HomeMy WebLinkAbout866423s ;uewenoadw! Ile Gansu! osie !legs aeMoaaoB •saalnbaa aepuei ;ey; spouad (NI ao; pue s ;unowe eql aoI
pue s ;unowe ay; u! peu!e ;ulew eq Heys eoueansu! sly! •eoueansu! saalnbaa aepueq golgM ao; 'sal; 6u!pnlou!
`seioue6ul ;uoo pue 'sel ;lenseo 'spaezeq Aue ;su!e6e 'pe ;oeae Ai ;uenbesgns JO eoueisixe u! Mou aey ;eqM
'Apedwd ay; uo s ;uewenoadua! Ile aansu! Heys aeMoaaoB •eoueansui paezeH aay ;O pue poold 'eau
I; ;iiti'J 1441 uN
'.V LI8IHX3. pew uo
°e ;oN ay; aepun enp se6aeyo elei of `at31Hl
:e ;oN ey ;o lediouud ey ;o uoi ;ezipowe o; 'aN003S
:eloN ay; aepun anp ;sane ;u! of `1Sa1d
se aapuei Aq palldde eq !legs Z pue l sgdea6eaed aepun s ;uewAed fly •s ;uawAed ;o uol ;eo!Iddy
'aepuel ey; Aq ;senbea uodn aepueq o ;uewAed ;o ;ooad gsluanl Begs
aaMOaaog eqi •q ydea6eaed Aq paainbaa eoueansui ao; swniwaad (o) pue 'Apedwd dy; uo s ;uaa punoa6
JO s ;uewAed plogeseel (q) 'Apedwd eql isum6e pains! eq o; JO pains! s ;uewssesse Ieloeds pue sex (e)
Aue ;o ;uewAed Alawl; e>iew !legs aeMoaaoB •se6aey0 aey ;O pue eoueansui `sexei }o s ;uewAed 7
•e ;oN ey; aepun enp se6aeyo
pue `aigeo!ldde ;saga ;u! ;ine ;ep 'a ;oN ay; Aq peouepine ;qap ey; 'uo ;sage ;u! pue ;o Iedlouud ey;
enp uegM iced Heys aeMoaaog °se6aey0 a ;eq pue ;seae ;ui ;ine }ea ;seas ;ui 'led!ouud luewAed l
•paoow ;o seoueagwnoue Aue o ;oe(gns 'spuewep pue swlelo
Ile isule6e Apedwd ay; o; 0 !111 ayl Alleaeue6 pua;ep IIIM pue s;ueaaeM aeMoaaoB •paooei }o seoueagwnoue
ao ;deoxe `peaegwnoueun s! Apedwd ey ;ey; pue Apedwd ay; AeAUOo pue ;uea6 'e6e6pow o ;y6u
ay; seq pue peAenuoo Ageaay a ;e ;se ey; }o pez!es Aiin }Mel s! aeMoaaoB
ley! SINVN3A00 EI3MO81:i09
„Apedoad„ eql se ;uawna ;sui A ;unoeS sly; u! o; peace ;ei s! 6uio6eao; ey lo IIV ;uawna ;sui A ;unoeS sly;
Aq peaenoo eq osie !legs suo! ;Ippe pue s ;ueweoeidaa py •Apedoad ay ;o ped e as ;}eaaeq ao Mou seenlxid lie
pue )lOO ;s pue s ;q6p ae ;eM 's }oad pue s ;q6p se6 pue Ilo `Ieaau!w 'sal ;IeAoa `s ;uaa 'seoueue ;andde `s ;y6p
`s ;uewesee Its pue 'Apedwd ay; uo pe ;oeae ae ;;ee eq JO Mou swewenoadw! mil Ile HIM 1:13H13001
„ssaappyApedoad LZTE8 AM' auSe41
£39tl9it�tt I0911 3]S
9NIV O M e9 83NlWJ >1
'10 SI ?4fliOO CZ t i 9 9 8
e6a3 pay0e34y ass
:6u!woAM 'A ;unoO
u 1 o o u 1 u! pe ;eool Apedwd pequosep 6u!Moilol ay; 'ales ;o aeMod y ;IM `aepue o;
Aanuoo pue ;uea6 'e6e6pow Ageaeq seop aeMoaaoB 'esodand sly; ao3 'e ;oN ey; pue ;uewna ;sui A ;unoeS
sly; aepun s ;ueweei6e pue s ;ueuenoo SdeMOJJOEI aouewaopad ay; (o) pue ;uewna ;sui A ;unoeS
sty A ;unoes ay ;oe ;oad o; 9 ydea6eaed aepun peouvApe ;seae ;u! gip 'swns aay ;o lie io ;uewAed
ay; (q) :suol ;eo! ;!pow pue suoisue ;xe `sieMeuea lle pue ;seae ;u! won `eloN ey; Aq peouepine ;qep eqi
