HomeMy WebLinkAbout866596:J!) V7 .7 3NNV3P O gt, CZ 1 fit' 00 Nii 0 NI OON1 (13A1303e1 TA'499LOZ \OTO a.ZOUI SP 'buTWOAM go aqpqs 'Aquno3 uloouTZ uT pegppoT Aq.zado.zd 'Pea uTugaao .zapun pup uo 'uT (sasod.znd TaAPab pup pups log ingasn aq AMU SP )[oo.z Jeq o eons pup TaAp.zb pup pups buTgdaoxa) S I3uTut .zaggo TTP pup 'sao.znosa1 TPwaaqqoab paqpTaossP pup sasPb aaggo pup WPags Tpuaaggoab 'uznTup.zn 'STp.zauTUI sno.za ;TTpgamuou pup snoaagTTPgam 'aTPus TT() pup spups .zpq go aATsnTouT suoq.zP3o.zpAq Jaggo pup Tpoo 'sPb 'TT0 '04 pa4TuzTT 40u 4nq 'buTpnTauT 'sTpaauTm TIP uT 4s oLZb PapTATpun UP oq pup uT 'aTP4sa pTPs Jo qsaaaquT pup anTi. '414bT.1 auk Jo TTP osT2 pup STU 40 3WT4 a1-14 Jp 'pasPaoap 'TPUxa4ad °M WPZTTTM PIPS auk 40 4sa.za4uT pup a4P4sa 'a14T4 '4 TIP 'TOTES buTm0AM '.za.zauIUIBN '9AT.1Q X1Pd TOOT sT ssa.zppP asoTM '33JHTIO '066T 'TT .zag1119 9Q pa4Pp „gsn.z1 aTgpoonag Tpuaagad M mPTITTM GUI" jo eagsni1 aossaaans ''IVN •3 XONKN sAaAuoo Aga.zaq I01NV IS 'buTm0AM 40 aqpTs 'uToouTZ go Aquno0 au4 uT S86E •0N a4Pg SP p 'PasPG0GP 'TPU.7a4ad •M p1ITTM ;o 84P4s3 auk. 40 aAT4P4uasaadad TPuos.zad buTgop pup PGTUTTpnb 'paqu1oddp ATnp auq 'nIKNd313d •3 XONVN a33a S I RAI1Td1N3S32id32I `IKNOS212d ?jig HOW 71c1 VIOOfl :OZ S30ILoN x\r1 `ii w bbT68 LIPTII 'ATT3 3 NP'I 4IPS 0091 a4TnS uTpys 1 4411 0 S OS XH12IVDJYAI '9 TIXMN2iOa 'X3'IOXH '1100 NKA •bs3 'aIPuTMs •Q uagdags 969998 '40T34sTa TPTOTPnr P-TT 'J..znoa J TOTES buTuzoAM '.zaaaunuax 3AT.1Q mzPd TOOT eagsn.z1 'Tpuaaqad •3 AoupN OZ N2IflJ1 I 'a3a2103a1 N3HM S 0866596 particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this Personal Representative's Deed this 2000, in her capacity as Personal Representative of the Estate of William W. Peternal, deceased. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN On this 11th day of April 2000, before me personally appeared NANCY F. PETERNAL, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act and deed. Witness my hand and official seal. ICARYN SLACK A rt of �tlnooin My Commission Expires, Notary rubik State of Wyoming May 31, 2001 My Commission Expires: 010 \207585.V1 ss. 5/31/01 day of G► fc ame 543 NANCY PETERNAL, Personal Representative of the Estate of William W. Peternal, deceased 2uoTe 4 aa3 LZ' O +L '3„Z17-1 917-o1OS a:,uag3 EEZ 'CEM4 a3e3S 3o au1T 10EM- 30-3T2Ta 3sea eq3 43tM uotp0asaa3ut uE 03 'ssaT ao a.IOW '3aa3 9E'68L `M, E+7-068S 3utnutluo0 a0uag3 gaga/ pTrs 30 E oN aauao0 03 laa3 L+' OZET !Ii, E47-068S 9ou943 3OEaI 30 Z °oN aauao0 tj3tM TE0t3uapt 6E 3OEaJ pTss 3o 1 'ON aauao0 aE ONINNIO3g :sMOTT sr pagta0 sap 9utwo &M A3unoj ut oout'I MLI11I N£ZI 3 6E 30 30 3asd 3sg3 pus ONINNIO3g 30 83NLOO 9 43 0 3' I. '3,E47-062N aOUatl3 `117 30EaJ 30 Z aauao0 tI3tM Ts3T3uapt 174 30eal pigs 3o E °oN aauao0 03 3oE°Iy pit=s 3o auTT 3SaM alp 3uoTE 4aa3 SO' 61£1 43 „95- ,17[-000S 9011043 33E U piss 3o auTT 3sa' aq3 mlTM U0T3Z9s.a3UT UP 0 3 3aa3 £L'OZET 'M„SS -,Z -.62S aauagp 30SaI piss 3o auTT 3sEa aq3 2uoTe S90'6TET 'M „£1-, -000N a0uag3 o6E 3OSaI 30 T °oN aaua0 1m T EOtauap T 17+7 33E. piss 3 0 z •0N aaua00 4E ONINNIO3g :sMoTT03 se pagTaosap ATtaEpu0oas aq Arm pus 'ssaT ao aaow Saa3E 00'0+7 30 POSE UP 3utsssdwo3ua 3uttuo '4C3un03 