HomeMy WebLinkAbout866331682 BOOK____ PR PAGE___,_ /5 Agreement made, effective as of the day of J 2000, by and between Pamela MaGee (hereafter "Grantors and Richard Trubhot, and Linda Campbell Truchot, 44 7 husband and wife (hereafter "Grantees BOOK PR PAGE The parties recite and declare: I. RECITALS 866259 EASEMENT AGREEMENT 01 6 F CEIVED N RECEIVED The parties desire to create an eat D ress, egress and underground utilities JUG t 2 :,1 r owned by them for the benefit of the real property owned by the Grantees ,des 7 ,ed follows A portion of the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 11, 'T33N, R118W, 6 1 P S i nc ol n uounty, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 660.00 feet East from the southwest corner of said NW1 /4SW1 /4; thence running North 1011.00 feet; thence East 600 feet; thence South 1 35'11"E 1011.39 feet; thence West 628 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 14.251 acres of land. The parties agree as follows: The easement for ingress, egress and underground utilities in favor of the real property described herein, owned by Grantees, is created over the property owned by Grantor, the said easement being more particularly described as follows: 00 JUN 6 3 h 9: 5 I kilT KEMMERER, WYOMING A portion of the SW1 /4SW1 /4 of Section 11, T33N, R118W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 660.00 feet East from the Northwest Corner of said SW1 /4SW1 /4; thence running East 33.00 feet, thence South 153.90 feet; thence West 660.00 feet; thence South 1163.00 feet; thence West 33.00 feet; thence North 1196.00 feet; thence East 660.00 feet; thence North 120.90 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing .498 acres of land. said easement being shown on attached Exhibit "A which is made part of and incorporated into this document by reference. In addition to the rights specifically stated in this agreement the Grantors incorporate by reference those rights granted to the Grantees in the Right -of -Way Easement filed in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk, for and in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, recorded in Book 411, Page 693 and agree to and grant all rights stated in the referenced "Right of Way Easement" to the Grantees. II. CONSIDERATION Grantees agree to pay Grantor the sum of ten dollars and other valuable consideration for the herein described easement. '0002 �np sniff `aagew mama Aq our aiopaq pa8paimoure sem waturulsur Suro8a.ro3 aqs 4r L10 --1Q 1,_ :sartdxa uorssnzrurop AyN (1.7131121,18g0 WI ION 1N IP IST 'III 1■1710O■II'I 3O AINf1OD ONI NIOAt1c13O anus 0002 tfrf Jo hp I sm pawl �i�red goga pau84s Sur2um ur paouapina s! Apo Surpuiq aq hags 2uauraaag uorpauuoo ui /Cued iamia ,(q paumssr uorjaggo iguoi2ippe .ao luauraaBe srgi 3o uot2•eor3rpour Auy ,IALVIYIXJV 0 NOI.LVOMIQOIIt IIIA Tiauzm& snj u! paleJodroour luatxa aqo of ldaoxa iCind iaqma uodn Surputq aq lou hags wauraaJSg sniff jo arp 8urpaoaid pun! Amp uoiMuasacdaa Jo Su!pugls.rapun .ioud Aug pug sawed agl uaamlaq 2119ura038g a nnua ainut suoo imp luauraa iSB spa 1N21I1O ?TDV 32II1N ILA SunuoIiM Jo orls aquo smR! age g2rm aouepi000e ur pampa pug paru2suoo `Aq pauiano8 aq !i>3gs luauraai8e sm i q1 paar8e s! 1I A1V7 NIN?LfA0D IA •su8rsse Jo `siossaoons `scrag anpoadsaJ 11043 `ivauraaag spv sow d aqi jo lijauaq aanur lltigs pug uo Su!puiq aq ins pug pug! age uni liggs 2uauras>?0 jo luri8 aqs GWV7 HLIAINLIY CAL INNYISTY A sapzed alp Aq uo paw& asutuarpo ssaiun `asuadxa lnnp!Alpu! umo .1!ag3 urag1 mu! !um Inman° alp u! s2uaurano rdun 03leur Suursap Jo Sup= M.red Jag1tg S.LNJJ'I gAO2IdPltI AI peo.r aqi loturgo 2ou !legs pug `sug!ssu pug `s.noq .nag2 `s .io3ueio ag2 Jo s1g8u aqi jreduxr liim I 44 Agm Aug u! 3uaurasea ag} asn 2ou imp pug `suSrssr pug `s.gaq .nag2 `sJo2uerij alp Jo s24SU ag3 03 maw anp g2im `muamrumsur slip palugiS s14Su alp asn hags aa1ug.u9 paureu anoge aqs 0 LEGEND Spice set o Inn Pion set O AM type AAarrnment •et BLO erne Me m/men /tepee 0 9 moo' FA ST 660.00'' 20, •-1 e WEST e r.1100' a Patera Rood II EAST NEST 66a00' 1 (VEST 626,00' SOUTH EMT 600.00' t4«251 ernes pia CERIFICAT 1 uvye a 6t ror+ hereby Certify that 1 how sham end desabod hereon and have rani o test that Army ond my y otrWle beget the 018