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EXCEPTING THEREFROM: The North portion of the SW1 /4NW1/4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying North of that certain line as more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached. TOGETHER WITH a 60 -foot wide easement for ingress and egress over a portion of the SW1 /4NW1/4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the southerly line of said easement described in that certain Easement dated the 14 day of December, 1991, and recorded January 3, 1992, in Book 305 PR, page 562 in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk, being more particularly described on Exhibit "C" attached. AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: An easement for ingress and egress and underground public utilities over a 60 -foot wide strip of land through the SW1 /4NE1/4 and the SE1 /4NW1/4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, described in that certain Easement dated December 14, 1991, and recorded January 3, 1992, in Book 305 PR, page 547 in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk, as more particularly described on Exhibit "D" attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Vearl W. Hoopes, and Dona Lucille Hoopes, Trustees, have hereunto set their hand this 22nd day of June, 2000. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ss. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: February 26, 2004. 2 Vearl W. Hoopes Dona Lucille Hoope The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Vearl W. Hoopes and Dona Lucille Hoopes, Trustees, this 24.Nd day of June, 2000. LAYNA HADERUE- NOTARY PUBLIC County 01 Wy Uncoln Wyoming r My Commission Explres 2/26 /2004 RY NO LIC 808 •pupr AO 80100 60£'£Z BuTuTgluoO 'b /tMN b /tMS pTee 40 10u.00 lsgeylnog oyl wo.j, M „E0.t000N lee} 9Z'LZtt BuTeq lurod pies °.b /tMN b /tMS OTes }o eUTT 1003 041 UT 1UTod o 03 leek C9 69 'gun ATAolsgeylnog PTes 1SeT Buor, '3.9£o6LN BuTuunl eouoyl saseL83 pug ssel6ul 101 luewesge epTM leek, 09 a .o euTT ArAolsgeylnoS 041 uT luTod a 01 'ssGT 10 010W "1001 Z9'Z9i M„5£.50OON QOueyl :1004 86'Zb£ 3„Zb,OZ068N $0uOyl :1004 91: 3 „60.6£00S e0ueyl !1004 6e 9S9 Ao eouvlsTP t. AoO10y1 uoTl9Buorold Ar lelseaylloN 041 pup eouol pro pigs 41TM T°TTeled Atelt.wTxoldde '3 „tb.Obot9N eousyl :eou04 PTo pies wo1} Ar101seMyl.oN 1003 of lurod g oa 1004 8£'bbZ 3..LO.LZ BuTuunl Ooue :leo4 bL'L8t Aoe.ayl uoTl9BuoTold 4rlel8e3 041 put. OuTT eouel pro wit Buo '3"g£.bZo88N e0u041 IJOU.00 00U04 t. 01 1004 LZ't6 3„tS.£0009S 6UTUUn1•e0ue41 :b /iMN b /tMS pTt.s }o IOUJO0 1seMyanog eql woAq M „LO1t0o0N leig4 BuTeq luTod PTt.e 'b /tMN b /tMS PTt.s OuTT Isom 0 41 UT luTod a 117 JNINNI939 :our( pegTlosep BuTMOTT0, 041 Ao 41noS BUT /T Alledold 1941 to TTg BuTeq BUTwo,cM /lunoo uTo0uT1 ''W 'd 419 'M6Tta 'NM '8Z u0T1OGS }o b /tMN b /tMS 041 4o u0T110d 41noS 0141 S3d0OH 01 83IZd3- NOI1dI8OS30 0330 WIH10 1If10 OZn9RO K 1IeIHX2 EXHIBIT B 0866'710 The North portion of the SW1 /4 NW1 /4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6th P. M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying North of the following described line: BEGINNING at a point