HomeMy WebLinkAbout865987iiiiV UNITED STATES POSTAL SERM 9 8 7 RECEIVED Gr 00 MAY 22 Ail 0 and Lease Agreement BOOK PR PAGE 0 0 4 JCANNL Facility Name /Location KEMMERER, WYOMING COKEVILLE MAIN OFFICE SITE (571900 -002) FIRST AND MAIN COKEVILLE, WY 83114 -9998 LINCOLN COUNTY Project: E23628 1. This AGREEMENT, made and entered into on Jul 01, 2001 by and between AC TIMMRECK /OR THOMAS C TIMMRECK hereinafter, whether one or more, called 'Owner', and the United States Postal Service, hereinafter called 'Postal Service', an independent establishment of the Executive Branch of the United States Government, its successors and assigns, in accordance with the terms and conditions described herein and contained in the General Conditions to the U.S. Postal Service Ground Lease, Section A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. WITNESSETH: The parties hereto for the consideration hereinafter mentioned covenant and agree as follows: 2. The Owner hereby demises and leases to the Postal Service those certain premises hereinafter referred to as the Demised Premises', and legally described as follows: All of lots 19 and 20, Block 1, measuring 60' x 90', located at the corner of First and Main Streets, Town of Cokeville, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. (APN: 12- 2419- 05 -3 -08- 063.00) 3. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Demised Premises, together with the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and easements thereunto belonging, FIXED TERM: The term beginning Jul 01, 2001 and ending Jun 30, 2006 for a total of 5 years. 4. The Postal Service shall pay the Owner an annual rental for the Demised Premises during the base period in the sum Of $1,625.00 *One Thousand Six Hundred Twenty -Five and 00 /100 Dollars payable in equal installments at the end of each calendar month. Rent for part of a month shall be prorated. Rent checks shall be disbursed as follows: payable to: AC TIMMRECK /OR THOMAS C TIMMRECK 10970 SOUTH 700 EAST #208 SANDY UT 84070 -4934 unless the Contracting Officer is notified, in writing, of any change in payee or addressee at least sixty (60) days before the effective date of the change. 5. RENEWAL OPTIONS: The Lease may be renewed at the option of the Postal Service, for the following separate and consecutive terms and at the following annual rentals: provided that notice is sent, in writing, to the Lessor at least 30 days before the end of the original lease term and each renewal term. All other terms and conditions of this Lease will remain the same during any renewal term unless stated otherwise herein. 6. Termination: None. RENEWAL OPTION TERM NO. OF YEARS PER ANNUM RENTAL 1 5 $1,800.00 7. Upon request of the USPS, Owner shall provide complete documentation of owner's legal authority to execute this Agreement. REGROUND (v2.2, June 1999) 1 (6661 eunr'z•ZA) GNfOZ103a 01 146u 911; seg aogwJan !e ;sod 911; 'seouelsgns 10 slegJa;ew ogxopsnopJezeq Jo so ;segse ay; 3A011191 01 spel JauMO ay; l! •seuiapgn6 ems Jo/pue yd3 4iM 93418pJO33e ug 1so0 a1os s,JauMO ;e aoyua9 !e ;sod •S•fl 941 Aq uog;eollgiou uodn saoue ;sgns Jo 6leua12W Lions anowaJ o; 699169 JaUMO ayi saslwaJd 911; uo paglg ;uepi klluanbasgns s! Mel leJap9d Jo a ;e ;S 'pool algeogidde Aq peuglap se seoue;sgns Jo sieua;ew ogxo /snopiezey Jay ;o Aue Jo so ;segse anew Jo 60!d 10 s )jue; 96eJo ;s punoi6Japun 'J01BM '1105 pa;eugwe ;uoo i! 'aoyuag l8 4sod ay; to aoua6gl6au Jo Pe ay; of anp ss9Iun *qua; 9681016 punoi6Japun pasops!pun Jo J9;eM 'nos pa;eulwe ;uoo aney ;ouueo saps lup Ua4M JepMod o; eonpai Jo 'azuanlnd 'elgwnio ueo ainssaid pueq;ey; ;y6ieM Aq so ;segse %L uey; aiOw 6uguge ;uoo leuaiew Aue sueaw Je!Ja ;ew so;segse 9lgeJ j, •g ;uawaaJ6y sly; o; Joud saslwaJd pesgwea ay; uo pa;sgxa aney Aew 1811; 61UawenoJdw! Jay ;o Rue Jo 'uog;e496en ieluawewo `sgnigs 'see,; to ivaweoeldeJ ay; aJgnb9J IOU !legs uo!s!AOJd sly! •pa4da0xa a0!AJ9S le ;sod 911; lO 1oJ ;uoo 94; puoitaq seoue;swnOJp Jo s1Uawela 941 Aq se6ewep '693g;3e1d 61.141994ua pooh q1!M lualsgsuoo uol ;Ipuo0 a ul ses!w9Jd paslwaa 911; wn49J Heys a0(AJag le ;sod 9141 'saslwaJd paslwaa 941 W0Jl suog;e1a ;le pue suol;gppe 's;uawanoJdw! sl! 9AOwaJ o; P919 90!MJOS le ;sod 941 pino11S 'enJOOe !legs suog ;e6Hgo le;ua1 ou pouad 113gynn 6uunp ;uawaaJ6y sly; to Uog ;eugwiel Jo uog;endxa Jape step 09 UguIIM 'J8UMO eq1 01 /4lllge11 Aue ;nog ;inn uo! ;do sA ;e os op Aew ;nq slUewanoJdwg Lions 3AOw3J Jo gsllowap o; paignb9J eq ;0u !leis a3!IueS !e ;sod 341 ;uawaaJ6y 61111 lo Si-Wei 9141 41!M ;uels!suo0 'Go wan le ;sod 911; l6 ApadoJd leuosjed 911; u!8waJ !legs 6uo11eJ9 ;le pue suog;lppe 's;uawenoJdw! !Iv ;uawaaJ6y sly; to uog ;eulwJa; Jo uog ;eildxe ay; uodn 'paJ81U9 seen ;uawaaJ6y sly; awl; 311 18 palsgxe se uog;gpuoo pooh se u! saslwaJd paslwaa 911; 6ugneel se Jo saslwaJd paslwaa 911; to amen ay; 6ulgsiu!wgp se panJ;suoO aq IOU !legs 'loaJay! uogsua;xa Jo leM9UaJ Aue Jo pouad eseq 991 6uunp awl; Aue 1e saau6lsse Jo 's ;ueuelgns s11 'a3!M9S le ;sod ay; Aq saslwaJd paslwaa 811; 04 apew sung ;eJa ;le pue suoplppe 's ;uawanoJdwl •jr ;uawaaJ6y sly; to suo!l!puoO pue 's;ueuenoo 'sale; 944 Lumped o; pue Aq punoq aq 