HomeMy WebLinkAbout866092LOAN NO. 59- 012 52011679 THIS MORTGAGE "Security Instrument is given on MAY 24, 2 0 0 0 The mortgagor is RUSSELL S BECK AND STACEY C BECK, HUSBAND AND WIFE whose address is 246 EAST 4TH AVENUE AFTON, WY 83110 "Borrower(s) This Security Instrument is eiven to FIRST NATIONAL BANK WEST A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION which is organized and existing under the laws of THE P.O. BOX 1620 AFTON, WY 83110 "Lender Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of WYOMING [State] 866092 4f1,0 19 7 BOOK' ,PR PAdE. MORTGAGE 83110 [Zip Code] RECEIVED NCUI.. t ro t" 00 HAY 25 AN 10: 00 JEANNE °,Vg;GNER KEMIMIERER. WYOMING WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: FIRST NATIONAL BANK WEST PO BOX 6003 EVANSTON, WY 82931 [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] State of Wyoming FHA Case No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and whose address is SIXTY -EIGHT THOUSAND AND 00 /100 Dollars (U.S. 68,000.00 This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instrument "Note which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on JUNE 1, 2030 This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, with interest, and all renewals, extensions and modifications; (b) the payment of all other sums, with interest, advanced under Paragraph 6 to protect the security of this Security Instrument; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, with power of sale, the following described property located in LINCOLN County, Wyoming: Part of Lot 1 of Block 22 to the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows; Commencing at a point 7 rods West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 1 and running thence West 3 rods; thence South 127 feet; thence East 3 rods; thence North 127 feet to the point of beginning. which has the address of 264 EAST 4TH AVENUE, AFTON [Street] [City] "Property Address TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water rights and stock and all fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property". BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of recor. 1 FHAWYMTG (05/96) Initials: Page 1 of 5 S 3o t aSed :s�eu[ut (96/S0) DINAMV113 �ulllJm ul Ja Jatu 0141 of saadg Japun ssarun paJat' aq Jou Hugs app aa3 pug piouassat aqi `Auadold alp oi aprl aaj saitnbog Jamoluog ;I •asgai aqi jo suorsrno.Id agi gitM Aidutoo Iiggs J3MOfJOg `pio uo st luaumJisui A1!moaS sup ;I •aouaptsal p dtouud c se Auadold aqi jo Aoucdn000 s,JamoJJOg SutuJaouoo suotlgluasaldal `oi plum' lou inq `Vurpniout `aloN agi Aq paouaptna ucoj agi glum uopoatruoo ut (uotlgulJojut ist.101s111 Aug gluon Japu0.1 aptnold o1 pang; 1o) Japua-i of sluatualefs .to uo afgrnoogut Jo OSIg3 Aiiet1aigu1 2ng5 `ssaoold 110pg0iddu ueoi agl 2uunp `Jamouog 3! lrnejap ur aq osie Hugs Jamonog XizadoJd pauopucgg Jo mom pus anrasaid pug loaloid o1 uotloc aigguoscat agi Arm Japua-i •irnejap ut s! ugoi am Jo pauoput?gE Jo morn s! AuadoJd agi 3I A2JadoJd alp loadsur C m Japua-i •paidaoxa real pug ream aigguosuat `aigzoualap of Auadoid 0141 moult' Jo Auadold ag1 afuego AIgtiueJSgns 10 aetugp `Aoifsap Jo alsgm limutoo Jou iiggs JOMOJJOg •saouelstunolto gurrenualxa Aug jo Japua-I A;tfou Tlegs JamouJog •Iouuoo s,JamoLJOg puoAaq 0114 gorgm is!xa saouclsutfOJIo 2utfgnualxa ssaiun 10 `1amoJJOg 103 do spwq anpun asnco tltm