HomeMy WebLinkAbout866657When recorded mail to: ABN AMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. P.O. BOX 5064 TROY, MICHIGAN 48084 ATTN:FINAL /TRAILING DOCUMENTS LEASE Y i 1/ This, Mortgage i f tt 1F I,QRTIA ES op LOAN 611281288 11001(447 PR PAGE r 0 8 Space Above This Line For Recording Data] MORTGAGE THIS MORTGAGE "Security Instrument is given on JUNE 19 2000 CYNTHIA D HATLEY, A SINGLE WOMAN This Security Instrument is given to ABN AMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC A DELAWARE CORPORATION existing under the laws of THE STATE OF DELAWARE and whose address is 2600 W. BIG BEAVER RD., TROY, MICHIGAN 48084 ("Lender"). Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED* FIFTY AND NO/ 100******************** *D (U. S. $154 350 00 This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instrument "Note which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on JULY 1, 2030 This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, with interest, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; (b) the payment of all other sums, with interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to protect the security of this Security Instrument; and (c) the performance of Borrower' s covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, with power of sale, the following described property located in LINCOLN County, Wyoming: LOT 3, REES SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. which has the address of 434 PINE ST, ALPINE Wyoming 83128 [Zip Code] WYOMING- Single Family FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3051 9/90 Amended 5/91 WYVDEED 311 WYVDEED "Property Address Pagel of5 866657 RECEIVED _INC0[....N COUNTY L!£? JUU 26 r JEANN KEMMERER, WYOMIfJG The mortgagor is "Borrower which is organized and [Street, City], Initials: 14,x* 7 x 7 2 9 r tuI JO Z 321d (I3fl(IA.IM L6 /S Papuaurd 06/6 IOC UUO3 LN3IAIf123 LSNI IAI2IO3IP[t131/%11H3/VIAIAI3 "I ?urea aldu!S _OAIINiOAM .uan42 s► aatlou all ua44M uiWaq IItM pouad S1p -0£ a44y anp uall you io 10110gM `luaunlpsui S1Un0aS sup Sq pampas suns ,Cud o1 so Ai doid 0441 a101Sa1 Io nsdai op spaaaoid all asn S11w iopua- •spaaoilid aou111nsw all ramp Amu iapual uatp `wtgio r aims o1 palajjo se14 iauira aourinsut at'' imp .iapua7 luouj aatlou 1 s,igp p£ utg1IM .JOMSU? 1ou saop.i0 `SUad01d all suopurqu IaMOfog31 '1aMO110g 01 mud ssaaxa Sur 111TH `anp uagi 10u 10Ia14pagm `luauitulsul S11maaS sill ,Cq painoas sums atp o1 pa1ldde aq Ilens spaaaoid aauuinsui aql `pauassal aq mom ,Clam os s,lapua' so aigisupj Stieatwouoaa lou st urdal io uoij iolsa.i aqui pauassal lou si S1tm0as mapua'i pue apgisuaj Slleatwouooa Si .uedai .io uoile iolsai aqui `pa rturp Suadoidampo unto.' iouotleiopsas olpailddu aq Hulls