 044 Japun a'geAed lsaJalu! pue Ied!oupd IIe sueaw „ssaupalgepul„ Nom ayl •ssaupe1gepul
•AUadoJd 'eau 9143 uo uo!40n1;suo0 19410 pue sluawaOe'd9J 'suowppe 'sa14!HOe; 'AUadoJd lead 041 uo pax!; ;e sewoy aglow 'se1nlon14s
's6u!pHnq 'siuewenoidwl a1n4n; pue Bu!4s1x9 He uo!4e1!w!I lno141!nn sapnlpu! pue sueaw „sluewanoidwl„ pJonn ayl •swawanoldwl
•sseupe4gapul 9111 yl!nn uo!4oeuuoo w sailed
uo!lepowwoo0e pue 'se!lelns 'sJOlueJen6 a4; ;o 112 pue "pea uo!lel!w!I 1noy4!nn sepnlou! pue sueaw „JOluelen0„ pIOM 9141 •JOluelenc0
•e6eBUolN 91141 Japun 106e6410W 041 s! 101ue19 041 •uos)la!J3 nol eageo pue uoslo113 pe40 sueaw „JOlue10„ pIOM 9143 Jo ;ueJO
•e6e6uoIN sm.
1.0 uo!40as ssaupalgepul Bu11s!x3 9141 uI mom paquosep ssaupalgepul ay; ueaw „sseupelgepul 611!39!x3„ spJonn 041 •ssaupalgepul 811!39!x3
•eopewV 4.0 sa4e4S pal!un 04140 Aauow In ;Me! u! slunowe
ueaw Heys slunowe 1e110p of saoua1a ;a. Hy •apo0 'e!aJ2wwo0 W1o;!un 041 u! swum. Lions 04 pelnqulle sBu!ueaw 0144 aney Heys 062641oW
9!141 u! pau!lap es!nn)e44o iou swig! •e6e61Jo1N 9!43 U! pasn uaynn sBu!ueaw BuonoIIo; 9141 aney Heys SpJOM Bu!nnollo;
•s4uad pue AlJadoJd IeuosJad ayl u! Isamu! Alunoas apo0 le!OJawwoo w1o;!un a Japual 01 slueJ6 Jolue19 'uowppe u!
•AUadoJd 9144 W0J; slued He pue AlJadoJd 9141 ;0 saSeal He of pue u! Isamu! pue '011!4 '14614 s,JO3ue10 ;0 112 Japual of su6!sse AlluasaJd 10411210
'00900ZOZ908 L LE s! Jagwnu uo!4e0l;lluap!
xel AlJadoJd lean ayl 0 L L£8 AM 'uo;4d '68 AeM441 9£b£8 Se UMOU)I Aluowwoo SI ssaappe s ;l JO A;JadoJd 1e01 eyi
'4oeJeL f 1e0 lelol }o ay; uo pegposep se 6ulwoAM 'A;uno3 UIOOUII 'uolslnlpgnS nA- AelleA ay; ;0 9 ;ol
„A ;ledoid lean„ eq BU!WOAM ;0 a ;e ;S 'A;unoa 111031111 111 pewool 's1aUew Jellw!s pue 1ew19y1006
'se6 'Ho 's'eJeu!w He uo!4e1!w!I lnoyl!nn 6u!pnlou! AUadoJd 'eat out 04 6uhelai si!404d pue 'sa!41e/OJ '9414611 1944o He pue '(s446u uo!186111!
10 404!p 14!nn sa!4!H1n u! Fools 6u!pnlou!) 914611 Lol!p pue saslnoOJalenn '9414611 1a42M '104enn He S90ueueundde pue 'Aeon ;o s446■ 'Sluawesee
He !saln1x!; pue sluewenoldw! 'sBu!p!nq pax!; ;e 10 pa4O910 A!1uanbesgns Jo Bu!ls!xe He 91!M /9419604 'AUadoJd 1201 paquosep Bu!nnollo; 241
01 pue u! 450104U! pue 'al1!1 '14611 s,JO4ue10 10 He Japual o; sAanuoa pue sa6e64Jow JO1U8A0 'uo!4eaap!suoo e!genlen 103 '39V'J1HOW d0 1NVH'J
•(„Japual„ se Moleq o; paaa049J) L'L L£8 AM 'uo;fb 'uo;BulyseM 981 s! ssaappe eso9M '•d•N 'Iue8
A;!Jnoes WsmA pue f( „Jo;uei9„ se Mo)aq o; paaaa4a1) 01. L£8 AM 'uotiV l,1J AWM9BIH £69£ s! ssaappe esoym
'941M pue puegsnq 'uos)lo!J3 nol eNea pue uoslou3 pe40 ueemzeq
109fl 33S
C ;Jo yN scg1,
rr.; 1
40 seyrrao AO
AINO 3Sf1 S,H30H033H VOA SI 3N11 SIHI 3A08V 3OVdS
`AM '2172IaiFII)I
LO:E lid 81 Uflf 00
j 3 L HOVd 2Id FTW10011
9 'A1H3d0Hd 31-11 d0 30NVN31NIVW ONV NOISS3SSOd
'000 'Z L Aln a 31va SI 3DVJ11:1OIN SIH1
InL LES AM 'uol4V
uolBu!yseM 98b
•V•N 'Nun )(Nimes 4sal3
:01 IIVW a3al100311 N3HM
bl LEB AM 'Mill
uo46u!yseM 98.1
•V•N 'Nun A;unoes 4 J
:A8 a31S311031:1 N011V H003a
pa!Idde eq Heys 'Aue 'lapu!ewal sip pue 'lsalalu! panlooe Aed of uayl 'e6e611oIN 9!241 spun lapuO] 01 Bu!mo wnowe Aue Aed of lsn} pesn
eq Heys Alladold eql ;o uo!].elolsal to pedal 9241 211 pewwwoo ].ou sey lapual yo!gm pue ].d!aoal 119241 Jel ;e sAep ogi u!yl!m pasingsp uaeq
sou aneg yo!gm spe oold Auy •e6e61Joysi s!yl Jepun line4ep u! 1011 s! JoweJ0 uo!lelolsal to pedal ;o lsoo a19euoseel ay1 104 speeoald 9241
wol} loluel0 asingw!al to Aed 'e n].!puedx9 yons 40 ;mid Alol0e4s!les uodn 'Heys lapue1 •19pu9 o1 AJoloe;s!les lauuew e u! sluawanoldw)
peAollsep to p9Bewep eqi eoeIdal to Medal Heys lolUeJO 'Medal pue uo!lelolsei of spec old 924 )(Ode of shale lapu9l Alladad
2241 ;o Medal pue uollelolsei ayi to 'Alladold 241 6u!loa }4e ua!I Aue o luawAed 'ssaupalgapul ayi ;o uo!lonpaa 991 of speeoold ey]. A1dde