luauzaarnbai Jgg1 sau!wialap Japua7 ssaiun `Aouedn000 jo amp am nip read auo isga! it' Joj aouaptsal igdtoupd s,Jamonog se AuadoJd 0141 Adn000 01 anuriuoo I[cgs pug (AuadoJd am jo Jajsugil Jo arcs Jalcl g jo sAcp Awls utgltm Jo) luatutufsui Alunoas srgi 3o uorinoaxa am Jagg sip Aixts uppjm aouaprsaI rgdrouud s,JamoJJog se Auadold agi asn pug `gstiggisa `Adn000 Hugs Jamoiiog •spiogasnal :uol;notlddV uno-I s,aamoaaog :Aj.iadoad alp jo not ;aa;oad pun aaueualuiulAT 'uotlenaasaad ',Cauudnaa0 'S •Jampind agi of sod imp aoro3 ut satotiod aougrnsut 01 pug ur Jamollog 3o lsa.Jalut pug at1!1 '1'I !J TT `ssaupalgaput agi sagstn2urlxa iggl AuadoJd agi 01 aril ;o JaJsuzu .001410 Jo luatutulsul Ammon sup 3o alnsorOO1O; 3o Juana 0141 ui 'ma'am paptiva Auaai ,C1t1ua aqi of ptgd aq itggs luamtulsul Afunoas stip pug a10N am Japan ssaupalgaput gutpuelslno ire Aed of paimbal iunoute ue JOAO spaaoold aougansut ssaoxa Aud •siuOtuhd qons jo lunotug aqi aSuego ro `Z gdeJSEJEd ut o1 paJJaJa1 are tp!gm sfuamAud Appuow alp jo amp anp agi a Jo puma iou iicgs lcdtouud 0141 of spaaoold am jo uotigorlddu Auy AiJadoid paging') 0 I1 ;o Jtgdai 1b'uo11c1oisax- atp °of (q) 10 Igdtouud jo fuatuAcdaid of imp pug gdeigemd ut mpg) am u! patlddu sfunotuu fuanbutiap Aug 01 Jug luauululsul AfunoaS sup pug a10N agi Japan ssaupalgaput aTil 3o uoponpa1 ag1 01 (g) Jatpta `uorido sit i1 `Japua1 Aq parlddg aq ut spaaoord aouernsur 0141 ;o 1red Aug Jo rid •Apurof Japun of pug 1amoJJOg of 3o pealsu! `Japua'i of Apoalrp ssoi Lions 1o; luatuhd aalgul 01 paloa.trp pug paztlog1ne Agaiaq st pauraouoo Auudutoo aotreJnsut gout' •JamoiJOg Aq Apdtuold apuut fou 3t ssol jo ;ooid wpm Arm Japua- •Itutu Aq aotiou aletpatutur JapuaZ AT imp 12mo11og `SS0i JO Juana aqi uI •Japua-I `01 alggldaooe turo3 g ut pug ;o long; ut sastwjo atgehd ssol apnpur imp pug Jopua-I Aq plati aq uggs sigmaua.z Aug pug saroriod aoucinsut ata •Japua'i Aq panolddg satuuduzoo glum paureo aq Ilggs aougrnsur Its' 'Arefaloas 0141 Aq pagnbai 11101x0 am 01 spoop Aq ssoi isutag 'pram Apuanbasgns 10 aouaistxa ut mou Jat'lagm `Auadold app uo sluawano1dtut dig alnsu! osic Itggs 10m0110g •saltnbai Japun iggl spouad agi Joj pug slunoutg agi ut paut utuul aq itggs aouglnsut siuj •aouelnsut saltnbal Japua i gorgm Joj `alt; 2urpniout `satoua$utluoo pug `saplgnsco `sprezcg Atm isutag `pafoala Apuanbasgns 10 aouaistxa u! mou Jagiagm `A1Jadold 0141 uo sluatuanoldUJ1 rig alnsur Itggs JamoJJOg •aauuansuI tumuli aaq ;O puu poof3 'a'!,I •b •010N alp Japan anp sa mtto alga o1 •1413td pug :010N am 3o Iedtouud agi jo uotlgztuoum o1 'guno3 :a10N atp Japun anp 1saJa1ur o1 'pltgy :paltnbal se `suznrutald aouglnsut p1?zuti Jagio pug poop `alt; pug 'dual punol2 Jo sluatuAcd progascar `sluautssassc reloads `said Aug 01 `puooas :tuntutaid aouclnsut aSauout Ai14luom agl jo pealsur ArelaJoas ag1 Aq ntia Argluotu am 01 10 ArelaloaS 0141 oi rapua Aq ptgd aq o1 mnrurard aouglnsut agSuoul agi o1 `1s]t3 :smoiro3 sc Japua-i Aq patrddg aq Itggs Z pug j sgdgJScred Japan sluatuAgd IId •sluauiAud jo not uaiiddy •(o) pure (q) `(g) sulai! Jo sluaturiglsut rig 103 2uturmtuat aougicq Aug girm paftpaJo aq iiegs lun000g s,Jamo1JOg `Japua7 Aq uorirsrnbou sit Jo Auadold agi 3o arcs aJnso!oaJo3 a 01 loud ATalclpauzuzl •1amo11og 01 spun3 ssaoxa Aug punpai Apdmold Hugs Japun pug `ArelaJoas am 01 i d o1 paiatigo autooaq fou sgg Japun legs luatufgisur =tumid