HomeMy WebLinkAbout866140.Joiutu3 gitm pout of satuudutoo uoilonilsuoo pantonut !1u put litre jo z02uuutu I3oroJd alp asnuo TIMIS aaiut.uJ `aouatutuoo putts item jo ig5u auttadtd plus uo uotiuioisa t 1kut aaopg I OOZ `S I go.rj, Xg palatdutoo aq !lugs toaiuoo paamidaoxa titan azattnnasta pattnlap se uotittoisa21 •uotiotuisuoo jo uotlatdutoo uodn ttaittpaunut ssaaa pue ssa tut jo taJt alp put /cum Jo itt2u atp uo uotitaoisai utSaq !tugs aaiueJD lugs •Joine.uj gitm paw of satuudutoo uotiontisuoo pantonut tit pue Xuu jo aaattretu 1o31o.1d atp asneo !legs aaiueu3 `aouau i.uoo !tugs auttadtdptus uo uotiotuisuoo /due atojag 'OOOZ `I Aueruga3 xq auttadtd agl jo uotionalsuoo tetitut agl pm paiatduzoo aq !tugs put 6661 `I zagoioO a.tojaq hem jo ig5u agi utgitm auttadtd alp uo uotionlisuoo .toj sastutaad alp iaita iou pegs aaiue.uj vjj •iium jo iggta agi su utaaag of pauaja.z st sasttua td a sogl ssoJot Atm.o lg$u agl put sastutatd alp su uta.taq of panal.ai st pure! lions :motaq paquosap XpeJaua5 se 2utuuoXm jo awls `kiunoa utoourt ut pout paquosap- 2utmo!!o3 alp uo paionuisuoo auttadtd alp jo autpaivao alp jo opts Isom anti uo laaj S t pure apes Iseg agl uo laaj S &utaq qllpTM ut iaal OS pees tptm ttiptm tit iaal OS paaoxa of loo /ctm jo ig2tt u uo putt puts agi tOnoagi pue `Jano `u! `uo `ao1uu10 iCq panotddd pue aaitieJo paioaps aq of alno.t t uo pure uotltoot t it `2uto2aJoj alp jo /Cue jo saznlxtut Jo `sasu5 put `sionpo td uunatoaiad `ss2 `tto jo uotiui iodsuu.0 alp aoj Jalauretp ui sagout (8) i i5ta auttadtd t 2uutuda t put `Sututuluttuu `5utloadsut `2utltaado `2utlon tisuoo `2utkut `ainoa t 2ut/ianans jo sasodmd alp aoj Atm jo NNau u `suRtsse put saossaoons sit `aalut uj of &ianuoo put `spas `siuua2 kgaraq ioluti `pa5patmourt SgaJaq st gotgmlo idtaoal agi `NOIJY 1HG1SN00 H IHVLYIVA QNV GOOD 1aHIO QNV S2IV I IOU NHIJ •aaluuJD st oipauajaJJalltutataq S£6Z8 AM `a `09Z xog `Z alno)Juis le ssautsnq dutop `gain jo alms alp Jo mot alp aapun paztu e2Jo uotittodtoo t `ANVO t00 aNPladId VORIH\IV MIN put `aoluu u[) st of pa.uala.z Jalleutatag 17Z I £8 AML `IudO `aueq uosre' 8617 JO TM `ISf12Il NOS'aV'I 'N HNfIHHLV0 0133j0 aaisn.ti `uosreg •y ptou -V pue dtgstaui.red palling t `HaNV 1 Q2IOd 11E1H NOSUIV I uaamlag `6661 N.a -dam/` Jo SuPffiai stgi apeuu luau IooJ2y 1'd V C3A1333 d L 3o t 0 MOLL V?IOJSDI NOLLL I1 ?ILLSNOO ¶314:18 DNI)I21OA1 2If10d NOI LJES 0v i1 MOLL VXOLS2T?I JO PV?12 L aa�I.L NOI.LOHS NOLLDI1?LLSNOO CIO P1[?IL,L OMI NOI.LDHS EE uotioaS 8Z uotioaS LZ uotioaS `Isom 17I I o uu' `g11oN IZ dugsumoI ut t uotioaS IAJI d ,119 `Is3A1 S11 a5ue2I OZ A VAI JO JHOI?I HNO NOIIDHS 1DV x€ N JO AINflO •ss( ONIYAIOAi 30 HIVIS luauias pun gm Jo 1q2rti dtgsumoi uI o tuns alp jo uopeJaptsuoa ut uos.re uatuasg During construction, cleanup, and restoration operations, Grantee shall have the right to extend the boundaries of the pipeline construction right of way for a total of 75 feet in width being 60 feet on the East side and 15 feet on the West side of the centerline of the pipeline except in the locations designated on Attachment 1 as stations 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 where such construction, cleanup, and