uToQUTZ `MLIT2I 'NEZZ 3 1717 30EaI 3 jS %S aqI AIE3d01Id 3O NOIIan3S3Q IIHIHt3 TaoaEd °2utuuT2aq 3o aoETd 03 '3003 OSS 14310N aouatl4 =lea; OOS 3sr2 aouat.I3 :3a03 OSS t3n0s a0uaga '4003 OOS 3saM aouat1; 'uETPTaaN TEdtouTad 7.13xTs at3 3o 3sa/ 911 a2uEg '143a0N IZ dTgsutol uT 'ST uoT30ag 30 aa3aenb MN atl3 3o aauaOO 3N alp 3s 3utuut2ag :Z °0N TaoaEd £861 aaqmaoaa 9 Pa3EP „ONINOXM 'AINf100 N'IOONI'I M91T2i NSZI ZE NOII03S 30 NOISIAIa QNV I3V1II 30 ILTId QaJV Od1I00NI S1i3HI01I8 'IvN1I3I33„ PaT3t3 43uno0 uToouTZ 30 128'0 alp 3o goi330 at;3 uT paTt3 aq 03 pus paaedaad 3ETd alp 143tM aouspaoous uT TTe 2uTwoAM 'A3uno0 utOOUfl 'M9111I 'N SZI 'ZE uo 30 'fMN %3N :T Taoaed 6 I 96S99SO 0866596 the said right -of -way :o a point N01 46' -42 "W, 449.08 feet from a 6 "x6" concrete post with brass marker inscribed "STATE HIGHWAY DEPT.. R. 0. W. MARKER Sta. El. thence N89 2031.10 feet to a point; thence S00 19' -43 "E, 17.08 feet to a point, parallel to the east line of said Tract 39; thence continuing S00 19' -43 "E, 561.00 feet to an intersection with a line common to said Tract 39 and Tract 38 of said township; thence N89 -43'E, 60.00 feet along the,said common line to Corner No. 2 of Tract 39 identical with Corner No. 1 of said Tract 38; thence N00 19' -43 "W, 1318.10 feet along the east line of said Tract 39 to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 36.5 acres, more or less; Parcel No. 4: The NEw of Section 32, T25N, R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming; and the NWANA, SkNW4, SWyNEk and SW% of Section 33, T25N, R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming; all in accordance with the plat prepared and to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled "PETERNAL BROTHERS, INCORPORATED PLAT OF TRACT AND DIVISION OF SECTION 32 T25N R116W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 6 December 1983. Parcel No. 5: Lot thirty -eight (38) in Township Twenty -two (22) North of Range One Hundred Sixteen (116) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, described in the original survey as the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW%SWk) of Section Twenty -six (26); the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E'gNE4), the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEkSEk) of Section Thirty -four (34), the Northwest Quarter (NWT), and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NASA) of Section Thirty -five (35), in Township Twenty -two (22) North of Range One Hundred Sixteen (116) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming; ALSO Lot Thirty -nine (39) in Township Twenty -two (22) North of Range One Hundred Sixteen (116) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, described in the original survey as the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (SEISE of Section Twenty -seven (27) and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (WkNE3/4) of Section Thirty -four (34), in Township Twenty -two (22) North of r g 7 9 J E86T aagwaoaQ 9 Pa4EP „9NIWOMM UNC103 N'I03NIZ M9T12I NSZZ ZE NOIZ33S 30 NOISIAIQ QNV Z3d2IZ 30 LV1d Q3ZYtOd2IOONI S2I3HZ02IS 'IYNI13Z3d„ PaT4T4 A4uno3 uiooutZ jo xaai3 aq4 3o aoTJI0 ago