HomeMy WebLinkAbout866626B00x RECEIVED 1l SHERIFF'S CERff.NE OF SALE Iii !I C3 1, Lee Gardner, Sheriff of Lincoln County, State of Wyomingd F9q f eb Re tyR pursuant to the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage datedtiSR66IdNW given by John Arland and Cindy Arland, Husband and Wife, as mortgagors, to Key Bank of Wyoming, as mortgagee, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on December 4, 1995, in Book 377 PR at Page 36; said Mortgage was sold to KeyBank National Association formerly known as Key Bank of Wyoming at a foreclosure sale on April 7, 2000; and a Sheriffs Certificate of Sale in favor of KeyBank National Association formerly known as Key Bank of Wyoming dated April 7, 2000 was recorded on April 7, 2000, in Book 443 PR at Page 766, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and due to an error in the Affidavit of Publication dated March 13, 2000 and recorded with the Sheriffs Certificate of Sale on April 7, 2000, in Book 443 PR at Page 766, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, this property is being re- foreclosed; and pursuant to a Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure of said mortgage which was duly published for a period of four consecutive weeks on May 25, June 1, June 8 and June 15, 2000, in the Kemmerer Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, a copy of which Notice of Foreclosure is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Certificate of Sale; at the hour of 10:00 a.m. in the forenoon on June 23, 2000 at the Lincoln County Courthouse, Kemmerer, Wyoming, I did offer for sale at public vendue to the highest and best bidder, for cash, hereinafter described lands and premises, and that KeyBank National Association formerly known as Key Bank of Wyoming did bid at said sale the sum of It which was the highest and best bid for said property. I further certify that I first offered to sell a part or parcel of said land Tess than the whole thereof, if applicable, but could obtain no bid for any parcel of said land, and I then offered the whole of said tract described as follows: PR PAGE 9 Lots 18 and 19, Palis Park Subdivision, according to the official plat thereof, being part of the N1/2SE1/4 and the SW1 /4NE1/4 of Section 29, T37N, R118W, 6th P.M., Wyoming and that KeyBank National Association formerly known as Key Bank of Wyoming offered and bid for the whole of said premises the above stated amount. That the same being the highest and best bid I could obtain for said premises by reason of said sale, the same was sold to KeyBank National Association formerly log known as Key Bank of Wyoming for the sum of (�o 1 further certify that out of the sum so received, the same was applied toward the discharge of the debt for which same was sold including the expense of publication of the notice of sale, my fee as officer selling said property and attorney's fees. Attached ollgnd �(aa 7k WT\9t wails A ndetj l� '�111 z �J J/) Z gpoj. has uiaaagl sesodind pue esn eqi aoj '6wwoAM awelg 'AlunoO ulooui }o ilpagg /4ndea) se doe fueTunlon pue Bay, 1q se '6ui}iann ui 'i<uawna}sui pies paaanllap pue papas `pau6is aq }egg pa6painnoujoe pue uosied u! '000Z '£Z aunr sigl aw aaooaq paaeadde `aaoi}}o Lions se uiaaaq} pe4eu6isep pue '6uiwoAM }o ems `ulooui Aluno0 gpagg 31VS dO 31VOId11213O SadI J3HS 6uio6aaol aql pagiaosgns si aweu asognn uosied aql< aq o aw o1 unnoWj Alleuosaad si oqm Y) 1 1A i4!peo Agaaaq op `6uiwo!M ems 'uloou fl �o AlunoO 8q4 aoj pue u! ollgnd tie4ON e su Yb9 N 1 l a M1O0N1 dO .UNf1O0 ss DNIWOAM dO 31d1S :Ag Jc? u/7 -1 ONIWOAM 'A1NflO0 N1O0N11 ddI13HS '2i3Na2Ivo 331 EC>C17 -bl-C :saaidx3 uoissiwwoO An �c�crZTjT� sarndx3 uoissiwwo3 AN EuiwoAM i C d o t u aoui 10 a1¢1S(� =t 54o punop *Ind )(mow !Msurug �iady leas Ieio1Jlo pue pueq Aw ssaul!M '000Z '£Z eunr a31va sasiwaad pagposap -anoge pue ui sao6e6pow pies aqi jo jsaaawi pue e q '146p eql io IIe 1! oT 6u!Aanuoo 'ewes agi. of peep a 01 pamua aq Minn 6uiwoAM Nueg AaN se unnou){ itlaawaol uoReioossy IeuogeN )lue8AaN `Jesegoand pies et-I4 000Z `£Z aunr }o amp eql woad sgnuow anoo aaojaq noel Aq papinoad se peweepaa am nos os se sasiwaad pies ssaiun Alpeo aagpnl I palsanbaa ldiaoaa wnlaa 'lien pai4ipaO Aq sasiwaad pa6e6pow 941 Jo uoissassod ui suosaad pue SJ9UMO paooaa uodn panaas Senn ales pue }uawasipanpe Aq e6e6pow eq} esop9ao4 o} lua}ui }o aogou ua}}iann �eq� 6u!Toal4aa 