HomeMy WebLinkAbout866406pus suolioedsu! yons wpm o} ApedoJd e41 uodn aeiue o} slu86e s4! pus Japual sezuoyine JolusJO •enogs pequosap seoueulpJo pus 'suolieln6eJ 'sms! esoy} uo!'eilwll mown 6ulpnpul 'seousulpJo pus suogeln6eJ 'sMel leoo PUB 'ems 'IvJape; elgeolldde He yip aoueidwoo ul pe}onpuoo aq Heys A;Ingos yons Aue (!l) pus ApedoJd ey; woJI Jo ;noge 'Jepun 'uo eoue ;sgns Jo eisam snopiezey Aue aseeleJ Jo ;o esodslp 'leaf' '9104s 'em;Oe ;nuew 'a'eieue6 'esn Ilsys ApedoJd ey} ;o Jesn pezuoytne Jell Jo pies 'Jo;Oei }uoo 'lueuel Aue Jou 10411 13J0 Jayplau (I) 'Buq }uM ul Jepuel Aq pe6palMoure pus o} pesolosip Alsnolnaid se }deox3 (o) pue :sJallew yons 0; Bulielea uosied Aue Aq purl Aue ;o swielo Jo uogelw peue ;seJ41 Jo lentos Aue (H) Jo ApedoJd eyi io s;uedn000 Jo sJeuMO Joud Aue Aq ApedoJd ey; woi; Jo ;noge 'Jepun 'uo eoueisgns Jo atssm snopiezey due ;o eseelei peueleeiy} Jo 'essalai 'lesodslp yuew;eeii 'a6eJois 'eJn}Oe ;nuew 'uoiBJeue6 'asn Aue (l) '6u1IyM ul Jepuel Aq peBpalmouloe pus 0} pasol0sip AlsnolneJd se ;daoxe 'ueeq sey ejey; ley; eneieq o; uoseei Jo ';o e6pelMoum ou sey Jo ;uea0 (q) :Apadoid ey} woJ; JO inoge 'aapun 'uo uosied due Aq eoueisgns Jo eIseM snoprezey due ;o aseeie, peue4eeiy; Jo aseeleJ 'lesodslp ';uewleeJl 'e6emo }s 'eJn ;o8inuew 'uogeieueB 'asn ou ueeq ssy easy} 'A ;Jedoid ey; io dlysieumo s,JolusJO ;o potted e44 6uuna (e) :ley; Jepual o} s }ueJJnM pus sluesaJdei Joiueio •so;segss pus ;oeJeyl uo!loeJ; due JO sionpoid —Aq wnaloi;ed pus wneloiled 'uot;ellw11 inoyi!M 'epnloul osls Heys „eous }sgns snopJezey„ pus „etssM snopaszey„ sum; e41 •6u1o6eJo; ey; ;o Aue o; ;uensmd pe }dope suogeln68J Jo 'semi 'sMel Iejeped Jo ems elgeolidde Jeyto Jo “bas ie 'L069 uolloeS •O'S•fl ZL 'iod AJenooeH pue uoI }eniesuo3 ewinos% ey} "des ;8 '109i. uol}oes 'as 64 'iod uollepodsueil sleue;ew snopJezeH ey} „VHyS 664 ON •l 'clod '9861 ;o ;oy iol;eziJoy }neeH pus s }uewpuewy puniJednS 04' „y10H30 .bas le 't096 uolloeS 0'S n Z4 'pepuewe se '086110 }oy Allilgen pus 'uoI}esuedwo0 'esuodseH Ieluewuoiinu3 en!sueyeidwo3 ey1 u! 4po;;es se s6ulueaw ewes ey} envy Heys 'e6e6pow sly} uI pasn se „'eseeleJ peue;eaJy;„ pue „'esseleJ„ „'lesodslp„ u eoueisgns snopJezey„ „'eiseM snoprezey„ swag} 841 •seoueisgns snopJezeH •enlen s;! enieseid o; AJesseoeu eoueue ;uiew pus 'slueweoeldeJ 'silsdej He wjo ;Jed Agdwoid pus uolilpuoo elge }ueus; uI ApedoJd 841 ul8Lulew 11845 JO U8JO uleiul8IN 01 Ana 'ApedoJd ay} W0J4 s }Ueld ey} ;oelloo pus ApedoJd ey; e6euew pus a }ejedo pus ;o 1011U0o pus uolssessod u! ulew8J dew Jo4UBJO '4ln8iep u! H}un 'asn pue uolssessod :suolslnoJd 6u!Mollo; ay; Aq peweno6 eq Heys ApedoJd 044 io asn pus uolssessod s,Joiusio ley; seoJ6e Joju8J0 •A1H3dOUd 3H1 dO 30NVN31NIV1N aNV NOISS3SSOd •eBe6jjow sty} aapun suolle6Hgo s,Jo;ueje ;o Ile moped Allows Heys pus'enp awooeq day} se e6e6 ;Jow sly; Aq pemoes sIunows He Jepuel 0} Aed Heys JOlU8JO 'e6s5iiow sly} ul pepinoJd eslnuey }o se Ideoxa '30NVWHOdH3d aNV 1N3WAVd :S161831 DNIM0110d 3H1 NO a31d333V aNV N3AID SI 3DVOIH0W SIHI 'S1N3Wn00a a31V13I 3H1 aNV 3DV9.LHOW SIHJ 1:13aNn HOINVHD dO SNOIIV01190 11V dO 30NVWHOdH3d (Z) GNV SS3Na3193aNI 3H1 dO 1N3WAVd (L) 3Un03S 01 N3VIJ SI `AnH3dOdd 1VNOSH3d aNV S1N3U 3H1 NI 1S31:131N1 A1IHn03S 31-11 GNV S1N31:1 dO 1N3WNOISSV 3H1 DNIan10NI '3DVD1HOW SIHI 'ApedoJd ay} woJ; penuep sIl ;aueq Je410 pue 's }Roid 'se!}ledoJ `senssi 'ewooul `senuenei 'slue, em4n; pus IueseJd !I8 sueaw „sweid„ Nom 09j *weld •sseupe;gepul 841411M uog0auuo3 ul pa4noexe'Bugs!xe Jai ;88,011 JO Mou Jey }eyM'sIuewnoop pue slueweeJ6e 'sluewnJlsu! Jey40 He pus 'pm; ;o speep 'se6s6pow 's ;ueweeJ6e Alunoes 'segu8Jen6 's;ueweeJ6e leludwuOJInue 's;ueweeibe ueol 's }ueweeJ6e 4lpeJO 'se4ou AJOSSIwOJd tie uolle }!WH Inoyl!M epnloul pue UeBw „s}uewnOOa pe }elebi„ spJOM 041 •siuewnaoa pe;e;au •uog0es „e6e6;JOw ;o lu8JO„ ay} u! snags pequosep s;461J pus siseJe }u! 'ApedoJd 841 ueaw „ApedoJd !seH„ spJOM ayl •ApadoJd IeaH 'ApedoJd IeuosJed ay; pus ApedoJd Ie %H 8144 Alen1;oapo0 sueaw „ApedoJd„ PJOM eta 'ApedoJd 'ApedoJd 84 10 uoglsodslp Ja410 JO ales due woJ; (swniweid 4o spun ;aJ pus speeooJd aOuemsul He uogel1WH lnoy}!M 6ulpnpul) speeooid Ile yllM Jay }a6o4 pus :ApedoJd yons 4o due 'JO; suognlllsgns He pus 'Jo s }uewaosldeJ lI8 'o; suoglppe pus 'sped 'suolsse008 Ile yllm ,8448604 :ApedoJd leeH 844 04 pax! ;e JO payoel 8 Je4;B8Jey JO Mou pus `JOIu8J9 Aq peuMO Jemmy JO Mou ApedoJd ieuosied io seloi s Jeyto pus 'SOJn;xl; 'luewdlnbe !is ueaw „A}Jedoid IeuosJed„ spJOM 0111 •AlJadoJd IeuosJed •41181.Ue0J6e JO emu AJOSSIwOJd 84# Jo; suol }n4gsgns pus '4o suogBpiosuoO ;o s8upueugeJ 'Lo suogeoglpow '40 suolsueixe '40 sl8MauaJ 11s yIIM Jeyle6ol 'Japuei 01 JO418JO WW I 00'000 3unowe led!ou!ad leul6!ao 043 u! '0002 '6 aunt p948P 4ueweeJ6e pen JO elou AJosslwojd 844 sueaw „810N„ Nom 841 OION 'swab! pus A;J8d0Jd IeuosJed 84104 6u!l8 eJ SUOIS!AOJd 4S0J8411 1 A ;!,noes pue sluewu6lsse 118 uollel!w!I lo0411M sepnpu! pus 'Jepuei pus Jolu8JO ueemleq e6e64Jow Sty; sueaw „abe64Jow„ !Nom 041 •abetlJow •e6e6 ;Jow sly' Jepun ea6e64Jow 841 s! Jepuel 841 •su6lsse pus siosseoUns s41 Isem —)lueg leuol;eN 4sJ!d sueaw „Japual„ Nom eyi •Jepuei •85884J0 5144 u! pepinoJd se s}unowe yons uo ;seJetul q;lm Jay'e6o4 'e6e6 }Jow sly; Jepun Jo}usJO ;0 suo!4e6llgo DOJO4UO of Jepual Aq pOJJnou! sesuedxe JO J04U8J0 40 suo! ;e6!!go a6Jeyos!