spaaaoid aourinsui ui ii t ut 001211 astnuallo iasonog pur lapua'i ssalun •IaAOJIog Sq S11duoid apuuz lou jt ssoi jo jogid avw Sulu .Iapua- •lapua7 puu Iaulea aouginsui alp o1 aatlou iduio.id a/V2 Hugs JOM011014 `SSOi 3o IUOA3 0141 LIT 'Saat10U IUM01101 plu?liilnriiThid• pied jo sldtaDal Ilu lapua'p 01 anti Spdwoid iiegs IaMO11og `sannbai iapua'p ji s'rMaual puu satailod aq1 piol of lg5u all snug Hulls Iapua-i asnrla a2auow plupuups u apnlaui Hulls puu iapua'1 op algrldaooi aq Hulls siumauai puu satogod aoutinsui IIt •L gdraulud 11IM aourplo0011 ut Suad0ld all ut slggp mapual ioaioid o 1 au.ianoO uJE qo `uotpdo s,iapua-i pu 'Sulu iapu0'i `anoqu paquasap aWe1OA00 uiulutuui 01 sltej 1aMOfog jI PlagppiM Slg11uosgalun aq lou Hugs tom* Iunolddl s,iapua'i op ppafgns 1aM011og iq =sow aq Hugs aaueinsui alp 2utptnold Jainuo aaurinsut aq j .sannbas lapuarl lggp spouad aql ioj puu slunowu all ut paun iurew aq imp aouelnsut sil,i, .aauuinsut saiinbai iapual latgM Ioj `futpoog JO spoof SutpnjOUi `spirzrl Imp Sur puu arlano0 papualxa„ twat ail UPI1IM papnJOut spnuzuq `aig Sq ssol lsutae painsut Suadpld 011 uo moan Ialjealat 1O 2uUstxa Mou Sluauianoidult alp claw{ 'lr14s .iaMoiiog •aaulansul Spaadoad ao papz1H •S •aapou JO 21.114 0113O &Sep of utgltM anoqu quoj las suot1Or amp slow 10 QUO a)iul JO U311 all Sjsurs imp iaM011og •uati all 8uiijutiapi 3090U 110MO110g 0AT Stu Japua7 luaunuisui SpunaaS sill Iano Sluoud utgllg Sum latt'M nail g o110afgns Si Suadold all jo urd Sur imp sautulaiap lapuaj jI 'luaiun.ilsui *moos sup 01 rag all 2utpeutplogns lapua- of Sio10rjstlrs luatuaa.1S1 uu rail at p jo 1aplog 0111 wolf saunas (a) .10 `uag alp jo luawaOlojua a1 1 luanaid of aluiado uotutdo mapun aii ut gain& sgutpaaoold IWWal `ut uall 0 ql jo luatuaa.iojua isragSg spuajap 10 `Sq uaT1 all 441tuj pooS Ut mama (q) `.lapua'i op alquidaaau 1auuuw i ut uat10111 Sq painoas uotptRtlgo aq1 jo luatu,(ud 01114 of 2uuUM ut saa15l (u) :iaMO11og ssalun 1UaUfUlsui S1un0as slip law Sluoud suit gotgM um Sue a3lugastp,(Ildtuoid Hugs 1aM0nog •sluauiXud all WUOUaptna sldtaaai lapual 01 lsiUlnj Spdwold Timis Iamollog `Sppaup spuauSrd asagl sa)luui .IaM01.IOg31 rd sup iapun mud aq of slunoul jo saotpou 111 Iapua'l of lstuinj Spduoid Hugs 1aM011og luauiXud paMO uos.iad 0 u of SI10a.tp awn uo uiagl Srd Hrgs I0M011og `.iauuuui 1111 ut mud Jou jt 10 `Z qdri5und uT papinoid IODUUUI 0141 uT suonu5ttgo asail,Cud Hugs iaMOf0g *Sur ji `s1Ua.i punold 10 S1u0wSP.d piolasuai puu `luawn Tsui S1Unaas stpl.1ano Sltlotld utullu Sew Ia►1M Xl.Tadold aqi 01 algrpngUipu suotltsodun pue saug `saImtp `sluatussassu 'SUM 111? Aed Hugs iaMOI.IOg *snarl !sang to •b •aloN 0141 iapun anp saW1r44a op Sur op `isul puu !anp p diauud o1 `lunoj !anp 'swam! 01 Trap `•Z gdrigrnrd