0; 99162 ileys o11M eau6!sse Jo easselgns 94; Aq 6ug ;!JM Ug paln3axe eq !legs ;uewu6isse Jo 6u!palgns 4383 •93(AJa9 'mod 941 pue JauMO 941 Aq o; p99168 aq Aew se ;da3xa ;uawaaJ6y s(q1 Japun uo11e61igo Aue woJJ pen9HBJ eq ;ou !legs ;nq 'uoeJegl 6 ;uawanoJdwl Aue 6uipnpug saslwaJd paslwaa 941 to !Jed /U9 Jo He u6isse Jo reigns Iew a3!AJ9S lelsod 9 41 •£l 'seal pannbei lie apnpu! !legs asuadxa peg •9Ogllo 6ugpJoo9J Jedoid 911; u! 411911aaJ6y 6!141 pima, 'asuadxa sll 1e ileys J9unn° ay1 '901AJ9S 'Mod 9111 to ;senb8J ay; uodn Zl •s9OUeugpJO pue sepo3 le3ol 41!M eouepJ0002 u! saslwaJd paslwaa 9111 uodn Jo u! su61s Jo sa1n)n1 ;s 'sung ;gppe 10919 pue saJn;xgl pew 'suogeJa ;le aNew o; 'loamy; uo!sue;x9 Jo leMeUOJ Aue pue pouad am! 911; 6uunp 1116!, ay; aney 11846 93IAJ9S 181s0d 9 '13 •Go!/uog le ;sod ay; Aq ;uawaaJ6y slyi to uog ;eulwJa; Jol spunoi6 aq Rew 1s!ss2 pue 942Jadoo3 os o; J9uMO ay; to smiled •saslwaJd paslwaa ay; uo s ;uawanoJdwl to ;Uaweoeid Jo uog onJ ;suoo 911; 01 1e ;Uapl3u! pue fuessa3au suogiezuoyine JO sesueoll 'Ruled Aue 6uguge ;qo u1 ;s!sse pue a ;ewad000 o; saaJbe J3uMO ay; 'epgeogldde wawa 911; 0 1 •0l •JapunaJay ao!nJ9S le ;sod 91 -11l 0 Sit" 0144 pue ;uaw99J6y 6!111 o1 Pafgns os op Hgnn x(94; Apad0Jd 911; 4suge6e ue!! n91.1 93Jopu9 9s!MJ9410 Jo 0s0p9JO1 Jana moils A94; lg 1891 sJOU9gl Lions WOJj luawaaJ6e ue 'eopueS le ;sod 941 04 alge;deooe mJOI a ug `46guJnl o; sa9J6e J9uMO 8111 ;uawaaJ6y sly; to uoginoexa 911; 0; Joud a0gnJaS le ;sod a 0; 6u1 ;UM ul peeopslp eq 11ege a1 ;11 uo 693ueJgwnOU9 Amy 1119waaJ6y 9141 0; ;116!J u1 pue awl; ul Joud 912 113!4M saslwaJd paslwaa 911; 71sule6e sue!! 1914 ;0 Jo sa6e6pow pue 'suolslnoJd 'suolilpuoO 's ;ueuanoO `sWJa; 911; o; Pafgns 'pespJaxe lg 'pang; suo!suaixe pue sleMau9J ile pue pouad eseq 911; Jol saslwaJd paslwaa ay; Aofue pue piny 'ane4 Illainb Heys aovueS l2 ;sod ay; ley; s;UBJJ8M pue s;UeU9n0O JOUMO 991 '6 •0491914; le;uappu! JO kIesseoeu s4e Jay ;o lie pue saslwaJd ay; l0 asn paleldwa ;uoo s,a3!AJaS 1e 4sod ay; y ;inn uog oeuuo3 u! SI 9 /Uns 1eo(ydeJ6odo; pue sueld 's6uuoq 1691 6upiew pue awes 911; bug oadsug to esodind alos ay; Jol saslwaJd pies ay; uodn Awe 0; 'JOUMO 011; Aq saslwaJd ay; to apew asn ay; o; Pafgns '146u a aney Heys a31AJ0S !elsod ay; to sang ;e ;UaseidOJ Jo saeAoldwa '941.1968 mg 'JauMo 011; Aq ;uawaaJ6y sly; to uog ;noaxe uodn 18113 s99J6e AgaJeq JamMO ayi •g c3 0 0 ;ueweeiBy eseel punaie 171/12135 7V1SOc 531715 O311Nn UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. Otib Ground Lease Agreement 0 0 6 accomplish the work and deduct the cost plus administrative costs, from future rent payments or recover these costs from Owner by other means, or may, at its sole option, cancel this Lease. In addition, the Postal Service may proportionally abate the rent for any period the premises, or any part thereof, are determined by the Postal Service to have been rendered unavailable to it by reason of such condition. The remainder of this clause applies if this Lease is for premises not previously occupied by the Postal Service. By execution of this Lease the Owner certifies: (1) The property and improvements are free of all contamination from petroleum products or any hazardous /toxic or unhealthy materials or substances including friable asbestos, as defined by applicable State or Federal law. (2) There are no undisclosed underground storage tanks or associated piping on the property. The Owner hereby indemnifies the Postal Service and its officers, agents, representatives, and employees from all claims, loss, damage, actions, causes of action, expense and /or liability resulting from, brought for, or on account of any violation of this clause. Paragraph 16 is applicable when a modular unit or trailer will be placed on the Demised Premises. 16. It is mutually understood that the Postal Service desires to place a modular building or trailer on the Demised Premises. The modular building or trailer, all improvements incident thereto, and all fixtures, machinery, and equipment added to the building, shall remain the personal property of the Postal Service and may be removed from the Demised Premises only by the Postal Service, at any time consistent with the terms of this Agreement. 17. The terms and provisions of this Agreement and the conditions herein are binding on the Owner and all heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 18. The following additional provisions, modifications, riders, layouts, exhibits, and /or forms were agreed upon prior to execution of this Agreement and are attached hereto and made a part hereof: 19. The following paragraphs were deleted prior to execution of this Agreement: 20. The undersigned has completed and attached hereto Representations and Certifications. REGROUND (v2.2, June 1999) 3 (6661• eunr TZA) ONf1O210321 aa°HO 6unoe.;uoo ;o aan;eu6!S w o (7 ssau ;N1 ain;euB!S aJn ;eu6!S ein ;eu6is 0m ;suds em ;euB!S 188Z -L£Z08 Oa 2ISAr.z a 006# SAV S,L3fLL S 5908 SJIA2ISS SaLLI'Ilotf3 2ISANSa 3OIA213S ldlSOd 3Hl A8 33Ndld333V 6E66 -OL068 .Lfl AQN'!S 80g# LSEIS OOL H.Lf1OS OL6OT )IO32IbJAII,L D SYNOH,L 210/3' x39 NWIy DV NUS ISf IN SHO2MAO 1WIGIAIaNI 11V Jo cep Z8Z6 6E-OZS 69LE-1LS (T08) JaoO Bu!pe.;uoo Z,LSNNaa SONKA :al ieAedxej :oN auoydelal :ssaJppy :Jossa- a131'8 9weN ;uud 91111'8 aweN ;uUd ®11!1'8 ew ®11!1'8 eweN;uud 0 1111 eweN;u!Jd aauM0 ')1oa1wwTy •0 seuwouy 0 1111 V aweN ;uud lawMO '313a1wwiy •0 •V sR11213NMO A8 a311103X3 100 ;uewee 6y esee, puno,io 331A&13S 771SOd S317.1S O311N11 a UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVI 6 d;%,):.:5' Form of Acknowledgment for Individuals 008 STATE OF e/OLD COUNTY OF Dei VW Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, 4 4 4 4 ..NOTARIAL y Frr: "p �a SEAL Tom; Im y )1° 7. *0 r (Identify individual party to the lease) (Identify individual party to the lease) tify individual party t• e lease) (Identify indivi. :1 party to the lease) (Ide fy individual party to th- ase) (Identify individual party to the lease) (Identify individual party to the lease) who is known to me to be the same person(s) who executed the foregoing lease, and who acknowledged that said person(s) signed, sealed and delivered the same as said person(s)'s free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Witness my hhan and notarial seal, in the County and State aforesaid, this day of rr't 1 Notary Public My commission expires REACKIND(.luly 96, v1.12, P) (666 eunr'Z'ZA) 2I31103N •awp aIgeuoseei e ul uodn pa;oe;ou s! Jo aunowe Jo him!! o; se Jeupe pe;nds!P sl 11 'esnep sly; ;o s ;uewajtnbej uograg uao pue uolsslwgns au; y ;lm 6u!AIdwoo Aq oy 9q; Japun wlep e o; papanuoo aq Aew uolsslwgns ayl •;Oy ay; Japun wlep e )ou sl paµlwgns upon a)ndslp ul )ou sl ;mg ;uawAed Jo; )s9nbeJ aul;noJ Jay)o Jo 'aOlonul 'Jayonon y *molaq Z•p ydeJ6eJedgns Aq paiinbaj se peglpao !gun �y ay; Japun wlep a )ou s! 000'05$ 6ulpee0xe Aeuow ;o )uawAed ay; 6upgaas Jo)OeJ)1103 914) Aq uolpesse Uefl!JM JO puewap uaUuM e 'J9A9MOH •)OeJ)uo3 sly; o; 6unelsJ Jo Japun Bulsue ;aliaJ Jay ;o Jo 'swie; peJ ;uoo ;o uope)9JdJ9)ul JO )uaw ;sn(pe ay; 'ulep9O wns a ul Aauow ;o )uawAed ay; ;y6u ;o Jauew e se 'Burlaps salped 6ul)os. ;uoo ay; jo auo Aq uolpesse uegum .10 puewep U9))UM a sueaw 'esnep sly; ul pesn se „'wlel0„ 'O •esnep sly; Japun p9AIOS9J aq ;snw )O8J)uoO sly; oa 6ul ;eleJ Jo Japun 6ulsue sa;ndslp iie ';oy ay) ul papinoJd se )deox3 •q (,any 9 4) (£L9 '0'SYl 14) 916 ;o )Oy sa)ndsla 4O9J)uo3 914) o; )9(gns sI )OeJ)uoO slot •9 saindsIa aNV SWIV 3 9V •1O9J ;uoO s!4) Japun .10 mel Aq papinoJd salpawaJ pue s)y6u Jay)o Aue o) uol)lppe ul aJe esnep sly; ul papinoJd 9OIAJes Ie;sod ay; jo salpawaJ pue s)y6u eta •q °)oeJ)uoo a Japun ;uawae9J) algeJOne; Jo )OSJ)uo3 a ule)go o; A ;ln;ej6 94; Aq pepue)ug 'Z pue '9OlAJas le;sod MO JO aaAOIdwe JO J9O1110 ue 0; ()uewulepa ;ua Jo 1116 e se Lions) A)ln ;eJ6 e ate Jo p9J9yo I. enl;e)uaseid9J Jay)o Jo )u969 s,Jo;OeJ)000 egg Jo Jo ;OeJ;uo0 ay) ley; sauguJ9 ;9p sieeddy )OeJ)uo0 ;o pJeos gown le)sod ay) '6uueaq e pue eogou Jaue ;l )ine;ap Jo; )O8J)uo0 Sly; aaeu1WJ9) Aew a01AJas le)sod eta •9 S3Wf)1V2IO 911 Otlgnd leieue6 ay) o; A)Illgeolldde wJO ;tun Jo; paysllge)se Wei )e sa3!AJes A ;Ill ;n Olignd Jo; speJ ;uoognS •Z pue 'sJapJO eseyQJnd l :sepnpxe esnelo sly; ul pesn se ;Oei)uoogns„ LAO) aol •)O9J)uoogns ay; 0; pomp.; suogoesueJ; 6ulnlonul Jo)Oei)uoogns ay; jo spi000i Jay ;o .10 'waded 's;uewnoop 'wog )uaulpad ApdwJlp Aue auguexe o) )146u ay; pue o; Ss9009 aney 'spJOO9J Jeinolped Jo; pouad pagpads Jepoys Aue Jo; JO ')OeJ)uoOgns ay) Japun )uawAed leug Jage sJea( ae.o) Run 'lllm Sange ;uasaJdQJ pazuoy)ne sal pue °owes le)sod 914) ;ey) page ay; 0; uolsinoid a )OeJ)uoo sly) Japun spec ;uoogns pe ul epnpul o; seeJ6e Jo)OBJ)uo0 eyl •q 13eJ;uo3 sly; o; pe)egai suol)Oesu8J) 6ulnlonul Jo)OeJ)uoO spJOO9J Jay ;o Jo 'sJaded 's)uewnoop 'sroq ;uaulpad AI)Oanp Aue aulwexe o) )y6u ay) pue o; sseooe aney 'spjooej Jejno: Jed Jo; pegpeds pouad Alloys Aue .101 JO ')OeJ;uoo sly; Japun )u9wAed !Bug Ja)e sJeaA 99.4) Il)un 'illm same ;ueseidaJ pazuoy)ne sal pue Gown le ;sod 941 e Sa2l00321 dO NOLLVNIWVX3 tali' •;ueweeJ6e sly; 0);Oargns sl JO;sueJ; tons se 6uol os 'seslweid pesguep ay; ;o dlgsJaumo jo JelsueJ) )lglyoJd 0; Se os penJ)SUOO eq Heys ul9Jay peule ;uo3 6u114)oN •O °9o!AJ9S le ;sod ay jo uol)do ay) ;e ;gne ;ap .101 peg= ay; ;0 uol)eulwJ9I Jo;' spunoi6 eq limn esnep sly; 10 suolslnoJd ay; t;)Im aOUepJOOOe ul m14;19410 ;O9J)uo3 sly; ti! ;swa ;ul Aue J0 )OeJ)uoO sly; ;o ;uawu6lsse 'J°Og;O 6u1)O9J ;uo3 ay; ;o )u9suoO uap!Jm ay; y)Im 09Ox3 •q °spuoq Aue uodn salaams Jo toms ayl 'Z pue 'JGOg ;o 6ul)eJ)uoo e41 L y)lm peg sl ';uawu6lsse ;o )u9WfJ)su! ey ;o Adoo 9W) a top 194)960) ')uawu6lsseaJ JO ;uawu6lsse ay; ;o 90!)ou u9) ;Um e ssalun eolnies !Mod ey) uodn 6ulpulq pue pen se pezlu6:Oal eq Illm ;uawu6lsseaJ .10 )uawu6lsse oN loam= sly; BUIOUeug ul Buled!OUJed salped 9JOW JO OM) 101 ea)sru) Jo )U96e se Aped am o) )pew eq Aew ;uawu6lsseaJ Jo )uawu6lsse )ey ;deox9 'Aped euo ue4) 9JOW o) epees eq )ou ;snw pue eIgeAed s)unowe Ile JOAOO ;snw )uawu6lsseaJ JO )uawu6lsse Auy •uogn)I)sul Lions Aue o; peu6lsseaJ pue pau6lsse Jegpn; 9q J9geaJao; Aew pue 'AOUa6e Bulpual !moped Aue Bulpnpul 'uopn;l)sul 6uloueug Jay ;o Jo 'Auedwoo ;snJ) 'xueq a o) pau6lsse eq Aew )I Japun eovueS Ie;sod ay; wag anp ewooeg 0; Jo anp sAeuow Jo; swlep aJOW Jo 000'01.