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J Loan Number: 3064336101 Dated Recording Requested by: WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSOCI UTAH, FLCA BOX 95850 SOUTH JORDAN UT 84095 -0 Maturity BEL 0 SEE Face Amount ASN1324 (8 -92) Real Estate Mortgage Eastern Idaho (Page 1 of 5) Op .f51 7 BOOK:: PR PAGE_ t g9.ge F N'. ftAiE.S E MORTGAGE Dated 66405 Maturity RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CU! 00 JUN 114 P11 2:13 JEAN RER. WYOMING THIS MORTGAGE is made this 15th day of MAY, 2000 between R L JOHNSON PROPERTIES, L.L.C., a Utah Limited Liability Company hereinafter called "Mortgagor and FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSOCIATION OF UTAH, FLCA hereinafter called "Mortgagee a corporation, existing and operating under the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended, having its principal place of business in South Jordan, Utah. WITNESSETH: That Mortgagor IRREVOCABLY GRANTS, BARGAINS, SELLS, CONVEYS AND ASSIGNS unto Mortgagee together with right of entry and possession the following described real property situated in the County of Lincoln, State of WYOMING: FOR DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TOGETHER WITH: all buildings, structures, equipment, fixtures (including trees, vines and shrubs) and improvements of every kind and description now or hereafter constructed or placed thereon; all standing timber and timber to be cut located thereon; all existing and future water rights, however evidenced, to the use of water for irrigation, livestock and domestic purposes, including irrigation and watering equipment and systems, ditches, laterals, conduits, and rights -of -way used to convey such water or to drain the above described property, all of which rights are hereby made appurtenant to the property, and all pumping plants, electrical generators, wind machines, and fencing and storage tanks, now or hereafter used in connection with the property, all of which are hereby declared to be fixtures; all grazing rights, leases, permits and licenses; all oil, gas, and mineral leases, permits and rights used with the property; and all tenements, hereditaments, easements, rights -of -way and appurtenances to the property (hereafter collectively referred to as the "Property MORTGAGOR ABSOLUTELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY ASSIGNS, transfers, conveys and sets over to Mortgagee all the rents, royalties, issues, profits, revenue, income and other benefits of the property arising from the use or enjoyment of all or any portion thereof or from any lease, mineral lease, or agreement pertaining thereto (collectively the "Rents SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to the right, power and authority given to and conferred upon Mortgagor by Paragraph B.3 hereof. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: (1) payment of the indebtedness or obligations evidenced by the following promissory note(s) and/or guaranties executed by Mortgagor and /or others to the Mortgagee at the times, in the manner and with interest as therein set forth (notes may contain variable or adjustable rate provisions): Face Amount MAY 15, 2000 01/01/20 $266,732.00 (2) The payment of such additional loans or advances, including advances under a revolving line of credit, with interest thereon, as hereafter may be made to Mortgagor, or Mortgag'or's successors or assigns, and /or to parties whose obligation Mortgagor is guaranteeing, evidenced by a promissory note or otherwise and any obligations evidenced by any guaranties executed by Mortgagor in favor of Mortgagee; PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT, such additional loans advances guaranty obligations shall be secured by this Mortgage only if the promissory note, guaranty, or other document evidencing such loans or advances shall recite that it is to be secured by this Mortgage; (3) the payment of any substitute notes, renewals, reamortizations, and extensions of all indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; (4) the performance of every obligation and agreement of Mortgagor whether contained or incorporated by reference in this Mortgage, or contained in any loan document or guaranty executed by Mortgagor in favor of Mortgagee, with respect to any loan, advance, or guaranty secured by this Mortgage; and (5) the payment of all sums expended or advanced by Mortgagee under or pursuant to the terms of this Mortgage, together with interest thereon as herein provided. The continuing validity and priority of this Mortgage as security for future loans, advances, or guaranties shall not be impaired by the fact that at certain times hereafter there may exist no outstanding indebtedness from Mortgagor to Mortgagee or no commitment