restoration operations, Grantee shall have the right to extend the boundaries of the pipeline construction right of way or work area for a total of 100 feet in width being 80 feet on the East side and 20 feet on the West side of the centerline of the pipeline. However, after the completion of the construction and restoration as provided in Sections Two and Three above, Grantee shall have no further right to such construction right of way or temporary working space, and Grantee's rights shall be limited solely to a permanent right of way 50 feet in width, and the pipeline constructed pursuant to this instrument as well as all operations, inspection, maintenance, and repair of said pipeline shall be confined to such right of way. Grantee shall not have the use of existing roads within the premises of Grantor for ingress or egress at any time unless otherwise provided herein. All activities of Grantee on the premises, including but not limited to ingress and egress, shall be limited to the pipeline right of way. Should Grantee or any of its agents or assigns or any contractor, need access by any road or other route across Grantor's property for construction, Grantee or any of its agents or assigns or the construction contractor shall pay Grantor not less than the payment per rod for the right of way and easement made for this easement, provided however, should such request be more than five (5) years after the date this agreement is signed, such amount shall be adjusted up for any increase in the cost of living during that time. Only if such access is by an existing road across Grantor's property, in exchange for such payment, Grantor agrees to execute a road use agreement that will allow Grantee to use said road on an occasional basis for regular maintenance and emergency repairs of the pipeline for so long as said pipeline is in operation. Grantor may at any time permanently abandon said right -of -way. Upon such abandonment, Grantee shall execute and record a reconveyance and release hereof, whereupon this right -of -way and easement and all rights and privileges herein mutually granted shall be fully canceled and terminated. On the termination of the rights granted herein, whether as set forth under this section or otherwise, Grantee shall execute and deliver to Grantor, within fifteen (15) days after service of a written demand therefor, a good and sufficient quitclaim deed to all rights hereby granted. Should Grantee fail or refuse to deliver such deed to Grantor, awritten notice by Grantor reciting the failure or refusal of Grantee to execute and deliver such deed, and terminating this grant, shall, after thirty (30) days from the date of recording of such notice, be conclusive evidence against Grantee and all persons claiming under Grantee of the termination of this grant. Within one (1) year of the date on which Grantor executes this right of way, Grantee shall record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, a certified plat that is completed by a registered Wyoming land surveyor. A copy of that plat which shall detail the exact location of the pipeline as built and its location within the easement shall