HomeMy WebLinkAbout866103u! slueual se lou inq slueuai lu!of se 'alp pue pueqsnq 'spego} •0 auluuear pue spagou
•0 aokig 04 'saoluea6 `amm pue pueqsnq 'uolleM 1Oa pue uollBM Aer Aq palnoexa
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paweu spagoj •0 ao&ig se uosaad awes aql s! 'g4eaa 4o aleoj!pa0 to Adoo pagoepe 9 141
u! pauo!luaw luapeoap ayl 'spagoa °0 aoke BNB spagoJ mie10 eoiSig 18141 'Z
•seoueagwnoua pue sue!' 6ulis!xe uegl Aue of loafgns '6u!o6aao} 0141 u!
pequosap spuel ail u! spago °0 mks to isaaalu! Aue to JOUMO ail JO spuel ay; 4o JOUMO
0144 luapaoap pauo!luawaao4e 014140 yleap 914440 9lep ail '6661. 'o£ aagwanoN uo aweoaq
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(°paooei JO 10!s 40 Aeon- Jo- sly6!a pue sluawasee 6u!4s!xa of loafgng)
°ssal JO aaow 'same 01, 40 6u4s!suoo
'6u!w0AM '°W•d 14149 `M6661:1 `N9£1 '96 uo!4 4 t'/63StW /63S1P/63S
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peweu slaagou •0 aoIag se uosaad ewes 044 s! '141eaa 4o aleo 4!pa0 40 Adoo payoelle 0 141
u! pauolluew luepeoep 044 'spagou •0 eaug eNe spagou Nael0 aoi(ag 1 6
:sAes pue sesodep yleo
Jag uodn pue '81,1,88 6u!woAAA 'eul3 '68 '/M1-1 'N LLi 906 to 'spagoJ •0 auluuear
1 :6 1n 9 Z AN OO C01999
O' €61.C.):3 226
common with full rights of survivorship, grantees, recorded January 12, 1970, as
Instrument No. 420261 in Book 89 of PR, page 110, of the Official Records of Lincoln
County, Wyoming, covering the following described real property located in Lincoln County,
Wyoming, to -wit:
N1/2NW1/4 of Section 23, T35N, R119W of the 6 P.M., Wyoming,
together with all of the improvements and water rights, excepting therefrom
however any property heretofore conveyed to the Wyoming Highway
Department or lands taken by the State of Wyoming for use as U.S.
Highway 89.
That the undersigned affiant is the same identical person as Jeannine C.
Roberts, named as one of the grantees in the above described Warranty Deed, that she
and Bryce C. Roberts were husband and wife at the time of the execution and recording of
the Warranty Deed described above, and that as the surviving cotenant and spouse of
Bryce C. Roberts, named in said conveyance, the undersigned, Jeannine C. Roberts,
became on November 30, 1999, the date of the death of the aforementioned decedent, the
owner of the lands or the owner of any interest of Bryce C. Roberts in the lands described
in the foregoing, subject to any then existing liens and encumbrances.
3. That Bryce Clark Roberts aka Bryce C. Roberts, the decedent mentioned in
the attached copy of Certificate of Death, is the same person as Bryce C. Roberts named
as one of the grantees in that certain Warranty Deed dated the 16th day of September,
1974, executed by Cyril Roberts and Lois C. Roberts., husband and wife, grantors, to
Bryce C. Roberts and Jeannine C. Roberts, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as
tenants in common with full rights of survivorship, grantees, recorded August 10, 1988, as
Instrument No. 691451 in Book 264 of PR, page 324, of the Official Records of Lincoln
County, Wyoming, covering the following described real property located in Lincoln County,
Wyoming, to -wif:
The S1/2SW1/4 of Section 10, T35N, R119W of the 6 P.M., Wyoming.
TOGETHER WITH an Easement dated July 16, 1988, and recorded in the
office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on August 10, 1988, in
Book 264 PR, page 323: described as the South 26 feet of the
SW1 /4SE1/4 of Section 10, T35N, R119W of the 6 P.M, Wyoming.
'000Z 'Ae1j1 }0 Aep puZZ 941 a31t/a
°seoueagwnoue pue sue!! 6u!ls!xe uay; Aue o; pefgns `6u!o6aao} eq; u!
paq!aosap spuel ay; u! spegoa °a aotig }o ;swap Aue }o .19UM0 ay; ao spuel ay; }0 .9UMO
ay; ;uapaoap pauolluewaao }e ay; }o yleep ay; }o amp ay; `6661. '0£ aagwanoN uo aweoaq
'spegou •a au!uueer 'pau6!saapun ay; 'eoueAanuoo p!es u! paweu 'spagold °a aotig
}o asnods pue ;ueua;oo 6u!nlnans ay; se leg; pue 'enoqe paq!aosap peaa AlueaaeM eq;
}o 6u!paooei pue uo! ;noaxa eq; }o aw!; agile eon pue pueqsnq aaann spegoj °a aotig pue
eqs ley; `paaa A;ueaaeM pequosep -anoge 9q; u! saa ;uea6 ay; }o auo se paweu 'spegou
a auluueer se uosied leo!luep! ewes ay; s! ;ue!i.e peu6lsiepun ay; ;eyl
•>pela euuyaa pue uor
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Aq s;ueuel se eon pue pueqsnq 'Aai}!oM •d e!o pue Aal }IoM u!MJea •y pue 'swipe ay;
Aq slueue; se alp pue pueqsnq 'spegoll •a au!uueer pue spagold •a aoAag of 'sao ;uea6
'se!laa!;ue ey; Aq -s ;ueua; se a }!nn pue pueqsnq 5pel0 euuyea pue vela uor Aq pa ;noaxa
'8861. ;sn6ny }o Aep puZ ay; palep paaa A;ueaaeM u!elaao ley; u! see uea6 ay; }o auo se
peweu spegoj •a aokg se uosied awes eq; s! `yleaa }o a;eo!}!paa }o Adoo pa ay;
u! pauo!;uaw luepeoep ay; `spegoj a aoAag eNe spegoa vela aotig 1e41 i7
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paquosep spuel ay; u! spegoj a aoAag }o ;swa;u! Aue }o a9UMO 9q; ao spuel ay; }o aauMO
ay; ;uapaoap pauo!;uawaao }e ay; }o yleep ay; }o amp a44 '666 6 `0£ aagwanoN uo aweoaq
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}o asnods pue ;ueueloo 6u!n!nans ay; se ley; pue 'anoge peq!aosep peaa A;ueaaeW ay;
}0 6u!paooaa pue not ;noaxa ay; }o aw!; in le eon pue pueqsnq 919M spogo •a aoAag pue
ays ley; 'paaa A;ueaaeM paquosep -anoge ay; u! saa ;uea6 ay; }o auo se paweu `spegoa
•a eu!uueer se uosied leo!luap! awes eq; s! ;ue!}}e peu6lsiepun ay; mkt
1. Z
Subscribed and sworn to by Jeannine C. Roberts, before me this,5f`j day of May,
Witness my hand and official seal.
Maw Pubfo ...State of Wyoming
LJnooIn County, Wyoming
Commlsslon Expires May 2, 2009
My commission expires: 5: "d'cz Ce3
Jeannine C. Roberts
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