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HomeMy WebLinkAbout866083ONINO,' M '83U31%413N �`G 1NNV3r 9j [id fl VW 00 03A13Q3 ___gDVd d 17 81 :saandxg uoisspn woJ AIN (�G DTIcing Xap4oN •ieas ietaiJJo pup pue4 Buz SS]NZIM •aalsnuJ 'sam slaagog eaTTH Aq '0002 ktI,I jo pie pe still 0 U aaojaq paSpaiMOU)iae seM IuaUZnalsut 2UTO 0Jol a4J aalsni j 'saityAi,laagog Palm :9661 'LE aaquiaaac pal Ism' BuTAVZ sailyv ia?N,O aril Iapun paleaaa Isnal e 'IsrTh !inured saity�i IOTN,O 0 98998 'OOOZ 'AeJAI JO App Nom MICE IUNV211IVM v "sZ'g.':•1i!,z] UQI5SItuWi) �4N OMNJOAM N100M1 JO 31V1S JO AINflO 511of1d A ON NVWMJN 'N VONVM NZOJNI'1 3O ALNIIIOJ ONIAAIO,kM 3O TLVIS SIT pum Xux SSgN.LIM •paoaal ao /pue I4.SIs jo XeM -jo s4T12Ta pup 'suotlenaasaa 'qua 'suoTlatllsaa 'suoJ4Tpuoa 'slueuanoa He 04 IaafgnS •2uOuoiaq olunaaalp sluauzeltpaaa4 pup saaueuallndde Hp pup uoaaatp sluauzanoadUI3 HP ButpniauT pup 441M IaTilaSoI •olaaa1.i paTiaelle v Itg!Tixg aas :ITM 04 '2uTUZOJiM jo awls all jo sMei uo!lduzaxa pealsauzO4 aril 3o anlltn gig pup aapun sl4Sta Hp SuIspaiai pue BUTATLM Xgaaaq '2uiuzoJiM jo awls 'uioauTZ jo iilunoJ all uT am 'alelsa pal pagtlasap Su!MOiio3 al3. 'TOOE8 2u!UZOiiM 'uos)iae j '6T'T xog •0•d s ssaappe as04M 'aLZNV210 'uoileaodaoa SuTUZOXM au1 'a2ueTlaxg TOT 04 SINVIRIVM GNI/ SkIANOJ 'a2ueTlaxa pa -ualap )(3 WO L J?II ue of IUensand pup 'pa2paimou)pe rigaaal si gpilgM jo Id!o of 'pied puel ut 'uo!leaaptsuoa aigenien pup pooh Iallo pue (00'03) jo uoTleaaptsuoa u! pup JO; '2IOINVWI0 '9661 'LE IaquzaaaCI palep 'IsnII 2UTAtJ saIIIN PIN,() 044 Iapun paleaaa Isnal 'IsnII Allured safTIAT PIN,() all jo aalsnu sllagoJ eaT>1 Exhibit A Parcel No. 1 Parcel No. 2 US; :O' :1 185 A Tract of land lying in the NE -NEk of Section 6, T32N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 325.00 feet West of the NE Corner of said Section 6 and proceeding thence West, 1000.00 feet; thence S0 14'E, 807.00 feet; thence S0 31'E, 464.80 feet; thence N67 44'E, 568.00 feet; thence N55 44'E, 229.00 feet; thence N41 14'E, 234.30 feet; thence N71 50'E, 447.00 feet; thence N26 04'W, 6B2.58 feet; to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at a point which is 1186.60 feet South and 1109.51 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 6, and proceeding thence North 738.17 feet, thence East 122.16 feet, thence South 688.15 feet, thence S67 44'W, 132.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point which is 1062.32 feet South and 805.47 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 6 and proceeding thence North 758.48 feet, thence East 259.54 feet, thence South 558.89 feet, thence S41 14'W, 87.77 feet, thence S55 44'W, 227.00 feet, thence S67 44'W, 15.23 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point which is 1136.59 feet South and 986.85 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 6, and proceeding thence North 688.15 feet, thence East 181.38 feet, thence South 613.88 feet, thence S67 44'W, 196.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point 1109.50 feet West of the Northeast Corner of said Section 6 and proceeding thence West 215.50 feet, thence S0 14'E, 807.00 feet, thence S0 31'E, 464.80 feet, thence N67 44'E, 224.77 feet, thence North 1186.60 feet to the point of beginning. The SE4 and the SINE+ of Section 33, Township 33 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming