HomeMy WebLinkAbout866354Aue jo aseele; peue ;eery; Jo 'eseeleJ'issodslp ;uewwei; 'Owls 'emjoe4nuew 'uoIRJeuae 'esn Aug (l) 'Bugpm w Jepuel Aq pe6peimoupe pue
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'uo uosied Aue Aq eoue ;sgns Jo a ;SSM snopiezey Aue jo amp; peue ;eery; Jo eseejei 'lesodsip ;uew ;eaa; 'e6elm ;s 'am;oe4nuew 'uo14eieua6 'esn
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loamy; uogoeJ4 Aue Jo s ;onpoid -Aq wnaloJ ;ed pus wneloi ;ed 'uo! ;e ;lwil ;noy ;lm 'apnloui osie Heys „eoue ;sgns snopJOZey„ pus „e ;sem snopiersy„
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'O'S'n Zp '10V kieAooel -4 pue uoi ;eniesuoO eamoseu ey; "bes ;e '1.091 uolloeS 'o s n 64 '1011 uoi ;e ;Jodsusjl sieue;ew Snop)ezeH ay; 'Lv ivS„)
6617 'l 'qnd '9961 10 10V uoi ;ezuoy ;need pus s;uewpuewy punpedns ey; 1„y701:130 •bes ;e '1.096 11 011 00 S 'O'S'n Z17 'pepuewe
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sly; ul pesn se „'esseleJ peueleaJq pus esselei„ „'lesodsip„ ,;eoue ;sgns snopiezeq„ a;ssm snopJezey„ style; eyl •seoue ;sgns snop.iezeH
•enlen s;i missed o; Arsseoeu
eoueue ;ulew pus 's ;ueweoeidei 'shade, He wwooed AgdwoJd pue uoglpuoo elge ;usue; ul A ;JedoJd ey; ule;ulew Heys Jo ;ueJ9 •ulelu!VW o; Ana
•Aiedojd ey; woj; web'
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suoislnoid 6ulmollo;
ey; Aq pewenoB eq Heys A ;JadoJd ey; jo esn pus uolssessod s,Jo;ueJO;ey; seai6e Jo;ueJ
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e6e6pow sly; Aq pamoes s ;unowe lie Jepuel o; Aed hays Jo ;ueiO 'e6e6 ;Jow sly; ul pepinoid es!MJay ;o se Ideox3 '33NVWHOAH3d 0NV 1N3INAVd
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ey; wol; penlJep s ;lieueq Jay ;o pus 's ;Hold 'seHleAoi 'senssl 'ewooul 'senuenew 'slue, eJn ;n; pus ;uaseid He sueew „s ;ueN„ ;Nom eq.'. 'swell
•sseupe ;gepul ey; y ;im uoi ;oeuuoa uI pe ;noexe'6uHsixe JeyeeJey Jo mou Je44egm ;uewnoop
pus s ;ueweei6e 's ;uewni ;sul Jay ;o Ile pue 'ism; jo speep `se6e6pow 's ;uaweaJ6e Alunoes 'sel ;usren6 's ;ueweei6e Is ;uewuoiinue 's ;uaweaJ6e
ueol 's;uawaai6e pen 'se;ou AJosslwoJd Iis uoi ;e ;lwil lnoyHm apnioul pue ueaw „s ;uewnooa pe ;sled„ spJoM eyl 'sluawnaoa pa ;eIaH
•uogoes „e6e6;Jow 4o ;ueio„ ey; ul enoge pagiiosep s ;y6p pus s ;sale ;ui'Apedojd ey; ueaw „ApadoJd ieeN„ sworn eta 'Apedoid leas
•ApedoJd leuosJed ey; pue A ;JedoJd feed ey; Aleni ;oelloo sueew „A ;JedoJd„ [Dom 041 •A;JadoJd
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'4o s ;uaw0oeldeJ He 'o; suoi ;ippe pue 'sped 'suoisseooe He 4llm Jey;e6o; :AjJadoJd mBeld ey; o; penis Jo pegosue JeueeJay Jo mou pus 'Jo ;u0JO Aq
