HomeMy WebLinkAbout866419•i,L oag jo ow' A'caisom aqi of 2utpuaixa `I °'l ptgs jo Anpunoq AuaquoN alp Suop lsgg aouagi •ut•d 1419 agil.o 'M66I '2I "o `i,Z •dMJ oas `Z1 lo'IJo Xcgpunog AuaquoN alp oI LI logcy 3o Ai punoq Xixaq toN alp Vuo'g Isug out I I Iog.0 jo caucoo isaMgi ioN alp of `Z£ Iog.Z pus jo £n punoq Aualsug agi Suop glcoN aouagi `Ioacagi .tauaoo IsgaglnoS gip of aBugj pug dial pigs `Z£ lout" jo A npunoq XUaglnoS alp &uoig aouagi `Ioacagl caucoo isgaglnos agi of iogci pigs jo out' Xcnpunoq ,iicaginos alp 2uoip lsgg aouagi 419 agi Jo `•M611 oRug)I `•N l o w JO caucoo ISOMginos agi 11 Suiuui2ag :sr paquosap Auginotind aut' g jo tpioN ilwAi pug paquosap want' spurt alp jo jig jo lstsuoo Hugs `Ioulsiu uoilgai ul )pod s agi jo 1 ON IouisrQ scauotsstutcuo3 S,LDD1LSIQ IIINOISSILAINOD Z icno� Iouls!Q alp po nioap sg ioulsip cauoisstuutuoo nap jo goua wog pafoaia oq iiggs .tauotssiu utoo auO •saauoissiuzuzoo aatgi jo pasudutoo aq Hugs 'MUSIC( NOI.LVORRII )RlOd agilo Apo(' Sunuona aril `S2IgNOISSIJAWIO3 ,L3RII.SIQ i'Z AQOfi JNIN2IIAOJ :Z g"I�IL2I�' •Sutlaatu pigs JO aounnpg ui sAgp (p I) ua1 isuoi Ig &uciaaut aqI .col IMO gip ui uan!B st aiiuggo goats JO 009.0u ogtoads Ingl paranoid Tutiaaut cgingac Aug ig Sunon slim/law Aq aisgo ,iq papuaurn aq Auw sMg1 -41 asogI :S,LNdIAIQNgIAIV S't lotcISIQ alp ut scasn ignptntput all of iownt uopuBuct cantiap oI wols,is aouuAanuoo g aptnocd oZ :way b' sown pigs JO Xitcofgua g st AI Id2If1'Id V •lolzisip pws Jo ivautssasst3 Ignuug lsgl alp uodn passassg pug' gons acot aiggSutt goga coj awn (I) auo_alsgo of pail'iva oq hugs 2igglAIglAI Imo `S} giniainI jo aion co uoiloa'a ,iun ui :A.LI'IH2IIYId i •iot.usIp agI utgi!M pug' jo uotssassod agi of Sutlu pugl otlgnd jo ani.un Xq pa'itiva co Su1UMo uoiwiodcoo JO uoscad ,iuV :ggglulAI z IotclsJQ alp jo Ind pug utais&s aril oI saupuaddg acu prep mini pug inuuO Aono3 a4! ',LORIISIQ NOIIYIJRRII )RIOd 01 11 0 g Ilggs uoilgzIug0c0 Stg1 Jo autgu agZ :HIAIVN SINHJ' UN1NV QNd `SVIIV `SNOI.LINIdEQ `NOIIVNJIS1Q :I g'OLDIV 9NIWON '2IJJ3 4Wt)E H3N!VM 3NNV 1 WV S I N(li 00 f "IUJN1 03A13O38 SAAV'I 6 tiI I ��s 003 1 IDRI.I.SIQ NOI.LVDRRII ?RIOd S INNS G T hovd 7Id� }I000 t Usk. 184 said Twp. and Range; thence North to the Northwest corner of said Sec. thence to the Easterly boundary line of said Smith's Fork Irrigation District. Commissioners District No. 2 shall consist of all the lands South and East of the above line and North and West of a line more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Tract 44, Twp. 23, N., Range 119 West of the 6th P.M. and thence Est to the Southeast corner of said tract; thence East to the Easterly right -of -way boundary of the Union Pacific Railroad Company; thence Northeast along said right -of -way boundary line to the projection of the South boundary of the North half of Tract 45, said Twp., and Range; thence East along said projected line and said South Center boundary line to the Easterly end of said Tract 45, to the Northeast corner thereof; thence East to the Southeast corner of Tract 49; thence North along the east line of said Tract 49 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence North to the Northeast corner of Tract 57; thence East to the Southeast corner of Tract 61; thence South to the Southwest corner of Tract 60; thence East to the