;o ;uewAedea ay; (e) :aapual o; saanoes ;uawna ;sui A ;unoeS sly! 8 0 0 Z I k l n Ouo aigeAed
pue enp `aeluee pled ;ou 'map pn; ay; y ;lM 's ;uewAed Aly ;uow ao; sep!noad yolgM a ;oN„) ;ueweeafy
*noes sly; se a ;ep ewes eql pe ;ep a ;oN s,aeMoaaoe Aq peouepne sl ;qap sly! o o 0 0 E b
001/ou pue s,ae<<o0 pa.apunH aauyl puesnoyl .ano3
lo wns ledlouud ay; aepue Senn° aeMoaaoB aapuei 1.00£8 6ulwoAM 'uosNoer '89L l xog '0
'd ABM oieldn9 09 s! sseappe esogM pue `6u!woAM ;o ems ay ;o sMei ay; aepun 6ul ;slxe pue pezlue6ao
s! yo!!-IM i{ue8 ele1S V `>NNV 31y1S NOS>i3VI o; uenl6 s! ;uawna ;sui *noes slyi „aeMoaaoB
LZTE8 AM' auA'eyl' LOB# peon Rq.unoo s 1 l iW 88 s!ssaappeesogM
uej a16ut.s y -d ggauue
s! ao6e6pow eqi
0 0 0 2 b T a u n C uo u•ni6 s! ;uawna ;sui A ;unoeS e6e6pow sly!
:aequanN ueo-1
6 T 3DVd xa l :"NOO9
Jo ;uewAed Alyluow lxeu eq; ;o e;ep enp eq; uo Jo o; Joud luawna ;sui
i(lunoes sly; Aq paJinbei ;uewAed illyluow Aue lln; ul scud o; 6ullle; Aq slfns;ep JeMoJJOs (f)
;I ;uewnjlsui
AlWoes sly; Aq peanoas scans s ;o Hn; ul luewAsd a;sfpewwt eainbeJ clew aepue ;Ins ;ea (e)
;qaa ;o uoi ;eJeleooy Jo; spunoi9
•o;e ey; pei ue /(ile6ej Amue eq; o; pled eq Netts luewnJtsul
A;unoas sly; pue eioN eq; aapun sseupe gepui 6ulpuelslno Ile i(ed o; pe tnbei ;unowe ue aano speeooad
sseoxe Auy •s ;uewicsd ;tons ;o;unowe eq; e6ueyo Jo 'Z ydea6eaed uI o; peiJelei we pow 's;uewAed
Alyluow eq; ;o elep enp eq; euod ;sod Jo pue ;xe lou Heys Iedloulad ey; o; speeooid ey ;o uol ;eolldde Auy
°Iedloulad ;o luewAedead o; ueq; pue '6 ydea6eaed u! pepinoad Jepao ey; ui pe!dde s;unows;uenbuilep
Aus o 116J4 ';uewn4sul, ;pnoes sly; pue eloN ay; aapun sseupa ;gapul eq; ;o uoilonpaJ eq; o; spe000id
yons Aidde flays aepue •luawnilsul Alpnoes sly; pue etoN ay; aapun pledun suiswoJ imp sseupe gepul
eq; ;o lunows fin; eq; ;o lue xe eq; o Japue o; pled eq Heys pue peu6isss AgeJeq ale 'uoi ;euwepuoo ;o
eosid u! eoueAenuoo Jo; Jo `A;Jadoad eq; ;o pad Aus ;o 6uple; Jeyto Jo uollsuwepuoo i(ue y ;Inn uo! oeuuoo
ui 'IeRuenbesuoo Jo 1384 •se6ewep Jo; wisio Jo paella i(ue ;o speeooad eq j •uol ;suwepuoo °L
'elquAed pue enp AIelsipewwl
eq Heys 'Jepuei ;o uolldo eq; ;e pue 'alsJ ;saaalui ;Ins ;ep ay; Jo 'eleJ a ;oN ay; is 'luewesangsip
elep eq; ma; lseie ul mac! is slunows esegl iuewnilsul Al!Jnoes sly; Aq peanoas aq pue
JaMoJJOs ;o ;qep leuol;Ippe ue ewooeq Heys ydeJ6BJed sly; aapun Jepuei Aq pesangsip s;unowe Auy
ydea6eaed of peuoi ;uew swell Jayto pue eoueansui
prnzep `sexs ;o ;uewAed 6ulpnpul 'AlJedoJd eq; ui sly6u spepuei pue ApedoJd eq; ;o enlen e41108;oad
o; AJusseoeu s! Jenalegm i(ed pue op i(ew iepueq ueyl '(suoflsln6eJ Jo SMBI eoao ;ue o; Jo uollsuwepuoo
