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Z I PNtlr 00 3 /\1333 33d" U!' f •00o 'aunr NOILdIUDSaA 'Marl so2xxoo os U2Uilomuall 3TuETsaTN •g giagog 39Vd ad '�IOO9 17 0 ;t 110998 bI -d °TTgnd Al qoN '0002 'aunt 3o AEp 01 STgq 'a3TM puE puEgsng 'xTuETsaTN •W EpuEM puE )TuwtseTN •g 3.xegog &q 'agvgs puE Aqunoo pTES JO; puE uT oT qnd AaEgou E 'eui aao;aq pabpaTMouxoE sum quawnagsuT buTobaao3 eta, •ss )[ETsaTN °W EpuEM 'TpaS TET puE puPq dw ssau4TM 30 APP uToouTZ 3o AqunoO buTmoAM 30 agEgS sTgq spuEq ano SSSNIIM p.zooa.z ao /puE ggbTs 3o AEM- 3o- SggbT.1 pup SuoTTPAaasaa 'SquawasEa 'suoTgoTagsaa 'suoTgTpuoo 'squeuanoo TIP oq goe qnS •buTbuoTeq oqunaaagq squewPgTpaaag pue saouEuaganddu TIP puE uoaaagq squewanoadwT TTE 'AuE 3T 'sggbTt TEaauTW 'SggbTI aagEM buTpnTouT puE q4-cm .zaggabos uoTgdTaosap TEbaT pagoEggE eas :qcm agEgS 3 W 30 SMET uoTgdwaxa pEagsawog egg 3o angrTA AC( puE iepun sggbTt TTE buTATEM puE buTSEaTaa Agaaag 'buTwofM 3o agEgS puE Aquno0 uToouTZ uT agEngTS agEgsa TEaa pagTaosep buTMoTTo3 agq '17LL£8 AM 'SZL xog •O•d sT ssaappE buTTTEw asogi 'saaquEab a3TM puE puEgsnq adod Of Aqqoa puE adod •g uPA2 :OZ SNvu wM UNV ASANOO 'pebpeTMouxoE igaaag sT 3oaaagM gdTeoaa 'pled puEq uT suoTgEaapTsuo3 aTgEnTEw puE poop .zaggo puE S2WTIOU (00'01$) Nail, 3 o uoTgEaapTsuoo uT pup ao3 'saoguEab a3TM pug puEgsnq �fdl� "dO) M 7J I" TUPIS •y,I EpurM puE ETUETsaTN •g gaagog 7,, NA /3 U U VDWM fO :;illl 9llelf'00 1 9T BJNd Nd X0OR Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Scheibe' Wyo. Registration No. 184 Idaho Regletratlon No. 3990 Utah Registration No. 1870 Nevada RegaVatlon No. 8808 Soon A. Belted/el Wyo. Registration 140. 3889 Idaho Registration No. 8028 Marlowe A. Sohabil Wyo. Registration No. 8388 Surveyor Bcherbel, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Sig Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR EVAN POPE �l.I?� 317 FROM ROBERT R. NIESLANIK AND WANDA M. NIESLANIK, as tenants in common To- wit: All of Tract No. 87, all of Tract No. 88, and all of Tract No. 89 of T25N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming excepting therefrom the following four (4) parcels; (1) the right -of -way conveyed to the Oregon Short Line Railway Company by Deed recorded on 25 November 1881 of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 3 of Transcribed Records on page 12, across said Tract 88 only; (2) that parcel conveyed to the State Highway Commission of Wyoming recorded 3 January 1978 in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 142 of Photostatic Records on page 618 and in Book 142 of Photostatic Records on page 619; that parcel conveyed to Lincoln County recorded 19 May 1938 in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 20 of Deeds on page 371; (4) that part of said Tract 89 described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner No. 1 of said Tract No. 89; thence S02 16' -55 "W, 428.31 feet along the east line of said Tract No. 89 to a point; thence coursing an extant fence line; thence S84 52' -47 "W, 380.72 feet to a point; thence S46 19' -52 "W, 793.63 feet to a point; thence S23 23' -28 "W, 954.51 feet to a point; thence S23 34' -02 "E, 1738.12 feet to a point and leave said fence line; (3) thence S64 35' -24 "W, 1053.24 feet to a point on the easterly right -of -way line State Highway 30; thence coursing said right -of -way line; thence S25 24' -47 "E, 