in the West line of said SW1 /4 NW1 /4, said point being 528 feet NOo01'07 "W from the Southwest corner of said SW1 /4 NW1 /4; thence running S64o03'51 "E 91.27 feet to a fence corner;, thence N88o24'35 "E, along an old fence lino and the Easterly prolongation thereof 187.74 feet; thence running N47o27'07 "E 244.38 feet to a point 10 feet Northwesterly from said old fence; thence N51o40'41 "E, approximately parallel with said old fence and the Northeasterly prolongation thereof a distance of 556.79 feet; thence $0o39'49 "E 53.46 feet; thence N89o20'42 "E 342.98 feet; thence N0o05'35 "W 162.62 feet, more or less, to a point in the Southeasterly line of a 60 feet wide easement for Ingress and Egress; thence running N79o36'E, along last said Southeasterly lire, 89.83 feet to a point in the East line of said SW1 /4 NW1 /4; said point being 1127.26 feet N0o01'03 "W from the Southeast corner of said SW1 /4 NW1 /4. Containing 16.276 acres of land QUIT CLAIM DEED HOOPES TO CAGIER 809 018 NOI1d /N3930 1N3W3Sd3 100d 09 •,c1Aedoad sedooH 041 40 euTT ATaolsem41Jou pTes waa4 AT.telseMylnos seyoueAq peo.x a e.teyM aujod woA4 #<T.telseMyonos luTod a of aee 6e 9q9 Alaedo.td sedooH 041 to euTT AT.aegseMyl.aou p 6uoTe 'M „Tb,ObotSS 8ujnuTluoo oouo41 U .&odortd sodooH 041 40 .aeu.too .te41OU0 01 1904 9t' t9£ M „L0,9tOtLS SuTuun.t aou041 11004 C8'68 ',ca.tedo.ad sedoH 041 $.O ouTT ATae43.tou eyl SuoTe M, 9CO6LS 8Ujuun.t eoue41 s A1.aodO..Ld. sodooH eyo 4.o ,teu.too 100e41.tou _V °SIP 8ujeq 11.1j0d PTes b /tMN b /TMS Pres AO .teu.too lseeynnos awl wo.a 4 M„ CO, tOOON 109 9Z' /_Z t t 8u Teq lu T od PTes 'b /tMN b /tMS pTes to awn 10113 eya uT luTod a 1e ONINNI9 8 stMOT TO4 se pegt .aosep auTeq luowosse pies: 40 GUTT <T.t0LVn09 eql BuTwo,(M uno0 uToOUT1 ''W 'd 419 'M6tta 'NUJ '8Z uojaaeS 4 b /tMN b /tMS 0 41 AO UoT1aod p .Aeno 82e.&63 pup sse,t8ul .aoA luewesaso opTM 100 -09 d 0T,9980 3 ZI9IHX2 O866n° EXHIBIT D 49..r.E.Q.9.L.11112.lag= An easement for Egress and Public Utilities over a 60 -foot wide strip of land through the SW1 /4 of the NE1 /4 and the SE1 /4 of the NW1 /4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6th P.M.', Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement lying 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline' BEGINNING at a point 3851.93 North from a 5LM tYPe monument found marking the E 1/16 corner between Sections 28 and 33 of Raid Township and Range, said point lying within the Right -of -Way of Road 2381 thence running Westerly through said SW1 /4 NE1 /4 and SE1 /4 NW1 /4 of Section 28 the following courses and distance's 8 86030' W 827.26 feet to P.I. 111, 581o28'39 "W 822.28 feet to P.Y. M2, N70021'46 197.31 feet to P.I. 112, 871o18'149W 219.43 feet to P.Y. *4, N73o22'25 "W 160.43 feet to P.I. *5, S82o39'05 "W 180.60 feet to P.I. $6, N72o33'58 "W 108.25 feet to P.I. 117, 888015'15'W 461.66 feet, more or less, to the East lino of the SW1 /4 NW1 /4 of said Section 26 of said Township and Range. The basis of bearings for this description (North) is taken as a line from the East 1/16 Corner between Sections 28 and 33 to tho East 1/16 Corner between Sections 21 and 28 of said Township and Range.