HomeMy WebLinkAbout866448ASSIGNMENT OF OVERRIDING ROYALTY AFFECTING UNITED STATES OIL AND GAS LEASE WYW- 143717 DISTRICT LAND OFFICE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Kay Papulak Assignor (whether one or more) for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby convey, transfer, assign and deliver without warranty, express or implied, overriding royalty unto the following parties in the amounts shown: NAME Trachyte Oil Company P. 0. Box 11206 Salt Lake City, Utah 84147 -0206 Being in all a total of an undivided TWQ .ANII 31 OF EIGHT EIGHTS overriding royalty on all of the oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances that may be produced, saved and marketed from the following described lands situated in S,inco] n County, State of...,..... under the above designated oil and gas lease and any extension or renewal thereof, to wit: Containing 1,16 0.00 acres, more or less. WITNESS our hands thi 6.th day of ApKil Witnesses STATE OF the sig Utah COUNTY OF Salt Lake On the 6th •pri1 My coirini, r .expires: OIL &G NO. 8 PFTROI_FUM INVFSTMFNT COMPANY 866448 T 23 N, R 115 'W, 6th PM Sec 15: NE1, NA NA. 51 Sec 28: All au abc ov 0 1y ackn 03 a t..aKe City, Utah 84118 n +ssion E.xp M ADDRESS PER CENT RECEIVED r I I" T n 00 JUN 16 Ail 8: l JEANNE: "i'!.A NER KEMMERER. WYOMING BOOK, "a PR PAGE 2 6 7 21% of 8 /8ths y0 2000 Kay Papulak 20 o0 before me personal appeared No blic Residing in Salt Lake City, Utah 89Z uap- saa I NVdWOD 'IIO 3Z2HDV L aau rssd -1 01 Sr 03 Se 01 SE 03 SE 03 Se 03 SE 01 SE 03 SE 01 SE :Kg 03 SE uosaad pies pauST ss a r T eAoa ago uT 4saaaluT uT 4Caaed alos aqa sT pauSTsaapun aq4 3o goes •+7 '£8'Z6I '2I'3'0 £+7 uT PaT3T -pads se saT3Telioa SuTpTaaano 3o uoTqeqpuTT oq loafgns sT quaoaad k j io ssaoxa uT assai se0 pus ITo pies aapun salsas pa4Tun aq4 o3 alquAsd A4TeAoa aqa pue uamuSTssy A4TeaCog SuToSaao; aq4 aapun pauSTsse 4saaa4uT L4Te.iCoa atj •saaoe aTgeaSaego 090`9'72 paaoxa lou op luauiu2Tssy SuToSaao3 aq4 pagoa33e aSeaape gfTM aag4aSo3 fuLuuUAM 3o age4S aq4 uT spur 3TTgnd SuT4oa33e 'suo -4do SuTpnvpuT 'saa33o ao suoT4eoTTdde uT pue saseaT set pus TTo uT pauSTs -aapun aga 3o goes 3 o '4oeaTpuT pue aoaaTp 'slsaaa4uT agy •Z •saeaA TZ 3o aSe alp aano salels pal alp 3o uazT4Ta uaoq anT4eu a sT (auo usgl aaom 3T) pauSTsaapun 3o gpeg •T :40q4 (s) quassadaa dgaaaq pau2Tsaapun aqZ (Innpi■ipul) 1S31:131NI Al1VAO I JNIQIaa3AO 40 .N3WNJISSV 40 33NDISSV 2304 NOLLVOIJI1V lO