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NAME OF DECEDENT FIRST MIDDLE UST Newell Henry CROOK 2. SEX Male 3a. DATE OF DEATH IMo. Day. Yr) May 20, 1995 3b. TIME OF DEATH (24 is dodo 0545 s, DATE OF BIRTH (MO,. Day. wJ Sept. 17 1914 5, AGE ytasr enndavl 80 vrs IF uNDER 1 spin it UNDER 24 HOURS e. BIRTHPLACE /City Stan or Fwapn eouwvl Freedom, Wyoming 7. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 520 -09 -7451 Months Days Hours xOT' 8e.. PLACE OF DEATH (Check oMy ens) lib. NAME OF HOSPITAL. NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILITY (a outside a lacddy. give smog address of location) South Valley Care Center HOSPITAL: Inpatient ER/Outpatient DOA OTHER: Nursing Home Residence Other 8c. CITY. TOWN OR LOCATION OF DEATH West Jordan 8d. COUNTY OF DEATH Salt Lake 9. SURVIVING SPOUSE (N wile. gale maiden name) Mary Ellen Matthews 10. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? Iiil Yes No 11. MARITAL STATUS Never Married Married Divorced Widowed (2a. DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION (Give kind of work dons during most of working life. Do NOT use retired) Rancher 12b. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY Dairy (3e.. RESIDENCE STREET AND NUMBER RFD 13b. CITY. TOWN, OR COMMUNITY Etna (3d. COUNTY Lincoln 13d. STATE Wyoming (3s. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? LIMITS? Y68 No 131. ZIP CODE 83118 f 1. WAS DECEDENT OF HI5PANIC ORIGiN7 ❑Vas No (11 yea specify) Mexican Cuban Puerto Rican Other (Speciivl RACE White Am. Indian entered)• Japanese. 18. EDUCATION (Specify only highest Completed) Elements or Se gnu 10. (13.18 or 17 ry 14 PARENTS 17. FATHER'S NAM William (First: Middle, Last) Henry Crook 18. MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER (First Middle. Lan Annie Evelyn Haderlie INFORMANT 19. NAME. RELATIONSHIP AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INFORMANT Fred A. Crook, Son, 9340 Betty Drive, West Jordan, Utah 84088 DISPOSITION 20. METHOD OF DISPOSITION [(0. DATE OF DISPOSITION Entombment Donation Other In Burial Cremation ❑Removal May 25, 1995 21b. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name or cemetery crematory. or other place) Freedom Cemetery 21e. LOCATION City or Town. State Freedom, Wyoming 22.SIGNATURE OF FUNERAL SERVICE LICEN EE I 23. LICENSEE NUMBER 115349 24. FUNERAL HOME (Name. add ass and license number) Goff Mortuary, Inc'. 11101222 CERTIFIER 25. EDECEASED AS LAST AMMO) 8y CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN .5 28. II not certified by medical examiner. was death .ported to M.E.? Yes ONo If yes, enter the date and hour reported: M.E. Case No. 8090 South State Street Midvale, Utah 84047 HOUR W. DAY YEAR 27a. CERTIFIER CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN �o the best of my knowledge, death occurred at the lime. date, and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner as stated. 1,,.j(ait EXAMINER 1 AW ENFORCEMFNT OFFICIAL 4M.9 A e basis of examination and/or Investigation, in my opinion, death occurred at the time, date, place, and due to the cause(s) and manner as stated. 27b. S 4 1 TITLE OF ERTIFIER 27c. LICENSE NUMBER g9($15g7-I 27d. DATE GD ;Day. Yr.) NE s z 'Fs 28 ma y% D0 ESS 0 R WHO CERTIFIED THE CAUSE OF DEATH (ITEM 31) (Type/print) ndrew M. Heiner, M.D., 5770 South 250 East, Suite 445, Murray, Utah 84107 REGISTRAR 29. REGISTRAR'S NAT lE dVVWI 30. 10, --ewe f lsf tit DATE FILED (Month. Day. Year) May 22, 1995 CAUSE OF DEATH 31. PART 1 ENT R TH DISEASE 1NJI .0; 'CAT NS THAT OR RESPIRATORY ARREST. SHOCK. 9 H RE. LIST ONLY IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final a G disease or condition 41 a CAUSED THE DEATH. DO NOT ENTER THE MODE OF DYING. SUCH AS CARDIAC ONE CAUSE ON EACH LINE. t Approximete Interval Between Onset And Death. resulting In deafly DUE (OR AS A CONSEOUENCE OFI: Sequentially list conditions. 5. If any, leading to Immediate DUE TO /OR AS A CONSEOUENCE 07): cause. Enter UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury a Initiated that events resulting DUE TO ion AS A CONSEQUENCE OF) in death) LAST e. I- PART II. Other Significant Conditions contributing o death but not resulting M the underlying cause given In Pant rs•�� 32. IN YOUR OPINION. TOBACCO USE BY THE DECEDENT 0 P obably contributed to the cause of death 0 Was the underlying cause of death rIs DM not contribute to the cause of death 0 N unknown In relation to the cause of death NON-USER 33a. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? I Yes No 33b. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CAUSE OF DEATH? Yes No 34. MANNER OF DEATH Natural Accident 0 Suicide Homicide Undetermined Pending If Inured Investigation Purposely or Accidentally 35a. DATE OF INJURY (Month. Day. Year) 35b. TIME OF INJURY I (24 Hour Clock) 35e. INJURY AT WORK? f-f I 1 Yes No 35d. PLACE OF INJURY -A tome. farm, street. factory. office. building. ate. (Speedy) 35e.LOCATION (Street or rural route number. city or town. county and state) 35g. If motor vehicle accident. sootily if decedent was driver• passenger or pedestrian, 351. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED (enter sequence of events which resulted in injury, NATURE OF INJURY 51401)1080 EB�N ITEM aA�1 Th WARNING: IT IS ILLEGAL TO DUPLI( IIS COPY FOR OFFICIAL PURPOSES. ao teSoYasearro3° cado' r t Amass w seormaaon on Vas fain a 114014 under 0. Vial Swann M one Rubs LOCAL FILE NUMBER i s is to certify that this is a true copy of the information on file in this office.• This certified copy is issued under authority of Section 26-15-26 of the Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended. Date Issued SALT LAKE CITY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS 4 0 3 18- 160383 MAY 221995 STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH www� Thomas L. Vchletiker, MD Director of Health TATS F °a ye` 4 44k