aotreJnsut aSauom Aug pug (o) pug `(q) `(g) stuai! luatuirgisut 11 1O; gulurctuaJ aoucicq agi gum paltpalo aq imgs iun000e s,1OMOJ1OH 'sums gons jm 30 ivauthd tin3 agi Japun 01 slapual JamoIJOg alp ;I •fuauttuisui A1!moaS sup Aq palnoas stuns IIg 103 Altmoas iguotuppg sc papard are spun3 molosg a4L •VdS32I Aq pauruuad sg auuogs am do allgtu 01 JamOJJOg alinbai pure IOMOJJOH 0141 A3!lou Ague Japual `anp uagm small moJOSH 0141 1 d 01 luaroUJns 1011 st amp Aug ft' Japuari Aq piaq spunj 3o slunotur ag13I 'ddSH1I Aq palrnbal se spun3 ssaoxa alp Jo3 1OMOJJOH 01 lun000g IIg14s Japua'i `VdS32I Aq prat' aq o1 pallttuJad sfunotttg ag1 paaoxa small molosH Joj Japua Aq Nag wino= ag1 •tunrulaid aouginsut aauout 0141 Jo; anp siunotur uo pang aq fou Agm lun000g agi u! aiggitgne are sfuauJAgd S,10MoLIog alp alo;aq sluatuasingslp 10 sluautasingstp pafgdtotltreun 103 Vdsau Aq pallrtUJad 0n10501 Jo uo1gsno am 1eg1 idaoxa `(„ydsa L,) atut1 01 atoll uto1; papuatug aq Acw Aag1 se 'OM Ind 1130 tiZ `suopgin2ai Sutluautaidtut pug bos 3030 1092 •O•S'fl Z1 `1'L6I JO 1 sampaoold luatuaplas aleisa teat' am Japan lun000g moJOS0 s,JamoJJOg 103 palrnbal aq Amu 1eg1 funotug utnuttxeuu 0141 paaoxa 01 1011 lunoute afe$a1g8g uc ut SLUM MOJOSH 103 slunotuu plot' pug loaiioo 'amp Aug lu 'Amu JapunZ „•spun3 moJOSH„ patleo ale Japua7 01 pled stuns am pug „swag molosg„ paiieo are small 0Sagl `AreiaJoas 0141 Aq amp Aigluom 0141 Joj idaoxa •Amiaroas 0141 Aq pauuuialap aq 01 Jun0tue aigeuoseai e ur `AJglaloas 0141 Aq prat' s! luatutuisui AlunoaS stgl tunrutaid aouclnsur 0 R 110ut a ;o pgalsut a mqo ATgluotu a (ID 10 `Arefaloas am 01 Japua-i Aq pled aq 01 umturaJd oouglnsut a2auoul iunuue agi Jo; tuns e (t) :1aglra apnrout osie !legs luatuhd Aigiuotu 140110 `fuatu1Jisttl A1uno0s 0 141 pJ this Japua-I 31 palrnbal uaaq angg pinom utnttuald gons gotgm ut maA Aug u! Jo `(„A1e101o0s 111OIJd0pA0a mull pug SutsnoH 30 kimonos am 01 tunnuald aoueinsul a$g$31out u Aed kola Japua-I am gotgm ut JeaA Aug ui i gdel2eled Japun pairnbaJ aourinsul 103 sun tumid (o) pug 'AUadoJd 0141 uo swat punoJ2 10 sluaUJAcd piogasgai (q) `AUadold am isutau palm' aq 01 10 patnal sivatussassg moods pug saxgl (e) Joj urns 01111 Auu pug aIoN a141 ur quo 1as sg 1saIa3ui plug IedIoupd 0141 gl1m =paw `ivatuAed Appu0tu 140110 u! apniout Hugs Jamollog •saaug0 imp puu 'aaueinsul 'saxey jo luaulAud Alg3uoLtt •010N 0141 spun anp saJego am pug aIoN am Aq paouaprna lgap am 'tic) ma'am! pug ;o Icdlouud agi anp uagm Aud iiegs J2m0J10a •aau0 a ;url puu ;salami 'Iudputad 30 luatuLud '1 •S.LNVNHAO0 YA11I03INf1 :smo11o3 Se 001gg pug fueuanoo Japual pug Jam011013 •Aliadoid leaf 2utIanoo luatunllsut Alunoas uIJO31un a ainlrlsuoo 01 uorlotpstJnf Aq suotfetren pauuJtt glum SlurettOAOO auo ;tun -uou pug asn IFUOtigu J0; slireuanoo UL1031un sautgwoo INHIA1f111.LSNI A LI/1f103S SIH.L OSt .J .L41 199 6. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in place of condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedness that remains unpaid under the Note and this Security Instrument. Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument, first to any delinquent amounts applied in the order provided in Paragraph 3, and then to prepayment of principal. Any application of the proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments, which are referred to in Paragraph 2, or change the amount of such payments. Any excess proceeds over an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to the entity legally entitled thereto. 