Jo ;'AoldniNueq ui 6uipoeooad s se yons) ApadoJd ay; uI sly6u spepua- ;Oa ;s Al ;ueol ;lu6fs stew ley;
6uipeeoowd Ie6ei s si WOW Jo ';uewna;sul i(lunoes sly; uI peule ;uoo s;uawaaJ6e pue s ;ueuenoo Ja ilo Aue
wao}Jed o; sue; Jo 'g ydea6eJed Aq paJlnbaJ sluewi(sd eq; ao sluawAsd asap; eNew o; sue; JeMoJJOe it
•s;uewitsd asap; 6upuepfne s;dieoeJ Jepue i o;
yslwn; iti;dwoJd Heys Jennoaaos ;senbeJ s,aepue uodn 'Alaedoad apt ui tseaa ;ui s,Jepueq ;oej4 AIesJeApe
pinoM iced o; wile; ;l •luewAed ay; peMo s! pOlgM /tl;ue eq; o; /I ;oeJip awl; uo suoile6ugo asap; iced Heys
JemoJJos •Z ydea6aJed ui pepnlouf lou eas ;a suof;isodwf pue said; `seWego lsdpfunw Jo Ie;uewuJeno6
fls /ed netts aaMoJJOs 'A4JedoJd eq; ui s;y6li- s,Jepuejo uofloa ;oJd pue JOMOJJO9 o; se6asp3 g
•6uilIJM u! Je6Jew eq; o; seeJ6e iepue i ssafun pa6Jew eq lou Heys ellf; ea; pue
plogeseei eq; 'Apedoad eq; o; ej ;I; ea; seJlnbos JOMoJJOs ;I °eseel eq; lo suoisinoad ay; ylM! AIdwoo llsys
JeMoJJos 'plogesee a uo sI luewnilsui A;unoes sly; n •aouaplsaJ Iedpuud s se ApedoJd eq; lo Aouedn000
s,JeMoJJos 6uiweouoo suol ;e ;ueseadeJ 'o; pe ;iwil;ou ;nq '6ulpnpul 'eloN eq; Aq peOUepfne usol
eq; y ;Inn uoi ;Oauuoo u! (uoi;ewJo;ui leua;ew Aue y ;inn Jepue epfnoad o; pale; Jo) Japue o; stuewe ;e s
Jo uoi;ewJO;uf aleinooeul Jo esis; Appelew GAO `sseooad uof ;eoiidde usoi ay; 6uunp 'JaMoJJOs
;i line;ep of eq osle !legs JaMoijos •Aiedoad pauopuege Jo lueosn yons eiueseid pue ;oe oJd o; uoi;oe
elgeuoseei e)1e; Amu iepue llnelap ui si uaoi ay; Jo pauopuege JO 1U OSA sf ApedoJd eq; ;i AtJedoJd eq;
loedsul Asw aapue •pa;deoxe asal pue JeeM aigeuoseaJ 'eie oue ep of ApedoJd eq; Molls Jo Apedoad eq;
e6ueyo AHei ;uelsgns Jo a6ewep `Aoilsep Jo elssM;Iwwoo 10U Is JeMoaaos •seouelswnoap 6uilenue xe
Aue ;o sJepue Aji ;ou Heys JeMoJJOB loJluoo s puoicaq ern pow ;we seouslswnoJIO
6ul ;enualxe ssafun Jo `JeMoJJos Jo; dipspiep enpun esnso IHM ;uaweJlnbeJ sip; seufwaelep aepue
apt ssafun 'itousdn000 ;o amp ey; Jel ;s Jean euo ;see! le Jo; aouaplsaJ Iedpuud s,aeMoJJos se ApedoJd
eq; Adn000 o; enuiluoo Ilsys pus luewni ;sui i( ;pnoes sly ;o uol;noexe apt Ja ;s si(ep Alxis ulyliM aouaplsaJ
Iedpuud s,JeMouos se Apadoad ay; esn pus 'ysifgelse 'Adn000 Ilsps ieMoJJos °spiogesse :uoileollddy
usol s,JeMoJJOs :ApedoJd Op; ;o uoiloaloJd pus eoueue ule j `uoilenaasaJd `i(OUednOOO •s
°Jessyoand eq; of ssed !legs
eoJo; ui selollod eousansui o; pus Li! ieMonos ;o lseJe4ui pus elm '1y6u Ile `sseupe gepuf ay; segSin6uilXe
ley; ApedoJd ey; of elm ;o Je ;sued Jaylo Jo luewnalsul Alunoes sly a nsopeJo ;o luene eq; ul
•ole oq pal ;f;ue
AIls Amue ay; o; pied eq Hegs;uewnisul Rwnoes sip; pus eloN apl Japun sseupaigepuf 6uipusls ;no
