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ROdd 1:1a e-
Resurvey Township 22 North, Range 117 West, 6th P.M., Wyoming
Section 1: Tract 53, Tract 54, Tract 55, Lot 7 and Lot 8, containing 607.39 acres more or less.
situated in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming; and also an undivided ONE
SIXTEENTH OF ONE PERCENT (1/16 OF 1 interest in all the rights, interest and estate
under and by virtue of any oil and gas mining lease or other mineral lease now, or hereafter,
existing upon said premises; except this Royalty Deed does not participate in any rentals paid
from leases on any of this acreage.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of the aforegranted estate, property and easements,
together with all and singular the rights, privileges, and hereditaments thereunder belonging or
appertaining, unto the said Grantee, her heirs, successors, and assigns, in fee simple forever.
And the said Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, successors and personal representatives,
do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Grantee, her heirs, successors and assigns, that
at the delivery of these presents they are lawfully seized in their own right of an absolute and
indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple of, in and to all and singular the aforesaid premises
and property; that they have good right to sell and convey the same, and warrant the same to be
free, clear, discharged and unencumbered of and from all former grants, titles, charges, judgments,
taxes, assessments and encumbrances of whatsoever kind and nature, except an oil and gas
leasehold estate, hereinafter referred to, which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk and
Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming. The Grantee accepts the various tracts of land on which
this Royalty is conveyed, as of record, regarding title, indebtedness or encumbrance.
It is hereby expressly declared that, Whereas, the land particularly described in this
conveyance is understood to be subject to an oil and gas mining lease in favor of NATIONAL
COOPERATIVE REFINERY ASSOCIATION, it is intended that said outstanding lease is fully
embraced in the general terms of this conveyance, so as to pass to, and vest in said Grantee a 1/16
of 1% interest.
And it is hereby further expressly declared, that it is the true intent and purpose of this
conveyance to pass to and vest in the said Grantee an undivided 1/16 of 1% interest in all the
mineral and mineral rights in the land first described herein, or that at any time may be found
therein or thereunder, except the above exception on 292.19 acres.
41 VY'/1 ss.
On this day of Vt;r 2000, personally appeared before me, ROY C.
LININGER and BERNICE C. LININGER and acknowledged their signatures on the foregoing
Warranty Deed.
My commission expires: W
Witness our hands on the date indicated below.
Witness my hand, and official seal.
Notary Public
INOomnission Expires 04/19604