• 0; Jepual Aq pOOUenpe Jo pepuedxe sIunowe due pus 810N 844 Jepun elgeAsd ;seJelul pus Iedpu1Jd Ile sueaw „sseupe1gepu!„ pJOM 841 •ssaupetgapul 'ApedoJd !eau ay; uo uogOnJ4suoO Jey;o pus sLuewe08ideJ 'suolilppe 'segos; 'Aped0Jd IeaH 8111 uo pex1148 sawoy ellgow 'semlonJis 's6u!p!nq 'siuewenoJdw! 8Jn4n; pus 6ugslxe He uoHe11wH inoyl!M sepnpui pus sueaw „siuewenoJdwl„ pJom 891 •sivawanOJdwl •ssaupe ;gepul ay} y }!M uogOeuuoo ul seljJed uogepoww000e pue 'sewn 'sJO }u8Jen6 ay} 40 !is pus 11080 uoIIellwll 4noU41M sepnloul pus sueaw „JO4ueJen9„ pJom 841 •JOiu2Jen9 •e6e61Joly sly! Jepun Jo6e6pOw 841 s! JOIU8Je 041 •ueleN AeN !JO1 pue 1840)1 •d aor sueaw „JO1u8J0„ Nom 8111 'Ammo •eouewy ;0 s Pel!ufl 8 91 ;o Aeuow In;Mel u! s4unowe ueaw Heys slunowe JOHop 0; saoueJe4eJ Hy •8P00 lepJewwo3 wo41un ay; u! swJa1 yons 01 pe}nqups s6ulueaw ay; envy 118115 86864J0 4 5141 ui peul;ep es!MJay10 IOU SWJel •e6e6pow sly; uI pasn ueyM s6ulueaw Buim011o; 044 aney Heys spJOM Bu!MO11 8 91 •SNOI1INId30 's'u0j pue ApedoJd IeuosJed 894 ul Is8Jelu! A}Unoes apo0 IepJaww00 wJO;lun a Japuel 0; s ;u8J6 Jo;u8JO 'uoglppe u! 'ApedoJd ay' woJ; s;ueH 118 pue ApedoJd 89' 4o 525881 Hs 0; pus uI 4SeJa4w pue '01111 '19 S,JOIU8J0 40 He J811184 O4 su6lsse AllueseJd Jo;u8JO '911E8 AM `eII!npuowela `anuanw alllnpuowela Log se uMOUN Aluowwoo s! ssaappe s3! JO Apaadoad 1 0 41 6U!WOAM ;o owe3S `ulooun ;o R3uno3 `9II!npuowela 10 Aim 043 u! b `E `Z 51 Li. )10019 10 alllnpuowela „A3aadoad IeaH,, 043) 6ulwoAM ;o a4e3S 'X3unoa pejeool 'sJal4ew moms PUB I8WJay }oa6 `586 'Ho `SIOJeulw 118 uoge4lwil ;noyllm 6ulpnpul 'A;Jadoid 188J 844 01 61-1 14eleJ slgOJd pus 'saglsAoJ 'siy6u J8440 118 pus :(siy6u uoge61J! JO 11 yllm sawn u4 >IOols 6uipnpu!) s }y6u yopp pus sesJnoOJ848M 'sly6!J JBIBM 'J848M IIe !seOUeua4Jndds pue 'ARM 4o s}y61J 's4U8W0S8e 118 aaJn4xg pue s }uewenoJdw! `s6u!Pllnq 110x4;48 Jo papa* A!'uenbesgns Jo 6ugsixe !i8 y }4M J9440601 'ALiedoid leaf pequosep 6u4Mo1Io; ay; 0} pus u! ;swam pus '9111 '1461 s,JOIueJ0 40 118 Japual 01 sAanuoa pue sa6e6pow JoiuOJO 'UOUQJap!suo3 algenlen Jod •3DVO1UOW d0 1NVIAD aapuoi„ se Molaq o3 paaaa ;aa) LOLE8 AM `JaJawwaN `anuand auld 911 s! ssaappe asoyM Isom-muss leuolIeN 39nA pus „Jo4uea0„ se Molaq o3 paaaa ;aa) 911£8 AM `all!npuowe!a `L xog •0•d s! ssaappe nook 'slim pus puegsny `ueIS)1 AeN !ao-i pus ueley •d aor Uaann ;eq `0002 `6 3Nl1' a31Va SI 30VOIHOW SIHI 2OVDIUOW A1N0 3Sn SAH3aUO3 H Hod SI 3NI1 SIH13A09V 30VdS '-f r 144 NN V3r '1"e :E NJ uJ l NI1p 00 03 /11303e1 10301 17 9 2OVd xa -x001” ems' 9 Q IOU m a8n? POINT W U 3Sv31311 911E9 AM `alllnpuowela L X09 'Old 818)1 A8)4 1101 pue ueleN •d aop :01 S33110N XVl aN3S LOMB AM'J9Jawwa4 many auld 9LL isaM —dues IeuolION LsJld :Ol lIVW 03aH033H N3HM LOLE9 AM `JOJawwa)I anuand and 91L wain—w89 IeUOIIeN IsJld :A9 031S3f10311 NOI1VaH003H Jo 'Janllap !I!M Jo;uemo pue 'eoloyo umo s,Jepuei ;o lesunoo Aq Buipeeoo id ey; u! palueseJdaJ aq o} pus BulpeeooJd 841 u! eledplpsd o} penue eq Heys Jepuei ;nq 'Bulpeaoord yons u! Aped leulwou eyl aq Aew Join iO •esuedx9 s,J0IU JO le uol }oe ey; pue ;Op Heys JolU JO 'eBet3pow sly} Jepun Japuai ;o ;saJe ;u! ay} Jo el!} s,JO;u8J0 suopenb ply; paouewwoo s! 6'Hpeaooid Jo uoHos Aue luene e4; ul •suosred He ;o swlep mime! ey; ;s 'He68 Apadwd ey; o; elm ey} pue;ap JeneJo; !!!nn pus s;ueJJ8M Jo;ueJ0 'image yder6ered ey; u! uolldeoxe ey; o; }oefgns •a;lll ;o esuajap •Japuei o; a6e6pow sly} Jo /map pue e;noexe o} A ;lJOy;n8 pue 'Jamod '1461 Hn; ey; sey Jo;u8J0 (q) pue 'e6e6 ;Jow sly} y;lm uolloeuuoo'H Japuei 'Aq pa}deooe pue ;o Jone; u! penss! uoluldo elm mug Jo 'podei am; 'AoHod eouemsul 81111 Aue u! Jo uogduosep ApedoJd !eau ey; u! ypo; les 990141 1841 Je4 ;o seoueJgwnouo pue sue!! He ;o Jeep pus eaJ; 'eidwls ea; u! Apedoid ey; o} piooei ;o elm elge;evew pue pooh sploy JolueJO (e) }841 slueiJSm JoinJ0 •ana •e6e6pow sly ;o lied a era ApedoJd 84;10 dltisraumo 01 6ullelei SUOIS!nord BUIM011o; 8 41 '31111 dO 3SN3d30 !AiNVHUVM pay envy pinom es!MJe4 ;0 my; ApeweJ Aug way rapuei Jug o} se os ;pump ey; 6uuno se penJlsuoO eq Iou Heys Jepuai Aq uolloe yons Auy •line ;ep NI Jo lun000e uo paHgua eq Aew Jepuai yolum o} salpewaa Aue Jo s;y6u Jalo Aue o; uomppe'H eq Heys ydei6ernd siy ;'H Jo; pepinord s;y6u eyl •s}unowe ese4; ;o ;uawied moos Him ow e6e6pow S141 •AAmlew s,e;oN ay; ;e algoAsd pue enp eq lHm yo114m IUawAed uoolisq a se peisail eq (3) Jo 'eloN ay; ;o wJal 6 "ewe, ey; (II) Jo Aollod eouemsul elgeondde Aue ;o we; 8 41 J Buunp anp ewooeq 01 sluewAed }uewllelsu! Aus y ;lm elgTh8d aq pue Bums pauolpodde aq pue 8 1 0 N ey; ;o aoueleq 8141 o} peppy eq (q) 'puewap uo algeAed eq (s) Him `uol;do s,Jepuei }e'sesuedxe yons !!y 'Jo luoJO Aq ;uewAedei 10 alep ey} o} Jepuei Aq pied JO paunou amp ey} woJ; eNoN eU1 u! Jo; pepinord a ;oi ay; }e ;sere ;u! meq HIM 6ulop os u! spuedxe Jepuei ley; !unowe Auy •e ;oudordde sweep aepuei ley; uolloe Aue amyl 'ol peJlnbai eq ;ou Heys lnq 'Aew ;leyeq s,JolusJO uo Japuei Apedoid ey; u! s;seJe;ul s,repuei loans AloIJe ;ew pinom ley} paouewwoo s! BulpeeooJd Jo uo11o8 Aue ;1 Jo '9686 ;Jow sly; ;o uolslnoJd Aug y ;lm Aldwo° o; 