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2. all of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to: (i) the oil, gas and other minerals in and under and that may be produced and saved from the Land; (ii) the severed mineral estates and interests, landowner's royalty interests, nonparticipating royalty interests, term royalty interests and other interests described or referred to in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes; and (iii) the oil and gas leases and oil, gas and mineral leases (including without limitation all rights and interests carved out of or otherwise derived therefrom), overriding royalty interests, production payments, net profits interests and other interests H0003:152894.2 032 described or referred to in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, together with any and all rights of Grantor to acquire any of the foregoing, (collectively, the "Mineral Interests 3. any and all improvements of any nature located on the Land; 4. any and all easements, rights of way, rights of entry, hereditaments, privileges and appurtenances benefiting or pertaining to the Land; 5. any right, title and interest of Grantor in and to any street or road in front of or abutting the Land; UP68Z51:EOf OH `MV'I dO NOI1Y2IIIdO 110 HZf1.LVIS AEI ONISIDIY 210 NN.L.LRIM 110 T110 2I3H.LHHM `u ri i i 210 SSH2IdXH `UNIX ANV dO SHII.NY2IDIVM 2I0 SNOLLV1NHSH2HdII2i If1OHZIM `«S1If1Vd TIV HIIM„ QNV NOI,LIQNOO `,,SI SZI NI A1103021d HILL S1dHOOV .LI S,YH.L SHH2IOV aZI1NY2IO °AQOH 2IHH.LO 210 TVINIIN21IIA0O ANY dO SNOI.LV'IfIOHDI 210 SHONYNIQ1T0 `SMV1 ANY HIIM NOIZY21IId0 SZI 210 Aillac1O21d HHZ dO HONVI'Id'\IOO am (0) 210 AruadO'Id BILL OZ ONIZV'III2H S2IH.LLYYni ZV.LN TI NO2HANH 2ilH,LO ANY 2IO /QNY SCINV'IZIIM S'IYI2IIIZVL�i Sf1OQ21VZVH ANY 30 NOIIIGNOO 210 HONHSII21d IIH.L (H) NOH2HHHZ IDf1QNOD OZ .LOH'IH AVJAI II LLNY2IO HOIHM SHSfI QI'IV SLZIAI.LOV 'I'Id QNV ANV 110d A,LI'IIH IIf1S SAZ2IIIdO2Id aHI (V) OI\[I ai"aiaiaa dO SHSOd2Hf1d 110d (NOIZVIIYVTI If1OH,LIM `rDNIQIYIONI) A1' IIIdO'Id IIH1 30 NOIZIQNOO 210 HUIf1IVN all 210 A1.2IHdO'Id 1IU ONIQ2IYOII2I (QHI'IdYAti 210 SSH2Iaxa) 110INV'IO AEI IIWIf1ZVN ANY 30 SMINYYINNVM 2IO SNOI1V1NIISH2HdII2I ANY NO ONIA'IH21 ION SI IIH1NY2IO 'MUM H1.2IO3 Las T11I.L dO AZNY2RIYM 'IVIOHdS HHl 210d 1dHOXH 'IVHI SHHuIov (INV SHOQII'IMONXOY HH1NV IO `QIIHQ SIH1 ONIQ2IOOIIu QNV ONLLdIOOV AH °Xpodold alp page pug Sutlstxa pug man am QUIPS Iualxa agl 02 e0A01 mom e(lladold alp JO iCanlns 1o31100 pug anll g Iggl mum 11g (n) pug Alladold alp Sutloajg pima! oggnd jo saouglgwnoua .io slallgw !!g (i) of loafgns `asiMlaglo Iou lnq `lolugJO lapun to gSno.nh2 joalagl Ilgd Aug to mugs au; u4gio of to $unutglo iiinjmgi lanaosmo4M Alpo to uoslad Plana lsu!ag `suS!ssg pug siossaoons s pug aalug.iO own Alladold alp puajap pug 1UgJJ M 02 `utalaq gllo; las slallgui oI loafgns `suS!ssg pug siossaoons sl! pug lolug.uJ putq Agaiaq saop loluelp pug `'lanaloJ suS!ssg pug siossaoons slt pug aalug u9 own Alladold 0 41 Q'IOH OZ (NV HAVH OZ °(«Xiadoad„ alp paiigo la}igutalag st slsa.ialut pug slgSu `Apadold laglo pug ma'am iglauryAi `purj paguosap -anogg alp jo HY 2utoBalol alp jo thug oI algglnqullg 10 Slipup.' sl4S1.i A guoislanai s jo iig pug Aug pug `(asiMlaglo .10 suoilgltuni 'pap Aq patumo to pauMO lagla4M) 3oalagl Ind Aug 10 purl agl of snonEiluoo 10 luaogfpg Si got4M pug! laglo .10 salog `sduls AIM of pug u! 10111g19 JO ISOJOIU1 pug app. `24$u AIM °9 E E F. 1 :,1d99SCI 034 FROM GRANTOR OR ANY AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE OF GRANTOR, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE PROPERTY OR THE NATURE OR PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY OR ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, HABITABILITY OR TENANTABILITY, ALL OF WHICH REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES GRANTOR HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS. THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL BE BINDING UPON GRANTEE AND GRANTEE'S SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS (INCLUDING ANY FUTURE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY OR ANY PART THEREOF). The undersigned signatories on behalf of (i) the Estate of Marie Garrett Hamill, Deceased as general partner of Grantor, (ii) the Trust as general partner of Grantor and (iii) Hamill Resources, Inc. as general partner of Grantor are executing this Deed in their representative capacities only and not in their individual capacities. Any liability of such signatories under this Deed or any of the documents required or permitted to be delivered herewith, shall only be in their representative capacities and shall be satisfiable or recoverable only from the Property; and such signatories shall never have individual liability under this Deed or any of the documents required or permitted to be delivered herewith. Grantee hereby expressly assumes liability for the payment of all ad valorem taxes and assessments for the Property for 1999 and any subsequent years. Grantor agrees to execute, acknowledge and deliver any other documents in the future which are necessary to accomplish the intent of this Deed. H0003:152894.2 4 luaptsatd :sn AantnAloyq •Q saj.tr4J :atueN i urdwoj JCS.taug mmrHg) .tautzrd jriauarJ sr `uowod.too srxas r `•ouI `saa.mosag !mum :Ag pasraoo 'maim 3a ur0 auryq 10 alrmsg any) Jo1noaxg -op 2uapuadaput SP Aliordro stq u! 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Hamill Trust created under the Will and Codicils of Claud B. Hamill, Deceased fdi ft/ ‘244/7c- Thomas H. Brown, in his capacity as Co- Trustee of the Marie G. Hamill Trust created under the Will and Codicils of Claud B. Hamill, Deceased Charlie H. Read, in his capacity as Co- Trustee of the Marie G. Hamill Trust created under the Will and Codicils of Claud B. Hamill, Deceased mai jo ale f 'mild A.[1'loN (Tuivid jo App L ENS '9 G !l38113A0N saldx3 uolsgwwoa µy ssxsl io O $'aligad NsiON NOJNd1S'A V13 PPM stip aogJo Jo teas pug pugq iiul iapun uant0 °palls uta.Iaq satitogdeo aql ur put; `passaidxa uta iagl uour iaptsuoo pug sasodind alp .IOu mugs aql palnoaxa Xagl pql mu 03 paSpalmou)loe pure `luauxrulsut SutoSaJOJ alp 03 paguosgns a.Ie saumu as0gm suostad aql aq 03 mu 03 umou)l `dtgs.Iauii d p ioua2 sexo j `l uedutoD AS.Iaug II!W H jo mulled puoua8 se `paseaoaQ `litmell 'g pimp 3o sltotpo3 pug IltM all .spun patearo lstu,L IItUIeH •0 away\ aqi so aaisfJZ -oO se pure `pasgaoaa 'mum' na.ug0 augyq jo aleisg atl j0 iolnoaxg -o3 luapuadapul se Kiloedeo stq ut 1ilalos Supe gaga `pMag 'H agreg3 pug umoig H semoq j `iaptuS °M sal°re4O `Aaa tnygoyq 'Q sal tegJ pareadda iflleuosrad rCep sn i uo `Aluoging pauStsJapun aql caw OiOjag SOU '9L 1:139W3AON sagdx3 ualsalww00 'NI saxsl W aiBis'utWud NsiON NOINNIS'A V1SVIVd Z'668Z51 :(0f10H tiff X.L NOISf1OH OSZ ILS 412I03HSV AfIIVa 09IT NOI.LVUNf103 'I'IIIAIVH �H� :03 tunial $utpiooa1 law SRIDIVH 3O AINf100 Svxa.L 30 g,LVIS 'dtgsiauped tons pug uot1 Jodloo qons jo slegog uo `dTgstauised'muo sexas g `AlsIvaloo x02IaPia 1m FArieH so Jaui red le.taua0 pug uot tocboo exaZ e "ow `saolnosag pupil JO luaptsa id `Aa.unJgoyq 'Q sal.Igg3 Aq�bErr 1 uo atu aiojoq paSpalmou�loe sem IuauIflJ3sut sm.', QO7i v t1 snnwH 30 AiNf1OJ Svxat 30 arias mu min 0 lilt 0 038 THERE IS NO EXHIBIT A S J.ISIHXJ ON SI Ust,t s::Rr 040 z 0 O E-• 0� 0 0 1 C 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0