4inepi}}y ue si uiaaaq paieaodaooui pue o}aaaq pagoelle osly aansopaaoj sig1 6ui}nmui Aped aq} `eau6isse sl•i JO 'ea6e6pow aqi 6uijuasaadei amens sigl ui eopeid ol< itlleaaue6 pa}}iwpe A81110}}e ue ;inepi}}y ue si uiaaaq pe ;eaodaooui pue o}aaaq ?6g 9799980 (Signed) Subscribed and sworn to before me the June 11v commission expires the 2nd Puhli SS day of 0et©tiei0 02 ossssz6 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF WYOMING County of Lincoln I. Jeff Breese do hereby, upon my oath, depose and say that I am LIT Cashier of the KEMMERER GAZETTE, weekly newspaper published in th( City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, in the State of Wyoming; and that said newspape has a general circulation in said County and State; and that the legal notice herein attached was published in said newspaper for the full period of Four consecutive week(s): tht first publication being on the 25th day of May 2000, a th, last publication being on thei5th day of June 2000 and thy. said advertisement appeared in each and every r,,,ri,>,A, „fsa: a newspaper of publication as above stated. 599 NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Default having occurred on that certain Mortgage dated October 30, 1995, given b) John Arland and Cindy Arland, Husband and Wife, to Key Bank of Wyoming, to secure the payment of a Promissory Note in the amount of $55,000.00 of even date therewith. which Mortgage embraced the following- described real property. Lots 18 and 19, Palis Park Subdivision, according to the official plat thereof, being part of the N l /2SE 1 /4 and the SW 1 /4NE1/4 ofSection 29, T37N, RI I8W, 6th P.M., Wyoming which Mortgage was duly recorded on December 4, 1995, in Book 377 PR at Page 36, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and WHEREAS, said Mortgage was sold to KeyBank National Association formerly known as Key Bank of Wyoming at a foreclosure sale on April 7, 2000; and WHEREAS, a Sheriff's Certificate of Sale in favor of KeyBank National Associa- tion formerly known as Key Bank of Wyoming dated April 7, 2000, was recorded on April 7, 2000, in Book 443 PR at Page 766, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and. WHEREAS, due to an error in the Affidavit of Publication dated March 13, 2000, and recorded with the Sheriff's Certificate of Sale on April 7, 2000, in Book 443 PR at Page 766, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, this property is being re- foreclosed; and WHEREAS, the default has occurred by reason of the failure of the Mortgagors to pay the principal and interest due thereon when the same became due and payable, and other defaults: of performance under the terms of the Mortgage and the Promissory Note secured thereby, and the Mortgage providing that the entire balance will become due at the option of the Mortgagee or its Assignees upon default, and the Mortgagee or Assignee hereby electing to declare the entire debt secured thereby to be due and payable as provided by law, and WHEREAS, no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by said Mortgage or any part thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above described real property will be offered for sale and sold by the Sheriff of Lincoln County, or his deputy, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at public vendue, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. on June 23, 2000; that the amount due and owing at the date of this Notice is $64,760.39 (inclusive of unpaid principal, interest, property taxes and attorney's fees and expenses from previous foreclosure), together with additional attorney's fees and costs of this foreclosure action; said sale to take place at the Lincoln County Courthouse, 925 Sage Avenue, Kemmerer, Wyoming. This is an attempt to collect the mortgage debt referenced herein and any informa- tion obtained will be used for that purpose. DATED May 25, 2000 KeyBank National Association formerly known as Key Bank of Wyoming May 25 -June 1 -8 -15 By: DRAY, THOMSON DYEKMAN, P.C. 0525A Loumv OT OL LW WI Uncoil Wyoming My Commission Expires 2002 009 ollgnd �(ae NOISSIWWOo AW 31WVHV1 40 A1Nf10:) H3NH031 'W VIVNVf Agami rt leas le!ou}o pue puey i(w sseu }!M '000Z `96 eunr uo peej 'e IlepueH i(q ew eio }eq o1 WOMS pue peq!aosgns `pa6pelMOUWloy pee j '8 IlepUeH Z9£L9 aS 'aall!W pa£ 1SeM ib69 puelay /pu!a 1IAVQId3H 'OOOZ '91. aunt Odl`da Z9£L9 GS 11!1N pa£ 1SeM t1.9 pUelad ugof :sMolio} se `Hew pawlaaO Aq pel!ew pue 'lsalelu! }o se!ped uMOU)I lie pue `uo!ssessod u! suosaed uMOU)I ile of pesseippe se!doo q1!M `pe4senbaa 3d!eoaa wnieJ 'new pe!