to make loans or advances. (c 3o z abed) ogepI =log a8e31aoyg alelsg Wag (Z6 -8) tZ£ I NISV aageuiai q) utu pao ao uogelnSw `Mu' leluawuonnug woo' ao awls `ieaapa3 ,Cue iapun paugap oat swjal gads se `salseM snopiezeq ao pgos io `saouulsgns snopagzeq 10 otxol `(slonpoid wnaioalad Ja11;o ao go 2Uipnpu!) s3Ueuwre;uoo `sluglniiod oN (i) :SMOrio3 st S1UBUan00 pus S1UeJJBM `sluasaadaa a0gpn3 Xgaaag io2u2poyg `dnnbu! anp .rage 1o8e8aloyg jo a2palMOUx lsaq ow o; `Xpadoad ag1 of saajaa Xlltogpads goigM 1O 2uow pue aa2g pow uaaMlag luatuaaaRe UEOi ,iut Ill papinoad asiMaaglo se ldaoxa .co `aa2u2laoj o1 2ui1uM ui pasolosip se ldaoxg (g) •slueuanoa put satluelreM `suollsluasaadou Ieluawuonnug •,Cgaaag pampas aq hugs swns gons id 'gpo3 las maaag se lsaaalu! annoy hugs pue Xgaaag pains ssaupa;gapu! ag13o aoutleq lediouud agl of `saltogluao uoiledioiuud ao loots pllduo do ;unowt alwladoadde agl g3iM 8uols `pappe aq pegs ,iagl `pled iilal$rpaww! ;ou are stuns gons ;win Juana agl ui •a2e2poyg siq; iq patinas salon JO 0100 0 111 u! and papinoad s! se a;ea awES ag1 ;w aan;lpuadxa jo alep woad ;saaalu! q M pang suois!noad 0111 of Juensand aa3e2uoj Cq papuadxa stuns ire pump lnogl!M pue ,SiaJulpawtu! ,Cud oZ •,cuadoad agl 2ul;oadsut 3o asodand altos at); ao3 `aanaosJgiM sat ggeil ao suoiJe2ilgo ,iue 2uaunssu ao 8uuanou! 1nog1!M `ao2E21Jow o1 aailou aiquuoseaa uodn pue awn alquuoseaa lu `,fuadoad 01112uualua tutu aa5u2pow iigigoad !lugs want! paun.luoo 8urgpoN •a3e21_ioyi siq! siq paanoas ao2u2uolAi Jo suoile2ilgo aq (lugs papuadxa os slunowe ile pue `apil Jo aouapina 2uunoas jo slsoo put `saa3 leluawuonnua `saad iesiwdde put `s,luulun000e `s,,tauaofB 2u!pnloui `aaodaaagl daessaoau wasp CEw li uonaaos!p a;niosge s;! Ili s;unowe aanaleiM puadxa `Xigigw!i ,(ug avow `saaMod gons ,Cue 2u!stoaaxa u! pue twang aouadns ao aoud aq o1 saeadde lawn jo 1uaui pnf ag; u! goigM ualr ao aaaw110 `aouwagwnoua Xue asiwoadwoo JO `Jsa;uoo `asegaand `Sed `I iiadoad ag1 Su 8uipaaooad ,Coldnalueq ,fug 2uipnlou! `aa2e21Joyq jo saaMod ao s1g2u ag1 so doaaaq ,ilunoas ag;1oa33w o1 2uiuodand 5ulpaaoo.1d ao uoipe fie Kam pue ui noddy `aouawtuoo `sasodand gans and iilaadoad 0113 uodn aa;ua o1 pazpoglnw gulag aa2alaoyq 'filmdom alp loaload o1 £awssaoau wasp view aaglla se ;ua;xa gons o1 pun aauuww gons ur awn 0 111 op JO aVw :view pang uoie8ilgo Sue woad ao2u2laoj 5ulsealw lnogl!M put ao2w5uoJAJ uodn puewap JO o1 aoilou 1nog1rM pue os op 01 uoi ;egllgo ;nognm ing `aa8e8uoyN uagl `a2e2laoj sup u! ao3 papinoad se low ,fug op 01.10 luatu1fed Cue qua' of !p3 ao2e2poJA pinogs •aa2e2pow pugaoRe2p0N uaaMlag luauaa1 a uaf!M aaglo Niue ao luatuaaaRe ueoi 0111 ui gpod Jas asogl OJ uo11lppt u! aq !lugs a2u8laoJA srgl U! aaagMasla pue want! paguosap 51500 pug saad aq j •aansopaao3 3o aaaoap ,Cue u! papnlou! aq !lugs put ,igaaag pawns aq iiggs sasuadxa pug s;5oo `stuns gons pug `a11l1 ow 8ulansu! 10 2uioealsge pug spaooaa aql 3wgoaeas 3o slsoo aigeuosuaa aql Xgd o1 saaw &w aagun3 pue 'nits pigs g ;IM uoiloauuoo u! sasuadxa Ie2aj pun slsoo !le pug saad s,Xauaoge st tuns algguosgaa a ,cud o1 saaite ao8u2uoJA `a2e21.toj slgl ,iq paanaas ssaupalgapw ag1 of pa;wlaa ;uatuaaa2e aa1110 Aug JO a2u2poj, sup gllM uolloauuoo u! ao2u21.1oyv asinpu o1 Iiautollw uu sulwlaa aa2u21J0J 3r 10 `,toldnalluuq u! 2uipaaooad cue 8ulpnlou! `Mann! uail ag1 paload ao ;oa33o o1 puapap JO alnoasoad o1 Xatssaoau map Xuw aa2881aoyQ ag1 golgM llns /iuu 3o ao `paanoas ,igaaag !gap ag13o lno 8ulslae a xego /Cue halloo 01 ate2110N 51111 OS0100101 0; nns ,iue jo area uI •olaaaq aouadns ao aoud aq o1 wadde awi; tug le goi11M `3oaaagl lnd Aug ao kUadoad 0111 uo `wag pug `sa2ngo `saoueagwnoua liu `anp uagM 'SW of `Alladoad a111 Tim uolloauuoo u! pasn ao o; lugualanddu `aaWM and sa2awgo pue s2Uawssassu 'sum Ilg pue )fools Xuudwoa aaleM uodn sluawssasse ilu 2ulpnpu! `,Claadoad ag12unoa33e sluawssasse pug saxel rre a;up anp aqi aaojaq ao uo ,Cud oZ •g '011!1 do aouapina 8uunoas 3o s;soo pus saad s,,iauao ;s 8uipnlau! `3oaaaq; sasuadxa put moo iN ,Cud 01 saaw& ao2u2poyAI Juana ga!gM in `Mang; lsaaa;Ug s,aa8g2poy\i ao `iivadoad 0111 2ulloaddu `2ulpaaooad uoi;guwapuoo JO uo11luud `Xoldnniuwq Sire 3ulpnpu! `sBulpaaooad JO uoilau gans Xuu °Je3i1li put u! wadde view aa2e2uow !aa2u2LioyAI jo saaMod ao s14 agl a0 `,claadoad ag; 01 awl aql 'pang Xlunoas ow loajde o; 2utuodand 2ulpaaooad ao uopog /Cue a1g2r ;!I pug uI waddt o1 •aapunaaag lrnejaP3o liana Ile alnll;suoo dugs X1lfgeur gons `a8eaanoo pot nbaa aq1 apinoad of ao8g221OJA ,Cq paanoas aq louuwo ammo! 3I •auole aa2e2uoini 3o aons3 it aouuansu! `31e11aq s,ao2s2laoJA uo `aanooad ,Cew aa2e2poyAI `aousansu! pagzug ,faoloeJsllus opino of ilea begs ao2 21.10 sI ow ;eg; Juana agl uI pa3etusp ,ilaadoad a1113o nedaa ao uo!leaolsaa ag1 01 ao paanoas Along ssaupalgapui 0111 JO uoilonpaa ag1 01 `uondo sl! le `aa2e2uoJA ,Cq po4ddt aq view `doaaagl Jnd ,Cuu ao `spaaooad aoueansui ag1 `ssol3o;Ilona ag1 uI •aa2e21Joi do aoned u! /claps sasnep algeded ssol 111iM `annbaa stew aa2e2uoyAI se slunoure uI pue ad Sl ow 3o aouemal! 