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This Warranty Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, and the con- veyance being made hereunder, is being executed, delivered, and accepted in lieu of foreclosure of the Lien (as hereinafter described and defined), and as an absolute conveyance to Grantee of all right, title, equity, and interest of Grantors in the Property, including specifically, but without limitation, any equity of re- demption and the statutory right of redemption of Grantors therein or thereto. Grantee has forgiven and fully released Grantors from any and all debt, obligation, cost and charges existing under and by virtue of the promissory note dated October 18, 1994; B. The lien ("Lien") for which this Deed is given in lieu of fore- closure was created by that certain Mortgage dated as of October 18, 1994, exe- cuted and granted by Roger J. Andreasen and Stacey J. Andreasen, as mortgagors, to Keycorp Mortgage, Inc., as mortgagee, and recorded in the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex- officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on October 25, 1994 in Book 359PR, Page 463. Said Mortgage was assigned for value to Midfirst Bank by an assignment dated November 3, 1998, whereas the underwriter to Midfirst Bank was The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. The assignment was recorded in the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex- officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on November 12, 1998 in Book 421 PR, Page 191. C. Grantors agree that if Grantee accepts title to the Property under this Warranty Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, such acceptance will not create any liability on the part of Grantee to third parties who may have claims of any kind against Grantors in connection with the Property. Grantee will not under this Warranty Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure assume or agree to discharge any liabilities with respect to the Property that shall accrue or occur prior to the date on which this Warranty Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure is recorded in the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex- officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming (the date on which such recording is made is hereinafter called the "Recording Date Grantors agree to indemnify and hold harmless Grantee from and against any loss, cost, damage, or expense (including attorneys' fees and court costs) resulting from claims arising out of the Property and arising from events that occurred prior to the Recording Date with respect to the Property. This Warranty Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure does not confer any third -party benefits on persons who are not signatory to this instrument other than Grantee. D. The acceptance of this Warranty Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure by Grantee is expressly conditioned upon and is subject to the representation and warranty of Grantors that title to the Property is good and indefeasible title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances of any nature whatsoever, except for: (1) Any covenants, reservations, restrictions, conditions, exceptions, and easements of record in the chain of title as of the Recording Date; (2) Any liens of record in the chain of title (as of the Recording Date) which have priority over the Lien; (3) The Lien; and (4) Encumbrances permitted by the Lien. If title to the Property is not good and indefeasible as represented in this Paragraph D., then, at the option of Grantee, Grantee may, in addition to any other remedy available to it under this Warranty Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, at law, or in equity, reinstate and revive the cancellation and release of the Indebtedness, in which event, the cancellation and release of the Indebtedness and any qualifications upon the Lien shall be null and void and ineffective for all purposes. ?tie' oilgnd tia o 1 100Z-ZL -PO uo s8Jidx3 uoissiwwoo lbw 8 xa-Nnoo Nivaanv 1 rnnossINI 30 MINIS 'ivas A,LONI y -'IHOS d H11 -.0830 o '000Z ZTadV }o Aep 1.1g6i sly; uaseaapud f Aaoels pue uaseaapuy T pago aw aaoiaq pa6palmoujoe seen luawnwsu! 6uio6aaoi ayl N3S1 V f i130`diS :Ag 1N3W0031MONNOV eldnoo palaaew e `N3Sb3HaNd 'f A33H1S aNV N3SVVM ICINV T 200(Thl leas le!oi}Jo pue puny Aw ssauiiM :M:10.1w J :saaldx3 uo!sslwwo0 AN NIValflY JO AlN(lO0 'SS RinossIW AO 31V1S 'alea 6uipaooald ayl eq o; pawaap aq (legs sasodand Ile aoj aansoloaao j 4o nail ui paaa AlueaaeM siyl Jo amp and }ooI4e aye }nq 'swaw6palmou)oe i eq 40 6upie4 ay; 4o amp ayj uo aa}uea0 pue sao4uea0 4o jlegaq uo pe noaxa uaaq seq aansop -aaod 40 nail ul paaa ATueaaeM s!qi `d03213HM SS3NIIM NI