Southeast comer of Tract 60, a point on the exterior boundary line of said Smith's Fork Irrigation District. Commissioners District No. 3 shall consist of all of the lands South and East of the above described line. 2.3 ELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS: The commissioners of the district shall fix the hour and place, within the boundaries of or at a place convenient to the landowners within the irrigation district, of each election and preside at the same. It shall be the duty of the commissioners, at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of an election, to mail to each MEMBER entitled to vote thereat, at his or its last known place of residence or business, a notice stating the time, place and purpose of such elections. Each MEMBER with land situated within and being a part of any commissioner district in which an election for commissioner is being held, and upon which land no assessment for operation, maintenance or repairs is delinquent for more than for (4) years, shall be entitled to cast, for the commissioner to be elected, for the commissioner district wherein such land is situated, one (1) vote for each irrigable acre of such land assessed upon the last annual assessment of said district. At the hour and place of such election the commissioners shall call the roll of those entitled to vote, and the number of votes each is entitled to cast. They shall make a record of the qualified voter present, receive all proxies and prescribe the manner of canvassing votes, All proxies shall be in writing and signed be the person or corporation entitled to vote. No person shall be declared elected as a commissioner who shall not be a landowner in said commissioner district and who shall not have received a majority of all votes cast by the qualified voters of said commissioner district. No election shall be invalid by reason of the fact that a majority of the acreage within the district was not represented at such election. If an election is conducted at which no qualified MEMBERS of the Commissioner District are present to vote the other two commissioners shall appoint a commissioner for a one year term with an election for the unexpired term being conducted at the next annual election for said Commissioners District. Whenever the office of any elected commissioner shall become vacant by reason of death, resignation or other cause, the vacancy shall be filled by the surviving commissioners for the unexpired term. •aouaj am 1oj Aiiligisuodsai ut A1113nba antis lugs ,Card `aouaj auras am antis S?IHgy1HyAI afoul 10 (Z) omi 11011M •asuadxa S?Iggy'IHI 113 Iouisip am Aq patulollad aq Ipm aoueuaiut13ul `/Cltltgtsuodsaz snit asto.xaxa loll op S21ggyAlgN 313113 loan a111 ui •aoual aril wag sugap pug gses1 jo 113notual aril zoJ aylisuodsaz an S?IHgJ'IHF'1 •115noltp /Cum 1aBBip 101o3013i p leul azts luaiogjns jo ?pug Iamo1 1pueo am uo a33B aueq oI si aou0j -ssolo gong •Ioillstp aril uniltm sliggyuN aql Io Xitltgisuodsaz aril si aouaj -ssolo !pug :SH3NH3 b'£ •ivauidmba aoueualuipul tulip alppouitu000p 03 Japzo ui palonllsuoo 3q Timis peal ati •20gyNgy1 amp asuadxa am le 1! punon limq aq oI paimbai aq Begs peon u Vireo aril jo lui q 1amo1 aql uo uoiiels Buidtund 13 anetl oI Xmssaoau sI 1i3I :SNOIZy,LS DNIdynI11d 'q alp ul 3n0 palnlonzisun ue 42nolgl