HomeMy WebLinkAbout866362IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING IHC HEALTH SERVICES, INC., Plaintiff, vs. JERRY NIELD and CINDY NIELD, r OF LINCOLN Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk c Judicial District Cc at county and hee•eby ce ify the true, an, comptl. SIGNcD Defendants. Civil No. 10,400 SUMMARY JUDGMENT The above entitled matter having come before the Court on the Motion for Summary Judgment filed herein by Plaintiff, the Plaintiff appearing by and through its attorney, John A. Thomas, and the Defendants appearing by and through their attorney, Randall B. Luthi, after having been given due and proper notice, and the Court having reviewed the file herein, and having found there are no genuine issues of material fact and Plaintiff should be awarded judgment and good cause appearing therefore: It is therefore hereby ordered that Plaintiff shall have Judgment against Defendants in the principal sum of $16688.09; plus prejudgment interest at the rate of 18% per annum on $16688.09 from 10/6/97 to 3/13/00 in the sum of $7316.47; plus costs in the sum of $65.00 and reasonable attorney's fees in the sum of $800.00, making a total judgment in the sum of $24869.56 to 3/13/00, with a per diem interest of $8.66 to the date of judgment herein; plus interest on said total judgment at the rate of 18% per annum from the date of Judgment until paid in full. DATED this day of April, 2000. ae Third orv-:w i Ud 9 esa be RECEIVED INCOi r4 n rr l g 1 J EANNi~. ,C t GH' KEMMERER. WYOMING is nc BOOK BOOK ou --PR PAGE %tee 69/c, PR PAGE 0 9 4 Jt.1'J -11 -2000 23:54 FROM :LINCOLN CO ASSESSOR 13078289495 Funn Fnt11A 1455.4'') (Rev. 10- 38.81) TO :307 789 1879 P.002 Pomnon S ;8.On Ag(`rQRfrft] .o1(lnIL1TJf,.tl.••��`�•U AT.7A10s IN EOCR 7.82PR PAW ..1„31 1"1!itL:Jit:tt 1iYG. ur+1TEn ETA"t1a:S n6PA1t,TMRNT OF AGGR1 UVN y e. LLIGAJGT?I c. WAG::, C»2Rtr }nlUhfi3L5 HOME Ai'1JAIN1$THA'I it)N A,.r,,,•i QUITCLAIM I)Uh:l.) t1 The tiN TED STATES Of AMERICA, •rccti,rg through the Adminl,tratar of the 1'3,mr13 Home Adminigratton, United kilo Department of Agricuiture, CONVEYS 1,1Uttt'I.AIMSto ,terry L. Nield H Cindy H. Nield, husband and wife wi.Lh rights of survivor:1 Grantee, l'ur Om snoi of FUTON; THOUSAND AND No/ton DOLLARS ($15$000.00) all Interest in du l'Vllowtng rout Mato ciente') iii Ii. &ci ty nt Li.uvuln State of Wyoming w•wit TRACT l: A pnrti.On of Lht: SW45144 of Section 32, '1 N, R 118 W, 6th P.M., located West of f;rnvor, L;La Uoln County, Wyoming, and being tuury partit'.nlarly described 1:+ fellow:,! Beginning at m Bross Cap monument. about 3 inches below the surface or the existing pavement morkingr the Southwest corner of said ;iactinn 32, said Brass Cap also being in thr' center line of State Suwudary Road No. 237; thunut running N O E, along the Wost litre Of said Scit,Lit7tt 32,• a distance of 208.71 feat to on iron pipu round; rung Last, puru11u1 with the :loath lino of said Sc 32 and said xood a.nnterliuu 208.71 foot to an iron pirlt art; thence S U 04' W, parallel with said Wost line or' ,slid Section 32, /.08.71 .foot '.0 atLid South lino of Suction and said toad centerline; thence West, along last said lines, 408.7.1 foot Iv the point of ba6inaing, containing 1,.000 sterns of land. tlubjcct to m 30 —Coot waste canomonL fu,: right nf way uvuat the F,cnith 30 foot oJ: foot above do5c'r1bud property and RESERVING '10 Mu Dixie Anderson n fiftuen(15) easement ntong the Wust. side. of raid prupurty from the North line of t.ho abvvu- dvscribsd rnud right of way to the North limo oY sL +.id property. TRACT No. (hr.ini; contibuue to the n.hnvn dortribud '1'rac:.t Nn. 1); Com enc311g at the Southeast Corner of Suction 51, T 33 N, R 118 W, 4th P.M., Wyuming, :end rUmtiug thence Nnrth 208.7 foul.; thence Wnst 208.7 reet; thence South 208.7 foot; L11plce Lost 20:;.7 foot, Lu the plane of bokinnink, together with in llrovoment6 rrt,d water, rights. Sep Fnrnl P1mlIt 1.955 -44, "Notice of Rosidontial Ocv.upancy An,trictiUta which is ntt'aehed hertiu attid made n part horoof. I°rnHA 1955 -49 (Rev. I0 2t1.M1)