$ Buge6e166e s;uawAed Jo; sep!AOJd;O8J ;uo0 sly ;I °e SWM10101N3WNOISSV £b °esnep sly) uI peule)uo3 uol)d9Oxe ay) uly;lm sepua6e Jo seeAcgdwe epg euoq se pa.eplsuoo eq Aew ')seal sly; 6ugpay9 ;o asodJnd aloe 914; JO) sesueoII Lions peule ;qo )ou Ong own pue '9OfOeJd ssaulsnq !mug) y;Im 93UepJ000e ul ')uaJ Jo; ApadoJd uo s6ul ;sll 6wney sJamoJq J0 s)ua6e a)e;se leaf pesueon •O *ea ;u96ul)u0O J0 'eel a6eJ9 40Jq '96e;ua3Jed 'uolsslwwoO ay; ;o )unowe !IN a imp woJ; J9A0091 eSIMJey)o JO 'uol)2JaplsuoO Jo aOud pei)uo3 ay) wog )Onpap o; 'uopaJOSlp egos s)l )e JO 'A)lilgell ;not ;lm ;OeJ ;u0O sly; Inuue o) ;0611 ay; set; eovues le ;sod ay; 'A ;UeIJem SRI) lo uol)eloln Jo LiOean; Jod 'q •ssaulsnq 6ulule)go ;o esodind ey) Jo; Jossal ay; Aq peule;ulew sa1OU96e 6 umes JO IepJawwo3 peusllge)se 'apg euoq Jo seeAogdwa epg euoq ;d9oxe 'a9; )u96ul ;uo3 Jo 'a6eJarJq '96e;ue3J9d 'uolsslwwoo e Jo; 6ulpue ;sJepun .10 )uaweeJ6e ue uodn )OeJ ;uo3 sly; ule)go 10 1!01105 o; paule)a! JO peAoldwe uaeg set! AOUe6e Bugles JO uosJad ou )e14) s)ueJJen JOJ3JJO au •e V NOI133S S33d 1N3ONI1N00 Z1/ •019134) s)uawyoeue pue sJ9pU Ile 6ulpnpul ')uawnoop sly; o; J9 ;aJ pue 9lgee6ue4OJa;UI ale „)uawee.Be„ pue „)seal„ *O *Bowes le;sod ey; Aq pe)d930e sl Iesodoid esoym Aped a o) JejeJ pue algee6ue1OJa ;ul ale ,rlossal„ JO „'JO ;OBJ ;u0O„ „'JOJ9JJ0„ „'JOJ3JJo In ;swoons„ 'q •uosJad )ey) uodn paJJ3 ;uoO A;uoy;ne ay jo s)lwll ay; my)lm 6t.gpe Jeog ;o 6ul)OeJ)uoO e jo and ;e)ueseid9J pezuoy)ne 914) 'peJ;uoO ay; ul papinoJd eswuay;o se ad9Oxe `sepnpui !we; ay) :Jeog;o 6ug38J;uoO pez4Joy ;ne Auedojd a sl oym aaAoldwa Jay)0 Aue pue 'eovues le)sod 941 ;o;geoaq uo ;O8J)uo3 sly) 6ul ;noexe uosJed ay; sueaw „Jaog;o Bul138J ;uo3„ °e :s6utueaw Bulmollo; ay; aney swig; 6ulmoggo; ay; 1OeJ)uo3 sly) ul pesn sy SNOIlINId3a L V 8Z9£ZS goa[oad 1L,LN[1O3 N'IOaNI'I 8666- irTT£8 2M 'S'I'IIAS?IOD NItIW aNV ,LSHI3 (ZOO S,LIS HDI33O NIVN H'IrIIAMIOJ uol)e0OI /9weNA ;ll!Oed 600 esea-i punoJO SdSft o; suompuo3 leieueo "J71/1113S 7VISOd S31f/1S 0311Nn UNITED STATES a POSTAL SERVICE. General Conditions to USPS Ground Lease 010 1. A claim by the contractor must be made in writing and submitted to the contracting officer for a written decision. A claim by the Postal Service against the contractor is subject to a written decision by the contracting officer. 2. For contractor claims exceeding $50,000, the contractor must submit with the claim a certification that 3. (a) The claim is made in good faith; (b) Supporting data are accurate and complete to the best of the contractors knowledge and belief; and (c) The amount requested accurately reflects the contract adjustment for which the contractor believes the Postal Service is liable. (a) If the contractor is an individual, the certification must be executed by that individual. (b) If the contractor is not an individual, the certification must be executed by- (1) A senior company official in charge at the contractors plant or location involved; or (2) An officer or general partner of the contractor having overall responsibility for the conduct of the contractors affairs. e. For contractor claims of $50,000 or less, the contracting officer must, if requested in writing by the contractor, render a decision within 60 days of the request. For contractor- certified claims over $50,000, the contracting officer must, within 60 days, decide the claim or notify the contractor of the date by which the decision will be made. f. The contracting officers decision is final unless the contractor appeals or files a suit as provided in the Act. g. The Postal Service will pay interest on the amount found due and unpaid from 1. The date the contracting officer receives the claim (properly certified if required); or 2. The date payment otherwise would be due, if that date is later, until the date of payment. h. Simple interest on claims will be paid at a rate determined in accordance with the Interest clause. i. The contractor must proceed diligently with performance of this contract, pending final resolution of any request for relief, claim, appeal, or action arising under the contract, and comply with any decision of the contracting officer. A.7 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY a. The contractor may not discriminate against employees or applicants because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This action must include, but not be limited to, employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants, notices provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this clause. b. The contractor must, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by it or on its behalf, state that all qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. c. The contractor must send to each union or workers' representative with which the contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, a notice, provided by the contracting officer, advising the union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this clause, and must post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants. d. The contractor must comply with all provisions of Executive