slew eo aril uiotl IOWA Jo uoiszanip ou aq Help aiata jjo Ings pup paleinBaz aq 11130 tio14M ad/fl 13 jo aq o1 an so p2 pnaH •1ot11sip 3111 u1Lilim poet JO S1IHNA O aril jo A1111q!suodsaz am sI sal13B p13ati jo aou13ualul13ui pue uo111311131su! ails SH LdJ QVHH Z suggiAlaw pips 011aTem Janilap 1aSuo1 ou 1oi11slp 3111 aiInbaz pugs siauoissiuttuoo jo pnoq aril a1ut11pul 1y •sluatualmbal pauoiluaut aiojaq alaiduzoo 01 S66I `I Ainf !pun an13ti Bugs szauoissiutuioo jo pnoq aril Aq uo1113ogilou uodn pue passass13 loo 3113 iloigm pal13Buzzi Buiaq spu131 ane4 own 1s13d aril ui 10 Xiivasazd 1a4ta S?IHgiNHyAi °sou, y Ia?1I jo IauotssnuuloJ 1a313M am wag alaiduioo pup 1apmo ui 0113 sluaumoop 0411em uoIleoljpiao pue !aogl0 maamBug ButuiaM jo al13IS am moij sivaumoop al13udoldd13 am 43u1sip ui tilim 0 1301o13 passass13Io XIYIyInrld p luasaldal 01 S2IHgJA JJAI jo 1aqulnu luaioi ns 13 &q pauBis uo1lilad 13 pnoq aril 03 uo1lpluasald uodn spueT pa1135111tim jo uolllppR 10 uo!slanip ui auutl0 az!iotiln13 Apo 11!m slauotsstiztuzoo jo pz13oq 01 11 `066I `I �ilnf 3niloajJg 10111sip aril u1 satluo1Id JO suotl13udoJdd13 `s111211 10113M Bu1lstxa Suut13d1.11t 1auu1311 Au13 111 01 s13 p0114su00 aq liens sm131 -Xg asap u! But4TON me! IOW/A Apoq SupuoiiM jo alms au1lo suoisinold 0131 jo 3313 plogdn !pm slauoisstunuoo jo pnoq 0112 :MyV'I DNIJAIOAA/i dO HIV'S I' SNOI.LV'If D flI QNV S flf12I H'I�I LHV •51al113U14ons o1 anll131a1 BuituoiCM jo al13IS amp ovum Aug o1 tte111100 JO 41!m Ioilluoo uI aq iou i113gs salmi icons imp `siC13m113 `apinold `.ioiz1sip 0411oj suoi113inSa1 pup salmi alg13lmba gsi1g131sa `sailnp IIa111 aquosaid pue `paztnbai aq Amu se sag/Cold= pup snow `sXaulollp `slua& Bons Aoidtua `S3013111100 i(113ss000U 1113 alnoaxa pup a)113tu `lotzlsip amp ssauisnq pup s1ipjIp am lonpuoo pup &puew smpiAq ldop1301 `,clap 11041 aq hugs 3! pup `zamod anti pegs pnoq 0131 pnoq amp zagtuaul p aq Iou X13111 10 Xput 011M azns13011- XIBIOIOOS 13 Iulodd13 pure iaqumu 0ul uuol =maid 13 pap `pnoq 13113 az1ua10 i113gs slauo!ssiunuoo 0 131 :SHI.LIIQ QNV S2I1A Od QNV S2IHNOISSIJAWsIOD AO NOLINZINVO'HO S'Z •uual pazidxaun ue Ilg o1 paloala slauoissiuiutoo ldaoxa `snatC (E) amp. Jo IUJOI 1310) uo11oa10 sits Jour Suunsu! Ixau Annlgad ui A13psan i, p1143 a111 uodn 0011011111100 oils zauotssiuuuoo paloala ue jo uual 31 3,E :HQIddO AO y'RIH.L 177 g 7-11,9q0 3.5 STRUCTURES IN CANALS: There shall be no check, dam or structure put in the canals which shall in any way cause the water in front of the structure to be higher than the water below the structure. The only exception being the last user on each canal or by the written consent of every MEMBER below the structure on the canal. 3.6 DELINQUENCY: The MEMBERS of the district shall be notified by the secretary of the board within ten (10) days after receiving notification of sad delinquency form the County Treasurer. 3.7 MINOR CONSTRUCTION: To facilitate timely maintenance and repair on the canals, the board will by April 1st each year obtain a written quote from owners and operators of small construction equipment of the hourly charge for operating said equipment. In order to receive reimbursement for work on the canals, approval from a member of the board of commissioners must be received. resident Joe Buckley B A,AeL, elm s Sam Bennion Commissioner Linn Dimond 186