HomeMy WebLinkAbout867083IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING ORIN G. GEESEY, Plaintiff, vs. RAYMOND L. BASCOM, DEBRA BOOK 448 PR PAGE 9 9 BASCOM and TOM D'ANNA, their heirs and ANY OTHER PERSON CLAIMING ANY OTHER INTEREST TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, TO -WIT: E %2WANEI /4, SECTION 28, T23N, R116W OF THE 6 P.M., COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING 39.94 ACRES. Defendants. THIS MATTER having come before this Court for a hearing this d Quiet Title \Geesey'Judgnent and Decree Civil No. 10,531 RECEIVED LINCOI CO T" Y" d JUDGMENT ANDafialab dUIETING TITLJO JUL 19 P6 I: 2 7 64144,AtT G. GEESEY, appearing by and through his attorney, Joseph B. Bluemel; the Defendants not appearing, either in person or by counsel; and the Defendants having been duly served according to law and having failed to answer in the time provided by law; and appearing that each of them, were duly and regularly served personally or with summons by publication in the Little Chicago Review, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and that a copy of the Complaint and Summons was mailed to each of the known Defendants; that the time allowed by law for answering or otherwise pleading has expired; and the default of the Defendants has been duly entered, according to law; and the Court having heard the evidence and having examined proofs offered herein, and having fully considered the same, and having found that the allegations of the Plaintiffs Complaint are all true, now, therefore, by reason of the foregoing facts, and virtue of the law; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the Plaintiff owns and is in possession of and at the commencement of this suit, owned and was in possession of the following described real property, to -wit: E %2Wl /2NE' /4, Section 28, T23N, R116W of the 6t'' P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendants, and each of them are found to have no ±q�� ;a'o;, pue lino .:3Uisi0 lerownr °.,a' 11 et4 Jo :Imo 'spa a q a .0 yoauua,1 INItplz, 1N 3O 11N1100 4. JNIYlI0A�r1 A0 a" 1 v a'ur° oa pue q 2t e ref #1 A q„°aa gcai u seA 1U �s agl pue Aiuneo3 OOR '0002 Z oSpnr plop 10u1stI NOIHJf1O&LL 'Q NHO auiaaa pue 3uauli2pnndasaa9 \afuy lamb Jo /cep AgSHaD 11 0 NRIO `33 purejd auk ut pawmb st Xa cadoid Teal paquosap anoge aip aI3! i otp pue olamp puutuop 10 `tupio Isa1alut `app lqpu Cue 2uipasse uzoz,I paueq .Ian0.10J &ga1atj a re '1110111j° goya pue `sluepuojo J oqi 4 q pue puutuap 10 `turejo `3s0 za3ui `app `3tj U siqLfIf1O3 NadO NI aNOQ