Order (EO) 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. e. The contractor must furnish all information and reports required by the Executive order, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary, and must permit access to the contractor's books, records, and accounts by the Postal Service and the Secretary for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with these rules, regulations, and orders. f. If the contractor fails to comply with this clause or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended, in whole or in part; the contractor may be declared ineligible for further contracts in accordance with the Executive order; and other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked under the Executive order, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary, or as otherwise provided by law. g. The contractor must insert this clause, including this paragraph g, in all subcontracts or purchase orders under this contract unless exempted by Secretary of Labor rules, regulations, or orders issued under the Executive order. The contractor must take such action with respect to any such subcontract or purchase order as the Postal Service may direct as a means of enforcing the terms and conditions of this clause (including sanctions for noncompliance), provided, however, that if the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation as a result, the contractor may request the Postal Service to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the Postal Service. h. Disputes under this clause will be governed by the procedures in 41 CFR 60 -1.1. A.8 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR DISABLED VETERANS AND VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA If this contract provides for payments aggregating $10,000 or more, the following clause is applicable. a. The contractor may not discriminate against any employee or applicant because that employee or applicant is a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant is qualified. The contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment, and otherwise treat qualified disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era without discrimination in all employment practices, such as employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training (including apprenticeship). b. The contractor agrees that all suitable employment openings of the contractor existing at the time of the execution of this contract or occurring during its performance (including those not generated by this contract and those occurring at an establishment of the contractor other than the one where the contract is being performed, but excluding those of independently operated corporate affiliates) will be listed at an REGLTCR (v2.2, June 1999) A -2 E (6661 eunr IT') 21311O3d •s4uaJ Gin ;n; wog 44gmaJayl pale!oosse s;so3 ile 4011(19(1 pue 'loamy wnpueJowaw e Jo asea1 941 pima! Aew sown lelsod ay; 'loamy; wnpueJowaw e Jo 'asee ay; mow of silo; Jossa1 ay; 11 •6u!pJO0aJ of luappu! .10 Jo; pajlnbei sea; Ile sapnpu) asuadxa yang •Josses ay; ;o asuadxa ayi ;e (19(110391 aq ;snw ';081814 wnpueJowaw a .10 luewaaJ6e 6!41 ONI421O3321 OL d •1oeJiuoo s1U1 Japun 1uawbted !Pug pun 139;;9 u! sulewaJ uo11e6!Igo s!y1 spew uaaq 19A lou sey ;OawAed !guy y3114m Jo; s;3eJ1u0O ao!nias lelsod !!e .101 sJ9Og;o 6ul4O8J ;uo0 pue sloeJluoo 90!11196 !e;sod 40 ;s!! a pue 'Mg sem uol ;l ;ad ay; y31ym u! pnoo ay; 'poly sem uoglled Aoidnlxueq 041 43!4M uo e;ep ay; apnpu! ;snw uo!leoggou 941 •s6ulpeeooid Ao ;dru ueq ay; ;o uo! ;e!1!ui ay1 ;o sAep any uggim pays!uin; aq ;snw uo!;eog!1ou 941 O8Jluoo egg Buuais!ulwpe Jo; a!glsuodsaj Jeog ;o Bu!loejluo3 841 o; Aoldnlxueq 94110 uogeoy!;ou uaupm 'yew pay!lpeo Aq 'yslwnl !gm Jo132J1000 ay; 'AJe1un!onu! Jo AJeIUnion Ja4laym 'AO ;dn1xu8q of Buge!ai s6u!paaooid MI SMUG J01094000 a41 11.19n9 9141 UI Aaidf121HNV8 6'd 153ue!idwo3uou Jo; 1101432 Bulpnpu! 'suo!s!noJd asay; u! 93Jo ;ua 0; pap Aew sweJBoJd eoue!Idwoa peJluo3 !eJapad ;o awi gO ay; ;o imago ay; se Japio esey3Jnd Jo ;oei;uoogns Aue o;1Oedsal 43!m time yaps axe; ;snw Jope.luoO 9111 •JOPU911 Jo Jopeguoogns 4389 uodn Bu!pulq aq !gm suo!s!noJd 51! os '4014 ay; 0; luensJnd panss! AJe1aJO9s ay; ;o wow Jo 'suolle!n5aJ 'salru Aq paldwaxa ss9!un 438/41103 6!91 Japun aloes 10 000'01$ JepJO asey3Jnd Jo peiiuoogns Alai u! asnep s141 apnpu! ;snw Jo138Jluoo via weu;a1A eyi ;o sueJalan pue summon pa!geslp penenb '1uawAo!dwa u! eouenpe pue 'Aoldwa of uogoe an!lew.g;e Bugle; of pa ;l1wwo3 s! pue toy 94110 SW191 91; Aq punoq s! Jo43e1;uo3 ay; ley; BulpuelsJapun Ja410 .10 luewaaJ6e 6ulule6Jeq an4031100 a sey 1! 4 41!m angeluasaidaJ sJa)IJOm Jo 110!1111 goes A;gou ;snw JoloeJluoo a41 •saaAo!dwe pue slueo!idde ;o s;461J ay; pue 'eta weigalA ayl ;o Su8J0leA pub sueJalan peIgeslp peglienb 1uewAo!dwe u! aouenpe pue Aoldwa o1 U01 ;3e anlleuug;e axle; 0; Me! ay; Japun uoge6!!go s,JO13eJluo3 9111 91815 690!1011 95941 'mow Bul4oeJluoo ay; 96n0J44 Jo Aq pap!nold 'swe.Boid ooue!!dwoo ;321;1103 !eJapad 10 sow° '10439Jla ay; Aq paquosald aq of wxo; 8 u! 69311011 'slueolldde pue soaAoldwa 01 algellene 'meld snonoldsuoo u! ;sod 01 seeiBe Jope.iuo3 041 •1 •AJe4aJ30S a4; ;o mpg, luena!QJ pue 'suo!48!nBaJ 'sari ay; 411m 93uepJO33e u! uaxe; 9q Aew 110!;38 '96118!0 s!yl 4)IM a3Ue11dwo0uou 9,J0108J4uo3 941 10 4U9A9 941 u! 