HomeMy WebLinkAbout866598TA' L9LLOZ \OTO
gapd P appur pup uTaiaq pageiodaoouT aoua.za ;aa sTgq Aq pua oqa.zaq
pagopqge „x„ gTgTqxa uT pagT.zosap AT.zPTn0T4.zPd e.zour se 'buTMOAM
go agpgs 'Aqunoj uloouTrj uT pagpooT Agaadoid Tea.z uTPq.zao
.tepun pup uo 'uT (sasod.znd Tanp.zb pup pups to Tngasn aq APw se
xooa 1aggo Lions pup TaAP.zb pup pups buTqdaoxa) sTPiauTur aaggo T1
pup 'sao.znosa.z Tpur.zaggoab paJPToossp pup saspb .zaqqo pup urpaa.s
Tpwaaggoab 'urnTUpan 'sTp.teuTur sno.za ;TTpqauruou pup •sno.re TTegaur
'aTeus TT() pUP spups JPq go anTSnTouT suoq.zpooipAq aaggo
pup Teoo
'PPE 'TT0 '04 pa4TurTT 4ou 4nq 'buTpnTouT 'STPleuTur TTe
0 pup uT seJe4uT %L217—LE papTATpun UP oq pup uT gsaaaquT pup
eTT41T 'TT .z zaq 3o TTe '10188 buTuroAM '.za.zaunuax 'aAT.za TOOT
sT sseappP asogM '�HLNK2i9 'gsaaaquT %O96 PePTATpun UP 01. se
'0661 'TT .zagureDea Paq-PP „4s11z1 ATTure3 TPU.zaqad •M urPTTTTM eq1„
go aaqsn.z1 'TPU.zagad •3 AoupN oq pup 'gsa.zaquT oOf,' papTATpun ue
04 SP '0661 'IT .zaquraoaa pagPp „4sn.z1 Te4T''N TPU.te ed 3 AoueN
aq1„ go aaqsn.z1, Jossaoons 'TPuiagad •3 AouPN oq sAanuoo Agaaaq
1 dd01NFRi0 '0661 'TT xaquraoaa pad pp „gsn.z1 aTgeoonau Tpuaa;ad M
u1PTITTM aq1„ Jo ea4sn.11 Jossaoons SP ''IVNZi81Ed •A ADN\IN
8 5 aadd yid xooci
JWUJO ,M l383MQ>1
s i :6 HV C z Nff 00
10 1,.LNnoo N 1O0N1
aEEa s►22ssnuI
10188 buTm0AM '.IeJauruzax
anTIa 3 1Jed TOOT
aagsn.z1 'TPU.zagad •1 AouPN
01 S83I1ON XVI nIIKw
bb1i78 Lie :n 'A4TO axP'I gTPS
0091 a.TnS 'UTPJI 1 -14noS OS
AH12iVo0N 'IIVMNIIOo 'A8`I9`d8 '1100 MW
•bs8 'e1PuTMS °a uagdaqS
01 N2inIzu 'a8a NBHM
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this
Trustee's Deed this (I day of
capacity as successor Trustee of "The William W. Peternal
Revocable Trust" dated December 11, 1990.
010 \207767.V1
On this 9 day of L 2000, before me personally
appeared NANCY F. PETERNAL, to me known to be the person who
executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that she
executed the same as her free act and deed.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary Public, State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
