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Nelson and Andrus D. Nelson dated 20 November. 1980. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the NANWZ and SW!NW% of Section 23, T36N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of a tract of land recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 274 P.R. on Page 180, and said property is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a corner on the North line of said NANA, S89 °48.5'E, 626.21 feet from the northwest corner of Section 23 to a 2" galvanized steel pipe with brass cap marked RIS 164', thence continuing S00 12'00 "E, 2332.31 feet to the point of beginning, said Point of Beginning is identical to the Southwest Corner as described in Book 274 P.R., Page 180. Thence from said Point of Beginning N75 33'53 "E, 399.06 feet to a bathy marker inscribed R.L.S. 164, Thence N73 53'01 "E, 325.52 feet to a brass cap marked Nelson Engineering PE LS 578, thence N0O °12'13 "W,• 967.60 feet to the NE corner of RIDGE CREST ESTATES, thence S56 38'35 "W, 835.89 feet to the NW corner of RIDGECREST ESTATES, thence S00 °12'00"E, 697.82 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXHIBIT "A" 360