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366634 00JIN23
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Wade Homme and Linda Homme, Husband and Wife, mortgagor of Lincoln County,
State of Wyoming, to secure the payment of Twenty Thousand Dollars and 00 /100, due July 23,
2005 with interest thereon at the rate of eight percent per year (said sum, and the interest
thereon being referred to as the "indebtedness payable in accordance with the provisions of
that certain promissory note, dated June 23, 2000, hereby mortgage and warrant to mortgagee,
Howard W. Freeman and Joy D. Freeman, P.O. Box 5186, Etna, WY 83118, the following
described real estate, situated in the County of Lincoln, in the State of Wyoming, to wit:
Lot 99 of Commissary Ranch Unit D, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on
Plat No. 471396 filed October 16, 1975 of the record of Lincoln County Clerk.
Lot 98 of Commissary Ranch Unit D, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on Plat
No. 471396 filed October 16, 1975 of the record of Lincoln County Clerk.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded August 6,
1999 in Book 434PR on page 135 of the records of Lincoln County Clerk.
Mortgagors agree to pay the indebtedness according to the terms of said promissory note,
and, during the life of this mortgage, to pay all taxes and assessments on the premises and to
keep the improvements thereon insured against fire and other hazards in a sum not less than
0 by such insurance as mortgagee may
approve, with the proceeds thereof made payable to mortgagee. If mortgagors fail to pay such
taxes or assessments or fail to keep the premises insured, mortgagee may pay the same and may
insure the premises, and all sums paid by mortgagee for such purposes shall be added to and
considered as part of the indebtedness and shall draw interest at the same rate.
If default occurs in the payment of the indebtedness or in the payment of any installment
thereof, or if default occurs in any of the covenants and agreements thereof, then the whole
indebtedness shall, at mortgagee's option, become due and payable forthwith, and mortgagee
may foreclose this mortgage either by advertisement and sale of the above described premises
at public vendue according to Wyoming statutes, or by an action in equity. Out of the proceeds
of any foreclosure sale, mortgagee shall retain or receive all sums due to it hereunder, and costs
of foreclosure and sale, including attorney fees in an amount equal to ten percent of the
indebtedness remaining unpaid at the time of such sale, the same to be taxed as costs in any
equitable action brought to foreclose this mortgage.
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State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Linda Homme and Wade Homme by
his attorney in fact Linda Homme this 23rd day of June, 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires: February 2, 2002
Notary Public