My Commission Expires 11/16/2003
My Commission Expires: H-it Ocj
2000, in her
NANCY F. PETERNAL, successor
Trustee of "The William W. Peternal
Revocable Trust" dated December 11,
V. i mac._ I c c E l li "1l.
6 I
&lore 3093 LZ'O+IL `3 „Z+7-19+7-01OS aouaga EEZ AEMtigTH
a4r4g 3o auTT REM- 3o -443ta 4SS9 alp 44Tm uoT43asaa4ut
us 04 'ssaT ao aaow '4003 9E-68L `M 2utnut4uoo
031.1944 !4747 4oEay piss 3o E -oN saua00 04 4aa3 Z7'OZE1
'M,E +7-068S 93ua44 0+7+ 4oEa1 3o z -0N aaua00 44tM
IEOtauapt 6E 40ray pTSS 3o T -0N zeua00 4s 0NINNI03E
sr paquosap 3utwos/ 'A4uno0 utoour' 'MLTTU 'NEZL
go 6E 30E.1 go 4asd 3E114 Pus :ONINNI038 3O t N800 344
0; 1a L+7'0Z£T '3.£+7-068N aouatp °T+7 3331y 3o Z oN
.z0us03 gvpp TEOtluaPT 40Eay pies 3o E oN aauso3
04 43?1y piss go auTT 4saM 31.1oTE 4aa3 SO'6TEI
`3„95- ,+7T-000S 0ou044 f4 a3Eay pigs go auTT 4saM aqa
tj1tM uoT43asaa .Iut us 04 49a; EL OZET `M..9g-. Z+7 068S
031.1a44 !4,'7 p1ES 3o auTT 4ssa 344 2uoTE S90'61E1
`M,.ET- .+7T 000N 801101 °6E 30vaI go t 'oN aaua00 t14tI
TroT4u9pt 40ray piss 30 z -0N aauao0 4s ONINNI03g
:smoTIo3 se paquosap &TTaspuooas aq Arm pus 'ssaT
Jo aaow 'saaoE 00'0+1 go rear uE 2utssedwooua 3utwoAM
A4uno0 utoout'I `MUTT `N£ZZ 3o +7+1 40E1y go %S %S aTZ
:E 'ON Ta0a2d
3utuut3aq go aoeld o4 6 4003 OSS 44a0N
801131 !la; OOS :SE3 03u944 :4a0; OSS 44nos aouaga
:gag OOS asaM aouvg4 'uetptaaW TEdtoutad 144xTS aq4
3o 4sab 911 a2uEg '44a0N TZ dtgsutoy uT 'ST uot23ag
go aa4asnb MN 0q4 go aauioo 314 alp 4E 3utuut3ag
:z -oN Taoasd
'£86T aagwaoaQ 9 Pa3BP „0NINO M `LLNno3
3O Ind Q3ZvaOd2I00NI 'S113HIOn 'IVNd323d., PaT4T4 &4uno0
uToouT/ 3o 40310 944 go a0z330 3 uT paTt3 aq o4
pus paasdaad 4EId 0144 g3pt aouspa000s uT Tts '3utwo4CM
'44uno0 uTooutq 'M9I111 'N SZJ `ZE uotgoas 30 'rMN %3N
AIX3d011d dO NOIZaIa0S3Q
.,V„ ZIaIHas
T 'oN TaZaEd
the said right -of -way :o a point N01 46' -42 "W, 449.08
feet from a 6 "x6" concrete post with brass marker
inscribed "STATE HIGHWAY DEPT.. R. 0. W. MARKER Sta.
El. thence ';89 -43 E, 2031.10 feet to a point;
thence S00 feet to a point, parallel
to the east line of said Tract 39; thence continuing
S00 19' -43 "E, 561.00 feet to an intersection with a
line common to said Tract 39 and Tract 38 of said
township; thence N89 -43'E, 60.00 feet along the.said
common line to Corner No. 2 of Tract 39 identical with
Corner No. 1 of said Tract 38; thence N00
1318.10 feet along the east line of said Tract 39 to
acres, more or less;
Parcel No. 4:
The NEk of Section 32, T25N, R116W, Lincoln County,
Wyoming; and the NWNNWk, S=-INW:, SWkNEk and SWk of
Section 33, T25N, R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming; all
in accordance with the plat prepared and to be filed
in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled
WYOMING" dated 6 December 1983.