'y papuawe se 'ZL61 10 1014 aouelslssy fuawlsnfpeea sueJelaA 8J3 weu;a!A 341 0; luensJnd panss) Jogei ;o A1e10J399 ay ;10 slaplo 1Uena19J pue 'suo!1e!n6aJ 'sari ay; U4lm A!dwoo 01 593.168 1o;32J4uo3 041 '6 •seeAo!dwe s4! ;o son! ;8;0aseJd9J pue 1! ueamlaq 6u!is!xa d19suolle!aJ Buuly I8U0141pe14 pue Alewo;sn3 941 ;0 peg se S(184 uolun wo1; I!g 01 sesodad Jo13eJ4uo3 994 s6uluedo ;uawAoldwe sueew „4uawOBu8J1e Buigy uo!unpaAo!dwe 18uo11!P8A pue AJewoisn3 a Japun !ig o1 sosodoid Jo438J;uo3 041 sBuluad0„ •ti •s1s!I pp39.1 peys!!geise Ape!n6ei wog; 114 01 sasodoJd Jo13eJ4uo3 944 s6uivado Aue sapnpu! pue paiap!suoo aq 4011 Wm (seluedwoo waled ay; pue 'saue!p!sgns '994811g;e Aue Bulpnpu!) uogez!ue6JO s,JO438J;uo0 ay; ammo suoSJad y3lym Jo; s6uluedo 4UGwAo!dw9 sueew „Uol ;ezlueBJo umo S41 u141!m wall lig 0; madam! ropey= 044 s6uiued0„ Tang aq o1 s! Bugledo luawAo!dwa 944 ;Jeum ewe 941 611!11196 Jo; A;(IJglsuods9J pau6lsse y ;!m sang ;o luawAo!dwa o!!gnd ;o swelsAs ieuogeu elelS /I8Japed 044 ;o 93!;10 18901 941 sueew „a31AJ95 fuaWAo!dw3 a1e1S ay; ;o 93g ;o eleudoJddy„ •Z •aoyues lelsod 9 911 0 sisa)alu! lsaq 991 u! aq 1011 eSwu0410 p!nom Bugs!' 10 IUawannbaJ 343 uaym Jo 'A4un3as leuolleu o1 keg= aq mom Bugs!I uaym 'pa!!ddns asuwaylo aq Aig2uoseal pump a3wa9 18150d 941 ;o slam ay) 9319m u! suogen ;!s 6u!pnpu! 'Bugs!! Jo; oigel!ns eq 1011 Aew Bu!uado ;uawAo!dwe ue 'sa3uelswn3Jp Bu!I!adwoo ;sow ay; Japun •uot ;n4psu! 1841 ;O sfuapnls o1 pampa! 912 1894 uognlilsu! ieuol4eonpa ue u! s6uluedo .10 luawaBueiJe Bu414 uo!unpOAo!dwe ieuo!31p8J1 pue AJ8wo4sn3 8 Japun Jo uo!;ezlue6Jo umo 51! ulU11m wall IIg of sasodoid /0138/11100 ay; s6uluedo apnpui 40U soap 11 •luaWAoidwe sum -!Jed pub `uolleJnp ,sAep 09141 11844 9J0W ;o 4U9W 0!dwa A1eJOdwa1 '4uawAo!dwa. aw!4 pn; sapnpu! two; 6141 •lea( Jad 000'9Z$ 11891 ssal ;o s!seq AJe!es a uo pa4esu9dwo3 ale se s6uluedo !euo!ssa;oJd pue 'angei4s!ulwpe 'en1n99xe pub !lequ9391 'AJOSl uedns -uou pue AJosvuedns 's3!uegoew pue sJeiogel '90!60 pue weld !uol4onpoJd -uou pue uollonpold :sepo6aleo qof 6ulmo!lo; 944 u! 111030 4244 s6uluedo sapniou! „s6uluedo 1uawAoldwa a!ge ;lns !!y„ suo!1!u!aa •Bu!uado ley; J3; s4uaw9Bueue uo!unpaAoldwa Jo uo!1ez!ueBJO umo 611 ap!sino s;ue3!Idde Jap!suoo of sap!oap JoloeJ4uoo ay; 00uo 6u!uado Jein3llJed a a1 Aldde 4011 saw uolsnpxe 5144 ins •;uaweBueJJe 6uu!y 0olunpaAo!dwa Ieuo!1lp8Jl pue AJewolsn3 e Japun Jo uo1;8z!ue6JO umo S4! uty4tm wog (Ig o4 sasodoid Jo4eJluoa 041 s6uluedo of Aldde ;ou op anoge p pue 'o 'q sydeJ6eJed '0 'asnep 5194 Aq punoq Ja6uoi ou s! 1! uaym walsAs 04849 041 es!npe Aew 104oe14uoo 9U1 •3481S 941 u! U0!18301 Buu!y 9329 10 uo!4eool pue aweu 941 ;o sluawys!Igelsa sey 4! 9J94m 94819 goes u! walsAs ao!AJes wawAo dwa ay; as!npe ;snw 4! 'asnep x144 ;o suo!slnoJd Bugs!! ay; 01 punoq AI!enloeJluoo sawooaq Jo438)luo3 ay; JanauayM •p •luawAo!dwe u! uogeu!wu3s!puou BulpJeBai sluawaJ!nbeJ Jaylo Aue W04 Jo138 4uo3 ay; 9n0118J 01 papuelu! s! 1119199 Bu!ylou pue `s4ue3!!dde ;o dnoi6 Je!nO11Jed Aue wall 6u1111.1 10 44e011dd8 Jeln3!fJed Aue lo Bulgy 091 annbOJ 4011 saop s6u!u0do 1uawAo!dwa;0 Bugs!! 041 •sueJa)an -uou pue suelalan JO sI8. 913J a3ue4da0Oe ay; Bulpnpu! 'JapJO got apg euoq a ;o Bupe!d ay; 0; 6uly3eue suo!le6!Igo lewrou ay; mom! !!!m pub Hoge .10 9311108 ;Uaw1lru3aJ Jaylo Aue 10 asn 094 yilm AguOJJn3uo3 ;sea! ;8 spew eq !gm walsAs a0!Mas;uewAo!dwa ay; 441m s6u!uado 1uawAoldwe ;o Bulls! •3 •aoguas;uawAo!dwa 91819 ay ;10 aog ;o ele!JdoJdde ay; 41!m s6uluedo e!gellns 11041 Ile 4S!I osie !IIM slow .10 000'01$ 10 8438)4u=O 93VU99 lelsod Bulp!oy sapuaBe 1uowuJano6 pool pue ems •paJ!nbOJ eq Aew se sally pue s6u!uado ivawAo!dwa 6u1pp86eJ aOg ;o !boo! ay; 04 s4lodOJ yOns apinoJd 01 999168 1ay}Jn; /0438/41103 eta 'sin= Bu!uado 994 9194M walsAs a0was 409wAoldwe ems 891 10 a3!;;O Roo! aleudOJdde `L V °seal punoie SdSfl o suompuo3 leJeuoo clq "i31/12.13S 7VISOd S31v1Sa31INn UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE: j6 1 Representations and Certifications 012 SECTION B B.1 TYPE OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION The offeror, by checking the applicable blocks, represents that it: a. Operates as a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of an individual, a partnership, a joint venture, a non -profit organization, or an educational institution; and b. Is a small business concern, minority -owned business, woman -owned business, labor surplus area concern, educational or other non -profit organization, or none of the above entities. c. SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN. A small business concern for the purposes of Postal Service procurement is a concern, including its affiliates, which is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operations in which it is submitting an offer, and is of a size consistent with the standards set forth by SBA in CFR Part 121, or if no standard has been established, then of a size employing not more than 500 employees. (Also see USPS