iapun a'gtSrd sumo= 01 'pumas 'apoN o44p iapun anp salmi° want/Wald Aug 01 'mg :patlddu aq Iluls Z pue i sqdraund Iapun iapua-i Sq panta0al sluauard He `asiA Napo saptnoid Mu' alqua11dd1 ssalun •sluauSAd jo uolpeaHddd •T luawtulsui SjunoaS sup Sq pamaas sums all lsutar ltpol0 u su ales so uotptstnbwu jo atoll all lr iapua- Sq plaq spund Sur Sidde Hugs `SUadold atop) airs .10 uoptsmbar aqi op .loud `lapua'i 'Spada'," all Has 10 annbor Hugs sapua'i `i Z 1drautud iapun 31 Iapua'i Sq Plat spund Sur 10M011og of punjai Spdtuaid "u 'IS lapua'i `luawnlpsui S1unOas slip Sq pamaas sums imp Ina ut 1uawStd uodn uopalOStp Nos s le `sluawSrd Sllluoul anlaM1 uugl 010111 OU ut S0uat01Jap alp do O)Irw Hugs 1aAO110g S0uatagap alp do a)l1w of £llssaDau lunowr all Iapual 01 ,Cud Hr1S IOMOJIOg asr0'Ons ui `pug lut1I1M ut IaM011og Sjuou os ,Cow iapua-i `anp uaIM small M01asg alp ,Cud 01 lua1Ot, jjnS IOU st aura Sur 111 iapual Sq matt spund alp jo mom at p31 'MuI algeatidde jo sluawannbai alp 11!M aOUepI000r ut spund ssaOxa alp Ioj 10MO11og 01 IUnoaau Hugs iapuo'i `M1 aiquatiddr Cq plaq aq 01 pau!uuod slunouu all paaaxa npual Sq plaq spund all JI °luawiulsui Slun0aS sill Sq pamaas suns Hu 10j S1UnDas lluotltppr s1 papald ale spund 014,E •apRUI sum spund ag1011tgap gala 140t14M 10j asodind al1 pug spund 011101 sptgap put sltpala 2UIM044S `spund amp 2utlunoaar lenuur ue 'amp 1noqum `10M0110g 01 ant2 Hrgs iapuarl •spund ag1 uo mud aq Hulls "salami lg `IaAOMOI IUi1!IM Ui aad11 Sulu 1apUa'I pue 10M0110g "spund alp U0 S5Uiuiea I0 ISOI01U1 Sul I0MOIIOH SKI 01 paimbal aq IOU ins Iapuarl 'mud aq 01 150101r saunbai Mu' aigrailddr so ap11W Si luawaa1S1 ssalun •asiMlallO saptnold Me' algratldd11 ssalun `ueoj 51141 gum uotlaauuoa 114 lapua'i Sq pasn aai uos gutliodai re' alrpsa pal luapuadaput 11110j ab11140 aura-auo 1,(11d 01 IOMOII0g aitnbal,(ew lapua'i `lanamOH 0 11144911 'Ions a3111lu 01 lapua-i sintuad M11 aig1atiddu pug spund ara isaiairaJOMOJJOEI SS11d lapuai ssalun `small MO10Sg all SUtSjuan lO `punoa0u MOIOSO alp gutzSj1ur SH1nuue `spund 0141 Sut&iddu put 2U1P1ol 10j 10M011Og amp loo Amu 1apua'i swa11 Mo10sg alp ,(11d 01 spund all S1dd11 Hugs lapua•l •)Iurg uro'l awoH !mind Sur ut 10 uotlnitlsut 111 ions Si /aping ji `Iapua'l 2UtpnIout) Sltlua 10 `,Cltieluawnllsut `SOUa811 le1apaj 1,ig painsut 0111 susodap aso4M uotlnitlsut 111 ut P1 aq lilt's spund 0 141 'MuI apg1aildd11 g11M a0uep1oa0g ut astM1allo JO swali MoJOSg alnlnj jo sainptpuadxa jo sal11wtps° algiuosual puu elep 110I1110 jo sts11q all uo anp spund jo lunou1110141 aluwtls° Sew iapua'i lunolu110S503 all paaaxa 01 IOU punow11 ue Ut spund plot' pug pawn `awtl,(ur 111 `,lulu lapua'i `os ji 'IUnoulu lasso' u 9109 spund alp 01 satldd11 lull M1111a11ou11 ssalun `(„ydsa2I 'bas