peumo JeBeeJey Jo mou Apedoid leuosJed ;o selogJe Jey ;o pue 'sewnpa; ';uawdlnbe lie ueaw „Apedoid leuosJed„ spJom eyl 'A ;JadoJd Ieuosied
'wog 'gZ Aew sl e6e6pow sly; 4o e;ep A;un;ew eyl ;uaweaJ6e Jo sou AJossiwojd 041 Jo4 suoi ;n ;l ;sgns
pus '4o suogepHosuoo '4o s6upueuiai '4o suoi ;soll1Pow '4o suolsue;xe ;o slemeueJ Hs y;lm Jey ;e6o; 'Jepuel o; Jo ;uBJO WOJ1 00'ZLE`LZS
4o lunowe ledloulad leul6lao ay; ul '000Z `L eunr pe ;ep ;ueweaj6e pen Jo e;ou AJosslwoid e4; sueew „NON.. pJom 041 'OWN
•s;uela pus A ;JadoJd leuosJed ey; o; Bu14elai SuOISInoid ;seJe ;ul
A;unoes pus s;uewu8lsse lie uol;ellwll ;noy ;lm sepnpul pus 'Jepuel pus Jo ;ueiO ueem ;eq e6e6 ;Jow sly; sueew „e6e6 ;Jow„ pJom eyl •e6e6;Jopi
•e6e6pow sly; Jepun
ee8e6 ;Jow ey; si Japual eyl •su6lsse pue sJOSSeoons sH 'HONVH9 NOldV .133M >lNye lVNOIlVN 1S JId sueew „Jepuel„ Nom ma 'Japual
•e6e6pow sly; ul papinoJd se s ;unowe yons uo ;seJe ;ul
y ;lm Jay ;e6o; 'e6e6 ;Jow sly; Jepun Jo ;ueJp 4o suolle6llgo mope o; Jepuel Aq peJmoui sesuedxe Jo Jo ;uele 4o suoge6llgo e6Je1.1oslp o; Jepuel
Aq peousnpe Jo pepuedxe s ;unowe Aue pus a ;oN eq; Jepun elgeAed ;seJe ;ui pus ledlou!Jd Ile sueew „sseupe;gapul„ pJom eyl •sseupe ;gepul
•ApedoJd meld ey; uo uoi ;onJ;suoo Jay ;o pus s ;ueweosidei `suoi ;ippe 'saws) 'Apedoid lead ey; uo pax!;e sewoy eiigow
'sem ;onj ;s 's6ulpllnq 's ;uewanoidwl am ;n; pus Bui ;sixa Ile uoHOHwil ;noy;im sepnloul pus sueew „s ;uewenoJdwl„ pJom eyl •s ;uewanOJdwl
•sseupe ;gepul ay; y ;lm uogoeuuoo
ui sallied uoi;spoww000s pus 'sei;ams 'sJo ;ueien6 ay; 4o Hs pus pee uoHe ;iwil ma'am sepnpul pus sueew „Jo ;uereno„ pJom 0yi •JO ;ueJen9
•e6e6 1Jow sly; Jepun JoBe6uow e4; sl Jo;ueJO eta '9VMHMS 13NVf Puy 9VMH3S '1 NOSUIO sueew „JO;ueJO„ pJom eyl •JO ;u0JO
•eopewy 4o semis papyri 841
4o Aeuow owe' ul s ;unowe ueaw Heys s ;unowe Jelop o; S8380Je491 Hy 'ego iepJewwoO wJO41un ay; ul =Jet yons 0; pa ;nqu ;e s6ulueew ey; envy
Ileys e6e6 ;Jow sly; ul peui ;ep eslmiey ;o ;ou =Jai •e6e6pow sly; ui pesn ueym s6ulueew Buimollol 914; envy Heys spJom 6 uimoilol 041 'SNOI11NId3a
'weld pue Apedoid leuosJed ey; u! ;swam Alunoes epo3 IOIOJewwoO wJOI1un a Japual o; s ;uedi Jo ;ueis'uoglppe
111 •A4JedoJd ey; woJ; s ;uad He pue A ;JadoJd 0144 40 505891 110 o; pus ui ;seJe ;ul pue 'eHH ;46u S,J08u0J9 4o He Jepuel o; suBisse AHueseJd Jo ;u8J9
'LZLE9 AM `3NAVH1 `£917 X08 Od se uMOU)l Aluowwoo s! sseappe Si! Jo ApadoJd Iead 941
•6uluul6aq po mod an 01 lea 178 1soM swan `3aaI OLL moos await
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„Alaadoad Makin 041) 6ulwoAM 4o ems `A ;uno0 N103NI1 V!