uT pain eq 04 puE paasdaad 4Eid am; tlppt aouEpa000B uT TTE '2utma&M 1 h4uno3 uioouTZ 'M9T12i 'NSZZ 'ZE uoT4oas Jo tMN;3S 8 °oN Tao1Ed 2utwoAm a .W.d 1 4 9 `4saj ZTT a2uEg 'g4a0N OZ dTgsumoZ 'gZ uoT4oas 'kms puE %3S kM 'k3N xMS ';MN %3S ';MN kM OZ u ';MS k S puE k3S %S '%3S ;MN '-",MS kN '';3N %MS '%MN %S 'kN kN :I '0N TaOaEd *E861 aagwaoaa 9 1 „0NI140AM 'AIN(103 N'IO3NI'I M91I2I NSZZ ZE NOIZ33S 30 NOISIAIQ QNV Z3vaZ dO Ind Q3IVUOd2IO3NI SII2HZ02IS 'IVN2I2Z3d„ PaT4T4 £wno3 uToouri go xaaT3 alp go aoTggo aq4 uT pa TT; eq oa puE paardaad 4ETd alp tl4tt aouEpi000E uT TTE '2utwoAm 'A4uno3 uToouTZ `M91T2I 'NSZZ 'ZE uoT400s go kMNTMN :9 '0N iaoaEd -ssaT so aaow s2a'E LL °LTE 2utuTr4uoo l2utwoij 'ustptaaW TEdtoutad 143xts aqp 3o 4saM (9T1) uaaaxts paapunH auo a2uEg `144aoN (Ez) aaag3- A4uaMZ dtgsuioj uT TIE '(SE) antg- A21t4s uoT3oas go (z) oMZ 3o 1 puE '(gZ) xis- CVuaMZ uot4oas 3o (E) aaagy 4o1 aqa pue (kMS;3N) aa4asnb 4semp nos am; go aa4aEnb 4sPagpaoN aq4 '•p;3s N) aaa.rBnb 4sEag4nos aq4 3o aa4aDnb 4samm4aoN 044 !(kMkM) ;IEq -3sa1 9144 3o gIEq-4saj au °saaoE sgpaapunq oMl- ,C4ao3 puE auo -L ;aod paapunH auo 2utuTE4uoo '2utwoiCM auEtptaaN TEdTout.td m4xtS ago 30 4sa/ uaaaxts paapunH auo a2uag go tt4aoN oM4- 44uat1, dttjsuioy uT (Lz) uanas-A4uai& uot4oas go (0+7) A4ao3 puE (L) uanaS (g) ant,3 s3o'I aml •2utwoLM `uwipt.zaW TEdtouTad 114xts alp 30 asaf (911) uaaaxES paapunH auo a2uE3 3o t14ac (ZZ) om4- 4(uazZ dtgsuioy uT '(gz) 3g2t9- 44ua'Z uoipoaS 3o pas %2s) aa4a8nb 3saaq nos ago go aa3aEnb asEam4ncs age pus. '(LZ) uanas-A3uaMZ uoT3oas 3o (;MSkM) aa,asnb 3saMpnoS 043 3o 3TEH =saM 044 puE (1 ano: puE (E) aaatZ s4o' `OsZv !2utwori uEtp;aaX TEdtzutad 1 .14xTS 6114 3o asaM (911) uaa4xts paapunH auo a2usa 9659980 0866596 Parcel Mb. 9: Lots 15 and 20 and E% SW% of Section 2 in Township 24 North of Range 117 West of the 6th P.:1., Lincoln County, Wyoming. .Containing 147.24 acres, more or less. Parcel No. 10: Lots 2, 3, and 4; NE %SW and NWySE% of Section 17; Lots 1, 3, and 4 of Section 19; Lots 1 and 2 of Section 20; Resurvey Tract 43 (originally described as MANIA, SiNWk, and SWINE% of Section 20); Resurvey Tract 44 (originally described as Lots 8, 9, and 10 of Section 17; Lots 12, 16, 18, and 20 of Section 18; Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Section 19; Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13 of Section 20; being the same land also described as Lot 4, SEkSW%, and SWySEc of Section 18; EkNEk, NANEk, and NE kNWz of Section 19) Resurvey Tract 45 (Originally described as Lots 1, 2, and 3; SW 4NE k NkNWk, NE tSW and NW kSE k of Section 18) all in Township 22 North, Range 116 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. Parcel No. 11: That part of Tract 38 of T23N, 1 :117W, Lincoln County, Wyoming described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner No. 1 of said Tract 38; thence S00 20' -41 "E, 2638.49 feet to Corner No. 2 of said Tract 38; thence West, 280.01 feet to a closing corner on the line between Sections 25 and 26, T23N, R117W; thence continuing West, 225.88 feet to a point; thence N48 55' -45 "W, 1086.36 feet to a point on the west line of said Tract 38; thence N00 20' -41 "W, 