HomeMy WebLinkAbout8660800 C' '0002 'DPW Jo 'PP 1 14VZ sTIO. s9ITW sgiagoa Pella Aq dui a.zo ;aq pabpaIMouxoPaJ sPM gTAPpTggP buTobeao; Pus DNWJO,M `S33 3VN ft rJ3N9 E 31'4NVJP :C 14d fi O OW 00 9 ""SDdd 2Id 00 Fees -PT T 11dMNpd11 A3l� IN HO TM 080998 6661- eunr 6uIW0RM ;o 8 1 9 iS ollgnd Jeioij Fos !emu() put pu2g iw ssauum °6661 `iud Jo ARP 1s 1 Z snit soul spacial' raga Aq aw a iojaq paSpaimou3pr sum 1inApt, y SutoSa of aqZ °6661 'HAY JO /Cup 1s t Z slut CUING !pun `aalsru" aq1 s► s im sixagou van' `SuioSoio3 alp Jo asn>,oaq 41 WW 44, 1;a4 110TSSTWW0 A14 Waittori sei!dx3 uolsslwuoO XVI ;i ldx� uo{ssomtunfl Aye; uloaun 40 A4unoo uosJspues 111,1t :saiidxg uo!sspumoD I amp pavan sistul .taglo Au>v .to .LSMI.L aq1 ,Jo `Auord>vout .zo Trap .tall j 30 011100 °aapun g ligigxg s1 oiaaaq pagot?nr g1>vaQ3o aleogplaD alp q paouap!na st sr `1-66 i `L Attvnurr uo paip 'E °aalsrus sp log pinogs `1ue 01 11 `Sg'ILVAI SIITH£1O'I VAH11 `S I'7IYAI 'IHIN,O Jo Trap alp uo mg1 sapino.td ism" plus °Z .LSII2I.L ONIAI'I ST 'TIIN O aguo aa1sn.u, `S 1'IIIAi lamp of d ugtgxg s>✓ oia.raq pagorii paaa A1ue.trem alp ui paquosap Apado.td ag1 paAanuoo Sg'IIY�I S.L'Igg02I Valli Pug SaligAl 'IMM O `9661 `I .10T11930a uo Ms 1t10,�{ gg1S112I.L INaI�11 LNV �116.! NHS !OAIAx nS ,IO a V 1.IA� !,t't 9e p}t, G �V� l/ 9 L 1 9S,9 SS 013/11 010 1 °I :smoiio3 st sours `moms Airy 1s Sutaq `Sg'IIIwI S.L'IHEIMI dailli `I aDdd 2Id x090 X 50 Otis V N'IOONI1 dO AINI1OD ONILAIOAM dO awlS N100NI1 •1. -Paled UT uoTgdaoxa uT 10110 eoTUdesbodA4 111111 1.1.100 papioosiai q sT quauinoop sT'1 40N o s i€,O`( O 085'81'18 Parcel No. 1 Parcel No. 2 0 gYARRANTY DEED jJ 177 EXHIBIT A O'NIEL MILES and RHEA ROBERTS NILES, husband and wife, Grantors of County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to O'NIEL MILES, Trustee, or the successors in trust, under the O'NIEL MILES LIVING TRUST, dated December 31st, 1996, grantee of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situate in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit: A Tract of land lying in the NEhNE of Section 6, T32N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 325.00 feet West of the NE Corner of said Section 6 and proceeding thence West, 1000.00 feet; thence SO °14'E, 807.00 feet; thence S0 °31'E, 464.80 feet; thence N67 °44'E, 568.00 feet; thence N55 °44'E, 229.00 feet; thence N41 °14'E, 234.30 feet; thence N71 °50'E, 447.00 feet; thence N26 °04'W, 682.58 feet; to the point of beginning, said tract containing 25.982 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at a point which is 1186.60 feet South and 1109.51 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 6, and proceeding thence North 738.17 feet; thence East 122.16 feet; thence South 688.15 feet; thence S 67 °44'W, 132.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point which is 1062.32 feet South and 805.47 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 6 and proceeding thence North 758.48 feet, thence East 259.54 feet, thence South 558.89 feet, thence S 41 °14'W, 87.77 feet, thence S 55 °44'W, 227.00 feet, thence S67 °44'W, 15.23 feet to the point of beginning, said tract containing 4.00 acres, more or less including all improvements located on and all water rights associated with the above described real property. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point which is 1136.59 feet South and 986.85 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 6, and proceeding thence North 688.15 feet, thence East 181.38 feet, thence South 613.88 feet, thence S 67 °44'W, 196.00 feet to the point of beginning, said tract containing 2.71 acres, more or less. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point 1109.50 feet West of the Northeast Corner of said Section 6 and proceeding thence West 215.50 feet, thence S0 °14'E, 807.00 feet, thence S0 °31'E, 464.80 feet, thence N67 °44'E, 224.77 feet, thence North 1186.60 feet to the point of beginning. The SEh and the S3 NE\ of Section 33, Township 33 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming. Subject to an easement for a road and the transmission of all utilities thirty (30) feet in width from the centerline of all existing roads located on said property, and along the West thirty (30)feet of the SWhNE of said property. Containing 240 acres more or less. DITI fld AU ,ON /0 /-)77 aulwodM 1 GIOIS !IVnd JoIoN �ib�r�s'i r N.i i ii'�i�iit►�A�`v� esoijdxj uolsslwwoD w ulo3wl io A{uno, 141IWS 13M3f seaTdxs uoTssTumto0 Aw Teas TsT3TJJo pus pueq Aux SSSNILIM '9661 aaquiaoaQ Jo Asp gs1£ sTuq SS'iiw SS2i2HOU KSHH pue ZTIN,O Aq am eaojaq pebpaTMouxoe sem gueuinagsuT buTobeao; aqs S�'I I1�I s nis s ou vallu SS'Ilw N'IOONI'I O ALNflOO 'ss DNINOAM JO aLKSS Jo Aep gsI£ sTUl spueu ano SSaNZIM :gTM og 'egegs alp 3o szeT uoTgduxexe peagseuiou alp 3o aangtTA Aq pue aapun s4u5Ta Tie buTATeM pue buTseaTaa Aga.zaH '9661 aaqutaoeU •esn uT ao paooaa 3o AeM- ;o- sgubTa pue sgueuiesee 'suoTgdeoxe 'suoTgoTagsea 'suoTgenaasa.t Tie og 'aenemoq goaCgns •o4uneaeg4 buTuTegaedde esTMAue uT ao agengTs uoeleug seoueuagandde r pue sguemeno.zdurr 'sgubTa TeaeuTuz 'sggbT z ae4e Tie ugTM .zaggabos q0 YgI kccess m seormabo 0 1 natamalmrseou4i S i( ('t he Yee Surma Act end Rules LOCAL FILE NUMBER 18 -95 DECEDENT PARENTS INFORMANT DISPOSITION CERTIFIER REGISTRAR CAUSE OF DEATH Date Issued 249072 STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 22. SIGNATJRE Of FUNERAL SERVICE LICENS 25. DATEiDECEASED WAS LAST v v' ATTENDED BY CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN 27a. CERTIFIER "7"-' N 11 411111111111111111111111111111 letlle111 IN tt�� lt loll ll kkt li ft SALT LAKE CITY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 429 DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS 1. NAME OF DECEDENT FIRST MIDDLE LAST 2. SEX 3a, DATE OF DEATH (Mo. Day, Yr.) 3b- TIME OF DEATH (24hr.Uock) O'Niel MILES Male (January 7, 1997 l 2005 4. DATE OF BIRTH (44, Day Yr) 5. AGE (lam Bee IF UNDER 1 YEAR IF UNDER 24 HOURS( Nov. 28, 1918 I 78 HOSPITAL E I. Inpatient 2. ER'Outpatient 3. DOA 8c. CITY. TOWN OR LOCATION OF DEATH Salt Lake City 10. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN THE U.S. ARMED FORCES 1. Yes 2. No 11. MARITAL STATUS �-1 1. Never Married '[J 2. Married 3.Widowed 4. Divorced 138. RESIDENCE STREET AND NUMBER 442 Lincoln 13e. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? L 1. Yea 2.No 34. MANNER OF DEATH 3 Suicide 13f. 2IP CODE 83110 17. FATHER'S NAME (First. Middle. Last) William Owen Miles d. PART 11. Other Significant Condilions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Pan 1 7E] 1. Natural 2. Accident 4 Homicide 5. Undotermmed 6. Pending II injured Investigation Purposely or Accidentally This is to certify that this is a true copy of the information on file in this office. This certified copy is Issued under authority of Section 26 -15 -26 of the Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended. JAN 151997 Months 8a. PLACE OF DEATH (Check only or,) Days 01 HER: 5. Nursing Home 6. Residence 7. Other 8d. COUNTY OF DEATH Salt Lake 74. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN? 2 No )il yes, Specify) t. Yes 1. Mexican 2. Cuban 3.PUeno Rican 4. Omer )Specify) 19. NAME, RELATIONSHIP AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INFORMANT Rhea Miles, Wife, P.O. Box 375, Afton, Wyoming 83110 20. METHOD OF DISPOSITION 21a. DAZE OF D155050)ON 1. Entombment 2. Donation 3. Other ?J 4. Burial 5. Cremation 6. Remo val an. 11, 1997 35a. DATE OF INJURY (Mo. Day n.) Hours 1 Minutes I2a. DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION 'Give kind of work done during most of working life. Do NOT use retired) Farmer /Businessman 13b. CITY, TOWN OR COMMUNITY Afton 23. LICENSEE NUMBER WARNING: IT IS ILLEGAL TO DUPLIC 6. BIRTHPLACE (City .4 Stare or Fannon Country) Grover, Wyoming 118. MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER (First, Middle. Last) Opal Nield 21b. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name of cemetery, crematory, or other place) kfton City Cemetery 270. SIG AND? E OFfLEp TIPiE� 27. LICENSE NUMBER 28. NAME ADDRESS OP PERSON WHO CERTIFIED THE CAUSE OF DEATH (ITEM 3 1) (Type/Print) C G r Yf Kevin J. WalsY, M.D., 324-10th Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 29. REGISTRAR'S SIGNATUR 32. IN YOUR OPINION, TOBACCO USE BY THE DECEDENT 1. Probably contributed to the cause of death. In. NONUSER 0 2. Was the underlying cause of death. 3. Did not contribute to the cause of death. 6. UNKNOWN 0 4. Is unknown in relation to the cause of death. IF USER 35b. TIME OF INJURY (24 Hour Clock) 35e. LOCATION 'Street or rural route number. cty or town. county and ,slate.) 35g. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED (enter seduence of events which STATE FILE NUMBER 8b. NAME OF HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILITY Ill outsrtle a lacdt), prve street address of location) LDS Hospital 9. SURVIVING SPOUSE Of wile,pive msiden name) Rhea Roberts 15. RACE Black, White, Am. Indian (Trbe may be entered), Japanese, etc. (Specify) White 24. FUNERAL HOME (Name, address and license number) 35c. INJURY AT WORK? 1.Yes 2 No r Thomas L. ch r er, MD Director of Health Il i/ DJ Re TRAR 179 055 1 7. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 520 -09 -0752 120 KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY Agriculture 13c. COUNTY Lincoln (13d. STATE Wyoming 21c, LOCATION City or town, State Afton, Wyoming 16. EDUCATION Specly only highest grade completed) Elementary or Secondary (0 -12) College )13 -18 or 17 14 115349 #101222 Goff Mortuary, Inc. 26. It not certified by medical esammer. was doom reponed to M.E.? 8090 So. State St. II yes. enter me date and hour reported: M.E. Case No. 1. Yes 2 No HOUR M0. DAY YEAR Midvale, Utah 84047 QJ 1. CERTIFYING PHYSI11AM To -the best of my knowledge, death occurred at the time, dale, and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner as staled. 2. MED'i AI EXAMINFR l AW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL, lAL On the bests of examination andior Investigation, In my opinion, death occurred at the time, date, place, Bpd due to ih cause s) and manner as stated. 27d. DATE SIGNED (Mo., Day, Yr.) 30a. DATE REGISTRAR NOTIFIED OF DEATH (Mo .,Day: Yr.)I 30b. DATE FILED (A4e„ Day, 5,) 31. PART 1 ENTER THE DISEASES, INJURIE OR COMPLICATIONS THAT CAUSED THE DEATH. DO NOT ENTER THE MODE OF DYING, SUCH AS CARDIAC 1 pproxim Interval OR RESPIRATORY ARREST, SHOCK, OR HEART FAILURE. LIST ONLY ONE CAUSE ON EACH LINE. Between Death. Onset and IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Fines Death. domes ofcaadtpn a. `•t 2' �r y e IMMEDIATE nwnup in eemn) DUE TO (0R AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): Sequentially Leal conditions. DUE TO (OR A'S A CONSEOUENCE OF f any, leading to immediate cause. Enter UNDERLYING CAUSE ((Meese or ayury c. that rnniarod evens resulting DUE TO TOR AS A CONSEOUENCE OF): in death) LAST 3a. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? ❑t. Yes tg 2. No 33b. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CAUSE OF DEATH? 1. Yes 2. NO 5d. PLACE OF INJURY At home. farm, street factory, office buildinpelc (Speedy) 351. II motor vehicle acedenl specify it decedent was driver, passenger or pedeslran, resulted in injury, NATURE OF INJURY SHOULD BE ENTERED IN 179 OG 1 EXHIBIT 4 COPY FOR OFFICIAL PURPOSES. --AaxotaxeloodoitlT.