5118; J0IU8Jo 11 1U3aN31 AS S33nhION3dX3 •ApedoJd yons lo ales emsoloaJo; Aus le Jo'e6e6pow sly; lo suolslnad ey; Jepun play ales Jay }o Jo ales s,ae;snJl Aue lg e6e6pow sly; Aq pOJanoo A;JadoJd ay; ;o Jeseyornd ey; 'o; ssed pus ;o Il ;euaq ey; o; emu! Heys eouernsu! perldxeun Auy ales le aaueansu; pa.ydxeun •Joluoio o} pled aq !Heys speaowd yons `sseupa ;gapul ey; ;O Iln; ul ;uawAed Jet ;e speeoord Aue sppy Japuai 11 'ssoupalgapu! ey} 10 aoueleq ledlouud ey; 01 paudds eq Heys 'Aue 'JapuleweJ ay; pus 'lseJe ;ul penJooe Aed o; uey; 'e6e6pow. siyl Jepun Japuai o} Bulmo ;unowe Aue Aed o; ;sJ!1 pasn eq Hays ApedoJd ey; iO U0I ;BJO ;SOJ JO JledaJ ay; 01 palllwwao jou sey Japuai yolym pus ldieoai Jlay; JOI ;e sAep 08; my ;!M pesrngslp ueeq;ou envy y0lym speaowd Auy •e6e6;Jow sly! Jepun 11ne ;ep ul ;ou s! JOIUBJO I! Uo!IBJO19OJ JO medal ;o ;sop aigouoseai ay; Jo; speaoord ay; wall JoluBJO esJngwlei Jo Mad 'airmpuedxe yons ;o ;mid AJoloe;s13es uodn 'Heys Jepuai •Japuei o} AJOI3BIslles JODUBW s U! sluewenordwi peAw;sep Jo peeewep ay; eoeldei Jo JiodaJ Heys JOIUOJO 'JledaJ pue uol ;eJo ;seJ o; speaowd ey; Aidde 0; sloop Japuei 'Apedoid ay} ;o JledaJ pue uo!IBJOlsOJ ey; Jo 'Apedoid 0141 Bul ;Dane dell Aue 40 }uawAed 'sseupe ;gepul 0141 ;o uoilonpeJ ay; 0; speaowd ey; Aidde 'uo!loele s;! ;e 'A8w Japuai 'paJledwl s! Awnoas s,Jepuei ;ou Jo JeylayM •A;Isnseo ay} 10 sAep (g;) u8e41; ulyllm os op o; 5118; JO;UgJO I! 9901 ;o mid elew Aew Japuai Apedoid ay} o; e6ewsp JO sso! Aue ;o Jepuai A ;l ;ou Al;dwoJd Keys Jo }ueJO •spaapoid +o uol;epllddy •ueol ey; 40 mJei ey; Jo; eouemsul yons ule ;u!ew 01 pue 'Japuei Aq pal nber esIMJay ;o se Jo 'weJ6wd aoueJnsul poold IeuoHeN ay; Jepun ;es silty! Ao!iod wnwlxew ey; o; do 'ueol ay; Bupnoes Apedoid ay} uo sue!! Joiid AUB pue ueo! ey; ;o eouelsq IBdpuud P!edun fin; ey; Jo; aoueJnsul poo1d leJeped ule;u!ew pus ulelgo o; see168 Jo }uBJO •eaJe pJezey pool; Ieloeds 8 se AoueBy ;uowa6euew Aouo6Jew3 IBJepad Oyl ;o J0 109114 ay; Aq paleu6lsep eaJe ue Ul p8 }eool s! Apedoid lean 841 •uosJed J8ymo he JO Jo;ueJ0 ;o ;mem 10 UOISSIWO jOB Aue Aq Aem Aue u! paJledwl eq jou IHm Japuai ;o lone; u! 868J9A00 ;mu 6ulpinoJd IUawasJOpue U8 apnl0u! Heys osle Amiod eouBJnsu! yo82 831101 yons en!6 o; amps; Jo; Allllge!! s,Jamsul ey; ;o JOwlepsip Aue Bulweluoo ;ou pue Japuai 01 eol ;ou ual}um mud sA8p (Ol) us; to wnwlulw 8 Ino14 ;om pays!wwlp 10 pelle01183 eq Iou IHm a6eJanoo 1841 uogeindHs e 6ululeluoo JOJnsu! 40ga woJ; a6eJanoo ;o selgo4lpa0 Jepuai oI Jenlep Heys Jo }ueJO •Japuei o} elge ;deooe Alg8uos8eJ eq Aew se WJo; yons u! pue saluedwoo aoueJnsul yons Aq uell!Jm eq Heys sa!011od •Japuai ;o Jane; u! 8sne1O ee6e6 }Jow plepuels a yilm pue'esnep OOUgrnswOO Aug Jo uolle0lldds pone o; Iuapinns }unowe 118 u! Apedwd lean ay; uo s;uewenwdwl 11e 6uuenoo amen algBmsu! on; ay} J04 spec; luaweOeldOJ 8 U0 s}uawasJOpue a6eJano0 pepuelxe pJepuels 4IIM eouemsul all; 10 se!011od ulelulew pug OJn00Jd Ilgys JoIUBJS •aOUemsUl ;o aouvueluI0V •a6e6pow slyi ;o pad a eJe Apedoid ey; 6uunsu! o} Bul ;eleJ suolsinod 6umopo; 0 41 '33NVHnSNI 3oVINVa AlU3dOUd •sluewanoJdw! yons lo Iwo 841 Aed !pm pug 11eo JOIUBJO ;eti; Japuai 0; AJO }oe ;sl ;es seou8Jnsse eOUenpe Jepuai o} ysluJn; Japuai ;o lsenbeJ uodn i1M JoluBJO •sle!Jalew JO 'sa0lnJes ')IJOm 04; ;o luno998 uo pepesse eq moo 1811 Jay1O JO '1811 s,uawI8!Ja ;ew 'ue!! s,olueyoew Aue 4! 'Apedoid 8141 of pallddns 818 sI8!Jalew Aue Jo 'peysluJn; 018 98p!AJOS Aue 'paouewwoo s! )11om Aue 0Jo;aq sAep (g;) uaall; ;sea! lg Japuai A ;l;Ou Heys JolueJO 'uoljOnaisuo3 40 ap110N •ApadoJd ey; }sule6e sluawssasse pue sexel ey; ;o luawaleIs uayum a 8W11 Aug is Jepuai o; Jamep oI 18101110 leluewweno6 alelJdoJdde ey; ez!JOy}ne Heys Puy SI11ewssesse JO sexy; ey; ;o IuawAed ;o eouepine AJO ;pE ;dies Jepuai o} ysluJn; puewap uodn Heys JoIuBJO •luewAed 40 aOuapin3 •96ulpeaooJd lse}uo9 ay; 1! peysluJn; puoq Mains Aue Jepun aeBilgo Ieuo!llppe us se Japuai eweu Heys JolueJO •AjJedoJd eq; }sule6e ;110w8OJOIU8 eJo;eq ;uew6pn1 OSJanpe Aue A ;s! }es 11849 pue Japuai pue ;Iasi! pue;ep Heys JOIU8JO 'Ise }uoo Aug ul •ue!! ey; Jepun ales JO e1fS013OJO; a ;o lInseJ a se anlp38 moo 1841 se6Jeyo Ja ;O JO see; ,sAauJO;;s elgeuoseeJ pus s }sop Au8 snid ue!! 8yI a6Jey08lp o} ;ua!9H;ns;unowe ue u! Japuai 0I AJO;Oe;sl ;es *noes Jey ;o JO puoq Alarm o;BJodroo lue!olnns a ro yse9 Japuai Lim Ilsodep 'Japuei Aq pe;senbar 11 JO '118!! ay; ;o a6Jeyoslp ey; &moos 'Bul1; ey; 40 8311011 sey Jo;u8J0 J048 sA8p (g;) 11 ;1; ulyllm 'pep; s! ue!! 8 'JO sasue dal! ey; Je ;8 sABp (g;) uaa};!; ulyllm Keys JOIuBJO 'luewAeduou ;o ;pm a se peg s! JO sasue 104 a 41 •pezlpJedoef Iou s! Apadwd ey; u! l58Ja ;ul s,Japuei se 6uo! os 'Aed 01 uoile6ilgo ey; Jena e}ndslp 411s; pooh a y }!M UO!108uuoo ui wieip 10 'luewssesse 'xel Aue ;o IuewAed ployom Asw JoluBJO •lseluo3 of 346!3 ydeJ6eJed 6ulmollol 8yI u! pepinord aslmJaylo se }deoxa pus 'enp Iou sluawssasse pus sex%Jo ua11 ey; Jo; ;deoxe'e6e6pow 814; Jepun Jepuai ;o 1s0J0 }u! ay; of lenbe Jo JOAO A;IJO1Jd 6 'Hney sue!! He ;o ea); Apedoid ey} ulelulew Heys Jo}ueJO 'ApadOJd ey; o; peysluJn; leua}ew JO peJepueJ se0IAJeS Jo; JO Uo euop )1JOM JO; SWJBI3 118 enp U04m A8d Heys pus 'Apadwd ey; ;o lun000e uo JO ;s'H868 pelne! s86Jey3 aoinJes James pue 5861843 Jelem 'sluawssasse `sex81 leloeds 'sacs; lI0JAed 'sere; He (Aouenbullep 0; Jo!Jd s;uane 118 ul pus) enp uaym Aed 11eys JoIUBJO •luawAed •e6e6pow 5114! ;0 IJed a 0J8 Apedoid 84} uo 91811 pue sexel 04j 01 Bu! }el8J suo!slnoJd Bulmollo1 'SN3I1 aNV S3XV1 •m81 6ulwoAM Aq 10 mu! !awe; Aq pallq!4ord s! es!OJaxe yons;! Japuei Aq paspJexe eq IOU 11849 uoi }do s!y; 'JenemoH 'JO1ueJ0 40 'eq Amu 8s8O ey; se 'slsOJa ;u! Auedwo3 him!! pa ;lwll JO s}soJelul dlysJeuped 'moo's 6uHon 814} ;o %gZ) lueorad an!;— Aluem} Usti; eJOw ;o diysJeumo u! a6ueyo Aue sapnpu! osle J0;sUBJ; 'AUedwoo AI!IIg i Pel!w!! ro d14sJeuped 'uol;erodJoo 8 s! Jo;UeJO Aue 11 }seJelu! A;JadoJd leeu ;o eougAenuoo ;o poyiew Jaw Aug Aq Jo 'Apedoid IeOH ey; of ep11 6ulploy mu; pue! Aue o} JO 111 150)01'H Ispl;oueq Aue ;o Je;sUOr1 JO ;uewuBlsse 'ales Aq JO ;o8J ;uoo uo! do —eseal 'sJBOA (6) a0Jyl 184; JelseJ6 ;Ja; a y }!m lseJelu! ployese81 'peep 10; 108J1U09 108J ;1100 pue! 'p8J }uoo ales }uewllelsul 'peep 'ales 1461,1110 Aq Jay }0ym !AJejUnlonu! Jo AJelunion Jay;eym :aIgellnbe JO lepHeueq '18601 Jeyleym :UleJey; IsaJelul JO all; #4611 Aug 10 A }JedoJd !Bed ;o eoueAanuo9 ay; susew „Ja ;suBJ; JO 81es„ v Apedoid lean 091 u! ;Mel./ Aue Jo `Apadwd lead ay; ;o pad AUB 10 He ;o luesu03 ua4!Jm mud s,Jepuei 041 mown 'Je;suBJl Jo eon ay; uodn a6e6pow sly; Aq pamoes swns He aigsAed pug enp Alalglpewwl OJepep '1101140 s ;l }e 'Aew Jepuai 113ON31 AS 1N3SNO3 31VS NO 3na •ApadoJd ey; anresOJd pue lOeloJd o; AJesseoeu Alg8Uose9J eJe Apedoid ayI ;o esn pus Jelp8Je40 ey; woJ; yomm'UollOas sly} u! enoge ypo; les sloe esoyl 0; uo!IIPP8 u! 'sloe Jay }o He op 11eys Jo}ue)O 'Apadord ey; popue4eun meal JOU uopuege 01 Jay }led sa0J6s JolueJO ;Oalwd of Alna •IsaJelul s,Jepuei joeloJd 01'Jepuei 01 AJO }Oelslles Algsuosea) `puoq Aleuts a JO AIIJnoes elenbape ;sod of Joluer0 eJlnbeJ Aew Japuai •pez!pJedoef ;ou are AlJ8doJd ey; w s }sOJalu! s,J8puai 'uoluldo eps s,Japuei ul 'se 6uol os pug os 6 'Hop oI JO!Jd Bu!}IJm ul Japuei pelmo1 sey JO}UBJO se 61101 O9 'sleedd8 e;eudwddg Bwpnlou! '611lpeap0Jd AUB Bump eOUepdwoo ployyllm pue uo11e1n6aJ 10 'eoueulpJo 'me! yons Aue 4118; pooB u! isa ;uoo Aew J04118,0 •Apedwd ey; ;o AOUedn3OO JO esn ey; of elg8olldde seguo4lne .IeluewuJOnoB 118 ;o 'pane u! ,81;88184 Jo mod 'suogeln68r pus 'seouBUlpJO 'smgl Ile 411m Aldwoo Aildwoid Heys JOIUPJO 's;uawaiinba3 IeluawuJanoo y1!M aOuelidwo0 •e6e6pow sly! SUO!UPuoo pue SWJel 8 4141!M eOUe1dwoO s,JOlu8J0 ;o sesodJnd Jo; Apedold 841 Ioedsm of pue s }s8JOlu! s,Japuei o; pue48 0; sawil elg8uoseaJ GIs le Apedoid lean 841 uodn Jaiue A8w senlie ;ueseJdaJ pug swag s;! pug Japuei •Jalu3 O1 1(46!H s,Japua1 •enlen ienbe }see! 18 ;o s ;UawenordwI y }!m sluewanoJdw yons e08idaJ o1 Jepuai of Aroloe;sl ;es s;uawe6ueJJe e)iew o} 101118,0 eJlnbar Aew Japuai 's ;uawenordwl Aug ;o !snowa! ey; 0; uompu09 8 sy •Japuei ;o 11.105u00 uell1JM Joud ay ;noyllm Apedom IBeu ey; WOJ; s ;uewenoidw! AUB OAOWOJ JO ysllowep ;ou Heys ,01118,0 •sluawanwdwl 40 IBAOw08 •Jepuai ;o 11109100 ua41Jm Joud 041 }noyllm sionpoJd )I3OJ JO Ien8J6'llos pue 110 6ulpnp 'H) sieJOww 'Jagwll Aue'8A0WOJ 011461, ey; Aped J8410 Aue of 118,6 JO 'enoweJ Iou 11m JoIu8JO 'B 'HO6ero; 8y; ;o Al!IEJeue6 ey; 6uHIwII inoy ;lM •Apadwd 014} ;o uol;JOd Aim Jo ApedoJd ey; of Jo uo el9em Jo 30 Buldduis Aug Jel;ns JO }lwrad 'llwwoo JOU eOUeslnu Aug ;pied JO ionpuo0 'esnBO Iou 11 JoIUeJO 'elseM `eaueslnN •eslm104 10 JO amsopOJO; Aq Jayieym'AIJadOJd ey; ui IsaJeuu! Aue ;o uomslnboe s,Jepuei Aq p81Oan8 eq }ou Heys pus a6e6pow sly} ;o ue!! 014 ;o 8OUeAenuooeJ pus U01138 ;9489 ey; pug sseupe;gepul ay ;o luewAed 841 awns Heys'A;luwepu! o} uo!}eBligo ey} 6u!pnIou! 'a6e6pow ey; ;0 11o!}oes my; ;o suolsinwd 941 •se!pedoJd ay; uo sous ;sgns Jo elsem snopJazey a ;o 098019) peUeleaJyl Jo 0988191 'Iesods!p 'a6eJo ;s 'aJn}Og;nuew 'uogereue6 'esn Aue ;o eouenbesuoo a se Jo e6e6pow ay; 10 uoHoes s!y; ;o y380Jq E W011 6 'H ;lnseJ Jew's JO uluisns AI;OaJlpu! Jo AI }OaJlp Aew Jepuai y014m sasuedxe pus 's0l}i8ued 'se68wep 'se!;!I!ge!! 'sessol 'swlelo 118 Pug Aue is 'H868 Japuai ssaiwJey ploy pue A;!Uwepu! 0; saaJ68 (q) pue 'smei yons Aug Japun 5;900 Jaylo JO dnusep 10; aIg8H sawooaq Jo }uBJO Juana ay} u! uollnqu }uoo JO A ;luwepu! Jo; Japuei }sule6e swlelo amp; Aug sen!am pub seseeleJ (8) Ag91oq JOIU8JO •seOUe ;sgns snopJezey pus eis8m snopJezey 104 Apedord 041 6ul ;8611senui u! eoue6lllp enp S,JOIU8J0 uo peseq 8)8 'Haley paule }uoo se11UBJJ8m pue suolle }uaseJd0J 841 •uosred Je ww Aue of JO 101118,0 0; Jepuai ;o ped ey} uo AIHlge!! JO AAIlglsuodseJ Aug 818013 o} penJlsuoO eq Iou Heys pue Apo sesodrnd s,Jepuei J04 eq Heys Jepuai Aq ep8w sisal 10 suogoedsu! Auy 'e6e6 }Jow ay; ;o uollpa9 sly; 41!m ApadoJd ey; ;o eouelidwoo ewuJJelep o} alelJdoJdde weep Aew Japuei se 'esuedxe s,JO1ueJ0 }e 'sise1 Z abed T (penupo3) 00L90588 oN ueo1 309 c 0. "`9? r„ 0 anir -60-90 06-09 -2000 (064+_0 MORTGAGE Loan No 88506700 (Continued) 166 Page 3 cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such participation. Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants that the Property and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations of governmental authorities. CONDEMNATION. The following provisions relating to condemnation of the Property are a part of this Mortgage. Application of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion of the net proceeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness or the repair or restoration of the Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all reasonable costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in connection with the condemnation. Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Grantor shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Grantor will deliver or cause to be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by it from time to time to permit such participation. IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental taxes, fees and charges are a part of this Mortgage: Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such documents in addition to this Mortgage and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, as described below, together with all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Mortgage, including without limitation all taxes, fees, documentary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Mortgage. Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (a) a specific tax upon this type of Mortgage or upon all or any part of the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; (b) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct from payments on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Mortgage; (c) a tax on this type of Mortgage chargeable against the Lender or the holder of the Note; and (d) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest made by Grantor. Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this Mortgage, this event shall have the same effect as an Event of Default (as defined below), and Lender may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event of Default as provided below unless Grantor either (a) pays the tax before it becomes delinquent, or (b) contests the tax as provided above in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relating to this Mortgage as a security agreement are a part of this Mortgage. Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a security agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures or other personal property, and Lender shall have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as amended from time to time. Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute financing statements and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal Property. In addition to recording this Mortgage in the real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further authorization from Grantor, file executed counterparts, copies or reproductions of this Mortgage as a financing statement. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this security interest. Upon default, Grantor shall assemble the Personal Property in a manner and at a place reasonably convenient to Grantor and Lender and make it available to Lender within three (3) days after receipt of written demand from Lender. Addresses. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debtor) and Lender (secured party), from which information concerning the security interest granted by this Mortgage may be obtained (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Code), are as stated on the first page of this Mortgage. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY -IN -FACT. The following provisions relating to further assurances and attorney -in -fact are a part of this Mortgage. Further Assurances. At any time, and from time to time, upon request of Lender, Grantor will make, execute and deliver, or will cause to be made, executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requested by Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, refiled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such offices and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, security agreements, financing statements, continuation statements, instruments of further assurance, certificates, and other documents as may, in the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable in order to effectuate, complete, perfect, continue, or preserve (a) the obligations of Grantor under the Note, this Mortgage, and the Related Documents, and (b) the liens and security interests created by this Mortgage as first and prior liens on the Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Grantor. Unless prohibited by law or agreed to the contrary by Lender in writing, Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the matters referred to in this paragraph. Attorney -In -Fact. If Grantor fails to do any of the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so for and in the name of Grantor and at Grantor's expense. For such purposes, Grantor hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as Grantor's attorney -in -fact for the purpose of making, executing, delivering, filing, recording, and doing all other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sole opinion, to accomplish the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph. FULL