'1101309!2 Si! le 'Aew Jepu9l 'p98edwl s! Alunoes s,lapual IOU to 19419gM •Allenseo 9141 4o sAep (9L) ueewl u!y1!m os op 01 sHe; lowelo
ssoi }o ;oold a sew Aew lepual •Alladold 9241 of e6ewep 10 sso! Aue ;0 Jepual A411ou Alldwold Heys loluel) •speeoold ;o uolleo!lddy
•ueo! 924140 Waal 2241 lo; eouemsu! yons u!elu!ew 01 pue 'Jepual Aq pellnbel as!Ml91110
se to 'W816o.d eoueJnsul poold leuogeN 9211 noun les sl!WH Aol!od wnw!xew 941 01 do 'ueoi 9141 Bupnoes Alladold 9141 uo sue!' 1o11d
Aue pue ueoi 9241 40 aoueleq Ied!ou!Jd Pledun Hn4 9141 lo; 9oueJnsul poo13 !mood u!elwew pue ulelgo of seal6e Jolue.t0 'Bale plezey pool}
!e!oeds e se Aouo6V luewe6euelN Aoue6Jew3 leiopa3 041 40 1010aJ!a 9141 Aq paleu6!sep ease ue u! pe1eooi ewooaq 9w11 Aue le AlJadoJd
le ayi p(noyS •uoslad Jaylo Aue to 101u8JD 40 llne;ap to uo!ss!wo 'we Aue Aq Aem Aue u! panedw! eq 1ou !I!m lapue i ;o lone} u! 06810A00
ley]. Bu!pinold 1Uaweslopue ue apnlou! Heys os!e A0!lod aouelnsu8 yoe3 a011ou yons 9n16 of amp; 104 A1iI!ge!l s,lalnsu! 2241 ;o Jew!elOs!p
Aue 6282!222o0 1011 pue 191U91 0]. 90!1011 uallum loud ,sAep (01) 1191 4o wnw!u!w a lnoyllm pegs!u!w!p to pa190ue0 aq sou !pm 06210no0
ley]. uolle!nd!ls a 6u8u8eluoo Jeinsu! 24029 Wo14 96elano0 4o sele3l }!1190 lapual 01 lenllep Heys lowel9 °lapuaq of algelda00e Aigeuoseel
aq Aew,se Wlo4 yons u! pue se!uedwoo aouelnsu! yons Aq uallum aq Heys seIo!lod •al!nbel Aew lapuai se aouelnsu) 1a11oq pue uo!;dnllalu!
sseu!snt1 'plezey of pal!W!I sou inq 6u8pnpu! 'aouelnsu! 10910 yons u!elu!ew Hegs loluel0 'Alleuo!l!ppy •sa!0!lod aouelnsu! Alli!ge!I yons u!
spalnsu! !euo!1!ppe se peweu Buleq Jepu9l 918■ lsenbeJ Aew lapuel se slunowe 96e1en00 yons u! aouelnsu! A1!!lgell 1210006 an!suageidwoo
uiaiulew pue einoald os!e Heys lowel9 •lapual ;o lone; u! esnep 996e611ow plepuels a 1411m pue 'esnep eouelnsulo0 Aue 40
uo!leoHdde pone 01 lua!0!};ns wnowe ue u! Alladold lean ay]. uo sluawanoldw! He Bu!lano0 en(en elgelnsu! Hn; 9241 104 s!seq luawaoe!dal e
uo sluawaslopue 913e19A00 pepuelxa plepuels y1!m aouelnsu! Big }o sepHod u!elutew pue elnoald Heys loluel0 •aouelnsu! ;0 a3ueuelu!eIn!
•962611o1N 5811 4o lied a ale AUadold 041 Bullnsu! 01 611119101 suo!sinold 62 8moll 0 4 9 91 °3ONVHf1SNl 3DVINVa A1H3d0Hd
•sluawanoldw! yons 40 woo 941 Aed Ii!m pue U20
10111239 12141 19pual Ol A1o102;s!ws seouelnsse eouenpe lepuel of is!uln; lapU91 40 lsenbel uodn I!Im 101U219 •sk191ew 10 'Sa0!AJ9S '31JOM
0111 10 lunoo0e uo p911esse eq P1noo U9!( 192!10 to 'ue!! s,uawleuelew 'ue!! s,01ueyoew Aue 4! 'Alladold 021 01 pallddns 918 slellelew Aue
JO 'pays!wn} 812 8931AJOS Aue 'p90uawwoo s! >Ilom Aue alo;aq sAep (g t) U901 ;14 ;seal 12 lapuel A }llou Heys 10111219 °uog0n11suo0 40 e0!loN
•Alladold 0241
19U!26e sw0wssasse pue saxes 0141 4o 1Uawafefs uallum a aw!1 Aue le lapual 01 18n11ap of le!014 ;0 leluewulano6 alelldoldde 9141 az!loylne
Heys pue sluawssasse to saxes 0241 }o luawAed ;o a0uep!ne A1ol0e;s11es lapuel of ys!uln4 puewap uodn Heys 10111219 •luawAed 40 eouap!n3
•s6u8peeoald 1sO1il00 941 u! pays!uln;
puoq Alalns Aue lapun ea6ligo Ieuo!1!ppe ue se lapUal aweu Heys Jo4Uel9 •Alladold 0241 lswe6e 1UaweoJO4Ua alo ;aq ;uew6pnf aslanp8
Aue A;s!les Heys pue lapu9l pue ;1051! pua4ap Heys 101U219 '19911100 Aue ul •1198! 041 lapun ales to elnsol3alo; 2 40 llnsal a se an1002 p)noo
1241 sa6leyo 101410 to sae; ,sAewoue algeuoseei pue s1SO0 Aue sn(d ua!! 0141 961ey0s!p 01 lua!0!;;ns wnowe 112 u! Japual 01 Alo1Oe4sges
Alllnoes 19910 to puoq Al91ns 91210d8o0 lua!0!4;ns a to 24920 lepU91 yl!m llsodap 'lapuel Aq palsanbO1 41 10 'ue!1 941 4o aBley0sIP 9211 eln0es
'611!1(; 0241 4o eopou sey loluel9 12142 sAep (9 L) 1109 14(4 u1411m 'paw s! u9H a 4! 'lo sasue ue!! 9211 10142 sAep (g 1) 1100141; ulyllm Heys 10111210
'luawAeduou 40 11n99l a se pal!; s! 10 sesue (Jell 2 41 •paz!pledoef sou s! Auadold 0241 u! lsala].u1 s,lapuei se Buol os 'Aed 01 uo11e61!go