Its i(sd o; pa lunows ue Je o speeooad eoueansui sseoxe i(uy •sluewAed Lions ;o ;unowe
ay; e6ueyo Jo `Z ydsJ6sJed uI o; peuelei Jas yofgM sluewAed Aiytuow eq; to amp enp eyt euodisod
Jo puelxe lou !legs ledpupd eq; of speeooad eq; ;o uoilsolldde Auy ApedoJd pe6swep eq; lo JfsdeJ Jo
uoilsJo ;sai eq; of (q) Jo `Iedpuud ;o luewAede d ueq pus `6 ydeJ6sJed u! JepJo eq; of peildds slunows
luenbuilep Aus of lsJI; `luewnJlsul A ;pnoes sly; pus eloN eq; Japun sseupelgepui eyl ;o uoflonpaJ
eq; of (e) Jeq a 'uofldo slI le 'Jepuel Aq paildds eq Aew speeooad eoueinsui eq; ;o pad Aus Jo Ily
'Ai;ufof Jepue i o; pus JaMOJJOB of ;o pea;sul 'Jepue o; iclloaJlp ssol yons Jo; luewAed e>isw o; pe Damp
pus pezuoylns /gaaeq sI peweouoo i(uedwoo eousansul yosj •JaMOJJOs Aq iI ;dwoad epsw lou ;I ssol
;o paid e>iew i(ew Jepuai •Hew Aq eoilou e1e!pewwi Jepue ani6 Heys JeMoJJos 'ssol ;o;uei a ay; ul
•Japue ay; Aq lsenbea uodn
Jepuel apt o; eousansui ;o sepllod Jo i(ollod eq; lo i(doo e ysfwn; imps JemoJJOs •Jepue 'o; elgsldeooe
wJO; s uI pus ;o Jon; of sesnep a gsAsd ssol epnloui Ileys slemeuaJ pus seioilod eoueansui
eq j •Japue Aq penoadde sefusdwoo ptfM peu ieo eq Hsys eousansul Hy •Japuaq eq; Aq paJlnbaJ
lue xa eql of spool; Aq ssol lsuis6s petoeaa AIluenbesgns Jo eouelsixe ui Mou JaytagM `AlJedoJd eq; uo
Loan 8023372
Application PHILLIPS, K 2 N D
(ii) Borrower defaults by failing, for a period of thirty days, to perform any other obligations
contained in this Security Instrument.
(b) Sale Without Credit Approval. Lender shall, if permitted by applicable law, require immediate
payment in full of all the sums secured by this Security Instrument if:
(i) All or part of the Property, or a beneficial interest in a trust owning all or part of the Property, is
sold or otherwise transferred (other than by devise or descent) by the Borrower, and
(ii) The Property is not occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal residence, or
the purchaser or grantee does so occupy the Property but his or her credit has not been approved in
accordance with the requirements of the Lender.
(c) Default Interest. If Lender has not received the full monthly payment required by the Security
Instrument by the end of the thirty calendar days after the payment is due, Lender may increase the
interest rate as described in Paragraph 2 of the Note to twelve percent (12 Lender may choose not to
exercise this option without waiving its right in the event of any subsequent default.
(d) No Waiver. If circumstances occur that would permit Lender to require immediate payment in
full, but Lender does not require such payments, Lender does not waive its rights with respect to
subsequent events.
