HomeMy WebLinkAbout866595WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: Stephen D. Swindle, Esq. VAN COTT, BAGLEY, CORNWALL McCARTHY 50 South Main, Suite 1600 Salt Lake City, Utah 84144 MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: Nancy F. Peternal, Trustee 1001 Park Drive Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 010 \207561.V1 866595 BOOK_ 4_PR PAGE 5 :37. RECEIVED _1NCOI. N COUNTY UNTY C I_ EP 00 JUN 23 AM 9: co JEANNE iVA P.IEF KEMMERER, WYOMING PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED NANCY F. PETERNAL, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Personal Representative of the Estate of William W. Peternal, deceased, identified as Probate No. 3985 in the District Court, Third Judicial District, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, GRANTOR, hereby conveys to NANCY F. PETERNAL, successor Trustee of "The William W. Peternal Revocable Trust dated December 11, 1990, GRANTEE, whose address is 1001 Park Drive, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101, all right, title, estate and interest of the said William W. Peternal, deceased, at the time of his death, and also all of the right, title and interest of said estate, in and to the following described real property situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to -wit: Parcel No. 1: Lots 15 and 20 and E'er SW of Section 2 in Township 24 North of Range 117 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Containing 147.24 acres, more or less. Reg pus :££Z AsMgbTH e4p4S PT PS ao; quewasea UP 04 Z03rgnS :ssaT ao aaout 'satD1 S•gf7 ;O eaae UP ONISSVdNO3N3 'ONINNI93g 30 2I3NUOD eq4 04 4a 00'09 'HIED- e '8E qosaa piss jo auTT q J0u au3 1 _I4.TM uoT4aasaa;uT us off. q-aa; SE'bE 'M„ED 161 -000N aouau4 (4uTod P 04 4 80 °ZEE '3150 oSS 901191 :quTod e o4 4a9; 9L'OZZ 'M „98 oE1 -0ETN aauau4 quTod e oq 4ee Zb TZS '3 1C 160 -01bN eou@g4 'quTod P 04 49a; 83'60E 'HuSD-19D 901191 :4uTod e 04 qaa.J 69'1ET '31 3-1LS 901191 oquTod s 04 qee; 06'SbS 'SuZSIEO -08SN aauaqq (quTod P oq auTT APM- ;0-41.16T1 pTes aqq- buoTe 'ssaT ao a1OW 1 4aaJ f9'39 '3„ZDI8D aouaq 'EEZ AeMubTH agp4S Jo auTT AeM- ;0-41.1bTa ATaa4seaTpaou eq L(4TM uoT4aasaa4uT us,04 gE qosas pTes ;o auTT 4saM BI buoTe 'ssaT ao eaouz 'JaaJ 60'LLb M1Tb 1O 0 00N 931191 (gE 4aeaw pTss jo auTT 4saM agq uo quTOd e 04. 3aaJ 98'9801 'MuS6- ISS 931191 :4uTOd s o4 :aa4 gg °SZZ 'gsaM buTnuT4uoa aouau4 'MLIfi 'NEZZ '9Z Pus S3 suoT4OaS uaaMqaq auTT auk uo aauaoo buTsoTO p 04 48a; TO'08Z 'TSeM 90119u4 :8S 40ea1 pies ;0 3 •oN aeuao0 0q 4.eaJ 6b'8E9Z '3 „Tb- 10Z aauag4 :8E 4asay pTss ;0 1 •oN aauaop ONINNIO3g :sMOTTo; se pagTaasap buTwoAM 'A4unoa uTo0uT1 'MLITd 'NEZZ Jo 8E 4 ;o gasd 4et.TI :E Teaaed •buTUIOAM ;o eip4s 'A4uno3 uToauT`I ''N d q 9 aq4 3o 4saM 911 abusli 'T4 JON ZZ dTLjsuMoJ uT TTp !(8T uoT4oaS Jo Y-EaSMN pus '!tMS%3N '%tMN N 3N' 1MS 'E Pup 'Z 'T sgoq se pagTaasap ATTsuT6T.0) SD qasas Aanansa :(61 u J %MN3N Pus '%43N' 'tMN N 3 '8T uOT4 3o %3S >tMS Pus '%MS- S 'b 402 se pagTaosap osTe pueT auzes auk. buTaq (0Z uoT4aaS 3 ET Pus 'Z1 'TT '01 s4 '61 uoTgoaS ;O 0T Pus 6 '8 'L s4oZ '8T uOT -.OaS .I 03 Pus '8T '9T 'Z1 S4OZ 'LT uoTgoaS ;0 01 Pue '6 '8 sqo' se pagTaasap ATTeuTbTao) DD 40eas Aanansa :(oz uoT4OaS 3o %MS Pus MN '%MNWIN ss pagTaasap A1T2uTb Tao) ED galas AanansaE 'OZ uoTJoag Jo Z Pue 1 s4o'I '6T uoT4aeS Jo D. pus 'E 'T sgo'I L1 uoTJOaS Jo T;t3S -■N Pup 'TEMS%3N 'b Pus 'E 'Z sgoq Z 'oN Taaaed 1A T9SLOZ \OTO SCS99R0 0866595 010 \207561.V1 539 SUBJECT to an easement for stock watering from Camp Creek Near Corner No. 1 of said Tract 38 appurtenant to lands in Tract 39. Less and excepting a parcel of land heretofore conveyed to William W. Peternal and