041 Jam) Olnds!p 91124 pooh e y1!M uo!10auuo0 u! W!el0 10 'luewssesse 'xel Aue 40 luawAed P1o49 ].!m Aew 101U219 19931103 of ly6!H
•9del6eled Bu!molo4 941 u! pap!AOld es!m19y30 se ldaOxe pue 'MO(eq o1 palla401
ssaupalgapul 6u!ls!x3 991 104 ldeoxe 'anp sou s1U9wssesse pue saxes 10 119!! 991 lo; ld9Oxe '96e611oIN 9191 Jepun lapuel ;o lsalalul 9211
01 lenbe l0 10A0 41011d 6U!ney suet( He ;o 9014 Alladold ayi u!elu!ew Heys 10111219 •Alladold 0211 01 peys!uln} !eualew to palapu01 500!nlas
Jo; to uo euop )iloM 10; sw1 He anp uaym Aed 11899 pue 'Alladold 991 4o wno00e 110 l0 19118262 penal sa61290 90! /19S lamas pue sa61290
lalem 'swewssesse 'saxes Ie!0ads 'sexes Ho1Aed 'saxes Ile (Aouanbu!!ap 01 loud mane He ul pue) anp uaym Aed Heys 101U219 •luawAed
•e6e611o4N 9141 40 fled a ale Alladold 991 uo sue!! pue saxes 0241 01 628le(el suo!s!nold 62 !mollo4 01 11 •SN3I1 aNV S3XV1
•mel Bu!WOAM Aq to me! impel Aq pallglyald Si 951010X0
yonS lepu9l Aq pes!Olaxe aq sou Heys uo!ldo 5!91 'lenemoH •10111810 ;o 'eq Aew ase0 991 se 'slsalalu! Auedwoo Al!Hgen pel!w!! to s ;salalu!
dlyslaulled 'Tools Bu11on 0111 }o %9Z) luaolad anl;- Aluemf 112241 010W ;o dlyslaumo u! aBue90 Aue sapnpu! ow 191921211 Auedwoo Alll!geil pel!w!!
JO dlyslaulled 'uollelodloo a Si loluel0 Aue;( '1sOJa].U! Alladold 1298 4o a0UeAan000 4o poylaw 10410 Aue Aq 10 'Alladold 120H 991 01 a41(1 6ulp!oy
15 /11 pue! Aue of 10 u! Isamu! 42(0(40ueq Aue 40 1049112/1 to 'luew2/6lsse 'ales Aq 1a '10813000 uo!ldo -areal 'S120A (6) 00141 11e 1012016 W101
8 91!m lsalalu! p10909201 'peep 104 102/1000 '108111100 pue( '102111100 ales luaw!lelsu! 'peep '94es 196(11no Aq 18y109M 'Ale].unlonu! 10 Alelunton
laylaym 'algelmbe to le!ot4oueq '(e6a4 laylaym 'u!alayl 190/01111 10 0481 '196u Aue to All0dald leaH 4o eoueAanuoo 9241 sueew „104su211 10 ales„
v •Alladold !eaa 941 u! Isamu! Aue to 'Alladold !eau 991 ;o lied Aue to He ;o 'luesuo0 uaililm loud s,lepual 091 lnogl!m '194911211 to ales 941
uodn e6e611o(N 9!143 Aq palnoes swns He a!geAed pue anp Alele!peww! 012109p 'uolldo 91! 12 'Aew 19
PU01 'H3aN31 AS 1N3SNOO 31VS NO af10
991 emerald pue l0alold of Alesseoeu Algeuoseei ale Alladold 091 4o asn pue /9102/290 991 wo14 y0lym 'uo!lOas s!yi u! anog2 91104 109 sloe
05041 01 uo111ppe 11! 'sloe 10910 Ile op Heys 10111219 •Alladold 091 papu9lleun aneal sou uopueqe of 19111!911 90016e 10111219 •loalold of Atria
°;salalu! s,lapuel 100201d 01 lapual of Aloloe;s!les A!geuoseei
'puoq Alalns a to Awnoes elenbepe !sod 01 10311219 98nbal Aew lapual •paz!pledoaf 1011 012 A1lednld 9141 u! 9199191u! s,lapual 'uo!u!do 0109
s,lapuel u! 'se Bo! os Hue os Bu!op 01 loud Bu!].Ilm u! lapuel P0!4!lou sey 10111219 se Buol os 'sleedde al8udoldde Bu!pn(ou1 '6u!paeoold
Aue Buunp aouelldwoo p1oyy8m pue uo!12)n6a1 to 'eOueu!plo 'mel yons Aue 91!24 pooh u! 19011100 Aew lo1Ue19 •l°y sawHqesta 411M
sue0!lawy 0141 'uo!1211WH lnoyllm Bu!pnpul 'A119dold 9211 4o Aouedn000 10 0Sn 991 01 a4ge0!Idde sa!1!loylne leluawwano6 He 40 '109449 w
191128199 to mou 'suo!lelnSal pue 'se0ueu!plo 'smei Ile
411m Aldwoo Alldwold Heys 10111219 •sluawennbeH leluewweno0 yl!m eoueHdW00
•96e611o!n) 9!91 40 suowpuoo pue swim. 991 1/1!m eoue!(dwoo s,loluel0 4o sasodlnd lo; Alladold 091 loadsu! of pue 9199191u! s,lapuel
01 pu0lle of sawn algeuoseal He 12 Alladold I291 0111 uodn Jaws Aew sen!leluaseidal pue slua6e sl! pue lapuel •191113 0l 446!H s,lapuei
'awn Ienbe 1seal le 10 sluawanoldw) 91!m sluawanoldw( yons a0eldal 01 lap11al
of Alo1Oe;slles s1Uew96ue1Je a sew 01 10111219 98nbei Aew 19p1101 'sluewenoldwl Aue }o 4enOwel 091 01 uo11!puoo a sy •10pu94 40 111091100
Ua11uM lo!ld 941 1noy11M Alladold !eau 091 W014 S4UOWOn01dWI Aue OAOWOI to Isllowap sou Keys 10111219 •sluawanoldw) ;o IenoWaH
;o wesuo0 uallum loud 991 1noy1Im slOnpold Now to lenel6 'Hos '(986 pue 1(0 Bu(Pnpu!) slelau!W 'lagw!1 Aue 'avowal 01 196p 991 Ailed
10920 Aue of 111816 to '0A0W01 1011 1(!M 10111210 '6U1069101 0141 ;0 Al!lelau96 991 Bub/Lug lnoyl!M 'Alladold 091 4ouoillod Aue to Alladold 941
01 to uo 9192m to 40 Bu!dduls Aue 1044ns 10 '8wlad '11111w00 sou e0ueslnu Aue llwled 10 l0npuoo '9Sne0 1011 112119 10].11219 else// 'eauespiN
•es!mleylo l0 ainsopalo; Aq laylaym
'Alladold 991 u! 199191u! Aue 4o uo11!stnboe s,lapual Aq pa100442 eq 1011 Heys pue 96e611oN 9(91 ;0119(4 99 ;40 eoueAanuooal, pue 1101102;9!129
941 pue ssaupalgapul 0 94 4 luawAed 0241 On!nins Heys 'A4!uwepu! 01 uo11e6Hgo 0141 6u1Pnpul 'aBe61JoiAl 994 4o 110(1099 9!91 4o suols!nold
9 91 'S 9241 uo eouelsgns 10 alsem snoplezey a 40 9920101 1:m9120141 l0 eseep1 'I.2sods!P '0621049 'alnloe;nuew 'uollelau06
'asn Aue ;o aouanbesuoo a se to a6e611o1N 991 4o uo110as 9191 40 40291q a W014 Bulllnsel le44ns 10 u!elsns AIioa11Pu1 to AI10a8p Aew
19puel 9014m sesuedxe pue '90 3!eued 'se6ewep 'sa11!Hge11 'sesso( 'swlep 1(e pue Aue 1s11126e lapuei ssalwley Ploy pue A4luwapul of 509162
(q) pue 'sme4 yons Aue Jepun 9;900 19930 to dnueap lo; me!' sawooaq lolue19 Juana 992 u! uo4nqu].uo0 10 Al!uwepu! lapuel 492826e
swl8(0 aims); Aue san!em pue seseele1 (2) Agala9 10111219 •990uelsgns snoplezey pue alsem snoplezey ;1o4 Alladold 941 6u11e611sanul
u! 0011061/43 anp s,101U819 uo paseq ale 11101014 peuleluo0 sailueJlem pue suolleluasaldal ayi •uoslad 19910 Aue 01 to 10121219 of lapuel
40 lied 991 uo Allllge11 to A1111glsuodsoi Aue elea10 0l panllsuo0 aq sou He14s pue Apo sasodlnd s,lapual 104 aq Heys 1apuel Aq apew 91904
to suol1Oadsu! Auy •96e611oIJ 941 ;o 1101;099 sty2 98m Alladold 991 4o eoue!ldwo0 au!wlal9p of aleudoldde weep Aew lapuel se 'asuedxa
s,loluel0 le '91901 pile suo!loedsu! yons a sew of Alladold 9144 uodn 191112 o1 slua6e 91! pue 19puel sazlloy1ne 10111219 •anoge pagllosep
seoueulplo pue 'suollelnBal 'smei 050241 uo!1e11WH lnoyllm Bu!Pnpu! 's90ueu!plo pue suolle(nBal 'smei 12001 pue '01819 '(210p04 a(geotdde
He 911m aouegdwoo 111 pal0npuoo aq 1129s A4!n!loe yons Aue (n) pue Alladold 091 W014 to inoge '10pun 'uo e0uelsgns to alsem snoplezey
Aue asealal to 10 asodsp '12011 'rums 'alnl0e4nuew '94810006 'asn Heys Alladold 991 40 !asn pezuoylne 19910 l0 lua62 '1010214uo0 'lueuel
Aue sou 10111210 lay4!au 'Bu1111m 111 lap11al Aq pa6pa(moul(oe pue o1 pasops!p Alsno!nald se 1deox3 (0) pue '519118W yons o1 611(12101
uoslad Aue Aq pup( Aue ;o SWlep to uo!le6!11 pau01e0194 l0 1enl0e Aue (n) to Alladold 091 }o swedn00o to Sla1MO 1o11d Aue Aq Alladold
991 wol4 to ].nog¢ 'lapun 'uo aOuelsgns l0 alsem snoplezey Aue ;0 9929191 pa1102201141 10 'ase9101 '(esodslp 'luawleall '0621029 'e1n10e4nuew
'u0(1810ue6 'asn Aue 'Bu!3um u! lapuel Aq pe6pelmom(oe pue o; pasopslP Aisnolnald se !daoxa 'uaeq sey 91991 1291 en011aq
of 1109293 10 10 a6pa(moul ou 929 10111219 (q) 'Alladold 991 W014 10 lnoge 'Jepun 'uo uoslad Aue Aq a0uelsgns 10 alsem snoplezey Aue
;o 0929191 pau0220144 l0 esee191 '!esods!p 1u0221120.8. '0621049 'alnlOe;nuew '110112191196 'asn ou uaeq sey 01091 'Alladold 092 4o d14slaumo
s,lowel9 40 poilad 041 Bona (e) :1891 1apual 01 91U21)em put slu0sald01 101(1219 '90190892 pue 4001041 uo140214 Aue to slonpold -Aq
wnalollad pue wnelo.ned 'uo!lel!W!I lnoyllm 'apnlou! 0512 1129s „eouelsgns snoplezey„ pue „a /sem snoplezey„ sow. 941 •628oBeJo4 091
4o Aue of wenslnd paldope suo1124n691 10 'semi 'smei lelapad l0 9122s algeo1)dde 19910 to 19 'L069 uo!100S •O•S•N Zt 'lOV Alanooea
pU8 uo11en1asuo0 901nos9a 991 "bas le 'log I. 1101 ].0aS '0'S'tl 6t' '10V uo!lellodsue4 s(211a22IN snoplezeH 9111 „VEIVS.,) 66t' 66
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07 -12 -2000
Page 3
to the principal balance of the Indebtedness. If Lender holds any proceeds after payment in full of the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be
paid to Grantor.