477.04 feet, more or less, along the west line of said Tract 38 to an intersection with the northeasterly right -of -way line of State Highway 233; thence S36 48'42 "E, 62.64 feet, more or less, along the said right -of -way line to a point; thence N58 03' -52 "E, 545.40 feet to a point; thence N09 57' -24 "E, 131.69 feet to a point; thence N28 46' -45 "E, 309.28 feet to a point; thence N41 09' -43 "E, 521.42 feet to a point; thence N13 13' -36 "W, 220.76 feet to a point; 547 82 E8 817g `3 „9 9S008N 03 u 9 44 `„£EZ# /t1Epuooa; ao'IS Sutwo4M„ go Arm-40-342T3 uzaasta atp uo pa:;E 1 1 3uawnuoW 3uawg1EdaU kemg2TH paddpo ssuaq E 04 lea; I+7•8So1 `3.,10, SSoZOS 30112 '6E 30'l ptE Jo L# auio0 3E Sutouawwo0 :smoTTo: sr spunoq pup pagtaosap aaypan3 '2utwoAm (A.3 %no0 uloouTI u :tptlaw TEdtoutad ti3xtS alp t0 4s9M 9T1 aSuE) '143a0N ZZ dttjsurtoy LZ uot3oas 3o aa31Enb as rtp jo Xanansag atp 3 6£ loa 3o 3aEd E 9utaq pus ut pa3En ;ts pupT ;o TaoaEd v :ST •oN TaoaEd 'ONINNI03H d0 U3N2100 auo 0 4 4aa3 £L'OZ£T `3 „85-,Z+7-068N eouatja !+717 3opay paps 3o auTT 3saM alp SuoTp 3aa3 SO'61EI '3 „9S- ,+i1 -000S aouatj4 '•+7+7 aoEa. ptps ;o autT 4saM alp uo 3oBay paps 3o ;Tp 1 -auo 432ou pTrs at;3 jo aauaoo asaMtpnos alp 03 3Tpti -auo g3aou paps 3o aufT tj3nos atj3 SuoTE aaa; IO'TZ£I `M „9S- ,Z+I -068S a0uatj4 `•+7 3oEay ptas ;O 3TE4 -auo tj3aou atp 3o aausoo 4spatjanos atja 03 auTT 3spa pTrs atj3 SuoTr 3aa; S90' 6TET `11„£1- ,+7I-o00N 2utnuT3uoo aouatj3 :+7+7 3oEay pt8s go Z -oN a8uao0 wo13 499 S90 °6T£1 'M „£1 000N 3oESy paps 3o autl asps atj3 uo 3utod E 4E ONINNI03S :smoTTog sr pagtaosap XItaEpuooas aq X= puE `ssaT ao aaow 'saaoE 0 ;o reap uE 3utsspdwooua 3utwo4M '(3uno0 uTooutZ `MLITU 'N£ZZ 3o 43Ea1 ;o kSkt1 atjy :47.1 oN Taoapd -ssaT ao aaow 'saloy 091 2utuTEwoJ Sutwo4M `°4'd tp9 :sa/ ZIT aSupg `tpaoN OZ dttjsuMoy 'ZE uot3oas jo kak3 :ET •oh Tao.Ed 43oEa3 pagtaosap SuTmo1To3 atia OMIyd30X3 '3utmoki '43uno0 ulooutZ `M9I12i `NSZZ 'Z£ uotaoas 3p ;MN;MS atiy :Z1 °ofi Tao1Ed ssaT 10 a1OW 'saaoE S'g+7 3o Ea1E up DNISSVdh400N3 '•DNINNI03H 30 1I3N2100 at;3 03 aaa; 00 '2,E47 aouatp gE loz.iy ptEs 3o autl 143aou atj; 414tH uot3oas1a3uT uE 04 aaaJ SE °+7E 't S „£*7 61 000N aouatja :4utod E 03 3aag 80'm `3 „0-,Sg -06SN 0011843 9 0866596 135.00 feet t: an aluminum capped rebar (A.C.R.), said being the _oint of beginning, thence N08 18'35 "W, 110.14 feet to an (A.C.R.), thence S83 30'26 "E, 94.67 feet -o an (A.:.R.), thence S23 28'30 "E, 79.95 feet to an (A.C.R.), =hence S 85 54'31 "E, 196.32 feet to an (A.C.R.), thence N80 59'08 "E, 33.68 feet to an (A.C:R.), :hence S08 09'52 "E, 90.53 .eet to an (A.C.R.), thence S80 °59 °08 "W, :41.71 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.00 acres, more or less. Parcel No. 16: That part of the SWINWA: of Section 32, T25N, R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said SW4NW4, S89° -54.7' E, 222.49 feet from the west one quarter corner of said Section 32 found as described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; thence N00 05.3'E, 835.60 feet to a point; thence S89 54.7E, 521.34 parallel to said south line to a point; thence S00 05.3'W, 835.60 feet parallel to the west line of this tract