3o sad,C; aaq ;o iI 3 pug aag aage2;aoyAI o; aangap pue weunew `apinoad OZ Cuadoad 0 111 Jo oval Sue aapun Jo2u5pow jo suorle ire uuoJaad pue anaasgo 01 `igaaua2 ag1 Sulpnpxa 1ou upaaq suo!leaawnua ogloads ag1 `,caessaoau ,Clgeuoseaa aq few Xuadoad ow Jo asn so aalowaggo 0 111 woa3 go!4M sloe aag10 ire op 01 `.Met 3o uolleloln u! ,Suadoad agl uodn toe ,fie !!woad 10 aa33ns itutuoo 01;OU `.3oaaa41 a;seM ;ituaad ao litutu0o 0 1ou !Xpodoad alp &ugloa33e suollaulsaa pue s;ueUanoo `sMe! Iie g1!M dldwoo 01 !uoaaag2 paXoalsap ao pa2eurep `palona ;sUOo aq Sew golgM 2ulp ,fie aauUgw alig ewvoA pue poo8 u! pue ,tildwoad 0a0101 JO alaidwoo o1 `ssauisnq do asanoo ,iaempao ag1 u! ldaoxa `aa2e2uoyi 3o luasuoo ua11uM aoud alp 1nogljM uoaaagl palueld (wags JO awn 'awl Ieanllnorlrn ao ieanlinoluog Cue Jape ao aaeidaa `anowaa o1 1ou `uoaaag2 saan1xg ao s1Uawanoadwg aaglo ao gam `leueo `aoua3 lugging ,Cue 3o nor ;orulsap ao isnowaa ag1 aa33ns JO Xoalsap `anowaa o1 1ou `pale2itun3 pue `pa,feads `pazlppa3 `pale2u1! `palenll;no iipadoad pue! pies uo sdoao pue sawn `50001 Hu (Jowl 02 put (ipuegsnq pool 3o spaepUels g1!M aoUep000e u! Spodoad ag1 103 aato `.nedaa pue aapao 3uppoM `uol1rpuoo pool u! ,Cpodoad agl doom oZ •papuauni aageaaag se ao 2ui ;slxa Mou `uoge nsiulwpy 1lpolD wa d mg Jo suo!Ieln2aa ag1 aoipuu `papuawe se `1 L61 jo Joy ppaa0 uue,3 ow g1oM ,Cldwoo of `sluawaaa2e ao (s)uol;eorldde no! ag1 u! g1ao3 las sosodind ay1 ao3 /claps spaaooad ueor asn o1, '6 '8. '9 '1 :SgJ f y 2IODVO1 1OW `EDV0I11O1 J SIH.L AO 1C.LRIf10gS 1H1 ID31OIId 01 'd 4iNtiotikikcl 157 "Contaminants have been, are being or will be generated, manufactured, produced, stored, disposed of, discharged, released threatened to be released, or otherwise allowed to migrate or escape on, under or from the Property in such quantities or concentrations as would violate any federal, state or local Environmental Law, regulation or ordinance or as would require Mortgagor to report such condition to any governmental authority or to undertake removal or remedial action to clean up such contaminants; (ii) No Contaminants are located on, in or under any property located adjacent to the Property in such quantities or concentrations as would constitute a violation of any Environmental Law or as would require the owner of the adjacent property to report such condition to any governmental authority or to undertake removal or remedial action to clean up such Contaminants; (iii) Neither the Property, nor any portion thereof, nor any adjacent property or portion thereof, has been or is proposed to be listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et seq.), or any analogous state law. Mortgagor shall immediately notify Mortgagee if Mortgagor acquires any information concerning the listing or proposed listing of the Property or any adjacent property and shall provide Mortgagee with any documents in Mortgagor's possession relative thereto; (iv) No hazardous wastes, as defined under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq.), or any analogous state law "Hazardous Wastes have been, are being or will be stored or treated in surface impoundments or other structures or facilities located on the Property that are partially or entirely below the ground surface; (v) No litigation, investigation, administrative order, consent order, agreements, or other action, proceeding or settlement (hereinafter "Action has previously been brought, is now pending, or to the best knowledge of Mortgagor threatened against or anticipated by Mortgagor, with respect to Mortgagor's use or management of Hazardous Materials or Hazardous Wastes or the environmental condition of the Property, including any underlying groundwater. Upon learning thereof, Mortgagor shall immediately notify Mortgagee of any such Action or threatened Action and provide Mortgagee with copies of all documentation relative thereto; and (vi) Except as disclosed in writing to Mortgagee, no underground tanks, wells (except domestic water wells), septic tanks, ponds, pits or any other storage tanks "Tanks (whether currently in use or abandoned) are or were located on or under the Property and no Tanks are or were serving the Property described herein. With respect to any Tanks disclosed in writing to Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances and any requirements of city or county fire departments, applicable to the maintenance and use of such Tanks, including, without limitation, Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 