HomeMy WebLinkAbout866101TIg Pug `aoQ 0ugr pug aoQ uLlor put ugiin f alooN oopugIg pug `uBTJn f 31.101,A1 LuB!II!j JO sTIaH unnou Aun pug `uglini ligN =Him `slugpuojaU aLI� pue .1oi'g1 CoA '1 qauiong 112noiq pug Xq 2ui.Igaddg si utgid am `.paig 0iojaq uiaiati sJmureld alp Jo vureidulo3 acli uodn Xinf �noLl�tnn Suits uov11noJZ 'Q ugor a$pnr aiggaouoti mo3 SIT aiojaq `aigp siq J03 i1Jgin2aJ pug Alnp uo 011100 2uingq `2I�Z,LvIAi spa �'I LLL laIRO 3O aanDaQ 6 T z HOW lid It ?IOO •s1j.ugpuoJou `aoQ aunt pug aoQ ugot. sluuWIuID JNIWCXM '831.131410,13M untiouxun pug `Joup g `uuunt. aloa!N H i'r,:)`;:?*; Nm N V J r aapunag 'mini' *I.iny1I WIIIIIM JO tag uMoulun `uniln f )I.Iny6I mum A 119 •sn G3AI3338 S8 4.)I -0 N IIA 3 `SJ31luluId uosiapunf aux plot. pug uup[nt. 3Jagog IaugapI'i OAIIWOAAA ,LO 1ZVZS `I'IZODAII1 JO AINIIIOD 3IIS.11O3 QNI( Nl ,L�I?I,LSIQ ri�'I�IQIlt. Q2IIHJ. 3IIZ 3O U11O31JDLLSIQ 3111 Ml SZS£ (L0£) :xi j £ZZE (L0£) :auoLld ti t£8 Ouiuloi(m OTIln 0) I 0 3 60£ X0g •0 d sJJtluIgid .JOJ AauioUH .101/C '0 Jong? unknown Claimants and all unknown Heirs or Assignees of the hereinbefore named Defendants, not being present; and the Court having heard the testimony and having examined the records of the case and the proofs offered, FINDS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Defendants, William Mark Julian, and Unknown Heirs of William Mark Julian and Brandee Nicole Julian and John Doe and Jane Doe, and all unknown Claimants, and all unknown Heirs or Assignees of the hereinbefore named Defendants, were served with the Complaint filed herein by publication or by personal service. 2. That all the Defendants, hereinbefore named, in this Decree in paragraph number one thereof, have failed to answer or plead as required by the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure. 3. That the Default of the Defendants, hereinbefore named, in this Decree in paragraph number one thereof, has been entered by the Clerk of The above entitled Court, as required by the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure. 4. That the time within which all the Defendants, hereinbefore named in this Decree in paragraph number one thereof, were required to appear and plead herein has expired; and that they have not appeared herein, and that no answer, demurrer, motion or other pleading has been served or 2 �zz •pzooaJ Jo siuuuanoo pui' suotioiaisaa Iie pup uotsin put piooai Jo Si M Jo -lq$p pup sluauzast'a pup sig2iz pui Iio put `sig1auiui Jo suoiienJasaa pafgns •u!oJogi luauzdmba pug saourtiddi `s2uigstuanj irP pup olamp Sutureizaddg saouvuai.inddd up pup uoaiagi sButpitnq alp 2uipnioui osiy •papiooai pup pamId `paXCanJns sp `2uiuioiCm jo awls aqi ui `Aluno3 uioout7 `Joiouzuzax Jo uMO1, agi Jo aiTsuMOl !Pui2iio agi jo j) uaaiggy paiaquznN Nooig aqi ui (SI) uaaing paiaqumM loni agl Jo aio4M aqJ :ATM Oi `SMOIIOJ s� pagi.zosap pug `2uiuzoim jo oms uiooui7 Jo kluno3 agl ut paiunits purl Jo pond utulaao iegl Jo uoissassod inmonad pup lamb alp of pailtiva st pug aiduzis aaJ ui Sumo uuiinr Magog IapgouN aqi Ivq,L °I :SMO'I'IOJ SY aaaliaaa awv aaOaimiv moan() Mg'2ILH SI II `SIMUTId' °J iauaolAT `x°1' I O AOM'IJO 11OT2OJAI u0 `aiO3LgHL mON `palumil aq pinogs .JoJ pa)isu jatiaz agi mil pup anal aiE lu!Eiduzo3 am Jo suoiiaai1E aqi iegi paidsms Bap(' imoD aql Igq,L S •sioaijal uialaq aig 1.moD aqi SE luauza2pnr sigi OI paluasuoo sEq aqs pup Jouiuz E JoSuol ou Mou st `uEiinr aiooTN aapuBJg l'4I *g •pa ialua ii t-t2ai pup'Inp uaaq siuBpuoja( pigs Jo lingjap aqi 1pgl pup `utalaq paig 222 2. That the Plaintiff Joni Kae Gunderson a/k/a Joni Kae Julian owns in fee simple and is entitled to the quiet and peaceful possession of that certain parcel of land situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and described as follows, to wit: The Lot Numbered Twelve (12) in Block Numbered Three (3) of the original townsite of the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, in the State of Wyoming, as the same appears of record on the maps and plats on file and of record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds in and for said County and State. Also including the buildings thereon and all appurtenances appertaining thereto and all furnishings, appliances and equipment therein. Subject to all reservations of minerals, and oil and gas rights and easements and right -of -ways of record and vision and all restrictions and covenants of record. 3. That the Plaintiffs title to the property hereinbefore described, is hereby forever quieted against any and all claims or demands of the Defendants, William Mark Julian and Unknown Heirs of William Mark Julian and Brandee Nicole Julian and John Doe and Jane Doe, and all unknown Claimants, and all unknown Heirs or Assignees, of said Defendants. 4. That the Defendants, William Mark Julian and Unknown Heirs of William Mark Julian and Brandee Nicole Julian and John Doe and Jane 4 0 p fg 'kg oP 'N: 10 O r ItILMO3 T.:•ssoApi. p u!tpitq:pno:•• ...qsy3 leppnr P. al4110 S. 4 q 0 d 'a iliouPgA "f 1 11 100N11 AO AiNi109 ONIVIOAM JO ILVIS aDallf IIMOD ID ism moumnoui Of '000Z `AVIAI JO Ava SfflI i1l903 mad() MI IKOL jooioill Ind AIM JO X110d0Jd pies of JO I.S0J01111 JO ILTIBIO XUE 21.111nSSU luau poupiisai pu paulofuo Xiluaumund sl map iopun 2upurep uosiad /cur put `sItrepuojaa autuu oiojaqupiati all Jo `S00115ISSV JO SJpH UMOUTill III PIM `S3IPW1MID umoulun IT pur `aola