HomeMy WebLinkAbout866364WHEN RECORDED SEND ORIGINAL TO: CONSECO FINANCE SERVICING CORP ATTN: DANA WEAVER P.O. BOX 4326 (ZIP 59806) V RECEIVED 283 W FRONT STREET SUITE 203 MISSOULA, MT 59802 ..1NCOLN CMJNTY CL,ER.. 00 JU N 1 0 x(1°1 3 7 State of Wyoming Space Above This Line For Recording Data GT -15 -51 -090 (11/96) 1. DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Mortgage (Security Instrument) is the parties, their addresses and tax identification numbers, if required, are as follows: MORTGAGOR: LENDER: CONSECO FINANCE SERVICING CORP. 2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debt (defined below) and Mortgagor's performance under this Security Instrument, Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with power of sale, the following described property: The property is located in LINCOLN SEE LEGAL PAGE A. CRANFORD ARLENE CRANFORD SEE LEGAL ETNA, WY 83118 P.O. BOX 4326 MISSOULA, MT 59806 (Address) 02013571 866364 BOOK_.«_-_ .Q 9 1 KEMMERER, WYOMING MORTGAGE (With Future Advance Clause) If checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Mortgagors, their signatures and acknowledgments. All of the property located at SEE LEGAL WYOMING MORTGAGE (NOT FOR FNMA, FHLMC, FHA OR VA USE) 1994 Bankers Systems, Inc., St Cloud, MN Form CTH- MTGLAZWY 12/18/96 (County) ETNA (City) at JUNE- 12, 2000 Wyoming in the City /Town /Village of ETNA County of LINCOLN State of WY in which the Borrower has an ownership, leasehold or other legal interest. This property is more particularly described on the schedule titled "Additional Property Description" which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, together with a security interest in that certain 2000 74 X 32 SPRING MANOR mobile home, serial number The Borrower does hereby authorize the Lender or its assigns to obtain a more detailed property description after the Borrower has signed the Mortgage, and to attach Exhibit A after the Borrower has signed the Mortgage. (ZIP Code) tS and GT -15 -51 -090 (11/96) (page 1 of 6) --7/ ;o Z abed) (96/1 l) 060 t S -S (-i.1' -0 860 96/8 l/Z l AMZV1D188 waoj NW 'Pnol) '1S' 'swa;sAS saalue8 V66 l •Alaadomd ayl an0adw! JO u!E1u!ew o; slepa1Ew xo aoge! Aiddns oqM sawed lsu!e6e aneq Aew xo6e61mow sasuajap ao swiEp `s146p Aue 'mapua Aq palsanbai se 'xapuai o; u6lsse o1 saaa6e mo6E61aow •luawnalsul A1lapas sly. }o ua!! ayl a!edw! p!noM ley! sw!ep Aue 1su!e6E Alaadoad aya o1 aI1i1 puaiap !!IM xo6E6uow luawAed s,ao6E61xow 6upuap!na sad!aaa.i aya pue anp axe saunowe yans 1E41 sapllou IIe Jo sa!doD aapua of ap!nomd of xo6E61mow aa!nbax Aew xapuai 'anp uayM Alxadoxd aya o; 6u!1e!am sa6aeyp xaylo pug `sa!1!I!1n `sluai punox6 `sluawAed asea! `saauexgwnaua `suall `sluawssasse `saxes HE Aed IIIM xo6E6 ;loin! 31111 1SNIVJH SINIVD •luasuo] Ual1!JM xo!ad s,mapual lnoyl!M luawpop ua!I alp Aq pampas luawaai6E ao alou Aue iapun saauenpe aanln3 Aue lsanbax of JOU 'JO uo!sualxa JO u0l1EDU!pOW Aue MoIIE 01 1oN '3 'xaploy ay1 woij san!aDax mo6E61xow 1Ey1 saDnou AUE aapua1 o1 aanllap Alldwoad 01 'a •slueuanoD He 41!M Aldwoa .10 wxojmad o1 pue anp uayM sluawAed HE aNEw 0l •d saaa 6E ao6e61aow 'Alaadomd ay; uo aPueagwpua xo lsaaalu! Al!xpas aoud a palean 1ey1 auawpop uall ma ao luawaai6e A1upas 'lsnxl jo paap `a6e61aow aaylo AuE of p.E6am 41!M 'SIS3'131N1 All/1f03S IOI21d '9 •luawnxlsul A1lmpas sly! pue lgaa pampas ay1 Jo swaal aya