Parcel No. 5:
Lot thirty -eight (38) in Township Twenty -two (22)
North of Range One Hundred Sixteen (116) West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, described in the
original survey as the Southwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter (SWkSWk) of Section Twenty -six (26);
the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (EkNEk), the
Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEkSEk) of
Section Thirty -four (34), the Northwest Quarter (NWk),
and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
(NW%SWk) of Section Thirty -five (35), in Township
Twenty -two (22) North of Range One Hundred Sixteen
(116) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming;
ALSO Lot Thirty -nine (39) in Township Twenty -two (22)
North of Range One Hundred Sixteen (116) West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, described in the
original survey as the South Half of the Southeast
Quarter (SiSEk) of Section Twenty -seven (27) and the
West Half of the Northeast Quarter (WNEW) of Section
Thirty -four (34), in Township Twenty -two (22) North of
E861 aagwaoaO 9 Pa ;EP „ONIWOAM '.UN(10O
30 JV"Id a vloaaOONI S2I3HJO IH 'I'v'NaaZ3d„ PaT ;t3 64unoo
uTooutZ ;o xaaTO 0114 3o aot ;o alp ut pang aq o;
pue paaedaad 4rTd au; tivpt aouepa000E ut Ufa '3utwodM
'L uno3 uTooutZ 'M9IIg 'NSZI 'ZE u0t409g ;o ViN',3S
:8 'ON TaoaB&
°3utwo3M —Iva 1I49 '4saM
Z11 a2ueg '44.=0N OZ dtysuioy 'gZ uot4oag '';MS puE
"t3S km 'NaN CMS ';MN 1 V3S 'VMN km !oz uoTPoag 'CMS %as
PuE '2S kS '%;3S WMN '-CMS kN "";3N CMS "-WIN kS 'kN kN
:L '0N TaoaEd
°E261 aagwaoaC 9 PaTEP „ONIWOAM 'ALNf10O
30 LY'Id alIVUOd2I0ONI S?I3Hy0?IS 'IYN2i2I3d,o PaT4T4 L4unoo
uTooutZ 3o 4=aTO ay; ;o azT ;O ay4 ut patt; aq oa
puE paaedaad 4aid alp tfattt aouEps000E ut TTE '2utwoiCM
'b4unoo uTooutZ 'M91111 'NSZI, 'ZE u0T40ag 30 %MNWMN
:9 '0N TaoaEd
•ssaT ao aaow saaoE LL'LTE 2ututB4uoo !2utwoLM
'uEtptaaw TEdtoutad yaxtS 944 /o asaM (911) uaa4xTs
paapunH auo a2uE1 '1.14soN (EZ) aaag4- 4auaMy dtysuioy
ut TIP antg- t'ssatyy u0tJoaS ;o (z) ozy ao'I
puE '(9Z) xis- L4uaMy uotpoag go (E) aaayy alp puE
(w's aN) aa3aenb asamg4noS ay4 go aaaaEnb aseaylaoN
auo `(y3SkMN) aaaaenb 4sEag4nog ay4 go aa4arnb
4saMy4aoN ay4 :(kMMM) ;Teti 4sa1 alp ;0 ;TE11-4saM ayy
•saaoE sylaapuny oMl -d.ao3 puE
auo -64003 paapunH auo 2ututEwoo 'SutwoJCM 'uetptaaN
TEdtoutad 4IxtS atl; ;o 4saM uaaaxTS paapunH auo a2UEg
3o tpaoN oi4- Aauany dttlsuioy ut (Lz) uanag- Liva &y
uot2oaS 3o (Oii) t(aaod puE (L) uanag S anti sao'I ayy
•Sutwo6M 'urTptaaJ TEdtoutid t1 4xTS
atl; ;o 3saM (9t1) uaa3xtS paapunH auo a3ueg 3o yaaON
(ZZ) ot4- L4uaiy dtysumoy ut '(gZ) 4y3ta- 64uaty uoT3oag
3o (k3Sk3S) aa4aenb 3sEaypnoS ayg go aaaasnb aseayancs
alp puE '(LZ) uanas-63uaMZ uotaoas ;o (1MS•M)
aalaenb lsaM aya 3o ;TeH :sem alp puE (17) ano:
puE (E) aaayy s4o1 'OS'IY `uEtptaak TEdtoutad
144xtg ay4 3o asaM (911) uaa4xtg paapunH auo a9uEu
�,�599Si 0
Parcel Nb. 9:
Lots 15 and 20 and Ek SWy of Section 2 in Township 24
North of Range 117 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming. Containing 147.24 acres, more or
Parcel No. 10:
Lots 2, 3, and 4; NE %SWk, and NWkSE% of Section 17;
Lots 1, 3, and 4 of Section 19; Lots 1 and 2 of
Section 20; Resurvey Tract 43 (originally described as
NWNNWk, SkNA, and SW=INE% of Section 20); Resurvey
Tract 44 (originally described as Lots 8, 9, and 10 of
Section 17; Lots 12, 16, 18, and 20 of Section 18;
Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Section 19; Lots 10, 11, 12,
and 13 of Section 20; being the same land also
described as Lot 4, SEkSW4, and SW4SEk of Section 18;
EkNEk, NW.NE 4, and NE 4NWJ of Section 19) Resurvey
Tract 45 (Originally described as Lots 1, 2, and 3;
SW %NE 4 NkNWk, NE 4SW 4 and NW 4SE 4 of Section 18) all
in Township 22 North, Range 116 West of the 6th P.M.,
Lincoln County, State of Wyoming.