112. (b) Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit Mortgagor from (i) using, handling or storing hazardous materials or substances, as defined under any federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance "Hazardous Materials or (ii) storing or treating non hazardous wastes, so long as such activities are carried out (a) in a good and husbandlike manner in the ordinary course of business, and (b) in compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, permits, orders or other requirements. (c) In the event that Mortgagor is in breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants as set forth above, Mortgagor, at its sole expense, shall take all action required, including environmental cleanup of the Property, to comply with the representations, warranties and covenants herein or applicable legal requirements and, in any event, shall take all action deemed necessary by appropriate governmental authorities. Mortgagee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to advise appropriate governmental authorities of any environmental condition on or affecting the Property that constitutes or may constitute a breach of Mortgagor's obligations hereunder. (d) Mortgagor and its successors and assigns shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless Mortgagee, its directors, officers, employees, agents, shareholders, successors and assigns and their officers, employees or agents, from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, liens, losses, liabilities, interest, judgments, response and cleanup costs, demands, actions, causes of action, injuries, administrative proceedings and orders, consent agreements and orders, penalties, costs and expenses (including any fees and expenses incurred in enforcing this indemnity, any out -of- pocket litigation costs and the reasonable fees and expenses of counsel) of any kind whatsoever "Claims paid, incurred or suffered by, or asserted against Mortgagee, including but not limited to Claims arising out of loss of life, injury to persons, trespass or damages to or contamination of property or natural resources, or injury to business, in connection with or arising out of the activities of Mortgagor on the Property, Mortgagor's predecessors in interest, third parties who have been invited, permitted or trespassed on the Property, or parties in a contractual relationship with Mortgagor, or any of them, or which directly or indirectly arise out of or result from or in any way connected with the Property, whether or not caused by Mortgagor or within the control of Mortgagor, including without limitation: (i) the presence, use, generation, treatment, storage, disposal, release, threatened release, or discharge of any Hazardous Material or Contaminant at or from the Property and /or the cleanup of Hazardous Materials or Contaminants within, on or under the Property; (ii) Mortgagor's breach of any of the representations, warranties and covenants contained herein; and (iii) Mortgagor's violation or alleged violation of any applicable Environmental Law, regulation or ordinance. (e) Mortgagor's representations, warranties, covenants and indemnities contained herein shall survive the occurrence of any event whatsoever, including without limitation the payoff of any promissory note(s) secured hereby, the release or foreclosure of this Mortgage, the acceptance by Mortgagee of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or any transfer or abandonment of the Property. ASN 1324 (8 -92) Real Estate Mortgage Eastern Idaho (Page 3 of 5) (S 3o y aged) oyepI wa;seg 32e2uoN alg ;sg iEa i (Z6-8) i'z u SV •aai;ou gons of luunsind auop os AUE a1Ep!enul to rapunalaq ;intJap 3o Gat ;ou .to 11nepap AiE anlem ao Gana ;ou Keys `P1esa1oJs se pomp assaial .Jo uoptoHddE ay; put `A.padoad ay; 01 a2twep .ro 3o Suplsl Sus ao3 spasms 10 uol ;esuadwoo 10 `saroiiod aousansu! aatlo put a.g jo spaaoold a4; uo `slgoad pus sass! 'swat tons jo uopoajoo agl `,SUadold ag; jo uo!ssassod Supig; put uodn Suualua ayy Igaraq paanoas ssaupalgapul ay; uodn pang; spaaDold ay) iildds put `Alladold ay; uodn 2ulntou2 aq XEw ;tql sdo10 iue pas pus `anowau Isamu' 103 aredaid osle `alu ;o!p ,taw ;uaw2pnf s11 se suol;lpuo0 tons uodn pus `uua; leluaa tons 1o3 3oaaagl Ind Sus 10 awes ay1 am! oslt `.,CUadoid aq; jo amen aq; anaasuoo 01 iodate! 10 ,irussa0au aq Sew se `uopza ;old .to uope2u11 `uoi1en11jno `in dal jo sou tons uuojrad osis `.aupulalap Sup aa2t21royjj se 1ap10 tons u! pus `,igalaq pa1noas ssaupalgapul Niue uodn `saa3 s ;E aigguossal Sulpniou! `uolloalio0 pus uoie1ado jo sasuadxa pus s1so0 ssai `awes am ,iidde put `pledun pus anp lssd asotl Sulpniou! `slgold pus sanssi `sumo tons papa aslnuaglo a0 ao3 ans 'au= unto s!q ur 'pang; laud Sus ao ,Spadold aq; Jo uolssassod wig; put uodn 1a ;ua paanoas Xgaaaq ssaupalgapu! at11o3 A ;lamas Aug jo Saenbape at; o1 pls2aa ;not ;!m pus `pnoa a Act pa ;uloddt aq o1 1anla3a1 s Sq 10 'was ,iq `uoslad u! 