HomeMy WebLinkAbout86669701013603 STATE OF IDAHO :ss County of Bonneville say: Wyoming. STATE OF IDAHO :ss County of Bonneville AFFIDAVIT 866697 BOOK 447 PR PAGE 774 Subscribed and sworn to before me this by Dee Burton. Dee Burton ,r Y day o Notary Public RECEIVED _lNCOP1 COUNTv C1 My Commission expire Residing in .z :4, .k2, ilOJth 27 :0 JLrtt!'d Jail I1 KEMil1ERCR. WYOMING I, Dee Burton, being the first duly sworn on oath, depose and That I am a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of 21 years, and a resident of Idaho Falls, Idaho. That I was well and personally acquainted with Irene Rainey Burton in that certain. Warranty Deed recorded November 9, 1954, Book 8 P.R., Page 221, Filing No. 209315 in the Office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. That I know of my own knowledge that Irene Rainey Burton in said deed and Ivie Irene Burton mentioned in the attached Certified copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same person. This affidavit is intended to terminate the joint tenancy (the life estate) of said Irene Rainey Burton in the following property: The NE1 /4 of Section 25, Township 35 North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M., 5S Jun. SLL 11tIW) 11 WMi a .1 HI 1n 411 1,.1.11u1,1Y1Yyl tuna) •1 IIye•yt,fwp 11 r• !A M. l ..r. w y M 1Y N'r• .'aNtY Will. 1j y 'r1 /Y1 e711'1 'u .j'fLw 1/y "4114 '•♦rr 1• w a 0 T 411441 uv. p M •,t r 1 YO 9 rla •.w1 111)11Q if Ili Allltr Ip •r y ly 'I •Y r OMNI 1 w a 7 rN 14 ')I 4 ♦11 01 V t ea 1111 wianft 0 1 UPI 1V 'f in a• Ia g 0 1• h I irks a) NAM ANN/411 AI '�.i2:4...me NIFTY I 1244 wive Ma, Yral r 1)M� •r Y' el whl 1 i4.4••. 1.4•11 NM I YiMtV 'it �Y le lv I rll rw {NOY, l.rllr all' �i/ .•'WY! /�Nll*I IY /INY•ll•� 3 .Qti.n :r., i —....�W IaA 11 y/q /r t 144.1 lad VI 1.41101/11 1y alloy) 41YINXI AYfil i ar'� nr0I11/ �ti,•„�„��...� ._Y AILrI a114fF 5l• i o..._ t.� Y M�� rMl qra) Sf Y'INa 1Y YI d >•1{ rl UIr11Y 111 Mil MtYJO Y •a /IZ'2141/ 7Al1 'C' 'h 1 M i *•fir a h�1� IVr, l�ly�t 4444; 40 4 1avtin 1 ,w "7"‘ Il1i j1/i5�� f� r �4', Y r))MI;JY 1tA 11 ^•i�• w� /V��fI 4 UI MAYD 1i1Nl►t rr, r o M, uo p iI h ,Mr.NAUiv Ws IY "iYN I IeY .t i rn s 1"." r YI, N MIIIY9 y: LtC q XTI�( �,LQ fT ".iMXIL t w 441.4 t YIS44 pit P4 rttnl /a O tO fn uo �.ZO •�x9;'� 11N• t1 t 1�1 j 14,.... YA11 K s w I y I ml Oil 11syY 'ore f o 1 rur..vw•. r MT °Qv,* /t iN /1A �...1!Y.i.i::7,!i:11FySk.f,.:! 1 ...1.• ".r':�Y!'1• %•'S21 r..��. xh /I`�'�r�.- 4011,/ 1 Yo Alit ,G ills r". "���"''�1..w+�'"�'.1'"�Y M•MM wrr� I 04y wwu 1 Y IV 1 H 1� 'i 1 'il 1 I'IV1tA 4 HLIVa►11 *Mies du I I °rrl>�p DN114 dC L1.V Hivga 4O aa.v01411.t. ao rpm u! .1 ,1114Saw aims AIndoa Gill )a arnlau9le a41 puu leya paslei a savoq ssatun PIMA aou st Xdoo s}y.L 'ssolnroS epJo3af te1mA !utuioliM us LJ uo p aoa., Jo Aloa on.i1 0 uolloupuadca situ alp XdifIRD 01, SI S!H.L n N), 141 •3'i1r11 11.7. ss>••d1Cwr t /4v 40 rpyai 414w At I I•••,n M,„„, M 'Oat n )'Ywy .,�11M Yr''Ar�YI 'ow) •i -4• A171� L� Y 1 '011 N4.11$ 1X' 011 s.py111a111111 19ti,T..ii pones! "a A z i 1 4f 9998p