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AND THE MORTGAGOR shall protect the MORTGAGEE'S rights and security in the property. MORTGAGOR shall insure, with extended coverage, the property and improvements against loss, naming the MORTGAGEE as beneficial interest holders. NOT ASSUMABLE NONTRANSFERABLE MORTGAGE, each Party to this mortgage shall be bound individually and severably by the terms therein. If all or any part of the property or any interest in it is sold or transferred without the MORTGAGEE'S prior written consent, the MORTGAGEE may at their option, require immediate payment in full of all sums remaining owed under this Promissory Note and/or Mortgage. The MORTGAGEE shall give the MORTGAGOR notice of acceleration. MORTGAGOR shall be allowed thirty (30) days to complete payment thereof; however, not to extend the payoff date of said note. AND THE MORTGAGOR hereby further covenants and agrees to pay promptly, when due, the principal and interest, and other sums of money provided for in said note and this mortgage, or either; to pay all and singular the taxes, assessments, levies, liabilities, obligations, and encumbrances of every nature on said property; to permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, or deterioration of said property and/or the improvements thereon at any time; to pay all costs, charges, and expenses including reasonable attorney fees, and title searches, reasonably incurred or paid by the MORTGAGEE because of the failure of the MORTGAGOR to promptly and fully comply with, and abide by each and every agreement, stipulation, condition, and covenant set forth in said Note and this Mortgage, or either. In the event the MORTGAGOR fails to pay, when due, and tax assessment, or other sum of money payable by virtue of said Note and this Mortgage, or either, the MORTGAGEE may pay the same without waiving or affecting the option to foreclose or any other right hereunder, and all such payments shall bear interest from date thereof at the highest lawful rate allowed by law. If the MORTGAGOR defaults in the payment of the indebtedness hereby secured, for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice or fails to keep the improvements on said premises insured as herein provided or in case of breach of any covenant or agreement herein contained, the whole of the then indebtedness secured hereby, both principal and interest, together with all other sums payable pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall, at the option of the MORTGAGEE or note holder become immediately due and payable, anything herein or in said note to the contrary notwithstanding, and failure to exercise said option shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent default. The MORTGAGOR hereby grants to MORTGAGEE, their heirs, and assigns, a Power of Sale over the property described above which may be exercised by MORTGAGEE or their heirs and assigns in case of such default as described above, and pursuant to MORTGAGE DEED Page 2 of 3 £!o aged clam 39V01110111 ZEOZ'LE 6ny saJldx3 •wwo3 Al Alunoa nwld Dumpy ollgnd AzioN NI1S(1V T NAlI W4 4a' 'Fos jutogN° pup pugg ,Cum SS3AIIIM .poop pure in oa1j umo ttogp sp awes atp painoaxa Sap imp poOpajnnouajog 'MOMS iijnp Snag wig out' q tagp 'mac' aovoi iOLAI suiosatoJ aql poinoaxa oqm pup ut pogitosop suostod otp oq o� `sto>1 guopu0 pup sta21 oSioo patgoddu Xjjuuostad `0002 aunt Jo Sep st uo `ditog1nu paugtstapun alp 'aytj allO Jag •ss :sattdxg uotsstunuoJ SIN ,10 AIN11103 y IIVIS sl�x VI LOThYO sia HoxoHo 0002 `aunt jo Xup sigp Galva °2uutuoAm jo owis a p jo smei uogdutaxa pro sautoq amp ani.tin Sq pug tapun sup.' jju 2U!Au M pug 2u!S oJot icgataq `uaflt1M anogg lug toad pug Sup otp jugs pug pugq tiatp. has anug S1IODVDDIOIAI all `JOD2ILIIM ssamuM I II °Suintoou ta1uatotp to pantoop a u21toJAI to Moj\j plus topun suogdo to s1q u XlIg Jo tantpnn u ainitjsuoo iou jjpgs pop!notd uiatatj suotjdo to s1gpt Nip Sup ostotaxa HaoyoilioN age Act otnjiud uo9og atnsojoatoj i up 2uunp uotssassod antaoat jjggs Ha0vo,L2ioiN atp impg aguSpotu slip Jo luo ui atp si °olou alp jo aougjuq pn dun milk) uogutajaoop to/pup