PERFORMANCE. If Grantor pays all the Indebtedness when due, and otherwise performs all the obligations imposed upon Grantor under this Mortgage, Lender shall execute and deliver to Grantor a suitable.satisfaction of this Mortgage and suitable statements of termination of any financing statement on file evidencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Personal Property. Grantor will pay, if permitted by applicable law, any reasonable termination fee as determined by Lender from time to time. DEFAULT. Each of the following, at the option of Lender, shall constitute an event of default "Event of Default under this Mortgage: Default on Indebtedness. Failure of Grantor to make any payment when due on the Indebtedness. Default on Other Payments. Failure of Grantor within the time required by this Mortgage to make any payment for taxes or insurance, or any other payment necessary to prevent filing of or to effect discharge of any lien. Compliance Default. Failure of Grantor to comply with any other term, obligation, covenant or condition contained in this Mortgage, the Note or in any of the Related Documents. False Statements. Any warranty, representation or statement made or furnished to Lender by or on behalf of Grantor under this Mortgage, the Note or the Related Documents is false or misleading in any material respect, either now or at the time made or furnished. Defective Collateralization. This Mortgage or any of the Related Documents ceases to be in full force and effect (including failure of any collateral documents to create a valid and perfected security interest or lien) at any time and for any reason. Death or Insolvency. The death of Grantor, the insolvency of Grantor, the appointment of a receiver for any part of Grantor's property, any assignment for the benefit of creditors, any type of creditor workout, or the commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Grantor. Foreclosure, Forfeiture, etc. Commencement of foreclosure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial proceeding, self -help, repossession or any other method, by any creditor of Grantor or by any governmental agency against any of the Property. However, this subsection shall not apply in the event of a good faith dispute by Grantor as to the validity or reasonableness of the claim which is the basis of the foreclosure or forefeiture proceeding, provided that Grantor gives Lender written notice of such claim and furnishes reserves or a surety bond for the claim satisfactory to Lender. Breach of Other Agreement. Any breach by Grantor under the terms of any other agreement between Grantor and Lender that is not remedied within any grace period provided therein, including without limitation any agreement concerning any indebtedness or other obligation of Grantor to Lender, whether existing now or later. Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the preceding events occurs with respect to any Guarantor of any of the Indebtedness or any Guarantor dies or becomes incompetent, or revokes or disputes the validity of, or liability under, any Guaranty of the Indebtedness. Lender, at its option, may, but shall not be required to, permit the Guarantor's estate to assume unconditionally the obligations arising under the guaranty in a manner satisfactory to Lender, and, in doing so, cure the Event of Default. Insecurity. Lender in good faith deems itself insecure. Right to Cure. If such a failure is curable and if Grantor has not been given a notice of a breach of the same provision of this Mortgage within the preceding twelve (12) months, it may be cured (and no Event of Default will have occurred) if Grantor, after Lender sends written notice demanding cure of such failure: (a) cures the failure within fifteen (15) days; or (b) if the cure requires more than fifteen (15) days, immediately initiates steps sufficient to cure the failure and thereafter continues and completes all reasonable and necessary steps sufficient to produce com soon as reasonably practical. lia� •peJlnbej s! }uesuoo Lions e.1eyM seouB;sul luenbesgns o} Iuesuoo Bulnul ;uoo ein ;I ;suoo ;ou Keys eoue;su! Rue up Jepuen Aq 1uesuo3 ions 4o Bui;uei6 ay; 'a686;JOIN spy) up pennboJ si Jepuel Aq luesuoo JeneueyM •suopoesu81l am ;n4 Aug o} se suop oB!igo s,i0 ;uB.0 ;0 due JO spiBu S,Jepuel ;o Aug ;0 J8A!eM a eln;psuoo ploys 'Jo;us.10 pue Japual ueem }eq Bulloep 4o asmoo Aug JOU `Jepuel Aq JOAIeM .1oud ON •uolslnoJd .1e4;o due 10 uolslnoJd ;844 U11M e3uopdwoo ;34119 puewap o; aspMleylo ;yBU s,dped ey; eolpnfaad Jo ;o J0nleM B e ;n ;i }suoo ;ou ploys e5e6poIN sly} Io uolslnoJd a 4o Aped due Aq JeAIeM y •1461.1 Jey ;o duo Jo 14811 Lions ;o JenIem a se a ;wedo ploys ;q61i Aug Bulsloiexe u! Japuei 10 pod ey; uo uopsslwo 10 d818p oN •Jepue Aq pauBls pue Bulum u! s! JOnloM Lions sselun (s ;uewnooa pa ;el9)j ey} Jepun Jo) a5e6poIN sly; Jepun s ;t "U Aug paNam aney o; peweep eq ;ou (lays Jepue •s;uesuo0 pue sianpeM •e6eBpoIN sly; Aq pamoes sseupa ;gepul lle o; se Bu!woAM ;o ems ay; lo SMBI uop }dwexe pea }savoy ey ;o s4l ;aueq pue sly611 p8 SOAIBM pue SOS B8181 Aqua.' Jo;uBJO •uo11dw9x3 pea;sawoH 10 1 anleM •e6108poIN spy} 4o aouowioped ay' up eouesse ey ;o sl