Parcel No. 11:
That part of Tract 38 of T23N, 11117W, Lincoln County,
Wyoming described as follows:
BEGINNING at Corner No. 1 of said Tract 38; thence
S00 20' -41 "E, 2638.49 feet to Corner No. 2 of said
Tract 38; thence West, 280.01 feet to a closing corner
on the line between Sections 25 and 26, T23N, R117W;
thence continuing West, 225.88 feet to a point; thence
N48 55' -45 "W, 1086.36 feet to a point on the west
line of said Tract 38;
thence N00 20' -41 "W, 477.04 feet, more or less, along
the west line of said Tract 38 to an intersection with
the northeasterly right -of -way line of State Highway
thence S36 48'42 "E, 62.64 feet, more or less, along
the said right -of -way line to a point;
thence N58 03' -52 "E, 545.40 feet to a point;
thence N09 57' -24 "E, 131.69 feet to a point;
thence N28 46' -45 "E, 309.28 feet to a point;
thence N41 09' -43 "E, 521.42 feet to a point;
thence N13 13' -36 "W, 220.76 feet to a point;
1 95
4309*7,9So08N aouagi `„EEZ# LzEpuooa; a 4S 2utwo &M„
3o $EM- 3o -442ta uaaos2a ago uo pezr:1T '4uawnuoW
ouawo.BdaQ LEMg2TH paddro ssvaq E o4 zaa3 T
'3 „T0, SSoZOS ao.tag4 '6E ;o1 pTE.; 3o L# eu103 4E
2utolzauwo0 :smoTTog sr spunoq puE szaw itq pagTaosep
zaq ;zn3 '2utwo4Cm 'i :no0 uiooutj 'u• :tptaay,W TEdtoutad
g4xtS aq4 ;o osem 9TT a2U)1 '114z0N ZZ dtgsutoy
`LZ uot,oag 3o asozEnb 2S 7q4 3o Aanznsag ego 3o 6£
401 3o o1Ed E 2uTaq puE ut paoEn4Ts puET 3o TaozEd d
ST '0N Tao.Ed
30 UN800 aq4 04 40a3 EL'OZEI '3 „8S-,Z'7 -068N aouag4
:+i+7 4orzI pies 3o autT osei aqo 2uoTE 49a3 50'61Ei
'3 „95-,+71 -000S aouag4 !+i+7 4oLZy pTES 3o auti osaM ag4
uo ooE.zy pigs 3o 3TEq -auo goaou pTES ego 3o .=auzoo
osomgznos aq4 04 3TEq -auo goaou pTES awl 3o auTT
gonos ago 2uoTE 4 10'TZEI 'M „9S-,Z+7-068S aouag4
4oEay ptES 3o 3TEq -auo goaou ago 3o zau.ioo asRagonos
aqp 04 autT osra pTES 044 2uoTE gaa3 S90'6TET
`M „E1- ,47T-000N 2utnutouoo aouag4 `•,+7 aoEay ptEs
3o Z -0N aauzo0 woz3 4aa3 59O'6TET 'M „EI ,+71 000N '+1+7
ooBay p -Es 3o aUTT 3SEa a144 uo 4utod 8 4E ONINNI038
:stoTTo3 s8 pagtzosep LTtarpuooas aq ABM puE :ssaT
zo a.ow 'SazoE 0 3o EaaE uE 2utssEdwooua 2uiwoAm
'Aouno0 uToout? 'MLTTU 'NEZJ. 3o *1+7 4oEay 3o kS;N aqZ
•0N Tap-red
•ssaT zo azow 'sezoy 091 2uTUTE4u00 •2utwoCM ''N'd 949
'3s9t ZT1 92usg gazoN OZ dtgsuMoy 'ZE uotooaS 3o k3k3
:El •oh TeoaEd
:�oE1 pagtzosap 2uttoTTo3 ONI1d30X2 '2utwotCM
'C3uno0 uToouT7 'M9TI2I 'HSZJ 'ZE uoTooaS 3 VMN',MS agy
Zi oN TaoaEd
so azow Sazor g'8 3o EazE U 9NISSVdWW00N3 DNINNID38
dO 83NX00 91 44 0 4 4aa± 00 09 '2,E*7-068N aoueg4
:gE 4oEa1 piES 3o auTT goaou 9114 g4Tm
uot1oaszeouT uE 04 4933 SE'+7E 'M „E*' 000b aouag4
:autod E oa 3993 g0 `3 „0- ,SS-06SN aouagp
135.00 feet t: an aluminum capped rebar (A.C.R.), said
being the point of beginning, thence N08 18'35 "W,
210.14 feet to an (A.C.R.), thence S83 30'26 "E, 94.67
feet :o an (A.C.R.), thence S23 28'30 "E, 79.95 feet to
an (A.C.R.), =hence S 85 54'31 "E, 196.32 feet to an
(A.C.R.), thence N80 59'08 "E, 33.68 feet to an
(A.C.R.), :hence S08 09'52 "E, 90.53 .eet to an
(A.C.R.), thence S80 59'08 "W, :41.71 feet to the point
of beginning and containing 1.00 acres, more or less.