yl!M a)uepao»E u! puE anp uayM pled aq IIIM lgaa pampas aya xapun sluawAed HE lap saaa6e ao6e61xow 'SiN31NAHd •uolsspsaa jo 146p aya jo ap!lou pai!nbw Aue an!6 of si!ej aapual j! !gap xaylo Aug ampas l0u II!M luawnmisul Allipas s!yl •luawnalsul Alppas s!y1 jo swxal ay1 xapun xapual Aq pa.upu! sasuadxa pug papuenpe scans xaylo Aue pue amen pug Alaadomd aya 6u!1paloxd as!Mxaylo JO 6u!nmasaxd `6u!ansul aoj aapua Aq palapul sasuadxa pup paauenpe swns IEUo!1!ppe !pea •aapua1 pue mo6e6 ;mow uaaMlaq luawaax6e 1unoDDE 1!sodap AuE of 6u!lelax sl3empxana xoj sali!!IgE!! `ol pa1!w! sou lnq `6u!pnpul 'ME! Aq pa1!q!yoxd 1ou lualxa alp o; 'asue maw! Aew gDIgM `iapual o1 saMO ao6e6aaow suope6llgo Ilv'3 '6unpM aaEmedas E u! o1 paai6e aq lsnw 1U81.14lww0) 41ns Aud •lunowe Aue u! sa)ugnpu .10 sueo! axnln; ao lEUO! !ppe a)IEW o; luawl!wwop e alnlfsuo) !legs luawnxlsul Al!xpas sly! u! 6u141oN •luawnxlsul A11xpaS sIy1 Jo alep ay; uo apew J! se pampas ale suo!ie6!!go aanlnj xatpo pue saauenpe aanlnj !!y •papuenpe aq ;aA 1ou Amu lied ao He 46noyl uana luawnxlsul Al!xpas s!yl Aq pampas an suone6ligo axnlnj Jail° pue saauenpe axnlnj !Ib •smaylo pue ao6E611o11 arrow JO auo Aue ao 'ao6E62ao141 arrow ao auo Aue Aq pammpul ao o; uan!6 81E IEyl suo!le6igo axnlnj pue saauenpe aanlnj HE aapas IIIM luawnxlsui Alupas s!-111e saaa6e io6E61aow LPEa `luawnalsul A1!xpas s!yl SU61s uosaad auo ueyl aaow j! •paauamaJaa AIIEpupads sI luawnalsul Al!xpas s!y1 sou JO aaylaLM luawnxlsul A1upas slyp aalww palpaxa aapuai Jo monej u! xo6e61aow Aq paapaxa !gap jo a)uap!na Jail° JO 'Alueaen6 '1pEa2uop `alou Aaoss!woxd Aue xapun xapuai o1 ao6e63aow Jo suone6!!go aanlnj Ja JO 1o6E61xow 01 aapua1 wOJJ saauenpe aanlnJ I!b •g •zaTTzaa psd aou ;T 2uawaszngsTp uoTTonz1suou 2ssl moz; stpuom 09£ uo a gskad pus sup sT uoTas9TTgo anogs auy •sastaozzog /sza4na dq palnoaxe auewaez9y SaTauoag pus aoszauo0 aueWTTa;sui TTsasa smog pezn;os;num zo slob' Tssz8ATup y 'L 'S (•.na 'sawp A MMA 'Sa 3sada3u1 'gummy alou 'swarm ,s raMo44oq sv ypns sum! ap not wW10 pa.�sa66ns si if Mojaq slgap ail 6upuaaaJar !l uagM) •suonl!lsgns ao suo!2Eayjlpow s!eau 'suo!sualxa .4a43 He pug Moiaq pagppsap !gap moo aauap!na y lo ao (s)Aluexen6 (s)pea;uoa `(s)alou Aaoss!woad HE jo swmal ail xapun paxapu! lgaq •d :sMolloj se pau!}ap s! agaa pampas„ Waal ail'S3JNVAad 321f11nd cNV 1830 a3' IfD3S °b •luawnalsul AI!apas s!y1 u! pau!E1uoD SlUEUaAOD atop Aue waojaad of pue A1!apas s,aapual 1Daload o1 luawnmisuI Allapas s!yl jo swxal alp aapun apew saauenpe o1 A!dde 1ou saop uo!lel!w!! sly! 'oslb •luawnalsul Alupas s!yl 01 luensxnd apew Alp!Ien sa6xeyp pup saaj xaylo pue lsamalu! apnpu! 1ou saop lunowe jo uo!1e1!w!I s!yl paaaxa 1ou Heys awn auo Aue lE luawnxlsul A1lapas s!41 Aq pampas lunowe Iedpu!a8°Ie fi3/41iii'1!wil NOLLVDfl8O wnkvixvt Alaadoxd„ se 02 paxxaJax He) anoge paq!aasap alelsa !Ea.! aya Jo lxgd aq `aanlnj ail u! awn Aue le ao `MOU Aew ley1 sluawaDEldaa pue `saanlxl3 `saxnpnals `sluawanoadw! aanlnj pue 6ulls!xa Iie pue iIao1s aa3eM pue `satpl!p `s1461x uelagdlx pue aa1EM IIe `s14611 se6 pue Ho `s146!1 !eaau!w `sa!1leAoa `sapueuaundde 'sluawasea `s146!x HE y1!M aay3abo1 8. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. Lender may, at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to be immediately due and payable upon the creation of, or contract for the creation of, any lien, encumbrance, transfer or sale of the Property. This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C.F.R. 591), as applicable. This covenant shall run with the Property and shall remain in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and this Security Instrument is released. 9. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Mortgagor will keep the Property in good condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Mortgagor shall not commit or allow any waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Property. Mortgagor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. Mortgagor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without Lender's prior written consent. Mortgagor will not permit any change in any license, restrictive covenant or easement without Lender's prior written consent. Mortgagor will notify Lender of all demands, proceedings, claims and actions against Mortgagor, and of any loss or damage to the Property. Lender or Lender's agents may, at Lender's option, enter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting the Property. Lender shall give Mortgagor notice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any inspection' of the Property shall be entirely for Lender's benefit and Mortgagor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. 10. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Mortgagor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument, Lender may, without notice, perform or cause them to be performed. Mortgagor appoints Lender as attorney in fact to sign Mortgagor's name or pay any amount necessary for performance. Lender's right to perform for Mortgagor shall not create an obligation to perform, and Lender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument. If any construction on the Property is discontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner, Lender may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's security interest in the Property, including completion of the construction. 11. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. Mortgagor irrevocably grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender as additional security all the right, title and interest in and to any and all existing or future leases, subleases, and any other written or verbal agreements for the use and occupancy of any portion of the Property, including any extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions of such agreements (all referred to as "Leases and rents, issues and profits (all referred to as "Rents"). Mortgagor will promptly provide Lender with true and correct copies of all existing and future Leases. Mortgagor may collect, receive, enjoy and use the Rents so long as Mortgagor is not in default under the terms of this Security Instrument. Mortgagor agrees that this assignment is immediately effective between the parties to this Security Instrument. Mortgagor agrees that this assignment is effective as to third parties when Lender takes affirmative action prescribed by law, and that this assignment will remain in effect during any redemption period until the Secured Debt is satisfied. Mortgagor agrees that Lender may take actual possession of the property without the necessity of commencing legal action and that actual possession is deemed to occur when Lender, or its agent, notifies Mortgagor of default and demands that any tenant pay all future Rents directly to Lender. On receiving notice of default, Mortgagor will endorse and deliver to Lender any payment of Rents in Mortgagors possession and will receive any Rents in trust for Lender and will not commingle the Rents with any other funds. Any amounts collected will be applied as provided in this Security Instrument. Mortgagor warrants that no default exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord /tenant law. Mortgagor also agrees to maintain and require any tenant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applicable law. 12. LEASEHOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS. Mortgagor agrees to comply with the provisions of any lease if this Security Instrument is on a leasehold. If the Property includes a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Mortgagor will perform all of Mortgagor's duties under the covenants, by -laws, or regulations of the condominium or planned unit development. 13. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be in default if any party obligated on the Secured Debt fails to make payment when due. Mortgagor will be in default if a breach occurs under the terms of this Security Instrument or any other document executed for the purpose of creating, securing or guarantying the Secured Debt. A good faith belief by Lender that Lender at any time is insecure with respect to any person or entity obligated on the Secured Debt or that the prospect of any payment or the value of the Property is impaired shall also constitute an event of default. 1994 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form Gtli- MTGLAZWY 12/18/96 0 99 0 GT -15 -51 -090 (11/96) (page 3 of 6) 3 (9 Jo 4 a6ed) (96/1. L) 060 I S L-L D t. 96/8 t/Z l NNZV1DJW-H1! WJO4 NW P °D ZS "5u1 'swaasAS saatue8 4661 O •luawmop up!! maglo JO luawaam6E A ;lamas 'lsnal jo paap `a6e61aow molmd AuE jo swiaa ag1 o1 pafgns s! spaapoid jo luawu6lsse slt'l •luawnalsul A ;lamas s111 u! papinoad se palldde aq I!!M pue sluawAed pamaplsuo) aq Ilegs spaapomd Lens •Almadomd agl jo lied Aue JO HP J0 6upie1 maglo ao uolleuwapuo) E 411m pal3auuo) sa6ewep J0 WlM13 JO pmeMe Aue jo spaaDomd ag1 aapual of su6lsse mo6e61mow •swlep JO suo!pE paq! )sap ante agl Jo Aue u! aweu s,ao6E61m43w u! auanaalu! 01 aapual sazlaoglne ao6e6aaoysi •sueaw aaglo AUP JO `U1Ewop luaulwa `uolleuwapuo3 g6nom42 Alaadomd agl jo !!e ao Aue aNel ao asegpmnd o; sallllua allgnd ao alenlmd Aq 'uolpe paualeamgl JO 6ulpuad AuE to aDllou ldwomd mapual anl6 IIIM mo6E61mow 'NOIIVNW3QNOD'L 1 Mel Ieluawuoalnu3 AUP JO U0lleioln ag1 ao aauelsgns snopmezeH Aue jo aseala.i paualeamgl mo asealaa agl of 6u!lelaa 6u!paa)omd ao `wlep 'uolle6lisanUl paualeamgl mo 6ulpuad Aue sl a analiaq o1 uoseam set ao6e61aow se uoos se 6u11!JM u! aapual Ajpou Alalelpaww! !legs mo6E61ao01 •a Mel lelU WU0minu3 AuE q1!M apuepao»e u! uollae lelpawam ArnSSa3DU lie aNe1 !legs Jo6e61aow 'luana UP 43ns ui •Alaadoad 6ulumaDUOD Mel leluawuominu3 Aue jo uoneloln a s1 wain JO Almadoad alp lnoge JO aapun 'uo smmao nuelsgns snopaezEH a Jo asealaa paualea.igl mo asealaa a J! aapual Aplou Alalplpaww! !legs ao6e61aow •D fine 1 irluawuominu3 alge3!ldde AuE g11M a3UElldW0) !Ind u! urewam !legs pup 'axe 'uaaq aneg lueual Agana pue mo6e61mow 'aapual 01 6uIll.LM u! pa6paIMoupe pue pasopslp Als00!Aaad SE 1da3x3 '8 •Alaadomd ag1 jo aDueualulew pue asn Iewaou agl moJ alupdomdde aq o1 paz!u603am Aiieaaua6 ape legs sa1uelsgns snopaezeH }o saffuenb HMS of Aidde 1ou saop uolp!misam slqu •Alaadomd ag1 u! JO uo pasealaa JO paaols `paleDo! aq lllM JO s! aauelsgns sn0pmezeH ou `aapual 01 bU!!JM u! pa6paIMoupe pue pasopslp Aisnolnaad SP 1dapx3 •V :1e41 saaa6e pue slueaaeM `sluasaadaa ao6e61aow MEl IEluawu0m!nu3 Aue aapun „a3uelsgns snopaezeq„ mo „alseM snopaezeg„ „`saauelsgns 3lxol„ „'Ielmalew snopmezeg„ sp pauljap saauelsgns Aue 'uopellw!I 1nog11M `sapnpu! Waal ag1 •luawuoa!nua mo ameJlaM 'Maps `glleag aL 0l snoma6uep Ailellualod JO snoaa6uep 93uelsgns a43 aapuam 4314m s311slmapeJE4p set' 431gM lueu!WEluo3 mo luElnllod 'a.seM'lelaalew snopJEZeg mo anllDEOlpea 'D1xo1 Aue suuaw apuelsgns snopmezeH (z) pue !a3uelsgns snopmezeq E ao luawuoalnua 'amejlaM 'Males 'glleaq D11gnd agl 6u!wa3uo3 smallal an!laadaawl mo suolu!do ieaaua6 Aawolle 'saapao lino) `sa)ueulpmo 'suolleln6aa 'sMel Ieao! pue as '!papal maglo Ile pue '(•bas la 1096 Zb 'V1JJI3D) l�V Amgen pue uonesuadwo7 'asuodsaj! Ieluawuoalnu3 anlsuagaadwoD at'! 'uo!pe1lwli 1nogllM 'sueaw MEl Ieluawuom!nu3 (1) 'uoipas slgl u! pasn 001 V 'S3DNVIS8f1S SfOa21VZVH aNV SMV1 1V1N3INNO1IIAN3 '91 •asealaa gins jo slsoD uopepmo3am Aue aoj Aed o1 saaa6e mo6E61aow •pasealam !pun Dajja u! ulewaa !legs luawnmisui Alun as sm.]. •aapual agl jo aaAoidwa papeies a aoJ saaj ,sAauaolle apnpu! 1ou saop lunowe sit'! •sasuadxa le6al maglo pue Lino) `saaj ,sAawolle algEuoseaa '01 pallw!' 40U s! lnq 'apnpu! Aew lunowe situ 'luawnmisu) AllamaS s141 aapun saipawaa pue s146la s,aapual 6ull)aload mo 6upmoJua '6ullpaiio) u! aapual Aq paammul sasuadxa pue slso3 lie Aed o1 saaa6e ao6e61aow •lgaa pampas ag1 jo swaal agl ul papinoad se pajja u! alai lsamalu! lsat'6iq alp le lini u! pled !llun luawAed ag1 Jo alep agl woal lsamalu! meaq I!!M sasuadxa asagl •lsamalui Allppas s,mapual pue Alaadomd agl 6u!palomd aslMmaglo mo 6ulnaasaad '6u!padsu! '6u1ansu! moJ mapual Aq pammpu! lunoWe Aue puewap uo Aed oslE Him mo6e61mow •luawnmisul Allmpas slgl u! IUEUan0D Aue sapeamq mo6e61mow J! sasuadxa s,mapuai jo !le Aed o1 saam6e mo6e61mow 'Mel Aq pallq!goad uagM lda3x3 'SISOD NOI1331103 !S333 ISA3N21011V !S1NVN3AO3 NO SDNVAaV !S3SN3dX3 'S 1 •ule6e suaddeg ao sanuiluoD 1! J! 1inejap a Juana a41 maplsuoD ma1El 01 146p s,mapual anleM 10U saop mapual '1lneJap s,mo6e61mow uo Apawam Atm 6uispaaxa lou As •1lnejap 6u11slxa Aue jo amp alaidwo) aalnbam 01 1g6!a s,mapuai jo manleM a pair ape s6u!paaDomd amnsopamoj mare m0 palemala»E s! m0 anp s! aDueleq atl mare lgaa pampas ag1 uo luawAed !allied JO luawAed u! wns Aue jo mapual Aq nuelda»e at'1 •glmoj as Aissaadxa 10U JO aaglagM >'Allnba JO ME! 1e papinoad sa!pawam HE 01 paPllua Si mapual agl pue 'anlsnpxa 1ou pue anpelnwp 'pupil) ape salpawam IIV •Alaadomd agl Has ca aaMOd at�1 'uollel! W!I lnogllM '6ulpnpul sluawpop palelam Aue pue luawnmisul A1pnoas s!gl 'lgaa pampas agl Jo sWmal agl 'mei Aq papinoad salpawam a41 !le 01 pap!lua aq la aapual 'uol ;lppE ui •Ja1JEaaagl awilAue ao 1lneJap e jo a)uammmDo alp uodn `Mel Aq paminbam J! a)Uou 6u1n46 mare 'aiq Aed pue anp Alalelpaww! awo3aq !legs IEdpulmd pue lsamalu! panm»e 'sa6me43 pue saaj paaa6e a41 jo 1mEd AUP JO HE 'mapual 4o uondo ag1 w •1lnejap u! s! mo6e61aow p Mel Aq papinoad mauuew a u! luawnmisu! Allmpas slgl asopaaoj pue lgaa pampas agl alemaia33e Aew mapual 'Aue j! 