1185.88 feet to marker; thence N64 36' -45 "E, 10.02 feet to marker; thence S25 24' -16 "E, 486.7.7 feet to a point on the south line of said Tract No. 89, N89 -12'- 59"W, 661.89 feet from Corner No. 2 of said Tract No. 89 and leave said right -of -way line; thence N89 12' -59 "W, 1404.88 feet along said south line to a point on the easterly right -of -way line of said railroad; thence N41 08' -36 "W, 4340.23 feet along said right -of -way line to an intersection with an extant fence line; thence coursing said fence line; thence N08 53' -02 "W, 1336.58 feet to a point; "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" doAeiuns eq to Aiiiigeg seleuiwiei uoiidiaosep 6ulo6eJoi eq to ADM Aue ui uoiiB011ipow„ `.68 oN logJZ ptgs 3o Z oN zauzo3 tuOZ3 I Z0'9i76 `Ak„£5 N `0£ Aum awls 3o autl 1M-J0-14!1 Alzaisam am uo uotltsod u of 1aa3 t'8'000I `H«L£-,L17-0t7LN aouagi `.68 °oN 13g1,1 plus JO ON zauzOD 11WOZ3 ia II '005Z `H«I 1 `puozltug au!Z izogg uoBaio am jo au!! 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Registration No. 164 Idaho Registration No. 3990 LAah Registration No. 1670 Nevada Registration No. 6806 Stoll A. Scheibe) Wyo. Registration No. 9689 Idaho Registration No. 6026 Marlowe A. Soh enbet Wyo. Registration No 6966 Surveyor Schenbal, LTD. Alton. Wyoming &g Piny. Wyomkg Jackson, Wyoming Lava Not Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR EVAN POPE FROM R. AND W. NIESLANIK Page 3 of 3 319 RESERVING unto the grantors the following well sites with appurtenant pipelines: WELL SITE AND PIPELINE NO. 1 EASEMENT A strip of land, twenty five (25) feet in width, being part of said Tract No. 89 with the southwesterly line .described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly right -of -way line of said State Highway 30, N46 26'-45"W, 1682.50 feet, from Corner No. 2 of said Tract No. 89; thence N25 24' -47 "W, 394.44 feet, along said right -of -way line to a point on the southerly boundary of the above described Excepted parcel 4, N42 29' -48 "W, 2055.54 feet; of said Corner No. 2; WELL SITE NO. 2 A strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, being part of said Tract 89, with the northeasterly line described as follows: BEGINNING at a point of the southwesterly right -of -way line of said Oregon.`Short Line Railroad, N73 07' -36 "E, 2342.44 feet of Corner No. -3 of said Tract No. 89; thence N41 08' -36 "W, 45.69 feet along said right -of -way line, to a point, N72 05' -59 "E, 2324.03 feet, of said Corner No. 3; each point marked by a 5/8 "x24" steel reinforcing rod with2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS5368 2000" and appropriate details; each corner as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each position not monumented; each marker is a 6x6 ins. concrete post with brass tablet inscribed, "STATE HIGHWAY DEPT R. O. W. MARKER" and other details; each spike is a 3/8x12 ins. steel spike; that the Base Bearing is the east line of said Tract No. 89 NO2 16' -55 "E determined by GPS methods; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the said Office, titled; "PLAT OF SURVEY FOR ROBERT R. NIESLANIK OF PARCELS IN GLO TRACTS 87, 88 AND 89 WITHIN SECTIONS 8, 9, 16, 17 T25N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 9 May 2000. f r f1 /7 18 May 2000, Revised 26 May 2000, 6 June 2000 "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" 25n 119w POPE.des