Parcel No. 16:
That part of the SWJNWk of Section 32, T25N, R116W,
Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the south line of said SW4NW%,
S89° -54.7' E, 222.49 feet from the west one quarter
corner of said Section 32 found as described in the
Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate of
record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County;
thence N00 05.3'E, 835.60 feet to a point; thence
S89 54.7E, 521.34 parallel to said south line to a
point; thence S00 05.3'W, 835.60 feet parallel to the
west line of this tract to a point on the said south
line of the SANWy; thence N 89° -54.7' W, 521.34'
along said south line to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
encompassing an area of 10.00 acres, more or less; the
base bearing for this description was the west line of
the NWk of said Section 32 being N00 -04'W; each
"point" marked by a steel T- shaped stake 24" long with
metal cap inscribed "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 SURVEY
POINT all in accordance with the plat prepared and
to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
COUNTY, WYOMING" dated '6 December 1983.
carcel No. 17:
The East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19,
the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, the West Half and
the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of
Section 29 and the Northeast Q' arter rf the Northeast
Quarter of Section 30, all in Township 22 North, Range
118 West of the 6th Principal Meridian.
8 4
69'1£1 '4sE3 „+7Z,LS060 gPaoN aouag4 :4utod E o4 4aa3
Ot'StS '4sE3 .Z5,1.008s 44ao aouagl :3utod s o4 auTI
ITEM- 3 0 piss 2uoTE 4aa3 TZ'£SL '4sE2 „Z'7,8
ganos aZUalp :guawnuow aEjtwts E o4 ,ZO0S£ 3
aI2uE TEa4uao E g2noag4 4 803 06 3o sntpEa E 1.14tM
anano E 30 oar aq4 2uoie 4aa3 8'L9T1 'ATaagsEag4nos
a3Uagp 'r4S 2I3?flIVW 'M'0'21 'Zc2Q .X�MHDIH
3ZVSS„ pagTaosut aaxasw ssEaq g4Tm sod aga.zouoo .gx „g
s 04 auTT /BEM- 3O -442ta ptEs 21-1OTE 49a3 00 °Z£4i '4sE3
„Z0,9'i0TO 144nos 2utnutpuOo aouagp :4utod E o4 auT1
£t- 3o -442ta ptEs 3uoTE 4823 80'LT '4SE3 „Z0,9
1.14nos aOuaqp `£EZ
.EEMggtH a4E4S 3o autT Xrm- 30 -40t1
4sE3 aq4 ggtM uotloasaaqut uE 04 49a3 OT•T£OZ
4saM Et'068 g4nos aouag4 4aa3 80L1 4saM „£t•, 6T o00
7.14aoN aouagp :3utuut2ag 3o aorta alp o 4aa3 00'09
'4saM ,£+7068 ggnos aouagp :qutod E o4 6E 4osaZ pTus
3o aUT[ asE3 alp 2uoTE 4aag 00 „£t7,61000N aouag4
:d4uno0 uiooutZ 3o xaaTO aqf ;0 a'T330 044 uT paTt3
0423t3t4a00 uot4Epaooag aauao0 purl paT3taaap 9114 ut
pagtaosap SE puno3 gE aoeaj pass 3o I •oN aauaop q :p.