'suonellwll asagl o1 pafgns •suoilPE aans0p3.10j m0j salnpaps awls gsllgElsa AEw pue sa)110U maglo JO amp o1 146!J alp Jo a)fou 411M mo6e61mow apinomd o1 mapuai aalnbam !!!M Mel alms pup ipmapaJ `sa3uelsul awns ul '11f1V33a NO S31031A13 I ''bl 18. INSURANCE. Mortgagor shall keep Property insured against Toss by fire, flood, theft and other hazards and risks reasonably associated with the Property due to its type and location. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Mortgagor subject to Lender's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Mortgagor fails to maintain the coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property according to the terms of this Security Instrument. All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard "mortgage clause" and, where applicable, "loss payee clause." Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender of cancellation or termination of the insurance. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Mortgagor shall immediately give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. Upon Toss, Mortgagor shall give immediate notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Mortgagor, Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all insurance proceeds shall be applied to the restoration or repair of the Property or to the Secured Debt, whether or not then due, at Lender's option. Any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any payment. Any excess will be paid to the Mortgagor. If the Property is acquired by Lender, Mortgagor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property before the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately before the acquisition. 19. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, Mortgagor will not be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. 20. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Mortgagor will provide to Lender upon request, any financial statement or information Lender may deem reasonably necessary. Mortgagor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument and Lender's lien status on the Property. 21. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; CO- SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties under this Security Instrument are joint and individual. If Mortgagor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign an evidence of debt, Mortgagor does so only to mortgage Mortgagor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debt and Mortgagor does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debt. If this Security Instrument secures a guaranty between Lender and Mortgagor, Mortgagor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from bringing any action or claim against Mortgagor or any party indebted under the obligation. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any anti deficiency or one action laws. Mortgagor agrees that Lender and any party to this Security Instrument may extend, modify or make any change in the terms of this Security Instrument or any evidence of debt without Mortgagor's consent. Such a change will not release Mortgagor from the terms of this Security Instrument. The duties and benefits of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Mortgagor and Lender. 