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u!of 10 0; ;uasuoo (e) ,few aa2e2uoyAi poalag 'S ;lamas alp 2upoa33e aslnuaglo ;nogllm put qgalaq paanaas ssaupalgapul aq; jo ;uatuSed 043 ao3 uosiad iSue 3 Siquiull at; 2upoa33e ;nogllm `awl; ,Cue 1V Gimbal dew aa2E2uoyAI su apuw want! s ;uawu2lsse 043 100330 o1 pagnbau aq 1Cew st s;uawn3op 1ag1tnu tons a;maxa 01 saa1Se 1o2s$11oY4 •dgauaq paanaas ssaupa;gapu! ay; uo Gores alp Sidde Stw aa2eSpow ,iauow gons jo 1d1a001 uodn s ;ua21012u1u!suad a2u211oyq sup Jo suompuo0 pus swag; ay; aapun `aaSeSlroyii o1 pied aq !legs pus pou2lssu dHEuoplpuooun put Cialniosge s1 `Apadoad alp 0; SHIN! 10 sstdsaa; a;gnud woa3 2upinsai sa2surep ao3 uo `asn olignd 3o uosEa. fq Alaadold ay; 03 Spill! 10 uopeuwapuoo 10 2up;E1 Sus glint uol;oauuoo u1 sa2tulep 3o prime duy :.LVH.L Qgg2IDV AT MIL M SI 11 g •aige,Ced pus anp ,Clalerpaww! aq Huts pus a21351ioy\i sup Cq parings ssaupalgapu! at13o Ind u awooaq pugs piedun lunouis at; `1uaw,ied tons ,Sus ,Cud o1 sits.102g21r01A1 luana aq; raj •,iouanbugap 01 loud ramp siumaual Sus .10 s11wlad pies aapun 211n1.100e s ;Uawked 1aq ;o 10 spat tango 'oar iIt Sod 0; saal2u 1o2e2uoyii (p) pus `a2s2uoyAI sup u1 g1ro3 las 1a;JEUlatag slt2u alp as!0aaxa o3 142! alp anal Hugs aa2e21103A pus aapuna1ay llnujap 3o ;uana tit s! `3013U00 s,uoSE231ow puo,Caq suossa1 ao3 10 1o2E211oY4 3o uolsslwo 10 ;013 uE jo 11nsa1 all aa4;agm `uosEaa AuE ao3 sliwuad plus Cu ,s jo aouenssral ay; asnea 10 M0U31 03 a1npe3 ag; }let; sa2paimoU)Ios pus saal2s 1o2eSpow •3oa1043 um; all Sulanp aardxa Sag; se awrl 01 awl; wor3 s ;423110410 10 slluuad 2ulzu12 piss 3o Got enssral to 1Emaual all asnea o; pallnbar aq Stu' sE uop0s /clamp gons alsl ii!nn ro2E2;row (a) `0301041 aigEo11ddt suo13tln2al pus saint `smel Iis TPA ,Sidwoo IIim pus s142!.1 Jaylo 10 spwrad 2uiZ1312 Pies jo 0 110 0 30 ;uawaunbaa s ss pasodw! suo11s2Hgo Its waojaad iHm 1o20811oN (q) :aa2s211ojA3 0; 5ul ;!1m u1 paso3Oslp Aiin3 se 1daoxa `10adsaa 1a410 Sus u! pa;3w31 10 pa0npal `paglpow uaaq 1ou anal pus 2uipuels pool u! are s;2!.1 1a410 10 siwlad 2u3zu12 p!eS (t) :smollo3 st saar2e pus S3UEUOAO0 102E21101AI `aoualu13o ;uawlaedaU •S•n 'wawa purl jo neaang ay 10 31n1111392v 3o 1UaurIEdaQ •S•n `003nla5 Isalod at; suo11e ;!call lnogllm 2ulpniaul `Soua2t 3E3Uawuaano2 Sus iiq pans! 5113211 2urze12 1013 ;0 JO s ;luuad 2u3ze12 2ulu3elgo 1o3 slog all sg ao2e2uoN ,Cq pasn s! a2t231oj sup u! paquosap ,Suadold a4; 3o uolllod ,Cue Jr •51421)) 2u!zEID •aouslldwoo tons ladwoo 013a1a1 an3launfu3 angettu133e ultlgo Sum 002 231oY4 12) uoisinipgns sill 3o Scala; at; t;Int Slln3 1dwo0 03 iie3 slum; s1i 10 1o2e2uoyAI 3I •ntsl Itluawuoalnug algeo11dds tltm aauelldwoo u! sr 102s211oyii 3o ;usual Pius pus 1o8t2uoyAi loU 10 aatllaynt (n!) 10 quadord 043 inogs 10 Japan to pas 10 pa21egos3p `3o pasods3p `pai jds uaaq set mil mum snop1EZSH 10 sltualtw snopasztH Cu e 3o }maids pus apn ;ru2ew `am;tu `uotleool `aoualsixa 0 131(!!) `Suadold 0131 ;nog 10 lapun `uo salseM snopatzt1110 slt31awini snoprezel -1 Sus Jo- must' put uo3IE303 `aOualslxa 041 (1) :alqulrsap 10 ,i.wssaoau swoop aa2s21101\1 se `21lulwualap 3o sasod.nd 103 awi; aigguostaa Cu ,s lu ,fuadold 043 loadsu! pus lalua o; slolaul;uoa luapuadapul .10 `sluo&& s11 JO aa2e231oy%i `31w1ad 0 ;1o2e21.oy' jo ;usual due asneo 10 `;3wrad limp ro2u211ow (2) •s8u3p11nq alenud u1 s3Ellalew 2ulu3e;uoo -so ;sags¢ 3o luawult ;UO010 ltnowal at12uuinbaa sluaw30eua o; mutt!! ;ou ;nq 2u3pniou! `.CUadold all ;nog 10 aapun `00 suop3pao0 1t;Uaumoltnua all 10 `aual2,Cq ieulsnpul `wag 131 2u3u3¢uad `pa;osua 1ausur01a4 10 100 01 MOU `uoptin2a110 `aoueuipao `alnitls `nisi 1E00110 01e 3s `ielapa3 Sus usaw !lugs „Awe; lBluawuol3nug„ W1a1 ata r to r, 'Z 1 •0I (53o S abed) ogepI walseg a apepsg 1pag (Z6 I'Z£IMY aanwJQ3'IMON ov QHHOYLW HHs za gwa1l 'NOSNHOf 3 K'I -h,?-- yy+vt/OVt4,1 ..r rrry1Y1 Hn2I :,Cg P zagwaw ''NOSNHOf °H ,L2iH43011 1vV IJ iuLdwo 3i Tg2T r TnIT I upgn D 'L I SHI,L2INdO2id NOS NHO z x r7 9 0 v 8 In Hd'IOQNFi2I QK02I QK2HNFVI4 0566 Tamil lied p apptu pup olaxaq pagoeue „a2p21ow of .tam talp all ut paugap pup paquasap ,cuun3 atom se `„slasse t awm„ uodn a2B2pow alma !pat suns jo uai agl gsiuuip .Jo mull of pantlsuoo aq of lou ate suiSIJ nom to/pug .alum paquasap dloogtoads 2uiodato3 at xSt33dOUd 3HJ, NI t:I3MOQ QNY XS3 (O 3O SSHSIN zI s3HSInaMIzzu QNY ASt33dO 1d 3HJ, NI NoizaKa C3 QY1SSHHIOH 30 SJHOIl1 TW s3AI'VM ZI3MO2 MOS •uta'atl to uiataq pauieluoo uaaq tanau peg uoisinotd algeaotojuaun JO It2a!!t `pgRAu! tons ji se panalsuoo aq hugs (s)alou ,C.lossiwoad pies pup a uSuoyq sit; Inq `(s)alou iQossiwotd pies to a9eSuow sill jo UO!S!Ao.ld .iaglo dim 1aa33p lou !tugs ,Cltitgea0103uaun to ,CIilaailt `dup!pnut tans `laadsat Aug ui aiquaatoJuaun .Jo !Ogg! `ptienu! aq of piaq aq unseat ,Cue .to3 gets paints ,tga.taq (s)alou d.ossiwotd dip ui to a uSlloN sigl ut pauttluoo su0isinotd all 3o atom .lo auo dip liana all uI •6 small dup anraoat Cpw ,Cltadotd aql to to5p$11oj, toigm of luenstnd Alpo ieluawutana-uou .aglo to `;tupdwoa taltm ietunw `Cugdwoa talem alpnud ,imp jo (salmis tons .spun Aug to) sateis ,Cup (A) .10 'Am= leluawutano2 -uou tall° to `Cugdwoo talem lenlnw `AupdWOo talem algnud ,Cup jo sauepunoq all uigpim 10 Alpo ieluawutano2 .aglo to `doua loulstp Aug jo saugpunog all uttltm prams Sutaq s,,ilpadotd amp anutn Xq ,Cl.ladotd all of algeoilddu asimtaglo to lueuallndde luauaggua palelat -talmm tatlo to `uoileoo je talnm `lq$p a2ptols .alum `Iglu dtantiap 1115tt uoilnqulstp `uoileoope taltm `I10u talmm `.alum Aug (A!) 'talem tons ,Cue atols of 1112p all to `uoilezuoging oluawwano2 tall° t° liwtad oI luenstnd mu 10 .aglagm pug asim.aglo to antlduosatd `upugdu `anilpudotddg si I112u tans .atpa4m `talem °oewtns of laadsat tlim patpmua si ,C1.Iadotd all toigm 01 slip.' due (tit) `,!Blot to uos.ad ,tug gllm °limo to luawaat8p `lie =n°° `luawasua Aug dq palmata to pampa slg41 ,Cue pup doua5u to dluotlnp igluawwana dip dq paluma sasuaoq 10 sly8i1 `sitwtad ,tug 2uipniou! talgmpun0t2 tons Aug logtlxa pug an01.11at 01 101 S,t02E21J0yAl (u) `duadotd all 03 alggiiene asini.latlo to moll padwnd `tapun `uo talempunot8 all (t) 3o ped Aug 10 !Ie of laadsat tltm 2utaato3 all 30 Aug op 03 luawaa.Sg $utputq g mu! Alma all to `as!mtaglo to mpi 3o uoilntado dq `dtuelunIonut to 1Iuelunlon `lsntl ut 130 ,illoatiput ',clomp 3o uoil!sodstp tall° 10 `asegatnd of uotldo jo lulet2 `uotleuatie `uotlpoatlod,q 'a8paid `aouptgwnoua `1J! `auetaxa `ales `luawu2isse `.ajsuretl Aug st taJsumtl talnm v (q) •uoileuage t° aO11mdanu00 Vs of luawaaag `ales luanbasgns jo loan° all ui uotldo sup. asiotaxa of niSp all jo °Alum g alnitpsuoo mu logs uotldo tons asta1axa of tinned •algmked pup anp awoaaq ,ftalmipawwt logs `aailou to pueuap lnotlim pie joataq .apiot at33o uotldo all le `salep olunlew all Jo aniloadsa.ut `dga.aq pampas suoilOtigo [le =soot ual;tlm toitd s,aaagtuoyq lnogltm `aOUgpuaqut dq ldaoxa `astmtatlo to Awi jo uoile.ado dq 10 `1o2011opAI dq `moiaq (q) uouoasgns ui paugap se .aJsuetl talem dug Bui `pa.uajsuan to palmuatp `padanuoa 'Nos aq 01 paath 'plos s! `uia'atl lsatalut dim to 3oatagl lied dim to 'Suadotd paquasap- uiataq all liana all ul (e) •!glans pug lurof ate.apunataq A:4e0110JAJO suotpe$tigo !iv 1ptnId all sapnjaui tagwnu agiauts am pup `talnau t o /pug autuiwa3 all sapnlaui tap =s autlnaspW all `satmbat os mum all .anauatm `a2g4101A! SItjp uI 3oatatl aapald all `pa2pald uaaq sn1 molt all 3! `to `dgataq mamas al°u dim 3o taumo pup iambi all upaw Hogs aa2al.IOw total aty •suS!sse pug stossaaans `st0lnaaxa `stoletlsiuiwpm `saasinap `Saalt2aj `snot 1! ql `olataq sallied Ilp spuiq pup Jo lgauaq all 0l salmi! `01 sandde a2pt.iop silty 6 St •luawdpd tans jo aotreldaoon 3o toll all pt uotppuagp t° `aaugdanuoa 'gas 01 luauaa1S1 `ales linnjap tans 3o apalmou3I s,taploq 3o ssalp.m2at `uotlpuailp to `aoupdanuoa `!Has 01 luawaat4p 'am dip jo !!Asti all su .apunataq slgSU s,aagptuo1A1 JO 10 `to4e4u0JAI dq lintjap due 3o 1aniem p pawaap aq loo logs 3oatat taplot all dq luawded dum jo aoueldaooe luanbasgns °slinwJap luanbasgns tall° dip 3o tan!pm a alnitlsuoa loo togs linujap due jo aagauoyAI dg taniem all pun It &u tons 3o tanipm n sp anuado loo !pis tapunata4 1q2i1 dug aatoJua ,Clldwotd 01 aa4pttoyi all Jo utd all uo atnguj aty •palnaaxa want sa[ltteten2 to (s)alou d.ossiwotd all goitm ui alms aql 3o mg! aniluelsgns all dq pawano2 aq of anutluoa pegs pup alp taitm `utataq paquasap sailuretpnS 10 (s)alou dtossiwotd 0132 tapun 10 .apunataq suoile$ilgo s,to2e3u03A, pie sl42u s,aa2ptuow of dlddg pmts palm°! s! dliadotd 0131 toitm ut alpls 0(313° mg! antluelsgns all lets apinotd 01 panalsuoo aq lots uta.aq pauteluoo 2uttloM •palga03 st duadotd all comm. ui alels all 3o Smgl all dq pautano2 aq logs toBaliow Iswg2e satpawat jeuotstnotd pup atnsojaato3 52130 aa2uSpoini dq luawaatoJua all 2utu.ano2 satnpaootd aty •aaetuoy4 0l suoilp4ttgo pe !!n3 u! wuoj.iad pup dpd 01 toluptpa titre 10 to51Suoy,I jo dlq[gptl all jo nog to astalat a to !ptalglloa 3o Walt tatlo Aug jo tant1M 10 asgaiat a aq of pawaap aq !legs otalplioa 3o Walt 10 dpawat auo anstnd 0I aa2e21JoJi dq uotlaala ou `anisntaxa ate °uou pup aniltinwno tilt satpawat !iv me! aiquotiddt dq palliuuad aouanbas 10 tapto dip ut pie tauuew Aug u! aS1S1ow sill °pun tat! slt pug sdoto pup satnlxg `duadotd ouos.ad all ut lsatal0! diunoas 53! aat03ua Amu aaBeSuoyQ 'sdota to satnlxg `duadotd ouostad dq patnoas °sip st a41Suoy4 