TsoPPuapt 6E 4ZEas pIES 30 z -oN 19ua00 4,E 2utouawwo0
:smoTTo; se pagtaosap gZ puE SZ
`tz '£Z suoPPoag 30 Aanansaa uTtpTm '3utwoiM 'Launop
ulo3ufl 'uEtptaaN TEdtoutad g4xtS '4saM LIT aguB>
'4.XON £Z dtgsuMOZ 3 6E Pus gE saoEay ;o 4asd 4stjs
,0 -08 g4nos aoua44 !4aa; S£T 4S2 ,0 -cZg 144aoN aouag4
!pro)/ pies ;o autT Arm 3o 41.13ta Ljaa4se3 agp 3uoTE
4 OTZ 4saM ,0-08 g3aoN una 'U pT'ai4 TEdtoutad
PP9 4sa1 9II 'gpaoN ZZ dtgsutos uT £4ao3
4o/ 3o oML aagwnu aauaoo woa3 4aa; 8SOT 4SE3 ,SSOZ
g3noS st gotgI '4EM 3o 4 ppog xao3 swBH alp 30
auTt Ltaa4s53 8144 .203 aaxaBW LEMg8TH 2143 3utuut3ag
99 9
:OZ °oN Tao.Ed
-4.saM 9I1 a2ueg '7.14aoN ZZ dtgsuboy '6E
4oZ UT Sa1OS Sg- o4 2utpunowE 2utuut2aq 3o 4utod 8118
o4 4aa3 SET 4saM ,0-0Z8 tIanoS aouagp :4aa3 OTZ 4sE3
:61 Tao.Ed
'amps uo s4uawanoadwT pus '2utwoiQ 'S4unoo
uTooutZ 'aaaawwax 3o uMOi ago ;o (6) autu paaagwnu
xootg 3o (L) uanas paaagwnu 4oq 3o 3TEH ggaoN agZ
:8I oN Ia3aEd
feet to a point; thence North 28 46'45" East, 309.28
feet to a point; thence North 41 09'43" East, 521.42
feet to a point; thence North 13 13'36" West, 220.76
feet to a point; thence North 59 55'05" East, 332.08
feet; thence North 00 19'43" West, 595.35 feet to the
the foregoing description lying and being situate
within the bounds of Lot 1 of said Section 26; each
point marked by a steel reinforcing rod 18" long with
aluminum cap; the basis of bearing for this survey is
the south line of said Tract 38 as West; ENCOMPASSING
an area of 67.00 acres, more or less.
?arcel No. 21:
That part of Lot 44 within Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20;
Lots 4 and 3, and the NEtSW4 of Section 17, and Lot 43
of Sections 17 and 20, Township 22 North, Range 116
Vest, Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of those
parcels of record in the Office of Lincoln County in
Book 69 of Photostatic Records on page 142 described
as follows:
BEGINNING at a point, South 01 13.5' West, 561.34 feet
from Corner No. 1 of said Lot 44 where found a
quartzite stone 5 "x11 "x8" above ground marked "1/44"
on the south; thence North 73 °47.5' East, 1762.02 feet
to a point on the Southwest right -of -way line of State
Highway 233; thence South 39 °O1° East, 680.83 feet
along said right -of -way line to a 6 "x6" concrete post
with brass marker inscribed "WYOMING HIGHWAY DEPT.
R.O.W. MARKER Sta. El. thence South 82 05.5' West,
1805.69 feet to a point; thence South 08 °16' West,
119.38 feet to the center -line of easement no. 1;
thence'continuing South 08 16' West, 1171.63 feet to a
point for the South line of easement no. 2; thence
South 79 14.5' East, 2140.30 feet to an intersection
with the southwest line of easement no. 3; thence
continuing South 79 °14.5' East, along said easement
line 300.00 feet to a point; thence South 20 °33' West,
100.00 feet along said easement line to an
intersection with the said southwest line of said
easement no. 3; thence continuing South 20 33' West,
884.14 feet to a point; thence North 69 39.5' West,
1827.59 feet to a point; thence North 31 26.5' West,
846.84 feet to a point for the said south line of said
easement no. 2; thence North 01 °33.5' West, 1122.90
5 67
•saaOE 017 3UTUTEquoo '31.1two4LM 'ustptaaW
Ts.dtputad 43xTS 0144 3 4saM LTI afuEg 3o 14410N
EZ dtgsubol uT hT uotpoaS 3 ZT puE TT '6 '8 sl °'1
('3saM LTT a8usg '1.13aoN EZ dtgsuMoy '9Z uoTpoaS '%3S 3N