7. Charges to Borrower and Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. Borrower shall pay all governmental or municipal charges, fines and impositions that are not included in Paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obligations on time directly to the entity which is owed the payment. If failure to pay would adversely affect Lender's interest in the Property, upon Lender's request Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing these payments. If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by Paragraph 2, or fails to perform any other covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, for condemnation or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property, including payment of taxes, hazard insurance and other items mentioned in Paragraph 2. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Paragraph shall become an additional debt of Borrower and be secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate, and at the option of Lender shall be immediately due and payable. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests in good faith the lien by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. 8. Fees. Lender may collect fees and charges authorized by the Secretary. 9. Grounds for Acceleration of Debt. (a) Default. Lender may, except as limited by regulations issued by the Secretary in the case of payment defaults, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: (i) Borrower defaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment required by this Security Instrument prior to or on the due date of the next monthly payment, or (ii) Borrower defaults by failing, for a period of thirty days, to perform any other obligations contained in this Security Instrument. (b) Sale Without Credit Approval. Lender shall, if permitted by applicable law (including section 341(d) of the Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j -3(d)) and with the prior approval of the Secretary, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: (i) All or part of the Property, or a beneficial interest in a trust owning all or part of the Property, is sold or otherwise transferred (other than by devise or descent), and (ii) The Property is not occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal residence, or the purchaser or grantee does so occupy the Property, but his or her credit has not been approved in accordance with the requirements of the Secretary. (c) No Waiver. If circumstances occur that would permit Lender to require immediate payment in full, but Lender does not require such payments, Lender does not waive its rights with respect to subsequent events. (d) Regulations of HUD Secretary. In many circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary will limit Lender's rights, in the case of payment defaults, to require immediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid. This Security Instrument does not authorize acceleration or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations of the Secretary. (e) Mortgage Not Insured. Borrower agrees that if this Security Instrument and the Note are not determined to be eligible for insurance under the National Housing Act within 