HomeMy WebLinkAbout974198Clayne Reeves and Cheryl Reeves, husband and wife, whose address is Smoot, State of Wyoming(hereinafter called "Grantor for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys to Kendall A. Warburton and Cynthia A. Warburton, whose address is American Fork, Utah (hereinafter collectively called "Grantee the following- described real estate easement situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming: A non exclusive perpetual easement for purposes of access to the National Forest, the location of which easement is more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The easement granted by this deed is for the benefit of and is appurtenant to that real property, or any portion thereof, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, described as follows: See Exhibit "B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. To have and to hold the easement hereby granted unto the Grantee, their successors and assigns, as appurtenant to the said land of the Grantee. STATE OF 9 COUNTY OF SS Subscribed and sworn to before me GGOR/A k IVISs a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Clayne Reeves and Cheryl Reeves known or identified to me this yitsb day of \fc e, vlJ 2013. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 9 /,r, -/S SEAL RECEIVED 11/15/2013 at 3:41 PM RECEIVING 974198 BOOK: 824 PAGE: 217 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY GRANT OF EASEMENT Cheryl Reeves A Xg-y Notary Public GLORIA K. BYERS NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln l Wyoming My Commi6t:Ion Otplrog September 15, 2015 0217 ATTACHED EXHIBIT A BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1 SECTION 7, T 30 N, R 118 W OF CLARKS CORNER AMENDED SUBDIVISON,THENCE 85'(FEET) EAST, THENCE SOUTHWEST 130'(FEET), THENCE NORTH 100'(FEET) BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING /8 To•wit: A strip of land thirty (30) feel in width, being part of Lot 7 (SW %SWrIA) or Section 6 and Lot 1 (NW %NW%) of Section 7, T3ON, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with the centerline described as follows; BEGINNiNG at a spike on the soulhcnslerly edge of the cul•de -sac ni the south end of E.L. Clerk Lnnc Gounly Road No. 12.150, N80- 27' -22 "E. .17.23 feel rroin the northwest corner of sold Lot 7; thence S35 °•01 -17 "E, 46.61 feet to a spike; thane 855 I00.82 feet to a spike: thence S35 15'•52 "E, 12).01 feel to a spike: thence S55°•32'-‘15"E. 82.71 feet to a spike; Ihanco S 1 B 43' -42" E, 182.18 feet ton spike; Once S74 13' -16 "E, 28.52 feet to 8 spike on the east tide of thnt exception of record in said Office to Parcel 1 in Book 417 of Pltotoslnlic Records on page 240; with the sido lines of tree above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as 'meessory to crenlo a continuous and contiguous easement with a minimum width of thirty (30) feel: the RASE DEARiNG for this survey is the west line of•Lot 7 (SW%,Si /i) of Section 6, T3ON, RI 18W, being NORTH; enclt "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Otlicti of Ihe'Clerk of Lincoln County; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel splke.referenced by two (2) 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL•LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate detntis; nil in. accordance with the pint prepared to be filed in the ORicc of the Clerk or Lincoln County tilled, "RODERT ALLRED PLAT OF TRACTS AND EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 7 (SW' /.SW SECTION 6 LOT 1 (NW %NWO) SECTION 7 T3ON RII8W LINCO COUNTY, W r ING dined 19 October 1999. 3 November 1999 ATTACHED EXHIBIT B' 'ModlItcoUonto anyway of Iho romping dosedplIon tarmlialos [lability of Iho sunroyor 0219