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aaow 'saws. 9C•9 2uiuTEwoo '3uTuut2aq ;o aoETd atp of
BE apsal piss ;o auTT Ras.punoq 3saM alp BuoTE suTsgo
196 °0T 43noS aoua43 :8E 3ouay pTES ;o auTT Laspunoq
lsaM a44 o3 SuTEgo +iOS' 9T 3saM ZZo 8}i T4 .XON aouatj3
'BE 3Os.ay PIES ;o auTT Aaspunog 43noS aq: 2uoTE suTsyp
SEE'ZT 3SE3 apuagp '8E 3oral pTES ;o E# aauao0 3S
3utuut2ag :5MOTTo; sr 'spunoq pus sa3aw Aq paq .zosap
3asd 3E43 3daoxa '3saf LTT a3uEg ;o tjlaoN EZ dT4suzol
;o BE 3OEay ('zsaz LIT a2usg '43aoN EZ dTgsuMoI
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£anans 043 saTaEn sr 'ssaT ao aaow 'soaps. EE'i79
8ututsluoo '3utuuT2aq ;o apsTd ag3 04 6E 30s.al pTES 30
.Laspunoq 43aoN alp 3uoTE sutsgo S80' SZ iss3 aoua43 '6E
3oray pTss ;o g# aauao0 03 SUtS14o
00'OZ g3aoN aouato
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aq3 03 suTEg3 EET'li 3S2 ,ZZ 43noS aouaga :suTEyp
IOZ'LE 3sE3 ,41E0Z g3noS aouatp :sutPgp ST6'+iT 3ss.3
sasaq a3usg pup dTgsuzol piss ;o T47 3psay ;o z# aauao0
aouagM woo; 6E 3°Eay pTES ;o auTT L:aspunoq 43aoh
alp uo 3uTod E Te 2uTuuT3ag :sMoTjo3 sr 'spunoq pus
sa3aw &q pagTaosap 3asd 3E43 3daoxa '3S LTT aSuEg
;o 43aoN EZ dTgsuMOy ;0 6s. 40Eay 3uTwoiLM 'ustptaaj
TEdTouTaa 43xtS at(3 3o 3sa/ LIT aSusg ;o g3aoN EZ
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01 14 04 00'09 3Sap S' EE,TO t 3aoN 3utnuT3uoo
aouatp ;I •ou ouawass.a pTES ;o autT- aa3uao 043.03 3aa;
Parcel No. 23:
Commencing at the Wyoming Highway Department Right of
Way marker on the East Right of Way line of the Ham's
Fork Road which is South 2 55' East and 1058.7 feet
from Corner #7, Lot #39, in Township 22 North, Range
116 West, 6th Principal Meridian; thence North 82 00'
East, 544.00 feet; thence South 46 06' East 215.99
feet; thence South 28 °46'40" East, 720.01 feet; thence
South 88 21'16" East, 90.95 feet to a point on the
East Boundary of Lot #39 from which Corner #3 Lot #39
bears North 3 39'16" East, a distance of 453.41 feet;
thence South 3'39'16" West along the East Boundary of
Lot #39, 1618.02 feet, to a point which is North
3 39'16" East a distance of 692.57 feet of Corner #4
of Lot #39, thence South 79 49'14" West, 657.21 feet
to the East Right of Way line of the Ham's Fork Road;
thence North 11°38' West along the East Right of Way
line a distance of 571.86 feet, to the point of
beginning of a 2 02' curve tc. the Right the radius of
which is 2824.8 feet, thence along said curve through
a central angle of 6 °42' a distance of 330.00 feet,
thence North 4 °56' West along the East Right of Way
Line a distance of 1588.04 feet to the Point of
Beginning. Amounting to 46.48 acres in Lot #39,
Township 22 North, Range 116 We':. Linccln County,
Parcel No. 24:
Commencing at a point on the West Boundary of Lot #38,
in Township 22 North, Range 116 West, 6th Principal
Meridian, which is South 3 39'16" East, 453.41 feet
from t"he Common Corner #11 and 3 to Lots 38 and 39,
respectively; thence South 88 21'16" East, 625.09
feet; thence South 24 11'10" East, 437.68 feet; thence
South 81 14'26" West, 613.89 feet; thence South
28`38' ".5" East, 1062.72 feet; thence South 79 49'14"
West 7b8.27 feet to a point on the West Boundary of
Lot #38, which is North 3 39'16" East a distance of
692.57 feet of Corner #4 of Lot #39; thence North
N3 39'16" East, 1618.02 feet to the Point of
Beginning. Amounting to 19.62 acres in Lot #38,
Township 22 North, Range 116 West, Lincoln County,