sill dq paints uoiln$tlg atl3I •tloq 10 `auipaaootd ototpnfuou !Tim! to suo►lae lgiaipnf luapuadaput to palepgosuoa !pianos to auo ut pup diantssaaans to dlluattnauoa ua)ol aq dpw ,(lints tans up to Aug 01 uoSau °auttwalap `uoilatasip a3OS 811 ut `dnw aa4p21103A! se tauuew pug tapto tans u! dgataq paints suoilailgo all to3 aa8auow dq pot tageataq to moo diunoas duadotd 1puostad 10 oat tatlo dim pup tapuna.aq dlunoas agl uodn azgnat pup 01 oastl dew aa2e41JoN •anisnlsxa loo pug anilpinwna aq logs saipawat pug sup.' ta!tm `dlmba pure mg! dq pampa satpawai pug 51(3211 t aglo tans asiataxa Amu pug `met almis algmogddg .aglo glum aoureptoaap ui pup 'aos pure Iuauasivanpp dq duadotd all gas `aigeo!idde JI `pup asoloatoj dew `dgataq paints suope2ilgo all 30 luawdpd aat0Jua 03 lasunoo doldwa dew aa2e2uoJAI `pinejap 3o loan aim uH mp! alels algpailddu tlim aaunptoaap ut pup aa2m2ltow 043 3° uotldo aqi 1p algeded put anp awoaaq dlalptpawwi !lets dgataq pamaas sums Ap `tapunataq mat =t 21 dire JO aautwtoJtad ui 10 dgataq paints ssaupalgapui titre jo luawdpd u! to2t2ltoyAl dq iIn1Jap uodn ;.17'9 f' 0 8 •L •9 WITNESS my hand and official seal NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE DATED MAY 15, 2000 160 STATE OF 6/74,,a_. r ss. C COUNTY OF o do On this IA day of J y it 20 before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ROBERT M. JOHNSON and LARUE E. JOHNSON personally known to me] [(:roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence] to be the person(s) who executed the within instrument as MEMBERS of the Limited Liability Company therein named, on behalf of the Limited Liability Company, and acknowledged to me that the Limited Liability Company executed it. otary Public in and for said my and State T9T 1181HX3 rd sap 6661 I!JdV E l '6661. t PleW Z l •pasha, se 6661 yDJeW Z 1 Patel) 'HHVln `A1Nf1OJ I-0I11 382! NE 11 EE NOIIJ3S ONV DNIWOAM 'A1NflOJ' N1OJN11 MOZtIl NIZ. St '01 '6 'b 'E SNOIIJ3S ONV LE 1JV4 MOZ1 J NM b£ `EE '8Z 'LZ SNOLLD3S ONV Zt '11' '6C 'BE 'LE S1JV2ll NIHlIM ONV1 30 S3HJNV21 NOSNHOF /JOA A3ANf1S AO 1Vldli :pail!1 ao!JJO p!es u! pa!!J aq of le!d ayl tIl!M aDuepioaxe u! !fie 'LZ uotpaS u! 91 101 p!es Jo JaW0D lseaylnos ayl yl!M leolluap! NZZl p!es Jo Zb pulp E •oN Jawoj pue 9 10l p!es Jo JaUJOD lseaypou ay yl!M !eo!luap! ©E peJ1 p!es Jo 9 •oN JawoJ uaaMlaq au!! a Jo 15ZM palenl!s 2u!aq pue Pupil 'Su!woAM 'AlunoJ u!oou!l 'MOZ 121 'NZZl '8E 1 Jo tied 1e :mono; se pagpOsap paled OueyDx3 uosuyo( w yagoj ayl ONV '1 7 E uo!paS Jo 91 101 Jo 1/1 N ay1 pue 9 l01- 'EE uo!pas Jo gun Jo 1/1 N at!) pue L 1 uo!paS J0 SZ 101 pile 91 101 l3Z uo!pa Jo 01 101 pUe 8 10l 'O -t S Pea 'J loei1 '8 peJ1 'V- 7S peJ1 :2wwoAM AlunoJ u!oou!1 'MOZ 0.1 'NZZI u! Inlet paq!JDsap 2u!M0110J aq1 JNIWOAM NI ONVI NOSNHOf 'W MOON 3H1 AO NOI1dfNJS30 ASN 1348 (5/00) Water Rider to Mortgage WATER RIDER TO MORTGAGE 162 This Water Rider to Mortgage "Rider is made MAY 15, 2000, and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage of the same date given by the undersigned "Borrower to secure Borrower's promissory note(s) to R L JOHNSON PROPERTIES, L.L.C., a Utah Limited Liability Company; ROBERT M. JOHNSON; and LARUE E. JOHNSON. A. The "Property" described in the attached Mortgage includes all right, title, and interest at any time of Mortgagor (or any of its bailees, agents, or instrumentalities), whether now existing or hereafter arising or acquired, whether direct or indirect, whether owned legally, of record, equitably or beneficially, whether constituting real or personal property (or subject to any other characterizations), whether created or authorized under existing or future laws or regulations, and however arising in, including without limitation, the following, which shall collectively be called "Water Assets 1. All water (including any water inventory in storage), water rights and entitlements, other rights to water and other rights to receive water or water rights of every kind or nature whatsoever including (i) the groundwater on, under, pumped from or otherwise available to the Property, whether as the result of groundwater rights, contractual rights or otherwise, (ii) Mortgagor's right to remove and extract any such groundwater including any permits, rights or licenses granted by any governmental authority or agency or any rights granted or created by any use, easements, covenant, agreement or contract with any person or entity, (iii) any rights to which the Property is entitled with respect to surface water, whether such right is appropriative, riparian, prescriptive, decreed or otherwise and whether or not pursuant to permit or other governmental authorization, or the right to store any such water, (iv) any water, water right, water allocation, distribution right, delivery right, water