paleool 'siauew JnHwls pue lewie11;oe6 'see 'Ho 'sIOJeuiw Hs uoHe ;iwH lnoyHm 6ulpnpul 'Apedoid lee, ey; o; BuHelaJ s ;Hold pue 'sellleAoJ 's ;y611 Jey ;o
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's;uawesee lie :sem ;xi; pus s ;uewenoJdwl 's6ulpllnq pexH4e Jo papaw Al ;uenbesgns Jo Bul ;sixa 110 U;1m Jey;eBol 'Apedoid leaf pequosep (*moilo4 044
o; pus ul ;seJe;ul pus 'elH; yy6p s,Jo ;u0JO 4o He Japual o; sAanuoa pue se600pow J0;ueJ9 'uoi ;eJaplsuoa mew Jod '39VJ11:10W dO 1NVHD
aapue i„ se Moleq o; paaaalaJ) OLLE8
AM `U011V `OZ91. X09 Od leans uo16ui43eM 17LE 91 ssaappe 9SOLIM `HONVUB NO1dV 1VNOIIVN
1SEIId pue „Joluvv9„ se Molaq of paaaalei) LZLEB AM `3NAVH1 `£917 X08 Od 91 ssaappe asoLIM `a11M
pue puegsnq `BVMHOS ANY(' pUe BVMHOS 'i NOSH10 uaaM;aq `OOOZ `L 3Nnr 0311/a SI 3JVO1HOW SIHI
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:01 IIVIN 0301:10331:11431-IM
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499J49 uoIBulgsQM 171E
:A8 a31S3f103H NOIIVOa033H
06-01 -2000
Loan No 64002287 O .oiti s V -fir
Page 2
hazardous waste or substance on, under, about or from the Property by any prior owners or occupants of the Property or (ii) any actual or
threatened litigation or claims of any kind by any person relating to such matters; and (c) Except as previously disclosed to and acknowledged by
Lender in writing, (i) neither Grantor nor any tenant, contractor, agent or other authorized user of the Property shall use, generate, manufacture,
store, treat, dispose of, or release any hazardous waste or substance on, under, about or from the Property and (ii) any such activity shall be
conducted in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and ordinances, including without limitation those laws,
regulations, and ordinances described above. Grantor authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upon the Property to make such inspections and
tests, at Grantor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance of the Property with this section of the Mortgage. Any
inspections or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's purposes only and shall not be construed to create any responsibility or liability on the
part of Lender to Grantor or to any other person. The representations and warranties contained herein are based on Grantor's due diligence in
investigating the Property for hazardous waste and hazardous substances. Grantor hereby (a) releases and waives any future claims against
Lender for indemnity or contribution in the event Grantor becomes liable for cleanup or other costs under any such laws, and (b) agrees to
indemnify and hold harmless Lender against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly or
indirectly sustain or suffer resulting from a breach of this section of the Mortgage or as a consequence of any use, generation, manufacture,
storage, disposal, release or threatened release of a hazardous waste or substance on the properties. The provisions of this section of the
Mortgage, including the obligation to indemnify, shall survive the payment of the Indebtedness and the satisfaction and reconveyance of the lien of
this Mortgage and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisition of any interest in the Property, whether by foreclosure or otherwise.
Nuisance, Waste. Grantor shall not cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or suffer any stripping of or waste on or to the
Property or any portion of the Property. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Grantor will not remove, or grant to any other party the
right to remove, any timber, minerals (including oil and gas), soil, gravel or rock products without the prior written consent of Lender.
Removal of Improvements. Grantor shall not demolish or remove any Improvements from the Real Property without the prior written consent of
Lender. As a condition to the removal of any Improvements, Lender may require Grantor to make arrangements satisfactory to Lender to replace
such Improvements with Improvements of at least equal value.
Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and its agents and representatives may enter upon the Real Property at all reasonable times to attend to
Lender's interests and to inspect the Property for purposes of Grantor's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Mortgage.
Compliance with Governmental Requirements. Grantor shall promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations, now or hereafter in
effect, of all governmental authorities applicable to the use or occupancy of the Property. Grantor may contest in good faith any such law,
ordinance, or regulation and withhold compliance during any proceeding, including appropriate appeals, so long as Grantor has notified Lender in
writing prior to doing so and so long as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lender's interests in the Property are not jeopardized. Lender may require
Grantor to post adequate security or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactory to Lender, to protect Lender's interest.
Duty to Protect. Grantor agrees neither to abandon nor leave unattended the Property. Grantor shall do all other acts, in addition to those acts
set forth above in this section, which from the character and use of the Property are reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the Property.