atnsoioatoj Jo aoijou sicup (Oj) uo tagp pasiotaxa aq puptuap pigs `gagvommN age aopou pup pugu op uodn uoissassod iniaouad tantjap o2 Sa19V 2IO9V9ZNONi °papuautp aq taguatoq Amu to sisixa Sj2uasatd amps alp sp 5uItuoiCm '1 toidgtp `j,£ opa o� Sutpt000g gspo toj `uo12onu oijgnd w `utatatp `su2!ssp to shag ttag2 `21OOVOZ 'aOIAI alp Jo uouudutapat Jo limbo pup `1gauoq 'sup.' Hp pup kitadotd anogp otp `3o pasodstp to pjos asnpo to JO asodsip pup jjas pug Apodotd pips uo asojoatoj Amu suStssu pup snag ttagp `ggrJV9.1,1101A1 `ajpS Jo iomod gons 8 57499R0 08667251 $9,000 PROMISSORY NOTE June 2000. Afton, Wyoming THE UNDERSIGNED, jointly and serverably if more than one, promise to pay ANDREW J. ARCHER and JOAN E. ARCHER the principal sum of NINE THOUSAND ($9000Q) DOLLARS and NO /100 and interest of TEN (10 PERCENT, in monthly amortized payments over FIVE (5) YEARS, of ONE HUNDRED NINETY ($190 DOLLARS and 42/100 and a final payment of ONE HUNDRED NINETY ($190 DOLLARS AND 28/100 and unpaid interest at ten (10 percent, the first payment being due on July 12, 2000, and each month thereafter, and the final payment of principal and accrued interest with the full and complete note to be paid by July 12, 2005. Interest to start on June 28, 2000. PAYMENT shall be due in the following manner: 1. ONE HUNDRED NINETY ($190 DOLLARS and 42/100 on or before July 12, 2000, and every month thereafter, with a final payment of ONE HUNDRED NINETY ($190 DOLLARS and 28/100, plus interest at TEN PERCENT (10 on unpaid balance thereafter for FIVE (5) YEARS, with the principal and interest to be paid in full by July 12, 2005 as amortized over 5 years. 2. In the event any payment is not received by the twenty- second (22nd) day of the month, a late charge of TWENTY ($20Q) DOLLARS and NO /100 is charged. 3. Payments shall be payable to Andrew J. and Joan E. Archer at 1124 West 1130 North, Farmington, UT 84025, or as otherwise designated by the Archers. 4. All payments shall first be applied to unpaid interest, late charges, and then to principal. Said note to be paid in full no later than July 12, 2005. Mortgagor may prepay any amount at any time without penalty. Additional payments shall be considered early payments unless specifically noted as prepayments. All unpaid interest and late charges must be paid prior to principal reduction. If the OBLIGOR defaults in the payment of the indebtedness hereby secured for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice or fails to keep the improvements on said premises insured as herein provided or in case of breach of any covenant or agreement herein contained, the whole of the then indebtedness secured hereby, both principal and interest, together with all other sums payable pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall, at the option of the OBLIGEE or note PROMISSORY NOTE ARCHER/REIS Page 1 of 2 845 C H E A pg sin z&ci y BT'tG3fi'Ds 9Pg z Jo z a�8a SIatunioHV-a.LON AHOSSII4IO11d :sandxg uotssiuruto3 Rye ,r ZOO? 'LE Bnd saJidx3 •wwo3 A .l.unoo owld OUO2 ollgnd /uDDioN NIlSnV •r NJ.Il?IV1N 'Taos Iu!°B3 Put Puq Xw SSHNIIM poop pu !pm aau .IPgl3o log ug It Sutreioap `000Z aun f JO iCgp sigl uo srag u1loire3 pug stag aaaoa3 ,Cq our =Jag poSpaimouru sum aloM J.IossuuoJd SuioSa ioj aqs 'to A1MfIOD ss S T T r AO H�LV LS SI�2I V L.LOThVD SI ID IO TD '0002 `aunf Jo iC p TyI Galva 71 •paniem Along are .IOuogscp Jo aopou pug Isaload Jo aotlou `Isaloid iw.Llsiisa 1 I •,Clieuad Inoglrm Xlrmluul oI .road aura Cue lu mom sup Jo uotpod Aug Jo iig Adazd oI Ipu alp angq iiegs QaNMIS2IaaNr1 HILL •aaogjo luauzaaaoJua mg! g JCq paAJOS AItuuosaad JO `p!udaad aulsod'pm! •S•n alp ut mum uagm paniaoaa paaap!suoo aq !Tugs aoilou Aup p'ql aq 'Iou Jo IgSnoaq aq Ims zaglaum `Aauxollg mapioq aql of ooj buxom aiquuosua.r u 2urpnioul uopoaiioa 3o slsoa nu /Cud of aa.rau 'auo uggl mow J!'Ciggaanas pug 1Cilu!of `pau2Isiapun agI'limpp Jo Juana alp ui •Iingpap luanbasgns Aug Jo Juana alp ur mugs aqI OSIOIOxa 01 142!.1 aqI Jo ionigm g alnlrlsuoo lou !Tugs uotldo pigs asio oxa oI ampuJ pug Tuipugisglimlou £i 1luoo aqI 02 aSuSlzoul pigs ut JO uraIaq SutgiXCug `aiquAud pug anp Aiampaururr amooaq aapioq