Unexpired Insurance at Sale. Any unexpired insurance shall inure to the benefit of, and pass to, the purchaser of the Property covered by
this Mortgage at any trustee's sale or other sale held under the provisions of this Mortgage, or at any foreclosure sale of such Property.
Compliance with Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any Existing Indebtedness described below is in effect, compliance with
the insurance provisions contained in the instrument evidencing such Existing Indebtedness shall constitute compliance with the insurance
provisions under this Mortgage, to the extent compliance with the terms of this Mortgage would constitute a duplication of insurance
requirement. If any proceeds from the insurance become payable on loss, the provisions in this Mortgage for division of proceeds shall
apply only to that portion of the proceeds not payable to the holder of the Existing Indebtedness.
Grantor's Report on Insurance. Upon request of Lender, however not more than once a year, Grantor shall furnish to Lender a report on
each existing policy of insurance showing: (a) the name of the insurer; (b) the risks insured; (c) the amount of the policy; (d) the property
insured, the then current replacement value of such property, and the manner of determining that value; and (e) the expiration date of the
policy. Grantor shall, upon request of Lender, have an independent appraiser satisfactory to Lender determine the cash value replacement
cost of the Property.
TAX AND INSURANCE RESERVES. Subject to any limitations set by applicable law, Lender may require Grantor to maintain with Lender
reserves for payment of annual taxes, assessments, and insurance premiums, which reserves shall be created by advance payment or monthly
payments of a sum estimated by Lender to be sufficient to produce amounts at least equal to the taxes, assessments, and insurance premiums
to be paid. The reserve funds shall be held by Lender as a general deposit from Grantor, which Lender may satisfy by payment of the taxes,
assessments, and insurance premiums required to be paid by Grantor as they become due. Lender shall have the right to draw upon the reserve
funds to pay such items, and Lender shall not be required to determine the validity or accuracy of any item before paying it. Nothing in the
Mortgage shall be construed as requiring Lender to advance other monies for such purposes, and Lender shall not incur any liability for anything
it may do or omit to do with respect to the reserve account. Subject to any limitations set by applicable law, if the reserve funds disclose a
shortage or deficiency, Grantor shall pay such shortage or deficiency as required by Lender. All amounts in the reserve account are hereby
pledged to further secure the Indebtedness, and Lender is hereby authorized to withdraw and apply such amounts on the Indebtedness upon the
occurrence of an Event of Default. Lender shall not be required to pay any interest or earnings on the reserve funds unless required by law or
agreed to by Lender in writing. Lender does not hold the reserve funds in trust for Grantor, and Lender is not Grantor's agent for payment of
the taxes and assessments required to be paid by Grantor.
EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Grantor fails to comply with any provision of this Mortgage, including any obligation to maintain Existing
Indebtedness in good standing as required below, or if any action or proceeding is commenced that would materially affect Lender's interests in
the Property, Lender on Grantor's behalf may, but shall not be required to, take any action that Lender deems appropriate. Any amount that
Lender expends in so doing will bear interest at the rate provided for in the Note from the date incurred or paid by Lender to the date of
repayment by Grantor. All such expenses, at Lender's option, will (a) be payable on demand, (b) be added to the balance of the Note and be
apportioned among and be payable with any installment payments to become due during either (1) the term of any applicable insurance policy or
(ii) the remaining term of the Note, or (c) be treated as a balloon payment which will be due and payable at the Note's maturity. This Mortgage
also will secure payment of these amounts. The rights provided for in this paragraph shall be in addition to any other rights or any remedies to
which Lender may be entitled on account of the default. Any such action by Lender shall not be construed as curing the default so as to bar
Lender from any remedy that it otherwise would have had.
WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The following provisions relating to ownership of the Property are a part of this Mortgage.
Title. Grantor warrants that: (a) Grantor holds good and marketable title of record to the Property in fee simple, free and clear of all liens
and encumbrances other than those set forth in the Real Property description or in the Existing Indebtedness section below or in any title
insurance policy, title report, or final title opinion issued in favor of, and accepted by, Lender in connection with this Mortgage, and (b)
Grantor has the full right, power, and authority to execute and deliver this Mortgage to Lender.
Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Grantor warrants and will forever defend the title to the Property against
the lawful claims of all persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the interest of Lender
under this Mortgage, Grantor shall defend the action at Grantor's expense. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but
Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and
Grantor will deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such
Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants that the Property and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws,
ordinances, and regulations of governmental authorities, including without limitation all applicable environmental laws, ordinances, and
regulations, unless otherwise specifically excepted in the environmental agreement executed by Grantor and Lender relating to the Property.
EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The following provisions concerning existing indebtedness (the "Existing Indebtedness are a part of this Mortgage.
Existing Lien. The lien of this Mortgage securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an existing lien. Grantor expressly
covenants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment of, the Existing Indebtedness and to prevent any default on such indebtedness, any
default under the instruments evidencing such indebtedness, or any default under any security documents for such indebtedness.
Default. If the payment of any installment of principal or any interest on the Existing Indebtedness is not made within the time required by
the note evidencing such indebtedness, or should a default occur under the instrument securing such indebtedness and not be cured during
any applicable grace period therein, then, at the option of Lender, the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage shall become immediately due
and payable, and this Mortgage shall be in default.
No Modification. Grantor shall not enter into any agreement with the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust, or other security agreement
which has priority over this Mortgage by which that agreement is modified, amended, extended, or renewed without the prior written
consent of Lender. Grantor shall neither request nor accept any future advances under any such security agreement without the prior
written consent of Lender.
CONDEMNATION. The following provisions relating to condemnation of the Property are a part of this Mortgage.
Application of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by any proceeding or
purchase in lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion of the net proceeds of the award be applied to
the Indebtedness or the repair or restoration of the Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all
reasonable costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in connection with the condemnation.
Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Grantor shall promptly take
such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but
Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Grantor
will deliver or cause to be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by it from time to time to permit such participation.
IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental taxes,
fees and charges are a part of this Mortgage:
Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such documents in addition to this Mortgage and take
whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for
all taxes, as described below, together with all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Mortgage, including 'without
limitation all taxes, fees, documentary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Mortgage.
Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (a) a specific tax upon this type of Mortgage or upon all or any
part of the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; (b) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct from
payments on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Mortgage; (c) a tax on this type of Mortgage chargeable against the Lender or the
holder of the Note; and (d) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest made by
Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this Mortgage, this event shall have the
same effect as an Event of Default (as defined below), and Lender may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event of Default
as provided below unless Grantor either (a) pays the tax before it becomes delinquent, or (b) contests the tax as provided above in the
Taxes and Liens section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender.
SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relating to this Mortgage as a security agreement are a part of
this Mortgage.
Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a security agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures or other
personal .ar o erty, and Lender shall have all of the rights of a c IRA party under the Uniform Commercial Code aai ceded from time to
•lan!0081 a se 6uIAlas wo14 uosied a A;Henbs!p sou !pis lapual Aq luawAoldw3 •lunowe le!luelsgns a Aq ssaupalgapul 941 spaaoxe
Alladold 991 40 enlen lueaedde 991 sou 10 leyl911M 191x9 Heys J9n19 391 e ;o lueww!odde 941 01 146!1 s,1epuei 'me! Aq peu!wlad 4! puoq
1no411M 90199 Aew 1an!a081 941 •sseupelgepul 910. lsu!e6e 'd!ysl9n!9091 991 40 1900 oql enoge pue 19A0 'speeoold ayl Aldde pue Alladold
eq wo1; swell 391 1091100 0l pue 'ales 10 einsoloelo; 6u!peoald Alladold 991 3191ado o1 'Alladold ay) anlaseJd pue loalold of leMod
091 yl!M 'AlJedoJd aql 40 11ed Aue 10 He 4o uo!ssessod 8)181 o1 palu!odde Jan!a0aJ a ane' of 196!1 ayl aney pegs lapual •1en!e09H IU!oddV
•18M0081 a y6noly1. to 'lua6e Aq 'uosied u! 1ay1(e ydeiBeJedgns
s!yl lapun 9196(1 Si! as!°19xe Aew lapual •pals!'° puewap 091 1o; spunol6 1adold Aue sou 10 Jay199M 'spew ale sluawAed 941 yo!gm
104 suo!le6!lgo 941 A;s!les !legs puewep s,lapuel of esuodsel u! .iapuei 01 slasn Ja910 JO s1Ueuel Aq swawAed •speeoold 3(1 3oal!oo pue
awes ail 919!1063u 01 pue loluel0 40 aweu ayl u! 4001941 luawAed u! pen!e0a1 swawnJlsu! as.iopue o1 1084- 1.1!- AOU)011e s,loluel0 se 1apuei
seleu6!sep Algeoonall! loluel9 U991 'lapual Aq p310apo0 9le 9w°H 041 4! •Jepuei 01 A11Oanp sae; esn 10 1110.110 sluawAed °New 01 Alladold
041 40 lasn 13410 10 3112491 Aue annbOJ Aew Jepuel '146!) 9!41 4o a0uelaylln4 ul •sseupe1gepul 941 194!868 '9190° s,iepuel anoge pue
lano 'spa30wd 1au 941 AIdde pue 'p!edun pue enp lsed s1Unowe Bu!pnIOu! 'swan 0111 10allo0 pue 'le!o!pn! -uou 10 le!0!pn! 1e11194M 'e nsoloolo4
4o Aouepued 0111 Buunp Bu!pnlou! 'A31ado1d 991 40 uo!ssessod e)lel 01 '101ue19 0l a9!lou 14041!M '1964 941 aney !legs lapual swath loapo3
•epo0 le!0lawwoO wlo4!un 991 lapun
Ailed pampas a 40 se!pawal pue 91964 0111 He aney pegs lapual 'Alladold leuoslad 0111 40 11ed Aue 10 Ile 01 lOadseJ 1111/ •salpew9H 33n
•Aed 01 pal!nbel eq pinoM 1014219 go!11M Alleued luawAedeld Aue 6u!pnIOU! 'algeAed pue enp
A191e!peww! ssaupalgapul 91!149 391 °lei °9p o1 101U219 0l 30!104 1409iM uolldo sl! le 1464 991 aney (legs lapual ssaupalgapul alelalaooy
:Me! Aq pap!nold s3(pewa1 10 9146!1 19410 Aue o f
uo!1!ppe u! 'se!pew31 pue 9146!1 Bu!MOpo4 991 40 OJOW 10 euo Aue es!Olaxe Aew 'uolldo sl! le 'lapual '96e611oIN 9!41 u! uo!le1w!l Aue 10 a1ON ay1
u! uo11e1!w!I Aue Ol loelgns lnq /01420/991 ew!1 Aue le pue 1108 4a0 ;0 luan3 Aue ;0 e0ua11n00o 941 uodn •llfV I30 NO S3I03W3H ONV SIHJIH
•leo!3oeld Algeuoseai se uoos se eouelldwoo aonpoid Ol lua!o!44ns sdels
Alessaoau pus elgeuoseal 112 sala!dwo0 pue sanu!luoo 19142919(11 pue a10pe4 3111 amp of lua!3!44ns sdels s91e11!u! Alele!peww! 'sAep (oz)
AlueM1 ue91 O4OW sannbal Gino 3(11 4! (q). to :sAep (oz) A1UeM1 4191!/ °1nl!e4 941 sem° (e) :3101184 irons 40 alno'Bu!puewep 90!lou ualwm
spuds lapual 13142 '1014813 4! (palln00o aney Il!M 1102404 40 wen3 ou pue) pain° aq Aew 1! 'syluow (Z1) anlaml 6u!p9091d 941 11!91!/