DUE ON SALE CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at its option, declare immediately due and payable all sums secured by this Mortgage upon the
sale or transfer, without the Lender's prior written consent, of all or any part of the Real Property, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sale or
transfer" means the conveyance of Real Property or any right, title or interest therein; whether legal, beneficial or equitable; whether voluntary or
involuntary; whether by outright sale, deed, installment sale contract, land contract, contract for deed, leasehold interest with a term greater than three
(3) years, lease- option contract, or by sale, assignment, or transfer of any beneficial Interest in or to any land trust holding title to the Real Property, or
by any other method of conveyance of Real Property interest. If any Grantor is a corporation, partnership or limited liability company, transfer also
includes any change in ownership of more than twenty -five percent (25%) of the voting stock, partnership interests or limited liability company interests,
as the case may be, of Grantor. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by federal law or by Wyoming law.
TAXES AND LIENS. The following provisions relating to the taxes and liens on the Property are a part of this Mortgage.
Payment. Grantor shall pay when due (and in all events prior to delinquency) all taxes, payroll taxes, special taxes, assessments, water charges
and sewer service charges levied against or on account of the Property, and shall pay when due all claims for work done on or for services
rendered or material furnished to the Property. Grantor shall maintain the Property free of all liens having priority over or equal to the interest of
Lender under this Mortgage, except for the lien of taxes and assessments not due, and except as otherwise provided in the following paragraph.
Right To Contest. Grantor may withhold payment of any tax, assessment, or claim in connection with a good faith dispute over the obligation to
pay, so long as Lender's interest in the Property is not jeopardized. If a lien arises or is filed as a result of nonpayment, Grantor shall within fifteen
(15) days after the lien arises or, if a lien is filed, within fifteen (15) days after Grantor has notice of the filing, secure the discharge of the lien, or if
requested by Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender in an amount sufficient
to discharge the lien plus any costs and reasonable attorneys' fees or other charges that could accrue as a result of a foreclosure or sale under the
lien. In any contest, Grantor shall defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy any adverse judgment before enforcement against the Property.
Grantor shall name Lender as an additional obligee under any surety bond furnished in the contest proceedings.
Evidence of Payment. Grantor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory evidence of payment of the taxes or assessments and shall
authorize the appropriate governmental official to deliver to Lender at any time a written statement of the taxes and assessments against the
Notice of Construction. Grantor shall notify Lender at least fifteen (15) days before any work Is commenced, any services are furnished, or any
materials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or other lien could be asserted on account of the work, services,
or materials. Grantor will upon request of Lender furnish to Lender advance assurances satisfactory to Lender that Grantor can and will pay the
cost of such improvements.
PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The following provisions relating to insuring the Property are a part of this Mortgage.
Maintenance of Insurance. Grantor shall procure and maintain policies of fire insurance with standard extended coverage endorsements on a
replacement basis for the full insurable value' covering all Improvements on the Real Property in an amount sufficient to avoid application of any
coinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee clause in favor of Lender. Policies shall be written by such insurance companies and in such
form as may be reasonably acceptable to Lender. Grantor shall deliver to Lender certificates of coverage from each insurer containing a
stipulation that coverage will not be cancelled or diminished without a minimum of ten (10) days' prior written notice to Lender and not containing
any disclaimer of the insurer's liability for failure to give such notice. Each insurance policy also shall include an endorsement providing that
coverage in favor of Lender will not be impaired in any way by any act, omission or default of Grantor or any other person. Should the Real
Property at any time become located in an area designated by the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a special flood
hazard area, Grantor agrees to obtain and maintain Federal Flood Insurance for the full unpaid principal balance of the loan, up to the maximum
policy limits set under the National Flood Insurance Program, or as otherwise required by Lender, and to maintain such insurance for the term of
the loan.
Application of Proceeds. Grantor shall promptly notify Lender of any loss or damage to the Property. Lender may make proof of loss if Grantor
fails to do so within fifteen (15) days of the casualty. Whether or not Lender's security is impaired, Lender may, at its election, apply the proceeds
to the reduction of the Indebtedness, payment of any lien affecting the Property, or the restoration and repair of the Property. If Lender elects to
apply the proceeds to restoration and repair, Grantor shall repair or replace the damaged or destroyed Improvements in a manner satisfactory to
Lender. Lender shall, upon satisfactory proof of such expenditure, pay or reimburse Grantor from the proceeds for the reasonable cost of repair
or restoration if Grantor is not in default under this Mortgage. Any proceeds which have not been disbursed within 180 days after their receipt and
which Lender has not committed to the repair or restoration of the Property shall be used first to pay any amount owing to Lender under this
Mortgage, then to pay accrued interest, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied to the principal balance of the Indebtedness. If Lender holds
any proceeds after payment in full of the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid to Grantor.