6 0 days from the date hereof, Lender may, at its option require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. A written statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to 6 0 days from the date hereof, declining to insure this Security Instrument and the Note, shall be deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this option may not be exercised by Lender when the unavailability of insurance is solely due to Lender's failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary. 10. Reinstatement. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in full because of Borrower's failure to pay an amount due under the Note or this Security Instrument. This right applies even after foreclosure proceedings are instituted. To reinstate the Security Instrument, Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all amounts required to bring Borrower's account current including, to the extent they are obligations of Borrower under this Security Instrument, foreclosure costs and reasonable and customary attorney's fees and expenses properly associated with the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligations that it secures shall remain in effect as if Lender had not required immediate payment in full. However, Lender is not required to permit reinstatement if: (i) Lender has accepted reinstatement after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings within two years immediately preceding the commencement of a current foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on different grounds in the future, or (iii) reinstatement will adversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Security Instrument. 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time of payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successor in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization FHAWYMTG (05/96) Page 3 of 5 SJoyaged —71,:siEnnn (96/SO) IWAMVH.I *moo uoni?prooar Aug ,Cgd Hugs zamonog •ramortog 01 a8rg143 inotprm lu0uznzisui Ailtzn3as sun asmaraz hers zapuaj `luaumzlsul ,ilunoas sup Cq pazn3as sums ire jo luatu,Ced uodn •aseaiag '61 'met alggotidde ro 81 14dgz8ezed sup zapun zapua7 a of arggitgne as!MMraglo sl148tz .Cue jo Azelazoas am anudap begs aoualuas 8utpaoazd a141 ut 8unpoN •lay ail ut paptnozd se Aizadozd am Has of pug aznso1o01o3 a3u0unu03 01 toy ail zapun palgu8tsap zauotssiutuo3 aznsoioazoj a 8upsanbaz Aq (•bas la ISLE •D•S•11 ZT) „1°v) 1766T Jo 13y aznsoroazod aWallO W iClttue3 aTButS alp UT paptnozd ar11s 3o zamod retotpnfuou 0 11 alonut AeU1 'irglaJOaS ail `6 gdgz811rud zapun iin3 ut luautiied alrtpatutut saztnbaz AzelazoaS a141 pug £rI 1 z3aS ail Aq piag st luatunzlsui '(1t.m3aS stg1 ut lsazalut s,zapual a T13I •1t o1 patltiva JClrr2ar suoszad JO uoszad a14101 ssa3xa Aug (3) pug `luatunzlsul £1un3aS st141 iq pazn3as sums Tie of (q) `.saaj ,si(auzollg aigguosgaz `ol paltuttr lou inq `8utpnrout `aces aqi jo sasuadxa rig 01 (m) :zapzo 8utmo11o; am ill patidd11 aq tte14s airs 0141 jo spaaoozd age 'airs Aug lg Auadozd am asegoznd ,iglu aau8tsap sit zo zapua-i .Hoer argeotidde paquosazd zauueut ail ut pros aq Hugs Suadozd am pug `aces jo aotlou alp gstignd 1111145 zapua-I •£I 14d11z8ezed ut paptnozd zauugut alp ut zamorrog of ares ag1 jo aotlou ant8 1Tg14s zapua-i mgr argg3trdde 141tm a311gpz000e ut `luaza3Jtp ;t `Alzadozd a111jo uotssassod