Procurement Manual, Chapter 10, Section 1.) d. MINORITY -OWNED BUSINESS. A minority-owned business is a concern that is at least 51 percent owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more members of a socially and economically disadvantaged minority group, namely U.S. citizens who are black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, or Asian Indian Americans. "Native Americans" means American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and native Hawaiians. "Asian Pacific Americans" means those whose origins are in Japan, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands, the Northern Marianas Islands, Laos, Kampuchea, or Taiwan. "Asian- Indian Americans" means those whose origins are in India, Pakistan, or Bangladesh.) e. WOMAN -OWNED BUSINESS. A woman -owned business is a business which is at least 51 percent owned, controlled, and operated by a woman or women. Controlled is defined as exercising the power to make policy decisions. Operated is defined as actively involved in the day -to -day management. f. LABOR SURPLUS AREA. A geographical area which at the time of award is either a section of concentrated unemployment or underemployment, a persistent labor surplus area, or a substantial labor surplus area, as defined in this paragraph. 1. Section of concentrated unemployment or underemployment means appropriate sections of States or labor areas so classified by the Secretary of Labor. 2. Persistent labor surplus area means an area which is classified by the Department of Labor as an area of substantial and persistent labor surplus (also called Area of Substantial and Persistent Unemployment) and is listed as such by that Department in conjunction with its publication, Area Trends in Employment and Unemployment. 3. Substantial labor surplus area means an area which is classified by the Department of Labor as an area of substantial labor surplus (also called Area of Substantial Unemployment) and which is listed as such by that Department in conjunction with its publication, Area Trends in Employment and Unemployment. g. LABOR SURPLUS AREA CONCERN. A firm which will perform or cause to be performed a substantial proportion of a contract in a labor surplus area. h. EDUCATIONAL OR OTHER NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION. Any corporation, foundation, trust, or other institution operated for scientific or educational purposes, not organized for profit, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the profits of any private shareholder or individual. X B.2 PARENT COMPANY AND TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER a. A parent company is one that owns or controls the basic business policies of an offeror. To own means to own more than 50 percent of the voting rights in the offeror. To control means to be able to formulate, determine, or veto basic business policy decisions of the offeror. A parent company need not own the offeror to control it; it may exercise control through the use of dominant minority voting rights, proxy voting, contractual arrangements, or otherwise. b. Enter the offeror's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the space provided. The TIN is the offeror's Social. Security Number or other Employee Identification Number used on the offeror's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, U.S. Treasury Form 941. Offeror's TIN: 5^2 3 y 72 a c. Check this block if the offeror is owned or controlled by a parent company. REREPS (v2.2, June 1999) B -1 •lesodad sly; o; algeogdde sI wao; ay; uo ;uawa ;e ;s ay; ley) Bul ;uasaJdau pue :paulwgns seen wao; ay; yolynn y ;Inn uol ;oeuuoo uI 'Rue ;I '13ea;uoo JO uo!lep!ollos snolnaad ay; lo aagwnu ay; 6 u!NI;uapl 'Z :paystwn; Rlsnolnaad sem wao; pa ;aldwoo ay; uaynn 6ul ;eolpul ;uawa ;e ;s pau6ls a y ;Inn lesodoad s ;I Ruedw000e Rew ;I 'uoge ;lollos sly; 6utnsst aol,J;o ay; o; 61,£L wand pa;aldwoo a payslwn; Risnotnaad sey aaaoo ay ;I mow but ;oea ;uoo ay; Aq pa;sanbaa uol ;ewao ;ul Jaw Aire pue „'saad aay ;p a0 ;ua6ul ;uo3 ;o ;uawa ;e ;g s,aopea ;uoo„ '6l£L wao. pa ;aldwoo e 'a ;eogdnp uI 'ystwn; ;snw a0.19)10 ay; 'aaow° 6ul ;oea ;uoo ay; ;o;sanbaa uodn JO 'engewaie ay; ul sl uol ;e ;uasaadaa aay;Ia ;I 'q oea ;uoo sly; ;o paenne ay; wag 6ut ;Insaa JO uodn ;uaBul ;uoo 'ea; a6eaailoaq ao '96e ;uaoaad 'uolsslwwoo 'ea; Rue (Jo };o ay; ao; Rlalos 6up$aonn aaAoldwa spy euoq awq-Iln; e uey; aay ;o) uosied ao Ruedwoo Rue Red o; paaa6e JO pled ;ou sey j sey 0 JOJOU0 ayl Z loealuoo sly; ainoas ao ;lollos o; (a };o ay; .10j Amos 6ul�IaoM aaitoldwa apg euoq awl Iln; a uey; Jaw) uosaad JO Ruedwoo Rue paute ;aa JO pa /oldwa ;ou sey sey 0 aoaago ayl 1. J :suol ;e ;uasaadaa 6uinollo; y; a ;aldwoo ;snw aaajjo au. •e •uolleolunwwoo ao aansoloslp Rue Ile ;ap uI 6utquosap pue suoseaa ay; 6utuleldxa ;uawa ;e ;s pau6ls e Rq paluedw000e aq pinoys uogalap JO nogeoylpow Rut' •alge;daooeun se .Iesodad ay; ;o uogoafaa ay; Li! ;lnsaa Rew a ;eoyl}Jao sly; uI uotslnad Rue ;o uol ;alap JO uol ;eowpoiN •o •anoge e ydea6eaed o; ties ;uoo uol ;oe Rue ul 'a ;edtowed;ou Ilan pue 'pa ;ediowed ;ou sey ays JO ay pue :R;Ipao os Agway saop ;ua6e alay; se