}!Pao Aq pailew pue `sseappe uMOU)I 3Sel a!ayl 4e Sa9UMO paooaa pue sao6e61aow 8111 o} passaappe seM `oleieq payoelle s! yo!11M }o Adoo a 'asolOaao} o} 1ua4u! }0 9011ou a `0002 `8 6 Ilady uo teyl 'Z "pesoloaao -aa 6u!eq s! ipedoad s!43 `6u!woIM `Alunop uloou!l }0 )laala /3unop ay} }o 8O!}}0 8111 u! `99L abed 1 00 8 u! 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A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 204 EAST 22ND STREET CHEYENNE, WYOMING 82001 -3799 W. PERRY DRAY WILLIAM J. THOMSON GREGORY C. DYEKMAN RANDALL B. REED KRISTEN J. SCHLATTMANN MATTHEW H. ROMSA April 18, 2000 John Arland 514 West 3rd Miller, SD 57362 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. Z 228 707 376 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE RE: Real Estate Mortgage to Key Bank of Wyoming Legal Description: Lots 18 and 19, Palls Park Subdivision, according to the official plat thereof, being part of the N1/2SE1/4 and the SW1 /4NE1/4 of Section 29, T37N, R118W, 6 P.M., Wyoming Our File: KeyBank Arland, John Cindy Dear Mr. and Mrs. Arland: Due to an error in the Affidavit of Publication we are re- foreclosing on this property. Pursuant to that certain mortgage executed by John Arland and Cindy Arland to Key Bank of Wyoming dated October 30, 1995, which mortgage secured the note of even date therewith, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED: 1. KeyBank'National Association, formerly known as Key Bank of Wyoming, hereby declares the following sums secured by the above referenced mortgage to be immediately due and payable: Outstanding principal Interest to 3/23/00: Interest (3/24/00 to 4/18/00) Property taxes Attorney's fees expenses (first foreclosure) $59,889.78 412.88 940.05 2,930.12 TELEPHONE (307) 634 -8891 TELEFAX (307) 634 -8902 E -MAIL draylaw @vcn.com Cindy Arland 514 West 3rd Miller, SD 57362 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. Z 228 707 377 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED TOTAL: *$64,172.83 *Does not include attorney's fees and additional foreclosure costs for this foreclosure. •paleool s! pros aq of i(padoad all go!gM ul i(lunoo all ul uollelnoalo to JededsMau e ul ales aansoloeiol to aollou all to uolleolignd 6ulouewwoo Aq 'Mel of luensand `s6ulpeaooad aansoloaaol ul6aq !legs am `aollou slgl to 6uillew all Jape si(ep (oc)'p!yl ulyl!M penlaoaa lou sl !IN ul luawAed 4! 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Ilady pUelay Apula puelay ugor 97,999SO 0866626 MAILING OFFICE: Postmark it Returp Receipt was paid for at time of mailing. Attach fee iFss R bl DMM if return receipt was not paid for at time of mailing. 4. Article Number z.aa g 70731 k 5. Mailing Dat LI PS Form 38 -A, December 1994 MAILING OFFICE: Postmark if Retum Receipt was paid for at time of mailing. i.13 Attach fehtstbiwn In DMM if retum receipt was not paid for at tune of mailing 4. Article Number 2Q 107 317 Mailing Date 6. Type of Service ip COD Certified Numbered Insured for r Merca Express Mail Registered 1. .11 1 6. Type of Service i.pp COD Certified Numbered Insured Return Express Mail Registered Delivered to he followi i PS Form 3811 -A December 1994 a. R b 2b. R _J u r c le essed To: CUSTOMER: Complete unshaded area (hems 1 and enter your name and address on the 1. Return receipt WAS NOT paid for at time of mailing. K2a. Retum receipt WAS paid for at time of mailing. 2b. Return receipt showing addressee's address WAS paid for at time of mailing. 3. Article Addressed To: John QYIa Sty w 3Y r.); I1er S p si' (J. 5Ny w r3Yd M; teY S0 st12ea Nlduai, ca 1) i piefe only if item 2b or org ap ER: Com fete unshaded ar receipt WAS rtfer-aLU tug.-- recei WAS p paM'ior al Ume oPmed6ng: receipt showing, addressee's adddss W. pjjgg,,,, any, or organization: 1.6 and enter 11 Postal Re Domestic Return R ,e)Rt(After Mailing) 1t. Postal Recortts Show. Derwery wasmade 0 Delnvtry vas not Domestic Return Receipt (After Mailing) 12 J! 200 603 o!Ignd e} °N Paad '8 IIePUed lees le!oUlo pue puey Aw ssau }!M '0002 `91. aunt uo paad •8 Ilepuej i(q aw aio}aq o} UJOMS pue paq!Josgns `pa6palMou)1oy 'OOOZ `91. aunt a31ya 'LL61. 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