ut uoszad am 01 pug ramozzog o1 asoraaroj 01 imalmt jo aotlou ant8 TTe14s zapual `aces jo ramod a141 salonut zapuai 3I •a3uaptna ai1t13o siso3 pug saaJ ,sAauzollg argguoseaz `01 mum!' lou inq `8utpniaut `81 gdeiBgzgd st T1 ut paptnozd satpatuaz ag1 8utnsrnd ut parznout sasuadxa TTe 13airo3 01 patipua aq ITe14s zapual met arge3trdde ,Cq pallnurad satpatuaz zagio Aug pue airs jo zamod ag1 a)ronut Amu zapua't `6 gdez8gzed zapun rtn3 ut luaulAed algtpaunut saztnbaz zapua-I 3i •aanpaaoad aansopaaog 'SI Itn3 11 I pled Si luatunzlsui '(lunoaS ag1 Aq paznoas lgap am uagm al11ututzal rr1114s ivadozd agi 3o mar 30 luatuu8tsse st14Z •zapun- 30 Apatuaz ro 1tt811 za1410 Iiue amptienut 10 1tnejap ifug antgm 10 azn3 lou 1Tegs sivaz 3o uotleottdde Auy gogazq a st warp amp Niue 111 os op Amu zantaoaz palutoddg ATirtotpnf r zo zapUa1 `zanamoH •ramorrog o1 14ogazq jo aotlou 8utnt8 larju 10 azopaq Alzadozd am utelutRut JO JO 10111103 aatgl 'uodn zalua o1 paztnbaz aq 1314 ir11gs zapual LT gdez811zgd st141 zapun slg8tz sit 8utstozaxa tuoz3 zapua-I ivanazd prnom 111i 1 1311 iiue uuo;zad lou not pue 1314 sell pug sluaz alp jo 111aum8tsse zotzd Aug paln3axa 1314 se14 zamozzog 'mum ag101 ptreuzap ualltzm s,zapua-I uo lua8e s,zapu3' 10 rapua1 01 ptedun pug anp sluaz Tig ,red Timis Xuadozd 0141 jo iueual gaga (3) pug :Aizadozd am jo sum am 3o tie anta3a1 pug 1301103 01 patltlua aq Ir1114s zapun' (q) :luatunz1sut ,iltmoas agi ,Cq paznoas sums am 01 patrdde aq o1 ',quo zapun I 30 ltuauaq raj aaisntl se 10m0110g pra14 aq urns IOMOI1OH ,(q panta3az sluaz 1Tg (e) :zamozzog o1 g311azq 3o aotlou santg zapual 3I °Atuo t(1 lguoutppe ro3 luatu118tssr ue lou pug luautu8tss11 ainiosge 1411 sa1n1t1suo3 sluar jo luauz118tsse S 1L •zamozzog pug zapua-I jo 1T3auaq 3141 roj aalsnzl se Apadozd a141 Jo sanuanar pug mar Ire animal pug 13aiiO3 1r1114s ramonoti luaunuisul 11m°aS 3141 ut luatuaar8g JO ILIUM/WO ,Cue 3o goeazq s,zamozzog 3o zamoz.og of aotlou s,rapua-I o1 loud `zanamoH •siva811 s,rapual ro rapu0'I o1 SUM 3141 i(11d 01 filmdom a1413o lugual gaga sloaztp iigazag p11g sanuanaz pug sluaz am 1331103 01 swag s,zapua' zo zapua1 saztzoglne zamozzog •A110d0zd alp Jo sanuanar pug mar am rig zapual or szaJsuezi pug Su2Issr i(tieuotltpuo3un zamouog •S;uag 30 ;uatuu8rssy :smoiloJ se 001811 pug iueuano3 101411113 zapua-I pug r3MOIJO 1 'SINVNHAOD IAIIIOdINf1 NON •110p3alozd r1luau u01TAUa 10 IC1a311s `gltea1401 31g1ar legs pa1e3o1 s! Airadozd 0141 31314m uotl3tpstznf a141 JO smet pue smei Terapa3 small „MR I11luatuuortnug„ `9t 14dez8ezgd ail ut pasn sy •sigtzal11tu an113E0tpez pug `ap/C14aP111tuzo3 zo solsags11 8ututeluo3 sl11tzaletu `sivanIos 31!1e1on `sapt3tgzag pug saptotisad 31x31 `sionpord utnaiozlad 3txo1 10 arggtutugu za1410 '01135013)1 'autrose2 :sa3uelsgns 8utmoiio3 am pug mgl Imluatuuortnug ,Cq sa0ugisgns snoprgzg14 zo 31x31 511 pauiJap sa3u111sgns aso141 are „sa3uelsgnS snop111z11H„ `91 14der8ez11d sup ur pasn sy mg-I tgluauluortnug g11m 331111 103311 ut suotl3e retpautal Xzessa3au rte 0421 iJldutozd 1ig14s ramonoEf `('z11ssa3au st rilzadozd ail 8ut13a33r sa3u111sgnS stlopzgzgH Aug 3o uoti11tpatuaz zag10 10 rgnOtuaz Aug 111141 `,iitro14ing ,Lzolein8az 10 reluautuzano8 Aug Rq pa1Juou st zo `suz11ar zamozzog 3I •a8parmouil I11n1311 51114 zam011011 143i14m 30 m11�i r11luautuortnug 10 a3u111sgnS snop1ezeH Aug pug kizad01d ail 8utnionut Al1ed