9. Reinstatement. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in
full because of Borrower's failure to pay an amount due under the Note or this Security Instrument. This
right applies even after foreclosure proceedings are instituted. To reinstate the Security Instrument,
Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all amounts required to bring Borrower's account current including,
to the extent they are obligations of Borrower under this Security Instrument, foreclosure costs and
reasonable and customary attorneys' fees and expenses properly associated with the foreclosure
proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligations that it secures
shall remain in effect as if Lender had not required immediate payment in full. However, Lender is not
required to permit reinstatement if: (i) Lender has accepted reinstatement after the commencement of
foreclosure proceedings within two years immediately preceding the commencement of a current
foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on different grounds in the future, or
(iii) reinstatement will adversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Security Instrument.
10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time of payment
or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any
successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or
Borrower's successor in interest, payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this
Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in
interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude
the exercise of any right or remedy.
11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co- Signers. The covenants and
agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and
Borrower, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8.b. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint
and several. Any Borrower who co -signs this Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is
co- signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the
Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums
secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to
extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument
or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
12. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by
delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The
notice shall be directed to the Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to
Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any
address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in the Security Instrument shall
be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
13. Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and the
law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this
Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions
of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this
end the provision of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable.
14. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Security Instrument.
15. Assignments of Rents. Borrower unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and
revenues of the Property. Borrower authorized Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and
revenues and hereby directs each tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents.
However, prior to Lender's notice to Borrower of Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in the
Security Instrument, Borrower shall collect and receive all rents and revenues of the Property as trustee for
the benefit of Lender and Borrower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not
an assignment for additional security only.
sd 1 11 Lod PueyD 1-a q eu
OOOZ 'bi
:ss Rluno3
:seildx uolsslwwd' l A
7i0 3 OW
sd L L L iqd Puey3 L>j q eUUe)1 Aq
sly; ew aao ;eq pe6peIMomloe seM luewnalsul 6ulo6aao; 0111
1! yip pepaooei pue JOMo .'Jog Aq pelnoexe (s)iepu Aue ul pue luewnalsul'lunOas sig3
v g6noag1 se6ed u! peuleluoo swag; egl o; seei6e pue sideooe aaMoaaog 'M0138 ONINOIS A8
[i ;loads] Ja1430 [i ;loads] J041°
Jep!H luewdoienea man peuueld Jeplsd Al!nb3 6UIMOae
aap!El luewAed palenpe.'0 Jepld wn!ulwopuo0
'[(s)eoeds eigeo!ldde joeg0] •Iuewn.4sul AIunoos s1g1 ;o ped e u! aJOM
(s)aapu ay ;l se luewn .'lsui Amnon sIgI ;o slueweeJ6e pue slueuenoo eql lueweiddns pue puewe peps
pue olui peleJod .'oou1 eq !legs Jepu Lions pee lo slueuenoo egI'luewnJlsul Amnon sly; 411M .'01110601
pepaooei pue.eMauog Aq pejnoexe a .'e saepu eJOw .'o euo •luewnalsui Alunoes sly! 01 sJepu
'Apedoad eql u! aennop pue Asalano ;o sl46la
Ile segslnbL)i eJ pue Apedoad ay; u! uo!Idwexe pealsowoq ;o sl4 Ile senleM JeMOaaog 'sJen!eM •g I.
'slsoo uollepaooaa Aue Aed !legs aaMoaaog •JOMOJJOg o1 e6aego lnogIIM Iuawnaisui A4pnoe9
sly0 esee eJ !legs .'apuaw 'luewnalsul Aiunoes s141 Aq paanoas swns lie ;o Iuewied uodn 'eseeIe 'L 1.
