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VEAPN l4j1.:. WAGNER 1 1
THIS INDENTURE, made this g y day of 6»1 u 2000, between SEPH
J. BUCKLEY and WILLIAM S. BUCKLEY, of Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, Grantors,
and JOHN RUSSELL THORNOCK and -17161GY-AMA THORNOCK, Grantees, of Lincoln
County and State of Wyoming, and ENNA LUCY
WHEREAS, by a Warrant Deed dated April 17, 1987, and recorded April 21, 1987, Book
250PR, Page 269, did purport to convey to John Russell Thornock and. Emma Lucy Thornock,
husband and wife, 1585.7 acres of land, located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and
WHEREAS, the legal description in said Warranty Deed contained an error in that a part of
the legal description was inadvertently omitted, and
NOW THEREFOR, the Grantors wish to correct the legal description in said Warranty
Deed, and by these presents does Grant, and Convey unto the Grantees, Forever:
All of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4SE1/4) and the
Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW'/4SE' /4) of Section
Twenty two (22);
The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4SW1/4) and the
Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty three
And that part of Section Thirty -five (35), Township Twenty -three
(23) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West, lying and being
situate easterly of the centerline of the Cokeville -Utah Line County
Road No. 12 -207 and the North Two Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-
one (2331.00) feet of that part of said Section Thirty five (35) lying
and being situate westerly of the said roadway;
And the North Two Thousand Three Hundred Thirty -one (2331.00)
feet of Section Thirty -four (34), Township Twenty Three (23)
North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West, Lincoln County,
And that part of Tract Nos. 37, 53, 72, 71 of said Township Twenty
three (23) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West lying
and being situate westerly of the following described line:
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-Amami paspung au0 pugsnogs oMZ `Isom ,Lbob£ g1noS aouagl
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State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
On this y am day of 2000, before me personally appeared Joseph J.
Buckley known to me to be the person who are described in and who executed the within instrument,
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.
Brenda J. Lazcanotegui Notary Public
County f
ry State of
Lincoln l'
My Commission Espit 4 3 "3
0, 2 8 7
Not. Public
My Commission Expire
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