Unexpired Insurance at Sale. Any unexpired insurance shall inure to the benefit of, and pass to, the purchaser of the Property covered by this
Mortgage at any trustee's sale or other sale held under the provisions of this Mortgage, or at any foreclosure sale of such Property.
EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Grantor fails to comply with any provision of this Mortgage, or if any action or proceeding is commenced that would
materially affect Lender's interests in the Property, Lender on Grantor's behalf may, but shall not be required to, take any action that Lender deems
appropriate. Any amount that Lender expends in so doing will bear interest at the rate provided for in the Note from the date incurred or paid by
Lender to the date of repayment by Grantor. All such expenses, at Lender's option, will (a) be payable on demand, (b) be added to the balance of the
Note and be apportioned among and be payable with any installment payments to become due during either (1) the term of any applicable insurance
policy or (ii) the remaining term of the Note, or (c) be treated as a balloon payment which will be due and payable at the Note's maturity. This
Mortgage also will secure payment of these amounts. The rights provided for in this paragraph shall be In addition to any other rights or any remedies
to which Lender may be entitled on account of the default. Any such action by Lender shall not be construed as curing the default so as to bar Lender
from any remedy that it otherwise would have had.
WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The following provisions relating to ownership of the Property are a part of this Mortgage.
Title. Grantor warrants that: (a) Grantor holds good and marketable title of record to the Property in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances other than those set forth in the Real Property description or in any title insurance policy, title report, or final title opinion issued in
favor of and arcepted by, Lender in connection with this Mortn na and (b) Grantor has the full right, power, and authr ecute and deliver
•einoesul 41es)t sweep 44181 p008 uI lepuel •Alpnoesui
in818a Jo luen3 et'} emo 'os 6ulop u! 'pus 'Jepuen o}
AJO38 ;spas Jeuuew a UI *mine ay} Jepun Bu!s!JE suoi;BBtlgo et'; AIIEUOI}Ipuooun ewnsse o; a ;er ;se S,JO ;u8JBns et'; )!wed 'op peJlnbeJ eq Heys
;nq 'Aew uopdo s1I ;8'Jepuel •sseupe ;gepul ay} Jo A;u8rn0 Aus 'Jepun A4!l q8p Jo 'lo Allppen ay; se;ndsip 10 se>onei 10 ;ue;edwooul sewooeq Jo
sell) Jo }uaiano Au8 Jo sseupe;gepul et'; to Aus 10 Jo}uajenO Aug o };oedsel gym sm000 s ;uene Butpeoeid et'; to Auy •Jo;uarnns 6ul ;aeuy sluan3
•101BI Jo MOU 6u1Islxe Je44e4M
o; Jo;ue10 jo uopa6pgo Jay }o Jo sseupe4Qepul Aus 6ulwemuoo ;uewee168 Aus uopoi!wtl )noy ;IM 6ulpnpul 'uleJe4; papinoJd po!Jed e0816 Aus upom
petpeweJ jou sl ivy; Japuel pus JopusJO uee, }eq }ueweeJ6e Jey}o Aue ;o sw,e; et'} Jepun Jo}ueme Aq yoBeJq Auy •luawaaJ6y Ja410 10 yoaamg
0; AJO }a8;spss wlep e44 Jo; puoq A4ems E Jo SOAJeseJ seystwn; pus wlslo Lions ;0 eopou ue; }IJM Jepuei se/M3 Jopu8JO ;By; papinoJd 'Bulpeeowd
em}1a1eio; 10 ejnsopelo; et' 10 siseq et'; si yolym wisp ay; 10 sseuelgeuosaei Jo A;lppen et'; o; ss Jo ;unig Aq elndsip y }I8; pooh B 10 }uene et'} ul
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•JOlue10 ;Sule68 JO Aq smell
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Aus Apedwd s,JO1u8J9 4o ;Jed Auer Jol Jenleo91 B 4o Iuewlutodd8 eyl 'JO;u8JO ;o Aouenlosut et'} '10 ;u8JO jo weep eyl AOUanIosuI Jo y ;eaa
•UOS801 Aus Jo; pug ewp Aug }e (uep Jo isele ;ul AAmoes pe)oeped pus pp8n 8 ep8eJ0 o} sluewnoop
isJeispoo AuB;o amps; Bulpnpul);oe;}a pus eon; pn1 ul aq o} sesseo sluewnooa pe46ley et'; jo Auer Jo e6e6poW sI41 'U ;gllo0 enpaalea
•peysiwni Jo epsw ewp et'; 18 Jo Mou 18148 loedseu IBuelsw Aus ul 6utpeelslw Jo esls; si s }uewnooa paisley et'; Jo elON