to a point on the said south line of the SW3/4NW3/4; thence N 89 -54.7' W, 521.34' along said south line to the POINT OF BEGINNING; encompassing an area of 10.00 acres, more or less; the base bearing for this description was the west line of the NWk of said Section 32 being N00 -04'W; each "point" marked by a steel T- shaped stake 24" long with metal cap inscribed "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 SURVEY POINT all in accordance with the plat prepared and to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County.titled "PETERNAL BROTHERS, INCORPORATED PLAT OF TRACT AND DIVISION OF SECTION 32 T25N R116W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated '6 December 1983. rarcel No. 17: The East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, the West Half and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29 and the Northeast Q'!arter 'f the Northeast Quarter of Section 30, all in Township 22 North, Range 118 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. 549 84 0866596 feet to a point; thence North 28 °46'45" East, 309.28 feet to a point; thence North 41 09'43" East, 521.42 feet to a point; thence North 13 13'36" West, 220.76 feet to a point; thence North 59 55'05" East, 332.08 feet; thence North 00 19'43" West, 595.35 feet to the ?LACE OF BEGINNING: EXCEPTING THEREFROM that part of the foregoing description lying and being situate within the bounds of Lot 1 of said Section 26; each point marked by a steel reinforcing rod 18" long with aluminum cap; the basis of bearing for this survey is the south line of said Tract 38 as West; ENCOMPASSING an area of 67.00 acres, more or less. arcel No. 21: That part of Lot 44 within Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20; Lots 4 and 3, and the NE %SW% of Section 17, and Lot 43 of Sections 17 and 20, Township 22 North, Range 116 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of those parcels of record in the Office of Lincoln County in Book 69 of Photostatic Records on page 142 described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, South 01 13.5' West, 561.34 feet from Corner No. 1 of said Lot 44 where found a quartzite stone 5 "xll "x8" above ground marked "1/44" on the south; thence North 73 °47.5' East, 1762.02 feet to a point on the Southwest right -of -way line of State Highway 233; thence South 39 °O1' East, 680.83 feet along said right -of -way line to a 6 "x6" concrete post with brass marker inscribed "WYOMING HIGHWAY DEPT. R.O.W. MARKER Sta. El. thence South 82 °05.5' West, 1805.69 feet to a point; thence South 08 °16' West, 119.38 feet to the center -line of easement no. 1; thence'continuing South 08 °16' West, 1171.63 feet to a point for the South line of easement no. 2; thence South 79 °14.5' East, 2140.30 feet to an intersection with the southwest line of easement no. 3; thence continuing South 79 °14.5' East, along said easement line 300.00 feet to a point; thence South 20 °33' West, 100.00 feet along said easement line to an intersection with the said southwest line of said easement no. 3; thence continuing South 20 33' West, 884.14 feet to a point; thence North 69 39.5' West, 1827.59 feet to a point; thence