96e611o1N s! (11 40 uo!s!nold ewes 941 40 (10231q a 4o a0!lou a 490!6 uaeq sou set" 101U219 4! pue elgem0 s! am!!e4 a Lions 41 •a1n3 0; NI3RA
•eJnoesu! 41as1! sweep 41124 pooh u! lapual •Al!1n00sul
•pal!edw! s! ssaupalgapul 991 40 OOuewlo4lad
10 luawAed 40 loedsoid 091 sanalleq lapual to 'uo!1!Puoo le!0ueu!4 S,lolueJ9 u! 9100oo 96u8y0 aslanpe Ie!lalew V '064043 eslanpV
•line4ad 40 1Uen3 341 OJnO 'os 6u!op u! 'pue 'lapual 01 A1olOe4s!les lauuew a ul Aluelen6
991 lapun Bu!sue suo!le6tlgo 941 Apeuo!Upuooun awnsse o1 01e1s9 s,loluelen9 091 1!Wlad '01 pannbel aq 1ou 11899 1nq 'Aew 'uolldo sl! 12
'lapual •ssaupalgapui 041 40 Aluelen9 Aue 'lapun A1!I!ge!! 10 '40 A1!p!►en 991 selnds!p 10 s9)$0A91 to 'lueledwoOu! sawo0aq 10 se!p loluelen9
Aue 10 ssaupalgapui 991 40 Aue 40 loluelen9 Aue 01 10ads91 41!M 9ln000 swans Bu!peoeid 941 40 Auy •loluelen9 Bulppauv swan]
•Alladold 091 uo uai Bu!ls!x9 Aue 390109/04 01 uo!40e 19410 10 11ns Aue 40 wewaOU0ww0O 10 'ssaupalgapul
Bu(ls(x3 Aue Buunoes Alladold 091 uo wawnllsu! Aue lapun 10 ssaupalgapul Bu!ls!x3 Aue lapun 10000 !legs 11n24ap v ssaupalgapul 6u!1s!x3
•13181 10 Mou Bu!ls!xe 199404M 'lapual 01 1o1ue19 40 uo11e6!Igo
10410 to ssaupalgapul Aue 6u!ulaouoo luaweel6e Aue uollellw!l 111091!M Bu!pniou! 'ule1341 pep!nold polled eoe16 Aue 11!91!/ pa!pewa1
1011 s! 1ey1 lapual pue lolue19 u99Mlaq wawaal6e 10410 Aue 4o swJa1 991 19pun loluel9 Aq i3e01q AuV •luaweel6y 20410 40 408818
•lapual 01 Alol3e4s!les w!ei° 941 104 puoq Alalns
8 to S9n1OSO1 says!wn4 pue W!210 Lions 4o a0!lou 4311!1/ lapual 9en!6 1014219 1241 pap!nold 'Bu!paaoold 9.04!949104 10 910sol0a1o4 091 40
s!seq 991 s! y0!1M w!e10 391 ;o sseualgeuose9l 10 A1!p!sen 391 01 se lowel0 Aq alnds!p 91!84 pooh a 40 wane 091 u! Aldde 10u !129s uo(loesgns
sm. 'lanaMOH •Alladold 991 40 Aue 194!868 Aoue6e leluawulano6 Aue Aq 10 1owe19 40 1o4palo Aue Aq 'poylaw 19410 Aue 10 uo!ssessodal
'dla14-419s 'Bu!paaoold ie!0!pnl Aq leylayM 'sBu!paa0old 9101104/04 to alnsol0alo4 4o wawaOuewwoo •349 'amll041oj 'alnsol3eloj
•1o1ue19 lsu!268 10 Aq sMel Aouan!osu! 10 A01dn1)lueq Aue lapun Bu!paa °old Aue 40 1U9W3000WWOO 091 10 'l40)11oM
101!p9)0 40 edAl Aug 'slo4p910 40 1!49uaq 941 104 luawu6!sse Aue 'Alladold s,loluel3 40 lied Aue 104 19A19091 2 40 luaww!odde 041 '1014219
;o AOuenlosu! 0141 'sseu!snq Bu!o6 a se 8°40191x8 s,loluel9 40 uo!1eu!wlal 1° uo!1n!oss!p 091 10 10111813 40 44eep 041 •AOUan!osul 20 41880
•uosea1 Aue lo; pue ew11 Aue 1e (ua!l 10 490191u! Alllnoas paloejled pue mien 8 Keen 0l swewn0op 12/9181100
Aue 40 einuel 6u!pnlou!) 103440 pus 03104 pn4 u! aq o1 sasea3 swawnood pele198 941 40 Aue 10 a68611o1N s141 •uo!lezueJalepo3 aniaoa4ea
•pays!wn4 10 °pew awls 0141 le 10 MOU 1941!9 'l0edsal leualew Aue u! 6u!peeis!w 10 as!e; s! sluewn0od palela!j 911110 eloN 991
'96e611oIN 9!141 1apUn loluel9 40 ;Iegeq uo to Aq lapual 01 pays!u1n4 10 epees wewelels 10 uo!leluasaldal 'Awe11eM Auy •sluewaleZS °sled
pale!au 991 40 Aue 10 e6861JoIN 9!91 lapun suo!48th qo s,lowe19 wlo ;led 04 A1H!ge s,loluel9 10 OION 941 Aeda1 01 A1!!!ge s,loluel9
10 Alladoid s,loluel9 40 Aue 109 42 Apeualew Aew 1891 uosied l0 104p010 13410 Aue ;0 10084 ul 'luaw99162 10910 Aue 10 'luawaal6e
sales to eseyolnd '1ueweelBe A1!10009 '11pa1O 40 uo!sualxe Imo! Aue lepun 4ne4ap 1014219 P!noys °sallied p1!41 40 lonej u! line490
•sluawn0od pale!ea 941 40 Aue u! 10 aloN
941 '0686110W 9!91 u! peu!ewo0 uo!1!puoo to lueuanoo 'uo!le6!lgo 'weal 10910 Aue 91!M Aldwoo of loluel9 4o aimed 1108400 eOuepdwo3
•Alladold 991 41!M uo(1Oeuuo0 u! peln0exe luawaal6e 1eluawuol!nua Aue
u! peu!eluo0 uo!1!Puo° 10 lueuanoo 'uoge6!Igo 'W134 Aue enp uayM wlo ;lad 10 41!M Aldwo° of Ailed Aue 40 alnHej •;melee Ieluawuol!nu3
•ue!I Aue 40 a61ey0s!p 100449 01 10 40 6 u!I!4 fuanald o1 Alessaoau luawAed 19910 Aue
10 'a0uelnsu! 10 sexes 1o; luawAed Aue °)sew 01 96e611oIN 9!91 Aq pal!nbal aw11 941 u!41!M 1o4Ue19 4o alnl!ed •sluawAed 1 °440 uo ;pupa
•ssaupalgapul 041 uo enp uayM luawAed Aue e)sew 01 lo4U819 40 eun1!ed ssaupalgapul uo line4°a
:e6e611001 9!94 lapun „line ;ea 40 luan3 llne4ap 40 1Uen9 ue 94441suoo Heys 'lapual 4o uolldo e41 1e '5u!MoJo4 041 40 9383 •11f Vj30
ew!1 01 aw(1 wo14 lepuel Aq pau!W191ap se eel uo!leu!w191 algeuoseal Aue 'Mel alge0!ldde
Aq pall!wled 4! 'Aed !!!An 1°luem •Alladold leuoslad 941 pue s1u0H 941 u! lselelw Alunoes s,l9puei Bu!ouap!ne alp uo luawalels Bu!oueu!4
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07 -12 -2000
Deficiency Judgment. If permitted by applicable law, Lender may obtain a judgment for any deficiency remaining in the Indebtedness due
to Lender after application of all amounts received from the exercise of the rights provided in this section.
