HomeMy WebLinkAbout866401grantors of County of State of Utah, hereby CONVEY and WARRANT to WARRANTY DEED LARRY D. JOHNSON L N JOHNSON PROPERTIES, L.L.C., a Utah Limited Liability Company grantees of t7. /os2' /77 R l a �4.d for the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state, to -wit: WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this STATE OF UTAH Signed in the presence of LARRY D. JOHNSON 44.4 Notary P lic ss County of Cache On the /2 7- day of June A.D. 2000 personally appeared before me the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Commission expires: Sept. 24, 2001 Residing in: Logan, UT See attached Exhibit "A" day of 8661+81 June j aMki,. LARRY D.HNSON A.D. 2000. RECEIVED _INCOL.N COUNTY ('1-Er' 00 JUN 1 1 4 P1'1 1: 5 7 JEANNE WAGNER KEMMERER, WYOMING BOOK__.__ PAGE_ ,)oIlBnins aLn 10 AiIneli seisupJal uopolaosep 8ulo6ewo! 241 to Item Rug ui uopeompotot •t L•d sap•y iusuyt/sap/sM 666 I!Jdy 1 paslnai '666j t{o'eysl ny •pasina1lsb 666 MAI Z1 P31eIL ,HVifl `AiNfOD HDI21 3921 NEL1 EE NOI1D3S GNV 0NIWOAM 'AINflO7 N1ODNI1 M0Z l21 N L .L S L '01. '6 'b 'E SN01103S ONV L£ 1DY111 M0Z l21 NZZ1 trE 'EE '9Z 'LZ SN011D3S ONV Zb 'IV '6E '9E 'LE SiJV211 a NIIH11M O a S3H aNV2! oOS 2103 A3Allf1S d0 1Vld 1 :pawl jj0 P. paw q i mid 41 P. P II 1 .3 „SZ,Z01)00N s12nba pue yelp 'Aluno0 yo121 '3Q21 'NZ 11 'b UO11PaS jo 19UJOD lseaylnos 34I pue 'Sulwo M 'Alunop ulooull 'MU l21 'NZZ1 '9Z uolloaS jo iawoo IsaMylnos 341 uaannlaq au!! 3 41 s! ONI IV39 jo SISy9 a4) !slielap alepdoidde pue „179l Sld AM A3NId JIG 011139213HDS 210A3A11f1SN 3 glias -u! dea wnulwnle „Z a 4)!nn poi SupJojulaJ laals „bZ x „8/S e Aq mint! „lulo yoea f,lunop uloDull Jo lJ31J 3 jo aouj0 ay1 u! alJ uo faunal! JawoJ 2 ul paglnsap se pallew „aawoo„ yea fONIN -NI038 30 213N21O3 ay1 0l auil 3121S.p!es Suole 'Raj '0l'LtEZ 1 3 „SZ,Z0a00S aouayl faun a)21S ge1fUSulwoAM 341 UO LE Peat pies j0 9 •oN .tawoD oI 3U11 91JOU pies Suole 'ma} 80' LZE l 'M„L l,9So68N aouayl !LE P U. p!es jo au!! y1Jou ay1 uo 9E 1Jeal pies JO S 'oN 13U103 01 3011 150M Pees 2U0le 'MN 19'11 1 'MA L,OZo00S aouayl !L110 pies jo au!! Isea ay yllnn lealluap! 9E MJ1. pies JO aul1 STO 1sank ay 01 ma; pies Suole 'laaj 9Z'ZELl 'M„EL,Ib0ELN away !Alaalsamquou Su!1eaq aouaj a pue aauaj pies j0 uolpasIalul ay) le lutod a 01'laaj 6Z'91L'3 „EE,ZSoSZN aouayl !lulod 2 of aouaj pies Suole lulod a ol')3aj L91T6S'3 „Zb,9 Lot'LN !um -sAs lapluuds alSuis a punae aouaj 2 uo lulod a o1 'la3J 9E76Z l '320,80o9EN aoU991 41/10d a of aouaj pies Suole'139j b9'6lb'3 „LZ,trZoS9S away !iulod 2 01 aouaj pies Suoie 'ma; L6'EEL '3..81,17E0686 away fwals/s iaplu!Jds Sulleloa algnop 2 punoae aouaj 2 uo pue auil a1 4E1l/SulW ay1 uo'yeif2'Munop LP!1J'3921 'NE Ll'EE uolloaS jo Jauaoo 1s2ayuou 94112 DNINNID38 :smolloj se peginsap'SulwoAM'AIunop ulooull 'MOZ l2! 'NZZ1 '9E Pal pUe MOM 'NZZ1 PUe N I Zl 'LE Pell jo l.ted 1241 :sMolloj se paglnsap !awed aSueyox3 uosuyo f •0 duel a91 ONV !bE uolloaS jo 911 JO ms 3 41 PUe L l 101 !EE uolloaS Jo 91 Jo 9LS 341 pUE 6 1 :SujwoAM'Munop ulooull'M0Zl21'NZZl U! Poe! paquosap SulnnolIoj ayl r, rEir,R0V 1191HX3 DNIWOAM NI ONV1 NOSNHOf '0 A212IV1 3H1 10 NOIldI21JS30 e NM VW* Pry It WIN POO Minn% woe Wow% tiny ronr..a r. Imo* v•PLIMI.41 IW.VN Y NWM, Y O11 1 'N,wIN44kv out n1 •1 wyuM. janposol