be provided to Grantor within the same time. Failure to timely complete all the terms of this section shall result in the termination of all rights and privileges granted herein. Easement/Larson SECTION FIVE INGRESS AND EGRESS DURING CONSTRUCTION SECTION SIX TERM OF RIGHT OF WAY AND RECONVEYANCE SECTION SEVEN CERTIFIED PLAT SECTION EIGHT ARCHEOLOGICAL REPORT AND ARTIFACTS Page 2 of 7 330 L 3 0 E a211 ,V0VIWIS YETI 01 ZHDI?I S. 2IO,LNV?ID Naa L2iIH.L NOIZOaS 1.1os1e uivauzaszg °lugsuoo uallum loud s Inotilim Siem Jo 2132u plus uiglIm Jo Suoiu `lino `uo uotlonilsgo 10 `aanponu1s `apt12 aoujans ui a2u tlo `uolluntoxa `JtonJasa.t Niue pafontlsuoo aq of pituaad 10 lonalsuoo lou lids 1o4u1110 •utalag paluua s311511 aq jo aapuul0 iiq astoJaxa alp gfim aaa3.calut Xigquoseaaun Sum se asn Bons ao3 idaoxa spew 2utpnToul uoaaaip asn aJgtuoseal lallo Niue pue uotltii do gutgoueJ slg 1o3 Diem jo 3112!.1 autiadtd ai1jo salatpunoq alp pue sasiuzatd agp Sofua pue asn Siinj o1 ig211 a13l aneq Tieis put sanlasal lalp.n31oiut10 m jo 2q a ions Sutssoao saoua3 Piinq 02 11010 ail pug `Sem Jo 2441 autladtd ail jo sauepunoq all jo Ind Sue jo alotm aqf aoua3 of lggu ail sanuasallofutl0 •adtd pies anouual of Wl1 OU 211tn11l aatJd ut adtd Tit aneai Hugs aaluuuj `ulalalp paotid autiadtd gip jo luauuuopueg11 0131 uodn JO /CUM 30 lg &u sigf jo uotleuluuap 013f uodn rCtlua jo poilatu all pue S.tlua ions jo zoluu.i 2utiC311ou a0310T a `papsanbaa ldiaoaa utniaa Treuu pa Jipaao Act `an000 03 st sasltuaad ail jo /Ulu0 oiojaq sStp (oz) Swamp !imp ssai you pugs hugs aa4ut10 `aouunpe ut STTeuosaad 1oluua0 fouluoo oI aigtun si aalut1031 `sasituuald ail aalua of sasue paau 10410ue 10 aouuualureuu 2utlnpaios uaum •aigtssod se uoos se 61fua Ions jo Jo3ut10 Sjifou Ilegs aaluua0 gulp golim i11 C3U0 Jatua Ire jo ase0 111 idaoxa ssedsaal t pauuaap aq Hells `pialgpim iCigeuosuaa aq lou hugs I1141 uoisstuuad anta0al pure uotl11oi31fou Ions alum 03 aalu1110 30 ainjlu3 •uollonlpsuoo aapju pat st se aouuualutuuu ions aaije aoujins 043 ut saiudaa TTe oval Mails put autiadtd all Sututulureuu 10 2utiiollud uaim aa1u1110 pasn110 °Suuutp ao113ans alnln3 Cue ao3 1oiu1110 altsuaduzoo Hells aalut.19 °aoluua0 Sgpasn se aoujans ail jo a2tuutp alnin3 Niue aztuuuttu of aoutualuttuu put coaled jo pogpauu ail ssnosip Hells °alum° put Sem Jo 11211 alp uitilim autiadtd alp ut11pul11uu ao Toiled 03 paau alp jo aolue10 ii311ou hugs aafu11a0 •autiadtd alp 2utultluleuu JO gUIUOaltd ua13m Sump II$?a 10 sasttuald ai12uualua op 1ouud uoslad ut 101111110 X31lou Bugs aafu1110 •Sem jo 1q21.1 ail ut13plm autladtd iii 1o3 uotl0apold otpollio 042 idaoxa LlIapt latilo &I1110 saaq j 0tpdo tau!' auogdalap `sautiadId aaS1el JO T11uolltpp11 Cue Ilepsut ao azts all 02u11go of itpU alp anal fou HMIs =MID °ii11m jo 1IMt1 autladtd 041 Vellum 1020 Lretp ut salout (8)1g2ta uugl 1aaaej fou st Imp autiadtd (I) auo XTuo amid 02 21211 alp 0A1113 Tlegs aapa1119 Is �dld d0 7VAOLIL7?I ON aA'EII L NOLLaaS 3OHVN.,LNIVIII ?10 dN177dkd d0 702LLVd NaAa'Ia NOI.LaaS S.7NI7 dN0Hd.777,L 2I0 SdNI7Hdld 7VNOLLIGUV ON Na.L NOILOHS °s0ou03 gi11auaq sass= 310104m smoptauu Iieg 111 pa)lattu aq Sew uotf11003 autladtd all Idaoxa