pue 'anoge a 1.1dea6eaed o; Raea ;uoo uol ;oe Rue uI 'a ;edlowed ;ou IIInn pue 'paledpped;ou aney A941 ley; 6u Ampao ut algtsuodsaa suosaad ay; ao; ;ua6e se ;oe o; 6ugpm ul pazuoy ;ne uaaq sey ays .10 ay ;ey;;nq paaallo 6ulaq saoud ay; o; se uotspap ay; ao; alglsuodsaa uogeztue6ao s,aoaa};o ay; uI uosaad aw lou sl ays .10 aH •Z JO :anoge e ydea6eaed o; Riea ;uoo uogoe Rue ut 'a;edtolued ;ou thin pue 'pa;edtowed;ou sey ays ao ay ;et'; pue utaaay paaauo 6ulaq saoud ay; o; se uotspap ay; Jo; algtsuodsaa uol ;ezlue6ao s,aaa};o ay; uI uosaad ay; sl ays .10 aH 1. ;et'; sagl;aao Iesodad sty; 6ulu6ts uosiad yoe3 •uoggadwoo 6ugou ;saa ;o asodind ay; ao; lesodad e ;Iwgns ;ou ao ;Iwgns o; way ao uosaad aay ;o Rue aonpul o; aaago ay; Rq spew aq thin JO spew uaaq sey ;dwaue oN pue :ao ;I ;adwoo Rue o; .10 aaa}.o aay ;o Rue o; Rl ;oanpul ao Agoanp 'pea ;uoo a ;o paenne aao ;aq aaaJo ay; Rq pasoloslp Rl6utnnowI aq ;ou IIIM pue uaaq ;ou aney pasodad saoud ay; 'me! Rq paatnbaa asivuay ;o ssalun Z :ao ;I ;adwoo Rue y ;Inn ao J010110 aay ;o Rue y ;IM saoud ay; o; But;elaa aauew RUe o; se 'uoggedwoo 6ugou ;saa ;o asodand ay; ao; ;uawa0a6e JO 'uol;eolunwwoo uol; a ;Insuoo;noy ;in'RI ;uapuadaput ;e wine uaaq aney pasodad mud ayl :uol ;e;pllos sly; y; uopoauuoo ul;ey; 'uogezlue6ao uMO s ;I o; se sat;Iuao ;I o; Rued pea lesodad ;utof e ;o aseo ay; ul pue 'saggi o aaa};o ay; 'Iesodoad sty; 6ulutwgns Rg 'e ;uaaed uowwo9 ;o aweN :dna6 memo aw Jo ;uaaed uowwoo ay; lo NIL pue aweu ay; aptnad (anoge papinad se 'Ruedwoo waled e Rq palls ;uoo ao paunno sI aaaj o ay ;ou JO aay ;aym) stseq pa;epllosuoo e uo wn;aa xe; awooul leaapa; s ;I sail; ley; dnoi6 pa ;egwe ue ;o aagwew a sI aoaaJ0 ay ;I •a ETO suogeoijipeo pue suoi ;e ;Ueseidej MIMES' 7V1SOd S31V1S 0ILINfl Z (6661. aunr'Z'ZA) Sd321311 :apo9 diZ :ems NOI1VIN3S321d321 33d 1N3ONIINOO 1 9 NOIIVNIWN3130 33ldd 1N3ON3d3QNI AO 31VOII112130 £18 :Nil waled uowwo0 NIl s,Ruedwo0 ;uaaed :Rl4O ;aaals PUe 'oN :ssaippy aoy;p ulelry s,Ruedwo3 ;uaaed :eweN s,Ruedwo0;uaaed :Ruedwoo waled ay ;anoge not ;euuo ;ul Bulmogo; ay; apinad 'wimp sI anoge Noolq ay; 11 'P UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE_ OtSWi Representations and Certifications 014 c. Licensed real estate agents or brokers having listings on property for rent, in accordance with general business practice, and who have not obtained such licenses for the sole purpose of effecting this lease, may be considered as bona fide employees or agencies within the exception contained in this clause. B.5 CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES a. By submitting this proposal, the offeror certifies that it does not and will not maintain or provide for its employees any segregated facilities at any of its establishments, and that it does not and will not permit its employees to perform services at any location under its control where segregated facilities are maintained. The offeror agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in this contract. b. As used in this certification, "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms or wash rooms, restaurants or other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms or other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, or housing facilities provided for employees that are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. c. The offeror further agrees that (unless it has obtained identical certifications from proposed subcontractors for specific time periods) it will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors before awarding subcontracts exceeding $10,000 that are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause; that it will retain these certifications in its files; and that it will forward the following notice to these proposed subcontractors (except when they have submitted identical certifications for specific time periods). NOTICE A certification of nonsegregated facilities must be submitted before the award of a subcontract exceeding $10,000 that is not exempt from the Equal Opportunity clause. The certification may be submitted either for each subcontract or for all subcontracts during a period (quarterly, semiannually, or annually). B.6 RESERVED B.7 LEASES BETWEEN THE POSTAL SERVICE AND ITS EMPLOYEES, CONTRACT EMPLOYEES, OR BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS SUBSTANTIALLY OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY POSTAL SERVICE EMPLOYEES OR CONTRACT EMPLOYEES By submitting this proposal, the offeror certifies that the offeror is, is not an employee, a personal service contract employee or a member of the immediate family of a Postal Service emplo ee or personal service contract employee OR a business organization (partnership, corporation, joint venture, etc.) substantially owned or controlled by a Postal Service employee, a personal service contract employee, or a member of the immediate family of a Postal Service employee or personal service contract employee. "Immediate family" means spouse, minor child or children, and other individuals related to the employee by blood who are residents of the employee's household. REREPS (v2.2. June 1999)