Nancy F. Peternal, husband and wife, as more particularly described in that certain Warranty Deed dated April 6, 1981, and duly filed for record in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on May 22, 1981, as Entry No. 558439 in Book 176PR at Page 534. Parcel No. 4: SE %,NWe of Section 32, T25N, R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, all in accordance with the plat prepared and to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled PETERNAL BROTHERS, INCORPORATED PLAT OF TRACT AND DIVISION OF SECTION 32 T25N R116W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 6 December 1983. This conveyance as to Parcel No. 4 is made and accepted on the express condition that the tract of land described above may be used for no more than four (4) residences or cabins together with all accessory buildings, structures and improvements which are used in connection therewith. Together with an easement and right -of -way upon, in, over, along and across the following described tract of land for the purpose of conveying water for culinary use from a spring located on the following described tract of land to the tract of land conveyed to Grantee as described above: The SW of Section 32, T25N, R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, ENCOMPASSING an area of 40.00 acres, more or less; the base bearing for this description was the west line of the NW of said Section 32 being N00 04'W; each "point" marked by a steel T- shaped stake 24" long with metal cap inscribed "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 SURVEY POINT all in accordance with the plat prepared and to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled "PETERNAL BROTHERS, INCORPORATED PLAT OF TRACT AND DIVISION OF SECTION 32 T25N R116W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 6 December 1983. OPS pasPaoap 'TPUaagad °M UIPTTTTM go aq.pgsg alp JO eATgequasaada TPUOSzad 'T1N2i lad A A N 7v sT pa4noaxa sPq aoqueaO alp ',3ODi2HM SSHNZIM NI TA'T9SLOZ \OTO pasPaoap 'TPU.z94ad °M uzPTTTTM go egegsg aqa. JO aAT4e uasaada'j Teuosaad SP A4T0PdPO .zaq uT '000Z Jo App sTq4 peea s,aAT4P11uasaadaH TPUOSaad °A4Tnba uT pup MPT uT aTgeaaaogua 'asn ao jgbTs uT ao paooaa go SUOT4PAaasa1 pup GUOT4TpUO 'SU Uanoa 'suoT4oTagsaa 'sasPaT sPb pup TTo 's;uawasee '2411bTa go1Tp'pue sagogTp 'AeM- go- sggbTa TTp 0 4 40e qnS '8661 'TTadV PaTPP uoTqdTaosaQ esPa'I Jo abuPgj P Aq papuame SP 'buTWOAM 'A4unoO UTOOUT'I go spaooau 'TT abed 'L0f7 Xoog uT papaooaa '99ss97 SP '°O°Z 'Saaugaed TT0 aQToa pup 'aosseq SP 'TPUaagad AJUPN pup TPUaaJad °M UI TTTTM uaar eq puP Aq '8661 '9Z Aaenuep pagPp esPa7 sP0 PuP 110 (o) PuP :6661 '1 gaaPTAI eAT4 'ObT666 °oN aogeaadO 's,ysn Z19 ao4 'queui4oTTK xaaa0 )(DOH '1OT194UI agp go qualugapdea 'quamabeuew pue7 jo neaang alp qpTM .Tuzaad buTzeab (q) quauzdoTanaQ equTn pup aoTaaqui go quamgaedaa saTPgS pagTun age 'buTmoAM go B Pqs eq4 Aq paqueab 'AuP 3T 'sabaTTATad bUTZPab Tie pup 'S4gbTa 194PM 10 194PM gores AUP buTquasaadaa Aueduroo AUP uT xpoJs go saaegs TTP 04 pa41 TT 40u qnq buTpnIauT 'paauapTAa aanaMOq 'Agaadoad Teaa pTes T1TM uoTgaauuoa uT ao uodn pasn to 04 buTbuolaq sqgbTa a04PM pup aaqeM TTP pup '0403agp. queua4andde ao uoaaagp paTpooT saoueuagandde pue squem Aoad1nT 'sean4xT4 'sbuTpITnq TTP (P) :144TM 10 44abo,1, STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN On this 11th day of April 2000, before me personally appeared NANCY F. PETERNAL, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act and deed. 010 \207561.V1 Witness my hand and official seal. KARYN SLACK E ACo4F1t1 or Lincoln My Commission expires, Notary Public State of Wyoming May 31, 2001 My Commission Expires: 5/31/01 541 NOT Y Pty LIC