S11q jo uotlonpold alp 103 pasn 110111 nitre ut sJO)J111 u 110t1u003 auiladid Oou1d o1 pamolle aq lou hugs 003uu19 Imp paptnold `s1a)ireuu uoif11ool autiadtd Iltlsul 03 pamoll11 aq hugs aa3u1110 Idaoxa `3oa1a11 1111d Niue 10 aio13m ail 00ua3 013 `iiem 3o 11S11 autiadtd gip 3o pied Niue uo uotl1Tl11lsut aotjins Niue 021001 0133q u ou anti hugs aalu1110 •sastutaad alpg2no1gf sassed autiadtd 111131010gm autiadtd Cue uo p0011id aq lids sani11n 10 sdlap ou 211t3I saa1a11 aapu1110 SNOLL V77VJ SNI goVn211151 QNV 83A TWA SdRIG aNIN NOLLOaS •1opu1113 03 spo1Jiple ions 3o uotp11003 gip Sjt1uapl Hulls pslgoioaloly •uo1p11003 uo gal alt sp0t31p3u 0131 ssapin Spladoad s,1opu1119 Mutual pu111ofu1119 paptnold aq Hugs 2si2oloalol110l2 Sq pap11003 sp0enip1t IF puu 1ofuu19 papinoad aq Hells paodaa rip jo Adoo y Mahal Ions 3o plodaa 11 altaaua put spoeJp.re 3110iS030040111 103 /C11m JO 1I0111 pasodoid 043 JO 11 alp malnal 1stffoi00io111 U11 0A1113 imp 002u1119 cio f:: Grantee shall bury the top of the pipe in the pipeline a minimum depth of four (4) feet below the lowest point of the original ground on the two sides of the ditch in which the pipeline is laid as it is agreed that Grantor is intending to and shall be allowed to use the surface area of the right of way for continuation of his ranching operations and any other reasonable use thereon. Grantor shall bury the top of the pipe in pipeline a minimum depth of five (5) feet below grade of the lowest point of any ditch or irrigation canal that the pipeline crosses. Such depth shall be maintained for at least ten (10) feet on each side of the ditch or irrigation canal bank. The pipeline shall be angled down to and up from that depth at a rate not greater than one (1) foot for every three (3) feet of distance. Grantor shall bury the top of the pipe in pipeline a minimum depth of five (5) feet below grade of the lowest point of any river or creek that the pipeline crosses. Such depth shall be maintained for at least fifteen (15) feet on each side of the river or creek bank. The pipeline shall be angled down to and up from that depth at a rate not greater than one (1) foot for every three (3) feet of distance. Grantee agrees to remove topsoil from the right of way separately from other material removed by Grantee in the construction of its pipeline, to store that topsoil separately from other material and to replace such topsoil in the right of way in completion of construction of such pipeline. Grantee further agrees that the right of way shall be left free of any large or medium stones, holes, or piles of dirt which would interfere with farming or ranching operations thereon. Grantee further agrees to reseed with an adequate rate of seed application, the entire disrupted construction area including the right of way and the area used for ingress and egress outside the right of way for the pipeline should that be necessary. The first year, Grantee shall reseed the areas with oats and fertilize Then after October 1, 2000, Grantee shall again level the area that has been disrupted and previously planted with oats and reseed it with hay seed or seed of plant that is like that in the disrupted