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010 \207715.V1
and 10 of Section 19; Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13 of
Section 20; being the same land also described as Lot
4, SESW -i, and SW of Section 18; E NW 9NE and
NE'INWlI of Section 19); Resurvey Tract 45 (Originally
described as Lots 1, 2, and 3; SW�tiNE N' -�NW-A, NEISW;11,
and NW of Section 18); all in Township 22 North,
Range 116 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, State
of Wyoming.
Parcel No. 3:
That part of Tract 38 of T23N, R117W, Lincoln County,
Wyoming described as follows:
BEGINNING at Corner No. 1 of said Tract 38; thence
S00 20' -41 "E, 2638.49 feet to Corner No. 2 of said
Tract 38; thence West, 280.01 feet to a closing corner
on the line between Sections 25 and 26, T23N, R117W;
thence continuing West, 225.88 feet to a point;
thence 48 55' -45 "W, 1086.36 feet to a point on the
west line of said Tract 38;
thence N00 20' -41 "W, 477.04 feet, more or less, along
the west line of said Tract 38 to an intersection with
the northeasterly right -of -way line of State Highway
thence S36 48 °42 "E, 62.64 feet, more or less, along
the said right -of -way line to a point;
thence N58 03'52 "E, 545.40 feet to a point;
thence N09 57' -24 "E, 131.69 feet to a point;
thence N28 46' -45 "E, 309.28 feet to a point,
thence N41 09'43 "E, 521.42 feet to a point;
thence N13 13' -36 "W, 220.76 feet to a point;
thence N59 55' -05 "E, 332.08 feet to a point;
thence N00 19' -43 "W, 34.35 feet to an intersection
with the north line of said Tract 38;
thence N89 -43'E, 60.00 feet to the CORNER OF
BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 48.5 acres, more or
SUBJECT to an easement for said State Highway 233; and
SUBJECT to an easement for stock watering from Camp
Creek Near Corner No. 1 of said Tract 38 appurtenant to
lands in Tract 39.
agq ggTM gTuiaad buTZPab (q) :quauzdoTanaQ equTn pup aoTaaquI
Jo quauzgapdaQ smuts payTun atq 'buTuioAM Jo agpgg aqq Aq paqueab
'Aue ;T 'sebeTTATad buTzPab TTp puP 'S4115Ta aaTeM JO aa4PM tons
Aup buTqueseadaa Auedmoo AuP uT 3pogs 3o SaaPgs TTp o4 pagTuITT
qou qnq buTpnTouT 'paauapTAa aaABMOt 'Agaadoad TPaa pTps tgTM
uoTgoauuoo uT JO uodn pasn ao oq buTbuoTaq sqgbTa aagPM pup aegeM
TIP pup
'ogaaaqq queuagandde ao uoaaagq pegpaoT seoupueganddP pup
squauiaAoaduzT 'saangxT; 'sbuTpTTnq TTp (P) :144TM aaq4abo1,
S86T aaqutaaaG 9 PaT UJNIP\IOAM 'AZNfOJ
3O Ildrld GaIVN.0d2IOJNI 'S2i3lu02iH PaI T 4 A4uno3
uloauTri Jo NJaTO a Jo aoT ;.JO eq4 uT PaTT; aq oq puP
paapdaad 4PTd 914q. 1-1.4TM aOUPpaooap uT Tie i „INIOd A3n2if1S
i79ISrIU rlanlaH3S 'N rIflydu pagTaasuT dPO TP4auz q4TM buoT
„f7Z e){P4s padPgs -Z Tams u Aq paxaem „4uTod„ gaga :MIbO
buTaq ZS uOTgaaS PTps Jo 3O auTT gsaM
eqP SPM uoT4dTaasep STgq. ao; buTapaq asPq alp :ssaT
ao 910UI 'saaOP 00'06 ;o ParP UP ONISSIIdNODN3 'buTutoAM
'Aqunoa uloauTZ 'M9TT2i 'NSZZ 'ZS u0T4aaS Jo VMNMS a LL
:anogP pagTaosap sp
aaqupaa oq paAanuoa pupT ;o -oeaq off. pupT ;o 40P14
pagTaasap buTMOTIo; aqa. uo paquooT bUTads P 11I0a3 asn
AaPUTTno to zaTem buTAanuoo ;o esodand aqa. JO; puPT
;o gapaq pagTaosap buTMOTTo; ate ssotOP pup buoTP 'a3A0
'uT 'uodn ApM- ;o -ggbTa pup 1.11au1asPa UP qpTM aaqqabol,
•qqTMaaag4 uoTgoauuoa uT
pasn GIP IpTtM squamanoadwT puP saanganags 'SbuTPTTnq
AaOSS@OOP TTp ITTM aaggaboq suTgpo JO saOUapTSaa
(6) anoj upqq aaow ou aoj pasn aq APM anogp pagTaasap
puPT go goPa4 uoTqTpuoo ssaadxa aqq uo
pagdaoop puP appm sT •oN Taaapd 04 SP aaupAaAUOc sTgI
3O ZFIrld Q3ZFRIOd2i0aNI 'SUSH1L021E rWN2i3,L3d,1 PBT1T1- A.unoa
uToauTrI jo xaaTJ auk 3o aaT ;JO a114 uT PaTTJ eq Oq
puP paapdaad gpid agq. ggTM aauPpaoaaP UT TIP 'bUTU1OAM
'Aqunoa uToauT`I 'M9II2I 'NSZZ 'ZS uOT3 Jo %MI\NES
�6 'ON T
6SS abed 4P 2id9LI
xoog uT 6SIi8SS °oN Aaqug SP '186T 'ZZ APW uo xaaTa
Aqunoa uToauTrI atq. 3o aOT3 ;o aqq. uT paoaaa aoj pa TT;
ATnP PUP '186T '9 ITadV pep paac AquPaaPM uTuqaaa
4Ptq. uT pagTaosap ATaPTnaTJaPd a[OW SP 'aJTM puP
pupgsnq 'TPUaagad •3 ADUPN puP TPUaagad 'M WPTTTTM O.
paAaAuoo 9ao ;o49aaq puei Jo TaaJPd P buTgdaaxa pup ssaz
Interior and Uinta Development; (b) grazing permit with the
Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, Rock Creek
Allotment, for 612 AVM's, Operator No. 494140, effective March 1,
1999; and (c) Oil and Gas Lease dated January 26, 1998, by and
between William W. Peternal and Nancy Peternal, as Lessor, and
Dolar Oil Partners, L.C., as Lessee, recorded in Book 407, page
11, Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, as amended by a Change of
Lease Description dated April, 1998.
Subject to all rights -of -way, ditches and ditch rights,
easements, oil and gas leases, restrictions, covenants,
conditions and reservations of record or in sight or use,
enforceable in law and in equity.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this
Trustee's Deed this day of `t 2000, in her
capacity as successor Trustee of "The Willi m W. Peternal
Revocable Trust" dated December 11, 1990.
On this c l day of tAtiNe 2000, before me personally
appeared NANCY F. PETERNAL, to me known to be the person who
executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that she
executed the same as her free act and deed.
Witness my hand and official seal.
notary Public, State of Wyoming
County of Unooln
My Cession moires 11/16/2003
My Commission Expires: i l tic =aO(
010 \207715.V1
NANO PETERNAL, successor
Tru tee of "The William W. Peternal
Revocable Trust" dated December 11,