ay; 'e6e6poW sly; Jepun Jo }usJO 10 ;leyaq uo Jo Aq Jepue o; paysluwn4 Jo spew lueweio ;s Jo uopoluaseJdeJ 'A }uOJJ8M Auy •sluawa;o ;s ogled
•s }uewnooa pe }slay ey14O Aus
UI JO eloN ay} 'e6e6poW sly; ul peul84uoo uoAIPuoO Jo IUBUanoo 'uollo6pgo 'well Jey }o Aug 411m Aldwoo o} JO;UBJO ;o eJnHBd •;Inelea aou011dwo3
•uell Alm lo e6Jeyoslp pep o; 10 ;0 Bulll; Iueneld 01 A16sseoeu uewAsd Jey;o
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•sseupe }gepul ay; uo enp ueym }uewAsd Aug eilsw 0) Jo }u8JO ;o eJnitej •sseupelgapul uo )lnolaa
:e686poW sly; Jepun („lln8 ea 1o;uen3 „)11nsjep 4o wane us e)nA }suo0 lleys'Jepue-10 uol }do NUB 8 41 10 14093 •11nvdaa
*am; 01 awl; WOJI Jepue Aq peuiwJe ;ep s8 ea; uopsulwJe; elgsuossei
Aus 'mel eigeopddB Aq pe ;lived 1t 'Aod !pm 1opu810 •ApedoJd lsuosJed et') pus s way 841 ut ;seJe ;ul A }Imoes s,Jepue 6upuepine en; uo }uewe ;8 }s
Butoueu1l Aug ;o uopeutwJa; ;0 s }uewe }8Is elgs }ins pug e686poW sly) ;0 uogoels1ss elge ;Ins 8 Jopu8J0 0; Jenllep pus e;noexe pays Jepue) '18686 }JoW
sty} Jepun Jo ;uo10 uodn pesodwi suoi;eDllgo et'; 118 stumped eslMJeylo pus 'anp ueyM sseupelgepui et'; p8 sAsd 101U81
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Jo 'enul)u0o 'loeped 'a ;eldwoo 'e)8n1oe41e 0; JepJO ul elgeJlsep 10 A18sseoeu eq 'Jepuei 40 uotutdo aloe ay; ul 'Aew 58 s;uawnOOp Jey }o pue
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sty) ;0 }Jod a 018 ;o8)- ul- Aeu)o))8 pus seousmsse laypn; 01 BupeleJ suotstnoJd BulM011o1 ell 'i3Vd NI !S30NVHfSSV H3H1Hnd
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•1epU9) WON puowep ua ;)UM 4o idleoei 18)18 sABp (l;) 981'; ul'i }IM Japu81 0} elgoisne
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A)JedoJd lea, ay) u! 81386pool Sly; 6u1p1ooe1 04 uoplppB uI ApedoJd IBUOSJ8d pue s ;uey ay; u! }sale }UI A }Imoes s,Jepuei anupuoo pus )oeped
0; Japua1 Aq pe4senbeJ st 110)108 184101ens)814M e)l8; pus s)uew0p8)s 6uloueu1l a }noexa Heys 10 }11810 'Japuen Aq 4senbe) uodn ;seJe ;ul A;IJnoes
awp o) awl; WO)) pepuewe s8 epo3 Isplawwo3 moon et'} Jepun Aped peJnoes a 40 9146!) 84140 118 envy pays Jepu81 pus ApedoJd
louos,ed 18')0 Jo saJnpx(4 se ;n ;)191100 Apedwd et') 40 Aus luepxe 8t') 0; ;uewee168 Ammon B e1nipsuoo Heys ;uewnJ)sul si'il •;uawaai6y A;IJnaas
sly) 10 p8d 8 OM pueweo)68 A }Imoes o se e6e6po1/11 sty} 01 But ;eleI suolslnoJd 6 ulMollol 841 'S1N3W31V1S DNIONVNId !1N3W33H0V A1IHf133S
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Suan pus SexOI et') ut anogg pePlnold ss x8) et') 9;88;1100 (q) Jo ;uenbuliap sewooeq 11 elojeq x8; et') sABd (8) leylle 1o}u8J0 ssalun Moleq
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•1o)U8J0 Aq epOw is8184u1 pus IBdpuiJd 40 s)uawAed uo JO sseupelgapul et'; 40 uoipod Au8 JO H8 110 x81 oppeds a (p)
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Iie Jo; Japuai esingwlel Hays 10)11819 •Apadwd 10ey 844 uo 118p s,Jepuel enul }uoo pus ;oeped o; iepuei Aq pe ;senbeJ sI uo110e 181410 JeneI8IM
8)184 pus e6e6poW sly) 0l UoI }Ippe u! s}Uawnoop tons a }noexa Heys 10;118)9 '1epu81 Aq ;senbeJ uodn •sa6Jay0 pue seed 'small luaJJn3
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01 esneo 10 Janpep !pm J0;U8J9 pus 'aoloyo umo si! 40 lesunoo Aq 6uipae0OJd ay; 11l pa;Uaseldel eq 0; pus Bulpaeowd 844 ui e)sdpipsd o; pep11u8
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Lions eels; ApdwoJd Heys 10;11819 pus '6up!JM ul Jepuel' !;ou ApdwoJd Hays 1o4ue19 'Help s! Uol}euwepuoo uI BulpeaooJd Aue 41 •s6u1paaoo)d
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06 -01 -2000 0 63 A:k MORTGAGE 0 7 4 Page 4
Loan No 64002287 (Continued)
Right to Cure. If such a failure Is curable and if Grantor has not been given a notice of a breach of the same provision of this Mortgage within the