area and fertilize. Additionally, Grantee shall install any waterbars and/or other water control structures around the banks where the right of way crosses any river, creek, ditch or irrigation canal to eliminate or reduce erosion. If applicable, Grantee shall also apply straw, burlap or a mulch to eliminate or reduce erosion and foster regrowth of vegetation to disturbed areas. Grantee shall be responsible for eradication or controlling the growth of weeds in the pipeline easement and disturbed surface for the term of the easement. All areas, that are disturbed for access to the pipeline shall be restored as provided immediately above. Such restoration, as is applicable, shall specifically include but not be limited to Grantee bringing in topsoil to level any ground that has been compacted or displaced resulting in uneven ground prior to any seeding and fertilizing The eradication or control of the growth of weeds as set forth above shall also be applicable in said areas. Easement/Larson SECTION FOURTEEN GENERAL DEPTH OF BURIAL OF PIPELINE SECTION FIFTEEN DEPTH OF BURIAL OF PIPELINE UNDER DITCHES SECTION SIXTEEN DEPTH OF BURIAL OF PIPELINE UNDER RIVERS SECTION SEVENTEEN RESTORATION OF SURFACE SECTION EIGHTEEN REPAIR OF DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Page 4 of 7 332 f'E L 3O S g$gd ¶7JIJ LLNII?IVA1 2IIlOd AJNEIMI NOLLOaS 210INVXO .!0 NOLLVDMINATUNI aa2IH1 AZNa11c1L NOLLOaS SJN7141.711O2IdRil SdO?IO OL S,7ovnva ?IOd LLI7IUVI7 0141E ALNa141.L NOIZOaS AZI7ISVI7 aNO AINa14U NOI.LOaS NOI,LOl1 ILSNOO JNI?Il1 I QNV7 OL SSY33V AiNaA1.L NOI.LaaS SYDNag JO Y,)NVNY.LNIVPY QNV NOLLDZLOXd Naa,LNNIN NOLLOaS uos ts, /1ua 1130 zaq pgwei2 if11m 3o alp luU1 of Altagdgo pug `aliii `Ij a aril s11g pug sastuiOld 041 JO Iaumo gip Si au 12q2 s111e110n00 I011111I9 sag/Coiduta JO s11102e stq `IOlu11.uJ 013130 lonpuoostut inJliim Io aaugSliSgu 0131 wag linsOl JO JO I110 °su11 lou saop £infut I0 aff11urnp `ssoi pies i11 13i `I0n0m013 `papinoad ¶outiadid oink) aouruaiutgut pug uotlilado `uotlonUlsuoa 0gt wag llnsal /cm gaigm 1.tnfui 10 aagurep `ssome pug Aug 3sui11S11 pun !nag Iolu11.uJ ssaJTLTe13 Noll pug puajap `Xjtuuzaput ii1113s 0a3u11.uJ •aapunataq autiadid alp 2uiC11i pasni o sasturald 0131 uo sluauzanoidurt Io `saoua3 `sdoio 2utmo1S 01 saa11ur11p gigeuos11oi 01 paiturtl lou inq papilla!!! `uta.taq p01u11I5 s31351.1 jo aalu111O iCq astoaaxa alp jo linsaa 11 sn Iolu11.uJ paiojjns saaguzip Ii11 Io3 1011111.119 /Cud of saal211 aaluI.uJ •k11m jo Ig2u auiiadtd gtli ssolo11 pun .tano autiadtd sltTo uotl11lado .10 `aou11ua1ut11ur `uollonllsuoo gip wog Sutllnsal Xiladoid of a211ur11p JO suoslad of salinfut 1111 Io3 0 3g 11 13 &iin3 aq hugs 002111119 2utuut2aq uotlatuisuoa 03 Ioud ansst sigi 3o sit1110p gip an3OSal pu11 100113 3311gS Iolu1119 pug lug211 1111 JO galu111O `iCu11dumo uotiontisuoa 013130 Iga11u11ut log (bid 0131 `asn lions al11utp1oo0 JO 03111tita11J 01, 30013 alp uo /C11mpo 31123.1 Jo goua ti 0131 SSOJO 04 0 3(3 11 aq'um )iaolsanti Ie13i lions pu113ian.tl iCq Ai11m 30 3g2Ii .1013oua ll alp ssol0 /Call sao&Coidura IO siva& stq .to 1021111.19 111131 o s si I0 uado Ina 2011 Ia131ta Si 1111312utz11l2 103 pasn 2utaq