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(L) "Structure" means anything built or placed on the ground, including, but not limited to buildings, but specifically excluding fences. ARTICLE II PURPOSES AND RESTRICTIONS IN USE Section 1. General Purpose. The general purpose of this Declaration is to provide for the maintenance, administration and control of the Property as a residential community. Section 2. Residential Use. The Lots may only be occupied and used for single family residential purposes. Each Owner shall use or occupy their Lot in a manner consistent with all Wyoming statutes and applicable Lincoln County ordinances, rules and regulations. Individual Lots may not be further subdivided. Section 3. Utilities. The Developer will supply telephone, power, water and sewer lines to the individual Lot lines. Owners will be responsible for any additional utility installation, e.g., cable TV. Telephone and utility lines must be underground. Section 4. Maintenance of Common Roads and Driveways. Owners are responsible for all maintenance, including snow removal, of the Common Roads and Driveways. Each Lot Owner will be financially responsible for an equal portion of the costs of maintenance and snow removal of the Common Roads on a per Lot basis. For example, the total cost of maintenance and snow removal would be divided by the number of Lots. Owners would be responsible for that share. Owners are individually responsible for maintenance and snow removal for the Driveways. The Common Roads and Driveways must be adequately maintained and kept passable to assure that fire and emergency response vehicles are able to respond to an emergency or fire. Section 5. Livestock. There will be no livestock permitted on the Property, including the individual Lots. Pets must be properly cared for and kept on their Owners Lots. Section 6. Storage of Large Recreational Vehicles. Except for temporary parking, meaning for a period of 12 hours or less, Recreational Vehicles shall only be stored in the storage areas specifically designated on the plat of Bear River Homes Subdivision. Section 7. Storage of Small Recreational Vehicles. Except for temporary parking, meaning for a period of 12 hours or less, small recreational vehicles shall be stored in either the garage of the twin home or storage sheds. Section 8. Major Alterations or Additions. There shall not be any major alterations Bear Hollow Twin Homes'CCRs Page 3 of 6 9 fo p a8nd sda3 sacuog Up141 tliOn0H snag ut paazan AIlno!poads ssalun •sivauussassn ,Cun Jo luatuXnduou aq1 JO slunuanoa asagll Jo uotinloin ,dun uTnzisaz pun al1uituzal of `slsan2 JO slunual zatl JO sitl zo zaq zo uz lsuin2n 110q JO 3uatuBpnf `uoilounfui un Jo Aiwa aql of s3uasuoo 30'I n Jo zaum0 Xiang •szaunnp azotu JO OLIO ,Cq algnaozojua oq Hugs slunuano3 OSO41 U1 two' las luatudolanap pun asn punt zoj sluauuazinbaz pun suoilnl1UZil 0111 •luatuaozoJug suoileio!A t uoiloas 1NaIATH31I03M3 III arIDI.LIV •lot zta41 uo saznionzis ,SUB SUTZOAO0 aounznsut UMO ziO41 Suiuun1go zoj algisuodsaz azn szaum0 •aounznsuI '9 i uoiloas 'alas zo3 3 og1 asiizanpn of JO IOUMO 041 ,(Jiluapt ing1 suds idaoxa 'To/ ,Cue uo pauinlumu JO paloaza oq !lurk saoinap Suisplanpn zo suds oN •su is g! uoiloas ,illuauntuzad JO Aliznzodulol zaglia `U011Ulign4 JO aouapisaz JO aonid n sn Alzadozd all uitllinn pasn JO palonzlsuoo aq Hugs `aznlnu aligotu JO ,Sznzodtual n Jo aznlonzls 10410 ,tun JO `Ouiplmglno `02nz0 `zaduzno `alum! aligotu `mot! zalinzl oN •saznlon.zls pal!q!gozd 'ti uoiloas •palliuzzad s! IOnaoSlntlm asn lntivapisaz �Ituznj al5Uis -uou 10410 JO Inizlsnpui `ssauisnq `iniozatutuoo oN •sasn palignlozd '£i uoiloas •suoiloizlsaz pun suotitpuoo `slunuanoo asap ,iq apign !pm limo all 31141 uotsinozd n Opnloui lsnuz luauzaaan !mug.' JO asnal ,iUV •suoiloizlsaz pun suompuoo `slunuanoo mom apign lsntu sMMUm0 aui Jo slunuaI lid' •slunua1 •Zj uoiloas •sivauzazinbaz lnzapaJ zo !goo! aignotiddn ,itm pow mum saonldo1U pun sanols $uiuznq pooh •lo-I ,Cum tuog pailiuza oq !Imp `140!I itpzq ,Cignuosnazun ,dun JO `szopo anisuaJJo JO snotxou JO `sasiou 211l,C0uun JO pnol Cignuosnazun oN •slo'J nom uo aounsTnu JO ,ilinilon anisuaJJo JO snoixougo Aug iituzad lou hugs szaum0 •sailinil3V z0410 i i uOtioas •suoiloizlsaz pun slunuanoo `suoilipuoo 0Satli til1M aounpz000n ui slot zia41 doianap zatilznj Ante szaumO •sauzil IIn 311 zaureluoo pasojo n Ui Ida)! aq !pis 4Snn pun angz1S `asnjoN •aouapisaz ant uitilim JO pals aSnzols n ui pawls xi !pm luauldtnba pun stool zagio pun 0zn0 UMW' •02nzn2 n ui idaoxa `slot all uo pazols oq lou !pm uoilipuoo 2ui?lzom ut lou sapgotuolnd •uompuoo pauinlutntu ttam pun `ajns 'mop n ui slot pun saouaptsaz zia41 doo) !teas S1OUMO IIV •paurelumAi pun mop nlzadozd 2uida0}i •p t uoiloas •aouaj auk) al,Xis 'manna 01412uidooj pun stnizalum 0)111 kznssaoau 3i saOUaj alp ztndaz ,Amu szaum0 •szaunnO aql ,iq panouzaz oq lou Iings Xizadozd 041 uo saou0J 0111 •saoua,j •6 uoiloas •saznlonzls aril of suoWppn JO 42 writing, liability for payment of assessments shall be joint and several against any and all persons and /or entities holding or claiming any ownership or leasehold interest in the applicable Lot. Section 2. Costs. Any lien imposed for nonpayment of assessments may carry interest at the highest rate allowed by law for consumer loans, plus all costs and attorney's fees. Any lot owner who uses or allows his or her lot to be used or developed in violation of these covenants further agrees to pay all costs incurred by the Owner or Owners in enforcing these Covenants, including reasonable attorney's fees whether or not suit is actually filed. Section 3. No Implied Waiver. The failure of any Owner or Owners to object to another Owner's or other party's failure to comply with these Covenants, now or hereafter promulgated, shall in no event be deemed a waiver by any Owner or Owners of its right to object to the same and to seek compliance in accordance with these Covenants. ARTICLE IV AMENDMENTS The provisions of the Declaration may be amended by the vote of Owners representing at least two thirds of the Lots. Any amendment so authorized shall be recorded in the same manner as this Declaration. The Plat may be supplemented, amended and modified from time to time by the Declarant at his discretion. ARTICLE V GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Severability. The provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed independent and severable, and the invalidity or partial invalidity or unenforceability of any one provision or portion thereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision herein. Section 2. Governing Law. This Declaration shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming. ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE This Declaration shall take effect when recorded with the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 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