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'?I ,L2I3flO 1 IA 10113 adO 1 1'1VA3 Y1O3 NOI.,IAR1DS3a A -R- 7y OW! 10 11.4u 0 14 owl '.ou+aq K14 VArl auiVagolc V44 44 0 19 a,.i T.oi• 3 md.vic ir1 port A =OPEC -9L -L9i: to rT. n,o,','-,t/ 0 Mohay"W Laid Sunitymo Pout N. $wmbM VA∎o. Nap4htlbn No tw Woo NpIYW QA No WOO Urn Rr ievalam No. WO Woods NogAraadon No• MO **OA. Whoa* R+I,Iwaon NO MT ryes NarMtrtlrn No. soli MYbrra A. iohwbol W.. RSDIONdWA NOUN &nryo $unabrt, LTD. ANA Wyoming 1116 AMT. %TOMAS ANNABA, W$ Lent Not Dom, Idaho btrn{1ila[ Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR EVAN POPE FROM R. AND W. NIESLANIK Page 2 of 3 050 thence N07 05' -36 "W, 572.57 feet to a point; thence N01 41' -39 "W, 263.91 feet to Corner No. 4 of said Tract No. 89; thence S89 49' -16 "E, 2715,73 feet along the north line of said Tract No. 89 to Corner No. 3 of Tract No. 97; thence N89 52' -33 "E, 2708.46 feet along the said north line to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 484 acres, more or less, for the tract being conveyed; SUBJECT TO the right-of-way for the railroad granted to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company by the United States of America as W 0294451, across said Tract 89 only and ENCOMPASSING an area of 20.97 acres, more or less; TOGETHER WITH a non exclusive right of ingress and egress and utilities for the following described North roadway; A strip of land thirty (30) feet in width being part of said Tract No. 89 With the centez -line described as follows: BEGINNING at a position on the westerly right -of -way line of State Highway 30, S86 -25'- 10" W, 878.91 feet from said Corner No. 3 of Tract No. 97; thence N88 41' -58 "W, 919.04 feet to a position; thence Southwesterly, 101.43 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left through a central angle of 52 -48' -59" with radius of 110.03 feet to a position; thence S38 29' -03 "W, 161.50 feet to a position; thence Southerly, 88.87 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left through a central angle of 25 27' -10" with radius of 200.06 feet to a position; thence S13°-01'-53"W, 56.32 feet to a position; thence. Westerly, 77.95 feet along the are of a circular curve to the right through a central angle of 89 17' -57" with a radius of 50.02 .feet to a position; thence N77 40' -10 "W, 627.29 feet to a position on the west line of the above described excepted Parcel 4, S01°-41'-39"E, 248.45 feet from Corner No. 4 of Tract No. 89; AND TOGETHER WITH a non exclusive right of ingress and egress and utilities for the following described Marse roadway; A strip of land thirty (30) feet in width, being part of said Tract No. 89, with the center line described as follows: BEGINNING at a position on the easterly right -of -way line of the Oregon Short Line Railroad, N69 46' -11 "E, 2500.11 feet from Corner No. 3 of said Tract No. 89; thence N75 38' -19 "E, 474.88 feet to a spike; thence N74 47' 37 "E, 1000.84 feet to a position on the westerly right -of -way line of State Highway 30, N47 26' -53 "W, 1946.02 feet from Corner No. 2 of said Tract No. 89; "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor' saP'3dOct °CZ „toAsauns sip jo itimgu I se1Pu1W1et uoi)duosop 6u0ee1o; Ala 10 AVM Au8 uopvOl;IPo1N» 0002 oust 9 `000Z'vIel 9Z Pasr^a1i `0002'uj' 8 '000Z'eVI 6 Pa,pP '.0 NN.C1O'3 I 'IOOISI'I M,6112I MMISU L I `91 '6 `8 SMOIZO3S t�[IH.LLY1 68 QNV 88 `L8 SIOVII1 O'TO NI S'I3D31Vd IO NINV'IS3IN '21 Def1021 2103 AHAII(IS dO .Lricl„ `paIM `ao1�3O pres aql u! paj13 2q o1 paandaxd lgjd aul tplm aouepxooze u! `.spoillow SdJ poirfi uaaap gaSS ,9I 68 `oN laraa1 pee 30 aurl ;see atp. st Sulxeag asvg 2111113111 `oNtds j003s 'Su! 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M, •en JI D *Iw IW mew* "Ir swarm sea• IIINNMIM WWI OINK talitsleaki rn009'r Y�+9 !nR! ■n ve 1 4 04. etotywo.to OME'QN women MIDI M{ 'Ri �Qllftl l 4 uea Md w*t nwwlle■aa 0030Z /ZI /9O