22. APPLICABLE LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATION. This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Lender is located, except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located. This Security Instrument is complete and fully integrated. This Security Instrument may not be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any section in this Security Instrument, attachments, or any agreement related to the Secured Debt that conflicts with applicable law will not be effective, unless that law expressly or impliedly permits the variations by written agreement. If any section of this Security Instrument cannot be enforced according to its terms, that section will be severed and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this Security Instrument. Whenever used, the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular. The captions and headings of the sections of this Security Instrument are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the terms of this Security Instrument. Time is of the essence in this Security Instrument. 23. NOTICE. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrument, or to any other address designated in writing. Notice to one mortgagor will be deemed to be np tl e to all mortgagors. e 1994 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form GTH- MTGLAZWy 12/18/96 101 r .GT -15 -51 -090 (11/96) (page 5 of 6) (9 )O 9 abed) (96/1 U 060 -15 -S 1-ID (m (ma) Qo/ j 7 00Z rater (0T ;o AE p Y Y (leas) ZOOZ `9Z 'Qa3 :saildxa uolss!wwo) Aye xo D• ark ptre••pUO IVAn .6V Aq S aua aiojaq pa6palMOU)1ae seM 3uawn.Esu! sig.'. Ra T JO 0 )LLNf103 Dani0Mt JO 31V1S (fPinlPul) :1N3W9a31MON)I3V (aJneu6,S) (ma) a HR.TZ211/ (aJnleu61S) (area) C?/ 9 7 96/8 L/Z 1 AMZVIDi11 w NW 'Pnaa'IS ''3ul 'swaisAS saalue8 466 1 (ainaeubIs) l abed uo pawls alep aga uo luawn.lsul Aij n as sly; jo Ado) e jo sa6palMOUpe osle Jo6e63JOw •sluawgDelle Aue u! pue luawn.lsul Alien aS Slgl u! pauleluo) SlUELMA0) pue swaal agl of saaJ6e Jo6e63JOw `Molaq 6uiubls A8 :S321f11HNJIS •suaaal leuolllppy JaglO Jap111 luawdolanaa win pauueld— Japlj wnpi!wopuo] [swall alge)!ldde IIe )paq3] 'luawnJlSUI Alproas slgl Jo swial ayl puawe pue luawalddns pue mu! pale.iodioau! aJe Molaq pa>paga sJapu agl JO pea Jo sluawaaJ6e pue slueuano) aql •siapi I •apop lepJawwoD waoJIun agl Jo 6 apllJV Jo sasodind Joj pJoaaa jo paw aq Aew uollpnpoida. Jaylo Jo 3lgdei6oloyd `uogiea Aue pue luawalels 6upueu!J a se saal jns luawnilsul Alpmas slgl •AlJadoJd agl of pampa sa.nixl; awopaq !!!M Jo OM legs pue ainlnj alp u! Jo MOU SUMO Jo6e63JOw leg! spoo6 I!E u! lsaJalu! Alpnaas a Japua Jo6e63Jow •6uum aJnlx!3 •AlJadoJd a143 UO luawanoJdw! UE Jo uolPfl.USuoa ayJ Job pa.Jnau! uope6!!go uE saJmas luawnalsul Alprpas 51141 •ueoi uo■pnalsuo) •pasealaJ !faun lama u! ulewaJ IIlM luawnJlsul AlIJmaS s1g3 `aaueleq oiaz a of paanpaJ aq Aew lgaa pampas aql 146no431d •uolslnowd 3lpaID jo au!! 6u!nlonaJ a sapnpu! lgaa paimas aql •l!PaJD Jo au!l luawn Ilsul AllpnDas slgl of aIgEalldde axe 6u!Mo!!oJ aq; `paragp jI 'S141/131 113H10 •S •AlJadoJd agl of 6une aJ slg6p uolldwaxa pealsawoq ilE pile slasse puu suall jo 6ulilegsrnw a143 6ulpJE6ai lg6!J AuE SaA!eM Jo6E `MEI Aq pallglgoJd lualxa agl of ldaDx3 S213AIVM •bZ 103 Lot 9, Buckskin Crossing 5'ubdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat filed August 15, 1996 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk as Plat No. 375.