la i 09Z UOIIOOS )'S'fl Z I Ol 01.11j1 w01j 1:1013110lu11 se 17L6 i j010V sampa0old luawajIIOS al11lsg luau I11apaj all iapun 1111Oa0r MOIOsa s,lamollog raj altnbal Stu ueol 08118uo11 papllal Sllujapaj 1110j IapUal r 1Unow11 wnwlxuw alp paa0xa 01 1011 lunowr 1111 ui spund plot' puu p0allo0 `aura Sur 111 `,(1u iapua'1 •suali Mo10sg„ pai1110 a111 swalt asap, swntwaid aOUrinsui a818uow jo puatuS11d 0141 jo nail ut `8 gdr1811rd jo SUOTSIAoId alp guuM a0uupio00r ut `lapuag 011aMO11og (galqu,(1d suns Sur (j) put; Cur jt swntwald aOuumsut a8118uow Sinai( (a) !Amp `sulntuald aaurI11SUJ poop S11uaS (p) 'swniwaid gout insui ,(uadoid to pluZ114 Slim( (a) !Strap `SUadold 0141 uo s1101 punoi810 sluauXed plolas11al ,(lira,( (q)'SUadold 0141 uo 1011411 911 luawnapsui S1 sup JOAO S1UOt1d ut111111,(eu 140114M SJUawssaSS1 pug Saxul Sjigo (11) :1oj spund„) tuns 11 'HT ut mud st a1oN 0441 It1un `aloN all iapun anp 0111 spuauiSed Sllluou Sup alp uo 1apua-1 01 S11d Hugs 1aMO11og `iapua'i Sq 1aAI11M uaI1IIM 11 0110 M111 alg10gddr 011aafgns •aaulansuI put 90X11, aoj spund •z 0101.1 0441 1apun anp sa8111t10 am pug 1uatuS11dald Sur pu11 apoN all Sq paouaptna 'gap 0141 uo'Salalut pu11 jo Iudiouud 0441 anp ua 'IM S11d Spdwoid 11r44s 1aM011og •sanngj alrg put luawAidoid :lsaaalul put 11dpuiad Jo puawS1d •1 :sMolioj se 00181 pug luuuoAoa lapua'i p1111 10MO11og 'SJ NVNHAOD YAIHIOdINf1 •Suadoid pal 81110A00 puaUnlpsw *moos ulojwn r alnitlsuo0 01 uotlOtpsunf Sq SUOt111TII1A p 14nM sluruanoa Ullojtun -uou puu asn'11uot11111 loj s1U1UaAOa IUIOjtun sautquloa ,LNg1AIf11LSNI ALIHIf1DHS SIH.L p10001 jo saau11igwnaua Sur o1 lOafgns `spuruap pug swt11la 11111sut1181 Suado1d 014101 wall 0441 Slielaua8 puajap IIiM pu11 S1U111I1M I0M0110g wow jo saaurigwnoua 1oj ldanxa `palaqulnouaun si Suadold a441111o1 pue Suadold alp Samoa pu11 1ur18 `08118310W 0114811 all Suit pU11 paSanu00 Sg0104 alglsa alp jo pastas SIItljA1l st 10M011og 11:141 SINVNgAOD HIAc1OHRIOH alp se luaun11su1 *moos sill ut 01 p0110j01 Si 8ut08aloj alp jo Ild puawiulsui Spun0as sup Sq pampa aq 0Si11 111149 suotltpp1 pug sluaua0111da1 ijd •SUadoid alp jo Ind 111011110104 zo Mou salnlxg pug `sa0uguaundd1 `sluawas1a 1111 pug `SUadoid alp uo pap0ala 101j101a1 JO MOU sluatuanoIdUIT 01 11 HE H.LIM HIHHJ2DO.L 88ZT8ZTT9 NYO`I 601. 4 5999E r) WYOMING- Single Family FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3051 9/90 Amended 5/91 WYVDEED Page 3 of 5 VL`sbtova4, 710 LOAN 611281288 Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Application; Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate, as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any material information) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph 7, Lender does not have to do so. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, at the option of Lender, if mortgage insurance coverage (in the amount and for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is obtained. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicable law. 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. In the event ofa total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event ofa partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is Less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option, either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due,. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co signers. The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co -signs this Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co- signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property Initials: ‘-754. ste°t1tui S jo t, aNrd a33GAAM I6 /S papuautV 06/6 INC 110 J M3I1if121 LS \II 1010.4INf131V1113/VNIN3 x1!tur3 0 1 2 u!S ONINIOAM aaMOaaog o; airs aq; jo ani;ou ani2 drys aapun •Mel aigragdde g ;in► aauepaoaae ui' ;uaaa3 ;ip J ',C;aadoad ay; jo uoissassod ui uosiad ay; o; par aaMOaaog o; asopaaoj o; ;ua;ui jo 33i 10U 3/43 iieys aapua7 'airs ;o aaMod ay; saMonui aapua7 3I •aauapina aI;i; Jo soon pur saa3 ,slauao ;r aigruosraa'o; pa;iwg;ou;nq 'TZ gdra2rard slq; ui papinoad saipawaa ay; 2uinsand ui paaanaui sasuadxa pr papa o; pal;( ;ua aq iirys aapuai •Mri aigraiiddr Aq pa ;iwaad saipawaa aaq ;o Sur pur amp) aantod ay; aaionui Srw pur puewap aaq;anj ;nog;iM;uawna ;sui A ;iannas stq; Aq paanaas suns or Jo lin; ui;uawArd a ;ripawwi aainbaa Sew'uoi ;do s;i ;e 'aapuarT'ani ;ou aq; ui pagpads a;rp ay; aaopaq ao uo paana ;ou si ;inWJap ay; 3I 'airs pur uoi ;raaiaaar o; aaAOaaog 3o asuaJap Jag ;o Sur ao ;inejap r 3o aaua ;sixa -uou ay; passr o; uoi ;nr ;anon r guiaq o ;Oa ay; pur uomaapaar amp a ;e ;suiaa o; ;Op aq; jo aaMOaaog waopui aaq;an3 iirgs aai ;ou aq1 'A;aadoad aq; jo airs pur;uawna;sui A ;iannaS siq; lq paanaas scans aq; jo uoi ;eaapawr ui ;lnsaa Arw aai;ou ay; ui paginads apep ay; aaopq ao uo ;inrpap ay; aana o; aanlir3 ;r1(; (p) pur :palm aq ;sum inrjap ay; gaiUM Aq'aatoiiog o; uani si aai;ou aq; a;rp ay; woa3 sCi p O£ urq; ssai Jou'a ;rp r (a) ;In'Pap aq; aana o; paainbaa uopar ay; (q) :;Inr3ap ay; (r) :,C3iaads iirgs aai;ou ays •(asinuay ;o sapinoad Mrl aigraiiddr ssaiun LT gdragrard aapun uoi ;uaapnnu o; aoiad ;ou;nq) ;uawna ;suq Swims sag; ui ;uawaaaar ao ;uivanoa ,Cur 3o garaaq s,aaAtoaaog NuiMolio3 uoi;eaalaaar o; aoiad aaRtoaaog o; aai;ou 3443 Hugs aapu5-1 •saipawaj tuoipraapnnv •IZ :sMoiio3 se aaa11 pur lueuanO0 Japuari pug 1amO11og •SINVNTAOJ Y'RIOdINfl •uoilooloid Iu ;uawuollnua 10 Sia311s 'typal of aleia1 Imp pale0oi si Apodold 0141 a1a1(M uogolPsunf aq1 