HomeMy WebLinkAbout974243File No.: ATEC- 209313
Catherine J. Crier aka Catherine Crier, a married woman as her sole and separate property,
grantor(s) of Katonah, State of New York, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Section 11: Northwest Quarter Northeast Quarter.
Catherine J. Crier aka Catherine Crier
GO File No Rev. 1/18/2012
Nancy E. Winegard
grantee(s), whose address is: 4057 Spy Glass Lane, Longmont, CO 80503 the following described real estate,
situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
Parcel 1: Township 30 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming.
Section 2: South Half Northwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter Northeast Quarter, West Half Southeast Quarter,
Southwest Quarter, Lots 3 and 4.
Save and except the property described in the Warranty Deed recorded on April 28, 2009, in Book 721PR on page
546, records of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
Section 3: East Half Southeast Quarter; West Half Southeast Quarter.
RECEIVED 11/19/13 4s 23 PM
BOOK: 824 PAGE: 360
Parcel 2: That part of the North Half of Section 2, Township 30 North, Range 119 West and that part of the
Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 31 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 442 of
Photostatic Records on page 69 and part of that tract of record in Book 489 of Photostatic Records on page 695,
described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence North
00°31'17" East 2336.61 feet, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, to the Northwest comer thereof;
thence coursing the North line of said Northwest Quarter as follows: South 89 °31'21" East 97.85 feet to the
Southwest corner of Section 35, Township 31 North, Range 119 West; South 89 °12'07" East 1298.33 feet, to the
Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter, and leave said North line; thence North 00 °00'45"
East 143.43 feet, along the West line of said Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter to a point on an existing fence
line; thence coursing said fence line as follows: South 78 °59'00" East 255.19 feet, to a point; South 79 °01'07"
East 166.48 feet, to a point; South 81 °48'43" East 237.56 feet to a point; South 88 °00'09" East 424.87 feet to a
point; North 89°14'10" East 199.91 feet to a point at the intersection of the Easterly extension of said fence line
with the Northerly extension of the East line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 °16'24" West 37.83 feet,
along said Northerly extension to the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence continuing South
00 °16'24" West 260.55 feet, along the East line of said Northwest Quarter to a point on existing fence line; thence
coursing said fence line as follows:
South 12 °57'22" East 771.80 feet to a point at the intersection of said fence line and the South line of said GLO
Lot 2; South 22 °27'58" East 265.89 feet to a point; South 85 °42'30" East 1050.96 feet to a point at the intersection
of said fence line with the East line of the Southwest Quarter Northeast Quarter of said Section 2, and leave said
fence line; thence South 00 °17'03" West 985.79 feet, along said East line, to the Southeast corner of said
Southwest Quarter Northeast Quarter; thence North 89 °37'37" West 4007.35 feet, along the South line of said
North Half to the corner of beginning
Parcel 3: The right of access as provided for in Instrument recorded February 1, 1999, in Book 425PR on page 318
of records of Lincoln County Clerk.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Witneri y /our hand(s) this J q day of November, 2013.
State of Wopry��� q ss
County of
On this 9 day of November, 2013, before me, GL D®Q /mil 1r' 3 y5RS' a Notary Public
in and for said state, personally appeared Catherine J. Crier aka Catherine Crier, known or identified to me to be
the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they
executed same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this
certificate first above written.
Lo/c)//9 A .c3 yE S
Notary Public for the State of
Residing at:
Commission Expires: 9
County of
State of
My Commisson Expires September 15, 2015
File No 0 Rev. 1/18/2012