ai11ntzd zo ,3143811 b0111Tn8a1 10 Tgiu3utuzano �(ug Xq u0t13g 1a1410 10 ltnsm11l `pugtuap `tutmr3 `uot11181lsanut Aug 3o a311ou 11allum 10pual ant8 ,(Ildutozd TI1114s 10m01z0g •Alzadord alp JO 3311gualul1111101 pue Sasn Teiluaptsaz letuzou 01 algtrdordde aq of paztu8o3az d1tezaua8 0111 1eg1 sa311e1sgnS Sn0pzez11H 3o satliluenb i11uis JO Iilzadozd 3141 110 3211zo1s 10 `asn `a3uasazd a141 01 Atddg 1314 Begs sa3ualuas oml 8utpaoazd 0145 m11Z 111ivaumortnug Aug 3o u0111110rn 111 st legs r(irad0zd 0141 8u113a33e 8utg1Xu11 'op 01 asp auoi(ug moue zou `op 1011 watts zamozzog •Xizadozd am ut zo uo sa3u111sgnS snopr11zZH ICue 3o asgara1 z0 a811101s `Tesodstp `asn `a3uasard am ltuuad 10 asn113 10u jte14s zamozzog •s33ue;sgns snopaez1H '91 •luaumzlsui '(itln3aS sun jo pug aloN ag13o Ado3 patuzoJuo3 0143 uant8 aq 1111115 zamozzog •,(doD s,aaionog •Si •atg11zanas aq of parri3ap are a1oN a141 pull 1u0tunzlsul 'C111n °aS sup Jo suotstnozd ail pa si141 of •uotstnozd 8ut13t13uoo 3141 lnogltm 133330 11a/t8 oq ug3 1431 4M a1oN ail zo luatunrlsuJ 1un °°S sup Jo suotstnozd ra1410 1303311 1011 hugs 13811103 gins Mgr atg11oilddg 14um s13t11uo3 aloM am 10 1u3tunz1suI 1tm3aS st1413o asn11i3 10 uotstn0zd Aug 111141 luana ail 11I 'pa111301 st Xiradozd 3141 143tlm 111 uotlotpstmf a141 3o m111 ail pug m11I 111zapad iCq pauzano8 aq [imp luaunulsul Alunoas s1141 •A;iirquaanas :meZ 8uiuuno) 'bi •14der8ez11d sup ut paptnozd 511 uan12 ua14m zap11al zo zamozzog o1 uant8 uaaq 3A1114 01 patuaap aq Timis luaumzlsut A1un3aS sup ut zoo paptnozd 0311014 iiuy •zamorIOg o1 0311014 Aq saleu8tsap zapua-1 ssazppe Aug 10 11131014 parrs ssazppe s,rapua1 of rtmtu ss11r3 1szt3 .iq uant8 aq itg14s rapua1 01 0311011 iiuy •zapua'I 01 3311011 Aq saleu8tsap zamozzog ssazppe za1410 Aug r0 ssa1ppy Auadozd 0141 01 pal3artp aq II1114s 3311ou 0145 •poglatu zamoue Jo asn sartnbar mg' algeotidde ssalun 1111141 ssg13 rug Xq 1! 8utltetu Xq 10 8uuantiap uant8 aq JTg14s IUatunzlsuf Aitm3aS step ut 10J paptnozd zamozzog o1 0311011 iCuy •s3oi;oN •£i •luasuo3 5,10M011011 111141 1110141!M aloN alp 10 luatunzisui A1un3a8 s11413o 111131 ail 01 pre83z 141tm suorrepotuuto3ag Aug 0)11111 101Eagro3 'A31Potu 'puma 01 aaz2g ,((uu JO/16.0110g 101410 Aug pug 1apua-1 1e141 saar811 (3) pug `luatunzlsut'ilt.moaS situ Aq pam3as stuns a141 Aid o1 pa1e2i1go Xllguosrad 1314 st (q) `luatutulsul ,iltzn3aS st141 3o sturai 0141 zapun Al1adozd ail ut 15313114r s,zamo1zog Imp Iianu03 pug lumz8 '38g231otu of Apo luatunllsul /C1tm3aS sup 811tu8ts -03 st (11) :a1oN am 01n3ax3 1011 saop inq luaunulsui 'iltm3aS sup su2ts -o3 014m zamozzog Auy •Teranas pug lutof aq Neils sluauta0r8g pug S111eu3A03 S 10M0z10g (q)6 14d11z811z11d 3o suotstnozd a141 01 13afgns `zamozzog pug lapua'i 3o su8tsse pu11 s1OSSa33ns a141 1tjauaq 411111 putq ITg14s luaumzlsul Al11n3as 51141 3o sluatuaaz811 pug sl11guan03 a14j •saou8is -oa :S;riiger' Isaanas pus ;Igor '.punog su8issy pug saossaa3ns 'Zi •,(patu31 JO 114811 ,Cur 10 ast3zaxa 0141 apnioazd zo 3o zani11m 11 aq 1314 1111145 ,(patuaz ro 11441 Cue 8utstozaxa ut zapual a3u11z11agzo3 ICuy •lsazalut ut s1ossa3ons s,zamollog 10 zamozzog rgut2110 3141 ,(q ap11ut pueutap Aug 3o u0511az luatunzlsui 'iltzn3aS sup ,iq pa1n3as stuns a141 30 20. Waivers. Borrower waives all rights of homestead exemption in the Property and relinquishes all rights of courtesy and dower in the Property. Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security Instrument. [Check applicable box(es)] BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms contained in this Security Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. Witnesses: [Space Below This Line For Acknowledgement] o UJ1 a STATE OF SS: COUNTY OF 1 C-11:11 by: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a Notary Public, on Ru,SS.¢,.1.L 3 t c..c. a. u t.. S'Fa.c.Lt.t C. t3e..GIC. In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: a-1 D.-03 FHAWYMTG (05/96) x Condominium Rider Graduated Payment Rider Non -Owner Occupancy Rider Other [Specify] WCDA TAX EXEMPT RIDER Person(s) Acknowledging 201 Planned Unit Development Rider Growing Equity Rider Adjustable Rate Rider Page 5 of 5 5 /;g Date (Seal) Borrower (Seal) STACEY C K Borrower (Seal) Borrower (Seal) z o z (s6 /ZI pastna>l) g -0I Z ddW S TTassng Jamo.t.rog Jam 2utoueut,! ;duiaxj -xB,L sly; ui suolslnoJd puB sutra; ay; o; saai2s pus s ;daoos xamo.uog `MO'Iata JNINJIS Ag •suot ;Bln2ai 2uquautaldun ay; apnioul o; pautaap ars puB ;uatun.gsui A ;tmoas ay; !o uol;naaxa !o a ;Bp ay; uo ;aa1ja ul 'papuaurB SB apo3 anuanaN isu.za;ul ay; o; DIE saouaaalaN ;uautnr;sui A;l.tnoas sly; Aq paanoas usol ay; 30j not ;BOydds uB u1 apoO anuanas !BUJa;ul ay; jo uopoas !o suolstnoJd ay; o; ;oadsai y ;lm lepa;sut Si ;By; 13B! B s;uasa.tdajsnu .ro s ;luzo jamonog so `.zaplg Supusuld idtuaxs xey sly; jo 2uluupaq ay; ;e pagInsap suaisss ao slossaoons St! so .rapuai ay; !o ;uasuoo ua;;lJm aoud ;noy ;lm ;uatun.t;sul A ;unoas ay; ut paquosap A;iadotd ay; Adn000 o; sue! .ramonog •apo3 anuana>t ieuaa ;ul ay; 3 (Z,) (I) puB (l)£fit uot;oas ut papino.td SB s ;t[uli autooul algsoliddB spaaoxa auzooul Allots! asogM (nl .to :apo3 anuanag isu.ra;ui ay; jo (Z) pus (a)£t not ;oas ut papinold ss IIB '(saouaplsat sass pa;aSset .to! ;uao.tad of I uB .za;Ba12) aolad asByaind Bare a8saanB ay; jo ;uaoaad 06 uBq; 1a;Ba12 st yolym ;S03 uot;lstnbos uB ;d (lll 10 :apo3 anuanag tsuta ;ut ay ;jo (Z) (l) pus (p)E14 not ;oas ur papinoid ss ire '.IaJSuBl; 10 aiBS ay; !o a;sp ay; uo 2u1pua pollad aBaA aairp ay; jo 11Bd Are Suunp aouaplsai lsdpuud B u! ;sa.ta ;ul drysJaumo ;aasaid s psy ssq oyM 10 fapo3 anuana21 isu.ra;ut ay; jo (Z) (I) pus (o)£i not ;oas ut paptnoid SB uB 'iajsus.r; .to alas ay; 1auB arid; algBuosua1 B try;tm ;uaprsa.z IBdtouud s se Apado.td ay; Adn x o o; papadxa aq Algeuossaa ;ouuso oyM H3QI2I 'DNIDNVNI3 J4IA1aX3 XVI, wnaN0aad aDVD,L21O1A1 lt (D q :aaJajsuB.r; .ray ;o ao lastyo.1nd B o; .zamo.t.tog Aq (msi jo uol ;Biado ao ;uaosap `astnap Aq tutu .tay ;o) pa1Jalsus.t; aslmaay ;o 10 pins ApadoJd ay; !o ;iud !o lid (B :ll ;uawni ;sul A;lJnoas sty; Aq pampas stuns I1B to !In! ul ;uauaed a;Bipauzutl a.t►nba.r Asut 'aaptg 2upusuld ;duzax3 xej, sly; !o suolstnoJd ay; y ;lm .ramollog ay; Aq aouBlidutoo 2uunsss so! A;lirglsuodsaj autnsss 'luawn.t;sul a;B1Bdas Aq 'ABUZ sB sualssB 10 siossaoons sal !o yans 10 'aapua-1 :smoiio! SB aaae pus ;usuanoo Jagpn! .tapuaZ pus JamoJJog ';uauzn.r;sul A;unoas ay; ul apBUZ s;uatua U B pus s;UBUanoo ay; o; uol;tpps tit •payos; ;B sI ;l yotym o; &a;.zoyQ ay; !o slum ay; puauzs of pauzaap aq treys pus o ;ul pa ;saod1ooul sl .tamR1 2upusulg ;dtuaxg -xe,L sly,t, •a2e2woyi ay; 'gum pal ooat puB 'o ;ul pa ;s.rod.rooul aq iisgs uznpuapps atu, •32011otni ay; o; utnpuappd us sl .2utmolloj ay L