Jo sMul pue sMe( imam sum' �MWJ irwau agaug, `OZ ydi i ei d sail ui posn sy •sieiialrw anppe0Ipe1 pug `apAgap(ewio310 soisagsi 2uiuieluoa sietla ;eau `sluanros aiileion `sapip!g1ag pug sapiansad aixol `slanpoid wnaiagad oix011O aiggwuwg 1a14o `auasoiayi `auiiosi :saou111sgns 2 Utnn 0 0 3 0 141 pug /awl (eluOwuo11nug (q saauelsgns sn0plezug Jo oixo1 se pupal) saauelsgns asoip a1g „saDuuisgns snop1ezeH„ `OZ t1dgigeird sill ui pasn sd °Me7 (eluauuoJInug g !M apUepJo3011 111 SUOi10e (elpawa1 A111ssaoau ilu ayiel (iidwoid (jugs 1aM011Og `A111ssa0au si 1padold all 2ufwa33g a0u114sgns snopmzgii Atm 3o uoileipawa1 1a1(4o 10 (en0u31 du `AU1oipnt A1o1e(1t2a110 ie1uawu1an02,fur lq paiji40u SI 10 `SU1g0i 1am011og31 •aSpaimoul reign sug 13MO110g gmigM 3o Me-( ieluawu0.nnug 10 0oue4sgns snoplezuH /W11 pug d10dold ag4 311inioAUi Aced 0lenud s0 c3uaI A1o1111n8a1 lgfUawU1an0S ,Cue Aq uogou Jaglo 10 lmsMel puewap `wielO `U0UapsanuI dU11 jo aOpou ua4u1M Japua7 an1S Apdwold Hugs 1aMO11Og •cuadold a1(1 3o aOUeualurew Ol pue sasn ieiluapisai (11u1ou O4 31Et1d01ddg aq of paziaooai Arr11lauo5 a1r 1111(1 so uelsgns snoplrzeii jo saililuunb ((ems jo Auadold aql uo a11lois 10 'mu `a3uasald all of Aidde iou dugs samuaivas owl 2uipaoa.id aq,j, •nte7 (gluawu0llnug Atm jo uopeioin ui si legl luadold alp S11tioa33i 2uigyCue'op 01 asp auo,Cue Mogu 1ou'op iou Hugs 1aMO11Og °AUadold aril ui .10 uo saauesgns Snop1ezeH Aug jo asraiai 10 `02EJOIs `iesodsip `asn `aouasa.id ag4 liw.iad 10 asn113 lou (lugs 1aM0110g •sa3ur ;sgng snoparzrH *OZ M11r aiquoiidde Aq palinbat uoilewiojui .1aipo (ue uieluoo osp iiiM aopou all °apeu aq pinoys sivaw Cud y01gM o1 ssalpp11 alp pug 1a0tmosUwo7 Mauaq; ppssazppepueauzeuaylalelsiilMaDilouay ,i,°Meiaiquoiiddepueanogr1i yd111 wredglin+aouepi000uuia3urgoagipo aOilou ua11UM uan12 aq iiiM 1aM0110 `1aopuoS urori ag13o auto g s1=toni '010N a11 3o airs g of paleioiun mormas ueo7 atop sa3U11g0 010W 10 0110 aq Aeu osie a1a1(Z °luawtulsui Au1n3as sigl pue a1ON a1(l 1apun anp sluawdRd Algluow swaiioo legs 111107, all se uMOU)i) A4pua 01 1 111 au111 D 11 111 linsOl ,(ew airs d •1am011og o1 aoilou .ioud Tnolmf/a sawn wow 1O 3110 pros aq Sulu (luawniisul *moos sill to m% iayla2oi) mom 01(1 ui Isaialui mind 1110 a4oN agy •aaainaas u1o' 3O Aury) '.a ;o(n( ;o airs '61 °L( gdu13e1gd aapun uopeaaiaao113o as110 all ui A(dd114OU Hugs a111/sui01 0l 1441 snit `1OAOMOi-i °pa.im000 pug u014111ap00e ou 3I se angoa33a S((n3 ulgual Hugs dga1a1( painoas suollai(go a1(1 pue luawiuisul *moos su `1amo11og lq 4UOwalglsU101 uodn •paSuegpun anupuoo iiigs luautulsui A4unoas Sup Aq pampas sums a did Ol uoilugiigo maiming pug Auodoad 01(4 ut slg5i1 s,1opua7 luawnilsul Alunoas sully) nail am lgg1 ainssu 0i aiinba.i Argeuosuat dew 1apu0Z se u0pou gOns sa)(111(p) pug saa3 ,sloU1ofu alquu0s11a1 `01 muff!! 1011 Tutpnr0ut `IUautulsui dlimoos sup 5U101ojua 111 pa11nout sasuadxa rig sled (o) s4Uawaal$11 JO SIU1UOAOo 1ag10 Auu 30 4(neJap lug soma (q) `.p011n000 pug uo11111ara00e ou 3i sr aION 0 1(1 pue luaun isuI 1u1n0as 5(111 aapun onp aq mom uay1 goigM suns ale.apua-i scud (11) :1am011og 1111(1 0111 suoilipuoo asoq j °luawnl4su(lu lnoas sigl guioiojua ivawdpnf e jo Aiwa (q) 10 `luawn IIui (uinooS sup ui pauie4uoo airs jo 1aMod cue of luunsind Amdahl a1(1 3O airs olojaq (luawalulsuia.i 103 Appals (Rw MEI aiquogdd11 s11 pouad lagio pus so) sAep S (u) gong= 01(1 01 loud a1u14 cue Ir panuiluoOSip luawtulsui A4tpnoas sigl jo luawaOIOJua anig of lggt1 alp aim Bugs miming `SUOiupuoO U111ua0 Raoul 10MO11og ji •a ;r ;smog o; ;Om mannoaaog 81 °.IaMO,1.1og uo puewap JO 0011011 1a1(lzn3 4nog41M luownllsui 14Un0as Sig1 11( palliuzad saipaulai cue maw Aew Japuari `pouad sup jo uotleiidxa ag4 Ol ioud scans asag4 d11d of s(1e31aMO110g3I .luaunulsui c4un0as sup Cq pampas suns ice Aed lsnw miming g011(M unpiM mum s0 paianiiap Si api40u 0141 amp a1(1 wag scup O£ 11111(1 SSai 4011 30 pouad 11 apinOld hugs 0011011 agy •110111110(300e JO 0011011 .1aM01 JOg ani2 hugs 1apu0Z `uopdo s(g1 SOS!01ox0 °Iu0wtulsui Altln0as mop 04110 ag13o se Mer (elapaj lq paligigoid si as1Olaxa31 lapua-i lq pasiolaxa aq 1011 hugs uopdo sup `lanamoH °luawtulsui *moos sun Aq pampas suns ((u 3o ((n3111 111awlgd algipawwt annbal `uopdo S11 1g `(11W Iapua'( `luasuoO Ua44i1M ioiid mapuoi lnoguM (uosiad I11lnieu 11 IOU s110M0110g 0U11 pa11aJsUg11 10 pros si IOMO1IOg tai 4S0103ut (1110gau0q 1131.1o) p011ajSU1114 Nos Si 11111 Isamu! cue 10 luadold atop ued Aug 10 ((u3I •aaMOaaog ui ;saaa ;ui irpgauag r ao A;aadoad atop aaJsural 'LT °luawtu4sui llianOas situ jo pug aloN a1(1 ldoo pouuojuoo auo uan1W aq (rugs 1amo11og •Adop s •91 •oigelanas aq Ol 1331E13013 31E 010N 0141 pin luawiuisui *moos sup jo suolstnold 0141 pua sup od, °uo1sIAOId 2utl0tgu00 a1(1 ino papa uani2 aq 'um y011(M a4°N alp 10 luawnilsui A4 s1143 suO1sTn01d 1x140 4003311 1011 Hugs 101guo0 1(0ns 'Mmm aiquoiiddi 111M s401iuzoO aloN 0 1(3 10 1u0wn135113 Alil000S stgl3O asnei010 uolspund (u111e1(11uana all if' •pa1110Oi si Suadold 0143 y011(M ut uoi10ipsuinf 01130 /am ag4 pu11 Mmm Imapa3 Aq pauJanoa aq (lugs 3Uawn11sul *moos sig,i, •A3 j(graanaS :Mr'T Nwuaano0 'ST •ydeaered sigl Ui papinold Sr uan1S ua1M lapua 1010/O110g o4 uan1W uaaq Ong O4 pawaap aq II11gs IUaun14S11114un0as s11(1 111 103 papinold aOiIOU cud taMOIIOU 04 0014011 Cq Sa1gu2isap lapua-i ssalppg 1ag40 Aug 10 Uta1a1( palms ssalpp11 s,JapuaJ 0111111 solo wig cq uantS aq (tugs IapUO10l 0011011 ,Cud •lapua'j o1 a014ou Aq saleu &lsap 1aMO11og SSa1pp11 1a1(10 AUe 10 ssa1ppd Auadold