HomeMy WebLinkAbout866698Grantors of Hemet, County of hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: RONALD DEE HARTLEY and CLAUDIA B as tenants by the entireties LYNN W. CLARK, Trustee of the Wilford Arnold Clark Revocable Trust dated August 5, 1983 SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO WARRANTY DEED Riverside State of California HARTLEY, husband and wife, Grantee of 120 Elk Drive, Evanston, WY 82930 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit: EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at an irrigation pump located on the West bank of the Hardman Ditch easement shown on the attached map marked as Exhibit "B Said easement shall be five (5) feet in width on each side of said pump and run in a Westerly direction for approximately twenty -five (25) feet to an existing wooden gate. It continues on for approximately two hundred (200) feet onto the remaining lands of the Wilford Clark Family Trust, their heirs, successors and assigns. The purpose of the easement shall be for ingress, egress, utilities, pipelines and all maintenance of same. Utilities and pipelines to be installed underground and easement can not be fenced. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights -of -way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this 22nd day of June, A.D. 2000 SS SUSAN D. HALL Comm. 11142243 m NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA If Riverside County MyComm. EMp Jun ^'5� 1O1 kVA. N tart' Public LAND TITLE COMPANY; 666598 BOOK 447 PR PAGE STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of &er r On the ;?2_. day of June, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Lynn W. Clark, Trustee, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the'within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. My commission expires on 6 k/20/ ,'J t?,► aRECEIVED _t ®0 JUN tjE Pi? t hE mERER, e..�i� 1'j' 6661 .Iaqulo ^oN £Z Polup `„DNIWOAM `A.LNflOJ 11 i N M61111 NS£.L SZ NOI.LDFIS /iaN /MN A'IVQNC OE1 JO IV'Id £861 .LSfDFIV SO CIcLLVC1 `.LSf12LL 31IVDOA:R1 )111V'ID CIiON21V (1110.411M„ `pall!) /Cluno3 UIOpU!"I Jo ?Iao!O ogl Jo aoi1JO agl u! pal J oq of pau3da.ld mid oql g11M aouup.loaaL' u! IIL' `.suulap alu!adoaddu gl!M '„89£S S'Id AM NO IV CI L'I 'IRfl211HOS IIOAaAIIf1S„ `paq!aasu! duo uinutwnlu Z gl!M poi gu!aaoJulaa loafs I,Z X .,8 /S u LCq pa)puw „Iu!od„ goua 1LC1Uno3 Uloou Jo )laolD gill jo ooimm MU U! mu pl000N aou.ro0 al-I1 u! pogposap su punoJ „iouioo„ goua `.s1IL'lap all:ladoaddu guIM 89£5 S'Id AM NO.LcIV CIJ.'I 'I�ff11HOS IIOA1A2If1S„ `paglaasu! duo umu!wlu Z g11M poa 3u!oaoju!aa foals I,bZ X L18 /S r. ,Cq paouoaojaa ay!ds 1 „Z1 X „8/£ LIZ u LCq polauul „muds„ goua `IL 8 -,OS-068S 1: q `M61 I2I 'NM, 'CZ 110903S {o d/ JN alll Jo au!! (Ilaou gill s! iCanans dill aoJ ON121V1UI FISV£I 3 q1 `.SSoj JO OJow `saaou NYC .1° uoau uu DNISSVd1A1O0N:1 `ONINNIOIfI .IO IMIdS ogl o1 `1° J 56'988 `aLSO-,ZZ-oZON °°1311 `1U10d u of'au!l 1.0.10U plus gulm lollr..lud ou!! a 9uolr,'133J 9S'SYZ `M«81-MS-068N aouagl `.1U!od 11 of 1 56'988 `McSO- ,ZZ -0ZOS oouogl `.o)IICIS L' 01 '31111 you plus 9uolu'loaJ 95'SiZ `�1181-:OS-o68S oouog1 `Jooaogl .lauaoo 1soMtll.lou ogl aim loot Z9 `‘,81 /I- Nv /IMN plus Jo au!! you aril uo muds u 1u ONINNIOafI :sMollo.I su poglaosap `OLb o9ud UO sp.r000ll ouulsologd JO 09Z roe u! puu L l c oiled uo spa000Zl o!lulsologd JO ZL )100U u! LCIuno3 ulna in Jo ).1013 gill Jo 00 JJO 0Lll u! p.1030.1 JO slou.I1 OSOgI JO laud 5u!aq `Bu!woiCM 'LC1Unmp uloou!'I 'M61111 `NS£.L `SZ Uo!looS Jo t /►g 4 /1MN oli1 Jo laud lugd „v„ 1zglixa :11M-OI ,LOVILL III'I'IV,LSNHOOIH £861 ,LSflOflV S CUING `,LSflThL 11IIVO0AIII ?RIV'IO 02I01'I1M 110;1 NOLLdRIOSaa 8F999R:0 1 'r 907$ 5099' ON u 6 W WAIN OL91 ON 90991 LSed 4 069C 'ON u0 01 04 191 'ON P l'l 'lf 0 4A I94 'N I 'd uoA. ,nS Pu9119uaefepld 260 PR 470 245.56' 0 72 n WUjbrd Clark and Ruth Clark 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 x /1 Il 245.56' 1 1 i 0 N N 0 x 72 PR 317 Exhibit "B" 78.80 260 PR 470 i ice