aw!' •9000883 eta 10 sl awl; •sseupa ;gepul ay; Jepun Amy!! e6e5pon sly; 4o suol ;eB!Igo ay; wo1; Jolum0 BuIsoelel ;no441M uolsueixe Jo eau /megwol deM Aq ssaupe ;gepul ey; pue e6e6pon sly; o; eoueJe18J 41IM sJossaoons s,loluBJO y }!M jeep dew 'Jo ;ueJO o; eol ;ou }noy ;lM 'Jepue•4 'Jo ;uel° uey; Jay ;o uosied a up poison sawooaq dpadoJd 941 ;o d1Usieumo ;I •su6lsse pue siosseoons play ;'sapped ey ;10 ;peueq ay; o} amid pus uodn Buppupq aq HBO e6e6poj spy ;se.1a ;up s,Jo ;41313 ;o 181sugJ1 uo 86o6 ;JOIN 914; up p9 ;o ;s suopiupw!I e44 o ;;oefgns •su6lssy pue sJossa33nS •eIgBeOJO ;ue pue P11en u!Bwel Heys s;oadseJ Jey ;O po up e6e6poIN spy; 10 suolslnoJd Jey ;o Hg pue uexOIJ ;s eq Heys II 'pa14lpow os eq ;ouueo uolslnoJd Bulpue4o ey;11 'Jenemoy 4 Appplen Jo d ;plpgBe3Jo ;ue 10 sllwpl ey; my ;lm eq o; pal ;Ipaw eq o; peweep eq Keys uolslnoJd Bulpue;;o Lions Aug 'elgsee4;p •seoue ;swnOJp3 Jo suosied Jeylo duo o} se epgBaoJO;ueun Jo pplenu! uolslnoJd IB41 Japuei Iou Hoys Buppup; y3ns 'eOUB ;swno.1po Jo uosied due 0; so a goew1o;ueun Jo pomp eq o; aBe8poIN sly; 10 uolslnoJd due spui; uop ;olpsiJnf pue ;edwoo 10 ,pnoo 8 ;I 'pt ;lllgelana9 •a6B8po j spy; up suol ;e6pgo pig Jo; apglsuodsei sI moleg Bulu6ls suosJed ey ;10 yoga ;ey; sueew sly' '10 ;uBJO d.1ene pug 14389 Ue91.11 pays J01U819 0; seoue.1e ;8J Jepuel 10 luesuoo uel ;!JM ay} ;noy ;IM'd ;I3edeo due up Jepuei ;0 }I;eueq 941 104 Jo Aq play ewl; Aug ;o dpadoJd ey; up a ;olse Jo papaw! Jey ;o due y ;pm e5o6poIN spy; Aq pe ;8eJO a ;o ;se .10 ;s818114 914 ;0 Je6Jew ou aq Heys aJay' •19619114 •e6860oIN spy; 10 suolslnoJd ay; eupep Jo ;eid.1e ;ul o4 pasn aq 01 ;ou eJo pus Apo sesodind eouepuenuoo Jot 0.18 e8e6poIN sly; up s6ulpeey uoi4do0 •s6u4peeH uop ;de0 •6uIwoAM 4o a ;e;s ay; 4• sme4 ay; y;lm a0uep1033e up panl;suo3 pue Aq pawano6 eq Heys e6e6voIN x141 •6uIwoAM 10 ale1S ail ui Japual Aq pa ;daooe pue lapual o; palanllap uaaq say e6e6vo1N sfyl *min algeallddy •luewpuewo Jo uop ;BJe;ie ey} Aq punoq Jo pe6Jeyo eq 0; Iy5nos sapped JO Aped ey; Aq pauBls PUB 6uq pm u! uan16 sselun end;Oa4;e eq ploys eBe6po j spy; of ;uewpuewo JO 10 u0p8Je ;18 ON •0686 ;JO J spy; u! 144.10; ;9s spa }low ay} o; se sapped ail 10 ;ueweei8o puo Buppue ;slepun a1pue eyl se ;npl ;suoo 'sluewnooa pelele4j due tipm _mimeo) 'e6s6poIN spy' •s;uawpuewy :eb86pon 9!U1 ;0 pod 8 9.18 suopspnold snoeuBIleOspw 6 uIMOfOI 8 41 'SNOISIAOHd SfO3Nyll3OSIIN •sseJppB luenn° 9,10441310 40 sawn Ho ;B pewJo4up Jepue deed o} seep6o Jo ;ueJO 'sesodind eo!;ou Jod °8686 ;JOIN s144 40 BuluupBaq 044 JBOU uMOys se 'ssaJppe s,Jepu0l 04 pies eq ploys e686poIN sly; J9n0 AIlpo!Jd soy golyM uop due 40 Japloy ail w0J4 eJnSOp3010; 40 seal ;ou 40 Se!doo ply •ssepppo s,dpod 041 a6u8y3 01 s! e31Iou 044 40 esodJnd e9; loy} Bufd;IOeds 'se!pod J0440 ey4 0; eopou ue44UM plum 13u4/45 Aq 0686 .10 sly} Jepun se3pou Jo; ssaJppe s }I e6uoyo dew Aped dui •9686poIN sly} 40 Bupuul6eq ey; Jeeu uMOys S9SS9Jppe 044 o; pe ;oeipp 'plodeid e6e 4sod 'Hew 10.10 ;sp6ai .10 pepppeo 'solo Ion; Hew sales Pelpun 944 up p9;psodep uaym en13e44e peweep eq ploys 'papaw 4! 'JO 'JaIJnoo ;46luJeno pezluBooe.1 dpeuol8u a yllm pe ;lsodep uaym 10 'paJan;ap dpen;3e uaym en13a4;a eq 11ays pus '(Mel Aq papinbej eslnuey;o sselun) eHwpsoe;ela; Aq was eq dew '13u14!Jm u! eq ploys 'JOIUOJO 01 ales ;0 eopou due pub;ino ;ap 40 001041 Aug uop ;o ;Iw11 ;noyllm Bulpnloul 'e6EBpon 9141 Jepun eol;ou dui 'S3IjUyd 1i31-110 aNy 1101Ny8i0 01 S33I1ON •M81 Aq pap!nold owns imp plO 04 uoplppe up '91903 ;moo due dad pl!M osle JoIUBJ0 'Mel epgeollddo Aq paillwJed wawa ay) 04 'eouoinsul app pus 'see; iBSls.1ddo pue 's ;podej ,sJodenms '(spodai 9Jnsop30J04 Bu!pnloul) spode elm 641;41!3 ;qo 'SpJO0e1 6ulyOJeas 10 ism 944 'S0OlAJeS 410/39/100 ;uew6pnf- ;sod pa ;edlopue due pue spoedde '(uepounfup 10 clops opowoln8 due 04838n Jo Appow 01 spo449 Bu!pnlou!) seulpa80OJd do4dnfl u8q Jo; sea; ,sdeuJo ;e elgeuoss0J BUppniOup ;InsM8p a s! my; 43U Jo 18y;eym sesuedxe p8601 s,Jepue1 PUB sea; sdeuJO4;e algeuoseaJ s,Japual 'mop algeopldde Jepun sump due 04 ;oofgns Jen9MOy 'uol4sllw!l 4noy}Im 'apnIOUp ydw6o.1ed sly; Aq pe19no0 sesuedxa •010N ay) u! 104 papinoJd 0481 044 p8 medal 14un einipuedxe 40 048.1 941 woJ4 ISOJ0 1411 meq ploys pug puewap uo 9lgodod sseupelgepul 044 ;0 plod 8 ewooaq ploys 9111611 s;! 40 4U8w99104u0 ay; .10 ;saJalul 911 40 uoloe ;old e44 Jo; awp due ;e dp8sseoeu 0.18 uoluldo s,Jepue ul 18141 Japual Aq paJm3up sesuedxa motional 118 'wpm! 5! uopos pnoo Aug 4341 10 Jey;ayM iBedde Aug uo pus le!Jl ;e see; ,sAeuiopo alg8uossoJ s8 epgouoseel eepnfpo dew pnoo all se wns Lions 19A0391 04 pal ;Ilua aq 118ys Jepua1 'a6o6poIN s1Uj 40 swJa4 04140 duo 93J04U8 04 u0Il3E JO ;pus due saInll;sul Jepua •sesuedxa :seed ,sAawo;ly •06o6 ;Jopn4 s14I.1epun selpeweJ si 991319x0 pus 11n84ep 0 0J8l3ap 04146!J s,J2pue 439448 4011 Hogs wJoped o; JOIUOJ9 ;0 amp; 1848 e688poIN sly; Jepun 13141810 40 uops6!lgo us w.1oped oI uopoo 013; Jo seen ;Ipuedxe exow 01 uop ;ogle 418 pus 'dpewei 101410 Aug 40 ;InsJnd epnpoxe Iou ploys dpaw0J /U8 ensind o; J8pual Aq 41043013 'uolslnoJd .10410 Aug Jo uolslnoJd ley} y}pM eouOHdwoO 431149 puewap 04 es!m1ey ;o s #4611 s,dpsd ay; eolpnfeid JO 10 JOAIOM a 9 ;n4RsuoO;ou Heys e686poIN spy) lo uolslnoJd 8 ;0 1.13e0Jq 8 40 dpod duo Aq 19n18M V •891p8w88 40 U0143913 !JOA!BM •uopllsodslp Jo alas 94! 