ay4 01 pal031ip aq pugs 0011011 014j °001(101111at30Ui jo asn salinbal Mu( aiquo11dde ssa(un (111W ssep wig Aq 4( SUwu1 Sri 10 41 5uuangap Aq uantS aq gulls 4uawn1lsUi c4im0as sun 111103 pOpinOld 10M01101j 01 30(10U AUV •sa09oN 't1 •010N all lapun &111y IUawA11d01d lug 4n0l 4U0uSudald (11tu11d 11 st: pa111a14 aq ((IM uoilpnpal x1(3 `I11diODUd sa3npal punma.1131 1am011og 0l luawd11d 10a11p 112upiew Aq 10 aloN ag41apan p0M0 I11dIOUud agi 2U0npa1(q punjal s11(1 min 01 aso0140 cum lapua' %roM011Og 01 papunJO1 aq ((1M slim( p papaaoxa pupa 1OMO11Og wag pal0a11O0 Ap11a1I11 suns lug (q) pua °iiui( papiwiad ag4 01 a1g10 am amp' Ol A111ssa0au lunowg a1(1 RI pa0npal aq (jugs amp u11o( pits Aug (11) :uagl 'su11ti( palliwlad 01(1 paa0xa U1O( alp gun uoiloauuoo 111 parroi(O0 aq 0410 p040aj(o0 softly u110(1ag10 Isamu! 01(3imp os pa101dha1ui AIi11u1J Si mu! Imp pue 'sa ng0 u110( wnutx11u slas g011(M M11I r 011wafgns si IUaunllsui 11im0as sup cq pampas 111101 ag131 •sala11ya u110Z •£I °luasuo0 S 1am0110g 411g11no1(4TM aION ay110 1Uawtulsui *moos sign Jo SLUM MD 03 maw 141!M suollepowwo0011 Aug a)(eut 10 1eagJo3 `A3tpow `pualxa 01 0015g /ew 10M011Og 1a1(4o (U11 pug lapuari 1111(1 saaa11(o) pu11 `'luaunIIsui Amnon sill Aq paln0as suns ag4 cud 01 maw cr(11u0s1ad 4011 si (q) `luawtuIsu( Alunoas sun jo su1a1 all lapun 88ZT8ZT19 t# NVO'I T 4S99980 LOAN 611281288 in the manner provided in paragraph 14. Lender shall publish the notice of sale, and the Property shall be sold in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. The proceeds of the sale shall be applied in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it. 22. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall release this Security Instrument without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. 23. Waivers. Borrower waives all rights of homestead exemption in the Property and relinquishes all rights ofcurtesy and dower in the Property. 24. Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements ofeach such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security Instrument. [Check applicable box(es)] Adjustable Rate Rider 1 1 Condominium Rider 1 1 1 -4 Family Rider Graduated Payment Rider I I Planned Unit Development Rider I 1 Biweekly Payment Rider Balloon Rider I 1 Rate Improvement Rider 1 1 Second Home Rider V.A. Rider 1 1 Other(s) [specify] 1 STATE OF WYOMING, by Cynthia D. Hatley My Commission Expires: Feb. 26, 2002 0866657 (person acknowledging) WYOMING- Single Family FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3051 9/90 Amended 5/91 WYVDEED Page 5 of 5 Te ton County ss: BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. Witnesses: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 19th day of June, 2000 (date)