North 31 26.5' West, 846.84 feet to a point for the said south line of said easement no. 2; thence North 01 °33.5' West, 1122.90 551 86 5-8 69'1E1 'asr3 „+7Z,LS060 44 aOUagp :3utod r 03 laa3 0+7'5+75 '4sr3 „ZS,E.Uo85 44aoN aouagp :gutod G 04 putt Arm- 3o -3g2ta pips 2uoTr 3aa3 TZ £SL '3sr3 „Zt,8ho9E gpnos aouag3 :3uawnuow arrtwts r 03 ,ZOoSE 3o ar2ur Tra3uao r 1.12noa 3aa3 06 '+78L1 3o sntpea E 144TM anano E 3o Oar aqj 2uo /r 3aa3 g "L9T1 'ATaa3sragpnog aouat13 „•T3 'r4S uaxNYW 'M'0'2I %Inca XYMHOIH wyyyg„ pagtaOsut saxzEw ssraq gltz 3sod a3aaouoo „gx „g E 03 autr £EM- 3o -3742Ta pTrs 2uois 4ra3 00'ZE+7 '4sE3 „Z0,9 g4nos 2utnut3uo0 a0uagp :3utod E 03 au-T Arm- 3o -342ta ptrs 2uoTr 4aa3 80'LT 'asr2 .Z0,9 43nog aouagp `EEZ ArMg2TH aTrIs 3o auTT Arm- 3o -342ta 3se3 43tb uoT30asaa3ut UP o4 4aa3 OT -T£OZ '4sat ,E47o68 143nos aouagp :49a3 80'LI '4saM „£*!-,61000 gpaoN aoua43 :2up ut2ag 3o aorta aq4 04 4aa3 00'09 4saM ,E 4 n0S aouagp 3utod r oa 6E 30ray pips 3o purr 3se3 aqa 2uoTr 4aa3 00'195 '„£+7,61000N 00119 :A3uno0 uToouTZ 30 419T3 alp 3o aot330 aq4 uT part; 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Parcel `;o. 23: Commencing at the Wyoming Highway Department Right of Way marker on the East Right of Way line of the Ham's Fork Road which is South 2 55' East and 1058.7 feet from Corner #7, Lot #39, in Township 22 North, Range 116 West, 6th Principal Meridian; thence North 82 00' East, 544.00 feet; thence South 46 06' East 215.99 feet; thence South 28 46'40" East, 720.01 feet; thence South 88 21'16" East, 90.95 feet'to a point on the East Boundary of Lot #39 from which Corner #3 Lot #39 bears North 3 39'16" East, a distance of 453.41 feet; thence South 3 39'16" West along the East Boundary of Lot #39, 1618.02 feet, to a point which is North 3 39'16" East a distance of 692.57 feet of Corner #4 of Lot #39, thence South 79 49'14" West, 657.21 feet to the East Right of Way line of the Ham's Fork Road; thence North 11 °38' West along the East Right of Way line a distance of 571.86 feet, to the point of beginning of a 2 02' curve tc. the Right the radius of which is 2824.8 feet, thence along said curve through a central angle of 6 42' a distance of 330.00 feet, thence North 4 °56' West along the East Right of Way Line a distance of 1588.04 feet to the Point of Beginning. Amounting to 46.48 acres in Lot #39, Township 22 North, Range 116 We:;':. Linccln County, Wyoming. Parcel No. 24: Commencing at a point on the West Boundary of Lot #38, in Township 22 North, Range 116 West, 6th Principal Meridian, which is South 3 39'16" East, 453.41 feet from the Common Corner #11 and 3 to Lots 38 and 39, respectively; thence South 88 21'16" East, 625.09 feet; thence South 24 11'10" East, 437.68 feet; thence South 81 14'26" West, 613.89 feet; thence South 2838''.5" East, 1062.72 feet; thence South 79 49'14" West 768.27 feet to a point on the West Boundary of Lot #38, which is North 3 39'16" East a distance of 692.57 feet of Corner #4 of Lot #39; thence North N3 39'16" East, 1618.02 feet to the Point of Beginning. Amounting to 19.62 acres in Lot #38, Township 22 North, Range 116 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming 55;3 88