preceding twelve (12) months, it may be cured (and no Event of Default will have occurred) if Grantor, after Lender sends written notice
demanding cure of such failure: (a) cures the failure within fifteen (15) days; or (b) if the cure requires more than fifteen (15) days, immediately
initiates steps sufficient to cure the failure and thereafter continues and completes all reasonable and necessary steps sufficient to produce
compliance as soon as reasonably practical.
RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and at any time thereafter but subject to any limitation in the
Note or any limitation in this Mortgage, Lender, at its option, may exercise any one or more of the following rights and remedies, in addition to any other
rights or remedies provided by law:
Accelerate Indebtedness. Lender shall have the right at its option without notice to Grantor to declare the entire Indebtedness immediately due
and payable, including any prepayment penalty which Grantor would be required to pay.
UCC Remedies. With respect to all or any part of the Personal Property, Lender shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under
the Uniform Commercial Code.
Collect Rents. Lender shall have the right, without notice to Grantor, to take possession of the Property, including during the pendency of
foreclosure, whether judicial or non judicial, and collect the Rents, including amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net proceeds, over and
above Lender's costs, against the Indebtedness. In furtherance of this right, Lender may require any tenant or other user of the Property to make
payments of rent or use fees directly to Lender. If the Rents are collected by Lender, then Grantor Irrevocably designates Lender as Grantor's
attorney -in -fact to endorse instruments received In payment thereof in the name of Grantor and to negotiate the same and collect the proceeds.
Payments by tenants or other users to Lender in response to Lender's demand shall satisfy the obligations for which the payments are made,
whether or not any proper grounds for the demand existed. Lender may exercise its rights under this subparagraph either in person, by agent, or
through a receiver.
Appoint Receiver. Lender shall have the right to have a receiver appointed to take possession of all or any part of the Property, with the power to
protect and preserve the Property, to operate the Property preceding foreclosure or sale, and to collect the Rents from the Property and apply the
proceeds, over and above the cost of the receivership, against the Indebtedness. The receiver may serve without bond if permitted by law.
Lender's right to the appointment of a receiver shall exist whether or not the apparent value of the Property exceeds the Indebtedness by a
substantial amount. Employment by Lender shall not disqualify a person from serving as a receiver.
Judicial Foreclosure. Lender may obtain a judicial decree foreclosing Grantor's interest in all or any part of the Property.
Nonjudicial Sale. Lender may foreclose Grantor's interest in all or in any part of the Property by nonjudicial sale, and specifically by "power of
sale" or "advertisement and sale" foreclosure as provided by statute.
Deficiency Judgment. If permitted by applicable law, Lender may obtain a judgment for any deficiency remaining in the Indebtedness due to
Lender after application of all amounts received from the exercise of the rights provided in this section.
Tenancy at Sufferance. If Grantor remains in possession of the Property after the Property is sold as provided above or Lender otherwise
becomes entitled to possession of the Property upon default of Grantor, Grantor shall become a tenant at sufferance of Lender or the purchaser of
the Property and shall, at Lender's option, either (a) pay ,a reasonable rental for the use of the Property, or (b) vacate the Property immediately
upon the demand of Lender.