Tenancy at Sufferance. If Grantor remains in possession of the Property after the Property is sold as provided above or Lender otherwise
becomes entitled to possession of the Property upon default of Grantor, Grantor shall become a tenant at sufferance of Lender or the
purchaser of the Property and shall, at Lender's option, either (a) pay a reasonable rental for the use of the Property, or (b) vacate the
Property immediately upon the demand of Lender.
Other Remedies. Lender shall have all other rights and remedies provided in this Mortgage or the Note or available at law or in equity.
Sale of the Property. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Grantor hereby waives any and all right to have the property marshalled.
In exercising its rights and remedies, Lender shall be free to sell all or any part of the Property together or separately, in one sale or by
separate sales. Lender shall be entitled to bid at any public sale on all or any portion of the Property.
Notice of Sale. Lender shall give Grantor reasonable notice of the time and place of any public sale of the Personal Property or of the time
after which any private sale or other intended disposition of the Personal Property is to be made. Reasonable notice shall mean notice
given at least ten (10) days before the time of the sale or disposition.
Waiver; Election of Remedies. A waiver by any party of a breach of a provision of this Mortgage shall not constitute a waiver of or
prejudice the party's rights otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision. Election by Lender to pursue
any remedy shall not exclude pursuit of any other remedy, and an election to make expenditures or take action to perform an obligation of
Grantor under this Mortgage after failure of Grantor to perform shall not affect Lender's right to declare a default and exercise its remedies
under this Mortgage.
Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce any of the terms of this Mortgage, Lender shall be entitled to
recover such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as reasonable attorneys' fees at trial and on any appeal. Whether or not any court
action is involved, all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time for the protection of its
interest or the enforcement of its rights shall become a part of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear interest from the date of
expenditure until repaid at the rate provided for in the Note. Expenses covered by this paragraph include, without limitation, however
subject to any limits under applicable law, Lender's reasonable attorneys' fees and Lender's legal expenses whether or not there is a
lawsuit, including reasonable attorneys' fees for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or
injunction), appeals and any anticipated post judgment collection services, the cost of searching records, obtaining title reports (including
foreclosure reports), surveyors' reports, and appraisal fees, and title insurance, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Grantor also will
pay any court costs, in addition to all other sums provided by law.
NOTICES TO GRANTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notice under this Mortgage, including without limitation any notice of default and any
notice of sale to Grantor, shall be in writing, may be sent by telefacsimile (unless otherwise required by law), and shall be effective when
actually delivered, or when deposited with a nationally recognized overnight courier, or, if mailed, shall be deemed effective when deposited in
the United States mail first class, certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, directed to the addresses shown near the beginning of this
Mortgage. Any party may change its address for notices under this Mortgage by giving formal written notice to the other parties, specifying
that the purpose of the notice is to change the party's address. All copies of notices of foreclosure from the holder of any lien which has
priority over this Mortgage shall be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of this Mortgage. For notice purposes, Grantor
agrees to keep Lender informed at all times of Grantor's current address.
MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are a part of this Mortgage:
Amendments. This Mortgage, together with any Related Documents, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties as
to the matters set forth in this Mortgage. No alteration of or amendment to this Mortgage shall be effective unless given in writing and
signed by the party or parties sought to be charged or bound by the alteration or amendment.
Annual Reports. If the Property is used for purposes other than Grantor's residence, Grantor shall furnish to Lender, upon request, a
certified statement of net operating income received from the Property during Grantor's previous fiscal year in such form and detail as
Lender shall require. "Net operating income" shall mean all cash receipts from the Property less all cash expenditures made in connection
with the operation of the Property.
Applicable Law. This Mortgage has been delivered to Lender and accepted by Lender in the State of Wyoming. This Mortgage shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming.
Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Mortgage are for convenience purposes only and are not to be used to interpret or define the
provisions of this Mortgage.
Merger. There shall be no merger of the interest or estate created by this Mortgage with any other interest or estate in the Property at any
time held by or for the benefit of Lender in any capacity, without the written consent of Lender.
Multiple Parties. All obligations of Grantor under this Mortgage shall be joint and several, and all references to Grantor shall mean each and
every Grantor. This means that each of the persons signing below is responsible for all obligations in this Mortgage.
Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Mortgage to be invalid or unenforceable as to any person or
circumstance, such finding shall not render that provision invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons or circumstances. If feasible,
any such offending provision shall be deemed to be modified to be within the limits of enforceability or validity; however, if the offending
provision cannot be so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of this Mortgage in all other respects shall remain valid and
Successors and Assigns. Subject to the limitations stated in this Mortgage on transfer of Grantor's interest, this Mortgage shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person other
than Grantor, Lender, without notice to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Mortgage and the Indebtedness
by way of forbearance or extension without releasing Grantor from the obligations of this Mortgage or liability under the Indebtedness.
Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Mortgage.
Waiver of Homestead Exemption. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State
of Wyoming as to all Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
Waivers and Consents. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this Mortgage (or under the Related Documents)
unless such waiver is in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any right shall operate as a
waiver of such right or any other right. A waiver by any party of a provision of this Mortgage shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice
the party's right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any
course of dealing between Lender and Grantor, shall constitute a waiver of any of Lender's rights or any of Grantor's obligations as to any
future transactions. Whenever consent by Lender is required in this Mortgage, the granting of such consent by Lender in any instance shall
not constitute continuing consent to subsequent instances where such consent is required.
Chad Erickson Debra Lou Erickson
Page 5
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