1! 01 pa1Mue �(le6el suosied .'o uosied ay; o; sseoxe Aue (o) pue :luewnalsui Alunoes s!y; Aq peinoes
swns IIe of (q) :see 1 SI 0UJolle eiqeuoseei '04 pel!wlI lou lnq `6u!pnjOU! 'ems Big Jo sesuedxe 110 04
(e) :Jep .'o 6u!MoIIo; 0111 uI peiidde eq hays ems 9(44 o speeoo .'d 041 'ales Aue 1e AlaedoJd ay} esegoand
stew eau6lsep s}! .o iepue 'Mel eigeo!ldde Aq pequose d aeuuew ayl u! pios eq 'legs Apedoad a4; pue
'ales ;o eollou 4sllgnd Hugs Jepue z[. gdea6eaed u! pepinoad Jeuuew 0111 ul aaMoaaog 01 ales 043 ;o eollou
eni6 pegs iepuei 'Mei eigeolldde 411M eoGepJ000e u! `Iuaaa ;lp 'Ajedoad eq3 ;o uolssessod ul uosaed a4;
o} pue aaMoaaog o} eso100ao; o1 luelul ;o eo1lou en1611eys aepuel 'ales ;o JeMod 84; se onul Jepue ;I
•eouepine 01313 ;o slsoo pue see; s,/ewolle elgeuoseaa '04 pip!! you lnq
9I. gdea6eaed s14; u! pep!noad selpewe.' ay16ulnsand ul peaanou! sesuedxe Ile 1001100 o; peIlllue
eq iiegs.epue 'Mei eigeo!idde Aq pelllwaed selpeweJ ae1110 Aue pue eles ;o JeMod 043 e)lonu! Amu
aepue 'g gdea6eaed Japun pn; ul 1uewAed elelpewwl sannbea Jepual 'eJnpe0OJd aJnsoIoeaod '91.
:sMollo; se ee 6e pue IUBUOAOO Jegpn; Jepue pue JOMOJJO9 'SINVN3AO0 WIIOJINfI-NON
•ipedoad 0143 ulelulew JO IOJ1UOO 'uodn Jame 04 AIunoes Jew JO puoq Aue !sod
of pannbea eq lou pegs Jenleoaa pe4ulodde Alleiolpnf e Jo iepuel 041 'IIn; u! pled s! IuewnJlsui Alunoeg 0141
Aq paanoes;gep 041 u0(M eleulwJel Hags Alaedoad eLil ;o slue.' ;o luewu6lsse sly! •Jepuei ;o i(pewaa Jo
146p J0(440 Aue elepiienu! JO 11ne ;ap Aue eAieM JO aanO lou Heys SIUeJ ;o uolleolidde Auy •goeaaq e s! 0Ja141
awl! Aue le os op Aew JOAla00J pelu!odde Aile!O!pnf e JO Jepua1 `JOAOMO14 •aaMoaaog o1 goeaaq ;o eollou
6uin16 Jel ;e JO aao ;aq AlJed0Jd 0141 uleluiew JO 40 IOJ1UOO 'uodn Je1U0 04 paalnba! eq Iou 11e(s Jepua1
'91. gdea6eJed sly! aepun sly6u sll 6ulsioJexe W0J; aepuel lueneJd pinoM Ie4I
Aue waoped Iou IIIM pue Iou se4 pue s4U8J 041 ;0 luewu6!sse mud Aue palnOaxe lou sag JeMOJJog
•lueue4 0144 04 puewep ua11iM
saepuel uo Iue6e s,Jepual JO JOpUO1 of pledun pue enp s4UOJ Ile i(ed !legs Apedoad aNI ;o lueuel pee
(0) pue :Apedoad 0113 ;o slue.' 043 3 He eAle00J pue IOepo° 04 poil!lue eq iieqs Jepue (q) :luawnalsul
A3unoos an Aq pe .'noes swns 0143 01 paildde eq 04 'Apo JOpu01 ;011;0ueq Jo; eelsnal se JOMOJaog
Aq P104 eq !legs aaMoaaog Aq pen!e00J slue.' IIy (e) :JeMo .'Jog 04 goeeaq ;o 90110u sen!6 aepue ;i
A portion of the Imlay property referred to in Instrument No.
865637 recorded in Book 445 P.R., on Page 55, all in the
NE1 /4SW1 /4 of Section 11, T34N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at an Iron Pipe Set at a point in the West line of
the above referred to properties, said point being 171.30 feet
S0 °08'17 "W from the B.L.M. type Monument marking the Baker
Engineers PE /LS 698 location for the Northwest corner of said
NE1 /4SW1/4 (CW1 /16 S11); thence S88 °43'34 "E 261.47 feet to an
Iron Pipe set at a point in the East line of said Imlay
property; thence SO °08'17 "W, along said East line, 172.03 feet
to an Iron Pipe set marking the Southeast corner of said
property; thence N88 °33'59 "W, along the South line of said
property, 261.48 feet to an Iron Pipe set marking the Southwest
corner of said property; thence N0 °08'17 "E, along said West
line, 171.30 feet, to the Point of Beginning.