Other Remedies. Lender shall have all other rights and remedies provided in this Mortgage or the Note or available at law or in equity.
Sale of the Property. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Grantor hereby waives any and all right to have the property marshalled. In
exercising its rights and remedies, Lender shall be free to sell all or any part of the Property together or separately, in one sale or by separate
sales. Lender shall be entitled to bid at any public sale on all or any portion of the Property.
Notice of Sale. Lender shall give Grantor reasonable notice of the time and place of any public sale of the Personal Property or of the time after
which any private sale or other intended disposition of the Personal Property is to be made. Reasonable notice shall mean notice given at least
ten (10) days before the time of the sale or disposition.
Waiver; Election of Remedies. A waiver by any party of a breach of a provision of this Mortgage shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice the
party's rights otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision. Election by Lender to pursue any remedy shall not
exclude pursuit of any other remedy, and an election to make expenditures or take action to perform an obligation of Grantor under this Mortgage
after failure of Grantor to perform shall not affect Lender's right to declare a default and exercise its remedies under this Mortgage.
Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce any of the terms of this Mortgage, Lender shall be entitled to recover
such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as reasonable attorneys' fees at trial and on any appeal. Whether or not any court action is
involved, all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time for the protection of its Interest or the
enforcement of its rights shall become a part of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear interest from the date of expenditure until
repaid at the rate provided for in the Note. Expenses covered by this paragraph include, without limitation, however subject to any limits under
applicable law, Lender's reasonable attorneys' fees and Lender's legal expenses whether or not there is a lawsuit, including reasonable attorneys'
fees for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), appeals and any anticipated
post judgment collection services, the cost of searching records, obtaining title reports (including foreclosure reports), surveyors' reports, and
appraisal fees, and title insurance, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Grantor also will pay any court costs, in addition to all other sums
provided by law.
NOTICES TO GRANTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notice under this Mortgage, including without limitation any notice of default and any notice of
sale to Grantor, shall be in writing, may be sent by telefacsimile (unless otherwise required by law), and shall be effective when actually delivered, or
when deposited with a nationally recognized overnight courier, or, if mailed, shall be deemed effective when deposited in the United States mail first
class, certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, directed to the addresses shown near the beginning of this Mortgage. Any party may change its
address for notices under this Mortgage by giving formal written notice to the other parties, specifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the
party's address. All copies of notices of foreclosure from the holder of any lien which has priority over this Mortgage shall be sent to Lender's address,
as shown near the beginning of this Mortgage. For notice purposes, Grantor agrees to keep Lender Informed at all times of Grantor's current address.
MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are a part of this Mortgage:
Amendments. This Mortgage, together with any Related Documents, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties as to the
matters set forth in this Mortgage. No alteration of or amendment to this Mortgage shall be effective unless given in writing and signed by the
party or parties sought to be charged or bound by the alteration or amendment.
Applicable Law. This Mortgage has been delivered to Lender and accepted by Lender In the State of Wyoming: This Mortgage shall be
governed by and construed In accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming.
Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Mortgage are for convenience purposes only and are not to be used to interpret or define the
provisions of this Mortgage.
Merger. There shall be no merger of the interest or estate created by this Mortgage with any other Interest or estate in the Property at any time
held by or for the benefit of Lender in any capacity, without the written consent of Lender.
Multiple Parties. All obligations of Grantor under this Mortgage shall be joint and several, and all references to Grantor shall mean each and
every Grantor. This means that each of the persons signing below is responsible for all obligations in this Mortgage.
Severabillty. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Mortgage to be invalid or unenforceable as to any person or
circumstance, such finding shall not render that provision invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons or circumstances. If feasible, any such
offending provision shall be deemed to be modified to be within the limits of enforceability or validity; however, if the offending provision cannot be
so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of this Mortgage in all other respects shall remain valid and enforceable.
Successors and Assigns. Subject to the limitations stated in this Mortgage on transfer of Grantor's interest, this Mortgage shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person other than Grantor,
Lender, without notice to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Mortgage and the Indebtedness by way of
forbearance or extension without releasing Grantor from the obligations of this Mortgage or liability under the Indebtedness.
Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Mortgage.
Waiver of Homestead Exemption. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Wyoming as to all Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
Waivers and Consents. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this Mortgage (or under the Related Documents) unless
such waiver is in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any right shall operate as a waiver of
such right or any other right. A waiver by any party of a provision of this Mortgage shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice the party's right
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