HomeMy WebLinkAbout866455WITNESSETH:
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THIS INDENTURE, made this 15th day of Jun A N between
JOHN RUSSELL THORNOCK, SR, also known as, JOHN Raik }1 K, and
J. RUSSELL THORNOCK, and EMMA LUCY THORNOCK, husband and wife, of Lincoln
County and State of Wyoming, Grantors, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its
assigns, Grantee, c/o U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 25486, Denver, Colorado 80225,
under authority of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act of March 16, 1934 (48 Stat. 451), as
amended, and
BOOK _L ,__PR PAGE 2 8 9
WHEREAS, by a Warranty Deed dated June 2, 1998, and recorded June 3, 1998, Book
412PR, Pages 506 through 517, in the Recorder's Office of Lincoln County, Wyoming, the said
John Russell Thornock, Sr., also known as, John Russell Thornock, and J. Russell Thornock, and
Lucy Emma Thornock, husband and wife, did purport to convey to the United States of America
2209.32 acres of land, more or less, located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and
WHEREAS, said lands were conveyed with the knowledge that a survey was pending and
that the legal description and acreage might change, which would require a document to correct the
legal description and acreage, and require payment of an additional sum of money at Four Hundred
Seventy -six and 25/100 Dollars ($476.25) per acre to be paid if the acreage increased, and
WHEREAS, the lands have been surveyed, which survey resulted in 2214.41 acres of land
lying within the tract of land purchased by the United States of America, which 2214.41 acres of
land being 5.09 acres more than the lands conveyed in the Warranty Deed cited, and which result
in an additional purchase price of $2424.11 due to the Grantors, and
WHEREAS, the Grantors hereby release and waive all rights under and by virtue of the
homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming; and,
NOW THEREFOR, to correct said Warranty Deed, and in consideration of ONE MILLION
to them in hand paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Grantors do,
by these presents Grant, Bargain, Sell, and Convey unto the Grantee and its assigns, Forever:
The following described four tracts of land located in Lincoln County, Wyoming
approximately Eleven (11) miles South of the town of Cokeville, Wyoming,
and being part of the lands described in the following documents of the Lincoln
County records:
oMy `1saM HOO.Z£017Z luuS 0ou041 `laa3 (Z•0£LI) sgluay omi pug Alin',
pazpunH ulnas pursnogj aup `lsaM 1100.Z£000 glnog aouan `.isaM (OZI)
XIuaMy paapung aup aueg'giaow (£Z) aaagi- BivaMy duisu.oy pigs jo
£S Pulp L •°N.tauaop utoj laaj (91 smug" xts pur inoj -iCi. jj `IsaM
u000Z1S068 1 11- 10 N `L£ Pray ptrs Jo autj glIoN agI uo Iutod r lr Suiuu!Sag
:au!! paquosap BuiMojjoj amp Ajtalsam pur LOZ MN Ilunop jo
autjaaluao agl Jo Aiaalsra `VZL Paled Jo iCjiatwou Suyij'isaM (OZI) Amain
paapung aup aura `gi .Io .J (£Z) digsuMoy Jo LE pulp I crd
Irgl QNV `.sazoy L i't7Ob 2ututrluoo iaoagd `Pug •6Z'L£9 03 d£L
Iaaagd `sazor LE 8uiureluoo £P ioeay :sa.zor OS °69Z 8ututrluoo VZL palm
:Tint -01 m0110J sr I9b98 luaun lsul `0002 `6 gomIAI
papiooaa `6661 'Li lsn8ny jo alyp alp zapun aoualui 3o IuauniudaQ
salrls paliun amp luauza8ruryq purl jo nraing of j apruz Irjd am oI
aouataJat glim paquosap Aj1rjnotlird aJouz pur1 jo pond y 'isaM (6ii) uaaiauijsj
paapung au() agueg `giaow (zz) oMi- SivaMy digsuMoy ;o (9) xis uoiiaas
