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Evans Construction Company, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, the restrictions now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of the Restrictive Covenants. Failure to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Dated this Rkb, day of May, 2000. ohn David Owen STATE OF t a r 1 ss. COUNTY OF Ti-AD4. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1' Ut, day of 14,, 2000, by CA.., iAv as Re's a Wyoming corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. M co of Owen Excavation, Inc., Notary Pu i' is o 4 1 1• e JOHN GALUNGER NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Teton Wyoming Comn*aton Expires Se t. 11, 2000 2664166_1.DOC 2 078 /690 w,o3 1Vnn of 01 loaf paplon p le elqup sin 6L0 A s Jaltn pue Aq A ag lle4s oqe 0 46nni OM tlall4M S Y MISS' 6 tlaT' UT LIE oeel 'S 1 +4nr uelswn3Jla u'/afuego Aue as uvlos atll c luTod Ara V Pesos :WS 'LW t•LIG OOP l elf '•'al uns su lupspnloinn IA* palu sio!out r!o 1 Pod OSLOl1V31:1 J0 uollepossV 6ulwoAM W661 wnlal aq lie anoge Jo' pal upap jo aoll %Mo810 site nue° s141 'Jo al q uolleulla V 'A uolloa t qpo' IOC qua •suolyp a pue SLUM pa a AHeuonuaiul :SmOTIO; se :6ulaueul' bullnaas )0 slum Jaw Auy •z :suopeogll,00 Jo/pue suolloadsul lusle4ddu'podai 11Paio'slulod lunooslp `001 uopt:ulfpa ueoi J :6ulsolo 11: spun' poHluao ao 4sea u! woo 6ulsap puu wool 6ulmoHoJ oU1 M d imp taAng .V 'SISO3 ONISO13 9A bei u of od �f a I(q uo g lido etll to 6 hod, o1 V '0 an flans Goon t0N ;uoq Ode smc ro3 s7 auTTaaquao pigs BuoTe 6uTaxnoo aouaga eue3 apTQ assn au� ;o auTTxa:luaa aql of u141!M J 'o Jowl ue1lu aitnbel aql 411 is -anoge le yap pies 3o auT tt�nos all 3o AlaatnIou :loal l09) f,.ix 0 puu Ta11Qttad auTT BuoTe 'lea; 66' EL6 '311tS 19E-06811 aauagl OiMtUis pyre ;o aau203 le$M4�nos ayl wox3 la 00'09 'S119T- 1 L0-o00L'Z 's E of auT[ Isom pies Snore 1 l 39 E6'9TD MAT-,L0 a ql :aaT330 pigs uT paZT3 paoaall asuao0 a41 uT pagT2osap se puna3 ')4MNS'tS Pigs 30 asu,zoa :lsaMt�lsou aq; ulo.z; 'laa3 bE' L8 'a uS t�t�7C -00 3H 'Y�M�IS4S PTes 3o auTt :1SdM aqa uo ax. 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''P° 19aM ot<t of 'scot 10 310111 laaJ 006'VINNV1S DI130 auq'(.z punogquorl PEP °nntlB.r d Isshisaump 3023 Z'LQE tllnos sauag;'laaf 006 'yaw-As pI 3o Gull Aispunofl quoj aq; o3 1 9 1i 8 �d is°3 wimp Stttuunt put '8ttgwafM 'N d 109 'A.16111 149€1 3E uopoGS ►/,AMI1 ptes Jo Auio3 AAN 211130 tiluuS 4003 09 h gorg 3uto 1 nt BuIugiSgH 'iO41ti ''Ni'd 29 N9El 'SC uotwasJo (y,MAit AS) ia3mntj t., oMquori gun do3leli tpnoS c :31O 1L NLLd3OX"d t,. 099 S0 -$tquiogst 4m103 cgooan! qi9 '$0, 61 t $Outs `quoH 9C dtt 1um01 'SE u Jo %tMt•IVIS aqx s NO3 °-22'-50 "W, 129.53 feet, N09 °-37'- 05 "E,'_41.54 feet; N24 °•57' -16 "W, 93.21 feet; ING; hence S89° -47' -29 "W, 955.36 feet to the SPIKE OF BEGINN t less; ENCOMPASSING an area of 9.38 acres, more cr appll bon; C. Not w (draw the a- umption or to application Intentionally c :.so any change n circumstan• s which wo pr ludic() such •plicatlon; D. A ept the assu ption or loan' pproved by L h r at require stend terms e forth I and c action V, A rough D abo ,fails E. the event t .t Buyer, after aving comp to qualify r such r 1nu s e n d i n and g wrltt i n o s t i c e to Bel r within fetter of ays Buyer's Lice •of this n I on by Lend v it v voided the opts of Buyer, 9 led to the by B or purs 8 tcl t I clan e, this earnest m shall terminate. sit rece ited for above all be return to Buyer s rem ements o VI. CLOSING COSTS. A. Buyer shall ig following fee, discount loan w points, credit epos certified funds at closing: 1. Loan vr Inspections and/or certifications; 2. Any other costs of securing igalle, di�inencing; 19970 Wyoming Association of REALTORSO Page 304 lnisioU 401,SIr 4o504e D.tte: July 151000 hinted done MnTOltMnleq 1 SnRNlne. X34 080 WAFT Form 320 -0697