HomeMy WebLinkAbout866382When Recorded Mail To: DERRELL M.LANDERSEN P.O. Box 493 Providence, UT 84332 BOOK PR PAGE l 2 8 STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF CACHE SS. r N man 1 TAMI C 1 1 North Logan, UT 84341 1 181 East 1600 North My Commission Expiml 1 February 8.2003 1 State of Utah O MO M NM 11110 MIA 111110 M 866382 WARRANTY DEED DERRELL M. ANDERSEN and JEANETTE P. ANDERSEN, husband and wife, grantors of Providence, Cache County, State of Utah, hereby WARRANT AND CONVEY all of their interest to DERRELL M. ANDERSEN and JEANETTE P. ANDERSEN, Trustees (and to their Successors in trust) of the ANDERSEN FAMILY TRUST U /A /D May 16, 2000, grantee of P.O. Box 493, Providence, Utah 84332, for the sum of $10.00, and other valuable consideration, in the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 2, Grover, Lincoln County, Wyoming; thence West 277 feet; more or less, to the highway right of way line; thence Southerly 156.5 feet along said right of way line; thence East 108 feet, more or less, thence South 100 feet; thence East 172.5 feet, more or less, to the East boundary line of said Lot 3; thence North 256.5 feet along said East boundary line to the point of beginning. Contains 1.4 acres, more or less. WITNESS the hand of said grantors, this 4t, day of W■ry 2000. Q 77 ni,vi d Q /r.Ql1.,1� DERRELL M. ANDERSEN 00JUN i!i Ail 9: 2 JEANNE, ER KEMMERER, WYOMING J /ANETTE P. ANDERSEN RECEIVED ..INCCLN COMM, CL.FH Notary Public On the 1lD day of 2000, personally appeared before me, DERRELL M. ANDERSEN and JEANETTE P. ANDERSEN, the signers of the foregoing instrument, who duly acknowledge to me that they executed the same.