Pur `isaM (6ii) uaaiauiu paapung aup a.ueg'giaoN (£Z) aaag4- 4ivaAy
digsuMojJo (Z£) OMi- ,fiaigy pug (I£) auo- Aiaigy suoiiaas :isaM (OZI)
tfivaMy paapung au() Aueg `giaoj\j (£Z) aaagi- BivaMJ digsuMoyJo (9£)
xis Luigi pug (Sz) ang- AivaM1 suollaas :isaM (OZI) Bivamy paapung
aup (ZZ) oMi- SivaMy digsuMoy Jo (j) au() uop3as uI
:ueipuay%j Iediauud gixis'isaM (OZI)Aivagy paapung au() Pug (6ii) uaaiauijsj
palming au() saueg'wow (£Z) aaagi- BivaMy pug (zz) oMi- ,fivaMy sdigsuMoy
u'6I Pray
pu j otjgnd aiT of Sutpt000r paquosap `ZZ£ a `UdLZ£ Moog ut `£66T `91 IIRIV
uo 08Z£9L IuaumooG sr pap1ooaa `£661 `91 judd polyp `xn la voutogy
jjassn21 ugor of `xn Ia )joouaogy Ar}I uopy uzoal paaU WP D ling `Puu 16S gaud
`2idS£Z Ioog ui `8961 '£T'.Irtugad UO L9ZOS9 'oN luaumooQ sy papiooai `8961
`6Z Iudd polyp `xrt la Noouxoq j ijassnI oI `uosugor M ruuan utotu pia j AlurztrM
`•69Z agrd `2IdOSZ Xoog ui `L86T `IZ IudV uo OOS IL9 'oN IuautnooQ sr pap1o301
`L861 `L I judo' polyp
`xn la )joouzogy jjassng ugor oI `jr la icapjong •r gdasor uzo.y
PooG AluyurM `OLI acrd `2Id6£I Moog ui `LL6T `9 .taqutNdas uo O58L6tb 'oN
luaumooQ sy papio001 LL6 `9 .taqutaldas polyp `xn la (}joouzogy ijassn' rlr)
Noou togy jiassn' ugor of 'xn la Noouaogy Arj uapy wag 'mac' urtrjp lino
Hundred Thirty-two and Four Tenths (232.4) feet to a Point on the North
line of said Parcel 72A and there terminating containing 2.52 acres, more
or less. Said parcel of land contains in aggregate, 1902.85 acres, more or less.
Tract 19b
Township Twenty -two (22) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West,
Sixth Principal Meridian:
In Section. Thirty five (35), a parcel of land more particularly described with
reference to the plat made by the Bureau of Land Management of the
United States Department of Interior under the date of August 17, 1999,
recorded March 3, 2000, Instrument No. 864617, as follows to -wit:
Parcel A containing 253.39 acres, more or less.
Tract 19c
Township Twenty -two (22) North, Range One Hundred Nineteen (119) West,
Sixth Principal Meridian:
In Section Seven (7) a parcel of land more particularly described with reference
to the plat made by the Bureau of Land Management of the United States
Department of Interior under the date of August 17, 1999, recorded March 9,
2000, Instrument No. 864617, as follows, to -wit:
Parcel A containing 58.17 acres, more or less.
«(b y.a
The above described tracts of land contains 2214.41 acres of land, more or less, as shown
on that certain Survey, Recorded March 9, 2000, Instrument No. 864617.
The above described lands are acquired for the present use and benefit of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, United States Department of the Interior.
All other provisions of the Warranty Deed cited herein are to remain unchanged, and are
made a part of this conveyance by reference.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors hereunto set their hands the c)ay and year first
above written.
State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
On this 15th day of June 2000, before me personally appeared John
Russell Thornock, Sr., also known as, John Russell Thornock, and J. Russell Thornock, and
Emma Lucy Luey-Etn Thornock, husband and wife, known to me to be the persons who are described in and
who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
also known as,
In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.
Notary Pu lic
My Commission Expires: February 2, 2002