40 awp 844 0JO;aq sd8p (op) 4104 ;seal 18 u8ny6 0o14ou ueew 1184s 801 #ou 0pg8uossepj •epees eq 04 s! dpadoJd I8UOSJed 94; 40 uolpsodslp pepuapu! 104 40 10 epos a48nud Aug 43po n 10 #40 awl 043 40 Jo dpadoJd IBUOSJed 044 ;0 ales oppgnd due 40 eo0ld pub awp ay; 10 a31Iou apg8uose9J .13}41810 0AI6 ploys Japue1 'apes 10 a3f;oN °dpadoJd ay; 40 uolpod duB 10 HE U0 epos ollgnd duo 1 pp o; pa11ue eq ploys Jepuei •s91Bs e ;epodes Aq Jo epos auo up 'dpa ;8J8des Jo .1044060; dpadoJd 044 40 pod duo Jo 11 Iles o; awl aq ploys Japue1 'selpewoJ pus S44641 941 Bulsiaiexe up •peploysJow d ;Jadoid 914; aney 01 14 118 Pug due seApom dgeley JoIueJ0 'Map algeoppddo Aq pa4IwJad ;ua ;xe 041 01 AVadOJd 041 40 9109 •d41nbe U! 10 M8118 e1go11one JO 810N 044 8686p0 sly; up pep!noJd seppewei pus s;484J 18410 Hg mot) ploys Japua 4 •sappawaH 191110 •Jepual 40 puewap e9I uodn dpa ;oppewwl dpadoJd 041 81830n (q) Jo 'dpadoJd ail 4o esn ay; Jo; IB1UOJ epgouosoe.1 8 dad (8) Ay pa 'uoldo s,Jepual 48 'ploys puo dpadoJd ay; 40 Jeseyoind eta Jo J2pual 40 eouoJe4;ns ;8 luou9; a ewooeq lls4s 10 ;41810 'J0141810 40 11ne ;9p uodn dpadoJd ay; 40 uolssassod of pal ;p ;ue sawooaq 0S!M.18410 Jepuei Jo amigo pepinoJd se epos s! dpadoJd 041 10448 dpedwd ay; 4o uolssassod up sulowe.1 10411810 11 °a3ueJOIns 1e Aoueual •4131399 sly; uI p0p!noJd map 04 #;0 esp0Jexe ay} W0.11 p0n!909) s ;unowe 118 40 U018311dd818448 Japua1 0; enp sseupe;gepul 0111 up 6ululowel douelol;ep Aug .104 ;uew6pnf a ule4go dew Japu9, 'mop elgoo!lddo Aq pe1pwJed 41 '1uawopnr Aoualogea •Jenle391 8 so Bulnles woJ4 uosied a d41enbslp Iou ploys Japuoi Aq ;uewdoldw3 ;unow8 p8I ;u84sgns e Aq sseupe;gepup ey; speeoxe dpadoJd 044 40 enpen ;Ue1edds 044 IOU 10 1ay;a4M ;spite ploys 1en1808J 8 40 ;uaw}ulodde ay; o; ;Op s,Japual 'mop Aq pelpwied 4! puoq ln0441M en.1OS dew J0n1000J 914' •sseupa ;gepup 014; ;sul860 'dlyslenpe0ep 044 40 Iwo ey; anoge pue .1eno 'spe93o.1d 9141 dldde pue dpadoJd ay} mu; weld ay; 1001100 01 pue '810S Jo 0Jnsol09JO4 Bulpeoepd dpadoJd all a ;mmedo o; 'dpadoJd 041 enmosald puo ;oe;ad 01 JeMOd ay} 91!M 'dpadoJd 044 4o pod due .10 11B ;0 uopssessod ailel 01 p9lUloddo JOn180218 8n84 01 14.6u 941 aney ploys Japuei •18n030H ;u;oddy •Janl8021 8 46n014; Jo 'weft Aq 'uosied Ul 189110 yd8J68.1odgns s14; Jepun s;yBU sip es!oJexe dew Jepual •p01s!x9 puewap ay) 104 spunoi6 Jedoid dub ;ou Jo Jey ;94M 'spew 018 sluewdod 941 yOlyM .104 suo14861go ey; Aisles 11845 puowep s,lapue-p o; esuodsei up Japu0l o; siesn 18410 .10 s }usue; Aq s;uewded •speaoo.1d et); 4001100 pug ewes ay; 0401406eu 04 pue Jo;u8J9 40 ewsu eyl 11! 4001ay; ;uawded up penla0a1 s;uewnJ;sul esJOpue 04 1084- u!- dauJO ;;e s,J0;41810 so Japual se;ouepsep olg80onOJJI Jo;ueJ0 uayl 'Jepue Aq .101301103 018 swell 941 11 •Jepue 04 dloenp see; asn .10 IUOJ 4o s;uewd8d 0)40w 04 dpadoJd 044 ;o Jesn 189 40 Jo }usue} Aug a1Inbe.1 dew Jepuel ;y6p1 sly; 40 eoue109pn4 up •sseupa4gepul 844 4sup8Be '94903 sdepuei anoge puo JOAO 'spoeooJd 4911 ay; dpddo pus 'ppodun pue enp Ind s ;unowe Bu!Pnloul 'swam 09;10911oo pus 'pelolpnf -uou 10 IBIOIPnf Je44ayM 'aJnsoloaJO4 40 douepued 044 6uunp Bulpnlou! 'dpadoJd 041 ;0 uopssessod 0)48; 01 '.104ue.19 0; ail ;ou ;noy;pm ;y6I.1 044 en89 plays lepue 'swam 1391103 'apo0 IBIOJewwOO WJOI1un el; iepun dpod peJnoes o 4o se!POweJ pus s ;y6u 044 pe envy pegs iepue- 'dpadoJd I8UOSJed 0U# 4o pad due 10 118 O1 loedsOJ 41!M 'sappawaa OOl dad o; peilnbei eq PlnoM JOIUOJ0 yawn d418ued ;uewdodaid Aug Bulpnppul 'elgBABd pug enp Ape ;slpewwl sseupa ;gapup ell ;u0 eyp e1epoep 04104U810 04 eopou ;noyl!M uopdo 941 ;8 19611 ay; envy ploys Jepual •ssaupe ;gapul 01019103314 :mop Aq pep!noJd salpewel 10 s ;y611 10440 due 04 uo!1!PP8 u! 'sappewei pus 944641 6upMopo4 0141 4o aloes 10 auo due 99!3.19x9 dew 'uop ;do sp!;e 'Jepue-'e6e6poIN sly; up uop ;8;pw!1 Aug Jo a ;oN 944 up uopo1p pi dub o; ;3efgns ;nq 191040)041 awp due 18 puo pupa 40 puma Aug 40 eOueJmo0o eyp uodn 'llflyd]o NO S3I03IN3H (INV 91H018 b abed _L9i 11 Pug 'penes pug ;ulof eq Ileys a6e6poIN s14; Jepun Jo ;UBJ0 ;o suople IPA 'salved afdl ;Ini (panufjuo3) 3DVD 00L90999 oN ueoi 9,774 "410 411-60-90 06-09 -2000 Loan No 88506700 EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MORTGAGE, AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. GRANTOR: Joe F. Kalan STATE OF WYOMING SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN By A Notary Publi In and r the State of Wyoming MORTGAGE (Continued) Lori Kay Kalan INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT LASER PRO, Reg. U.S. Pat. 8 T.M. Oft., Ver. 3.29 (0) Concentrex 2000 All rights reserved. [WY-G03 885087.LN R1.OVL) 168 (ARYN BLACK Notary Public County of 'F, State of Uncoin Wyoming My Commission Expires May 31, 400) Residing at Lincoln County My commission expires 5/31/01 Page 5 On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Joe F. Kalan and Lori Kay Kalan, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the Mortgage, and acknowledged that they signed the Mortgage as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under Irly hand and official seal this 9TH day of June ,20 00