storage right, or other water related entitlement appurtenant or otherwise applicable to the Property by virtue of the Property being situated within the boundaries of any district, agency, or other governmental entity or within the boundaries of any private water company, mutual water company, or other non governmental entity; 2. All stock, interest or rights (including any water allocations, voting or decision rights) in any entity, together with any and all rights from any entity or other person to acquire, receive, exchange, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer any water or other Water Assets, to store, deposit or otherwise create water credits in a water bank or similar or other arrangement for allocating water, to transport or deliver water, or otherwise to deal with any Water Asset; 3. All licenses, permits, approvals, contracts decrees, rights and interest to acquire or appropriate any water or other Water Assets, water bank or other credits evidencing any right to water or other Water Assets, to store, carry, transport or deliver water or other Water Assets, to sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise transfer any water or other Water Asset, or to change the point for diversion of water, the location of any water or Water Asset, the place of use of any water or Water Asset, or the purpose of the use of any water or Water Asset; 4. All rights, claims, causes of action, judgments, awards, and other judicial, arbiter or administrative relief in any way relating to any water or Water Asset; 5. All storage and treatment rights for any water or any other Water Asset, whether on or off the Property or other property of Mortgagor, together with all storage tanks, and other equipment used or usable in connection with such storage and any water bank deposit credits, deposit accounts or other rights arising on account of the storage or nonuse of any water or any water or any other Water Asset; 6. All rights to transport, carry, allocate or otherwise deliver water or other Water Assets by any means wherever located; 7. All guaranties, warranties, marketing, management or service contracts, indemnity agreements, and water right agreements, other water related contracts and water reallocation rights, all insurance policies regarding or relating to any Water Asset; 8. All rents, issues, profits, proceeds and other accounts, instruments, chattel paper, contract rights, general intangibles, deposit accounts, and other rights to payment arising from or on account of any use, nonuse, sale, lease, transfer or other disposition of any Water Asset. B. To the extent that any Water Asset constitutes personal property, this Mortgage shall also be deemed to be a security agreement creating a security interest in all of such personal property and granting to Beneficiary all of the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code and other applicable state law. 163 C. Absolute Assignment of All Revenue From Water Assets Mortgagor hereby absolutely and unconditionally assigns to Beneficiary all proceeds, rents, issues and profits from any use (apart from watering plants on the Property or other ordinary use on the Property), nonuse, sale, lease, transfer or disposition of any kind of any water or any other Water Asset subject to a lien in favor of Beneficiary. That assignment shall be perfected automatically without appointment of a receiver or Beneficiary becoming a mortgagee in possession and Beneficiary shall have the right, before or after the occurrence of any default or event of default, to notify any account debtor to pay all amounts owing with respect to those proceeds, rents, issues and profits directly to Beneficiary. Except as otherwise agreed in writing by Beneficiary, Beneficiary may apply any such collection (and any rents, issues, profits and proceeds to any indebtedness owed to Beneficiary in any order, priority or manner desired by Beneficiary. D. Reference to "water" and "water rights" are used herein in the broadest and most comprehensive sense of the term(s). The term "water" includes water rights and right to water or whatever rights to money, proceeds, property or other benefits are exchanged or received for or on account of any Water Assets or any conservation or other nonuse of water, including whatever rights are achieved by depositing one's shares of any Water Assets in any water bank or with any water authority, or any other water reallocation rights. By signing below, Borrower accepts and agrees, as of the date first written above, to the terms and covenants contained in this Rider. R L JOHNSON PROPERTIES, L.L.C., a Utah LimiteO.- 3tiabil i By: ROBERT M. JOHNSON, M ber By u LARUE E. JOHNSON, Member ASN 1348 (5/00) Water Rider to Mortgage thk-t-viik