smog an Ono113i auiiad3d alp J0 uot10n11suoa a131 Io3 !pugs! 043 jo uotltod JO 110321100311 an113 of saal& aalu111O `kII11agIo0dS •sasturaid gip uo pauado uaaq stg auiiadtd 013130 uotl0n tlsuo0 aqi Io3 4011012 agl Ig1311 u0na 3o0I0gl suoIl.tod 1311 pug spiai3 stq 3O 1111 ssa0a1102 03g11 sI iolu1119 Imp amss11331113s aalu1119 `iilgutpl000' )30olsanti30 2utz1l2 SSOJO i3im autiadrd 0qi g0igm SSOIa11 spur ail 5utsn 03 paltuzii aq lou 111(3 apniout 3311gs 130tgm suoti11lado 13011111 stg .to3 sastu30ld 043 asn 0i p0321lua 0q Hugs Io1u11.u9 `Iiii11a32io0dS 101311010131 pug uoilonilsuo0 2uunp saurti II11311 s0siutaid alp 3o asn put 5500011 30 113211 013l SOAJOSOJ 1CIi110IJio0ds .3031111.30 ssa0011 lions Io3 past! .to 2113511 st 003111119 311gl aauO3 3o alnsol0ua 1111 3o 011121113 013101 anp Si SSOI lions ua4m s1t11d01 Soug5Iaura JO 00u11110lui11uz `uotl11lolsal `uoti0n.t3suoo .to3 aq li 104la1m `luauzas1a pres 5utss00a11 st aalu111O 111131 au 1(u11 111 101111119 Xq paunout st 211131 5503 )30o3sgAII 3311 pug ku11 IO3.3021111.119 A3iuurgpui pu11 SSaiuu11q pio13 ll11gs a03ue1O •uot30n rlsuoo �uunp }30oisanii 5u!zgi2 .to3 sosturald 0131 asn 03 palittua aq 'lugs zolu11 9 511 STa1111pau1urt 2utssol0 01 Ioud uotlipuoa Itag3 03 saau03 lions 0I03Sa1 pu11 saurti i311111 amsolaua 1adold 11 urelut11uz Ii1113s 002111119 `Ignamoq `.sasiutaid 0131 uo sautladtd 10 autladtd 533 30 11oti0n1351100 0142 ut fu11ssa0au aq Hugs 5utssolo !Tons Ianauggm sastutald alp uo S001103 SSOJO 01 3g2TI 0132 01111131i11gs 001111119 °2u0urn11sui stg2 01 lu11nsmd auti0did JCu113o uotianlisuoa alit Aq pag11urep oq Amu Imp }iu11q /00.10 JO }11111(3 Ianu `g0lip Jiu1102 p03iuril lou 211132uipniaui utgisXis uoi311Siut 10 0R11ut111p Aug jo sired pa211urep ire pug �Cu11 0n12112u0s0Jd01 s3131010Iu11 uJ 3o uot30113si111s 042 03 pimgoi 10 00113d01 03 5001511003111110 1 1.) Sti This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Parties have executed this agreement the day and year first written above. WITNESS my hand and official seal. DEBRA A. HANSEN NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 4.-40-41,0, 1 1 .1i1.41.40-40.40-#41Wilhd. appeared My Commission Expires: SECTION TWENTY FIVE EFFECT OF AGREEMENT 3/24/03 if/hrk 4 f rthe Easement/Larson Page 6 of 7 LARSON HEREFORD RANCH, a limited partnership ARNOLD A. LARSON, General Partner CATHERINE N. LARSON TRUST ttf la7 1 eft ARNOLD A. LARSON, Trustee NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN On this 30th day of September 1999, before me personally appeared Arnol d A. Larson, General Partner and Trustee ofthe CATHERINE N. LARSON TRUST, known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed.. L2 STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF SWEETWATER On this Og day of 1999, before me personally for Mid America Pipeline Company, known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged 334 c■ f c duiwo6M ,f Jaiemfaam5 alms k r fo Alma mend ANION U3NSS3N N'df L Jo L affgd UOS I UOT1t S :saxtdxa uotssiululo3 X A Fos leiO J3o pug pueg Buz SSaM.LIA& •aalump JO paap pine 1.0V 0044 gip su cures aqi paanoaxa ags/aq ley •1uauiaat2e lions aanaaxa Sluogine alisinbaa alp peg aqs /aq leggy