HomeMy WebLinkAbout866185uoTgpTndTgS atg getg PUP papTATp puE ggao3 qes pup aag3p uTaaay Agaadoad Tpuosaad uMo sT 33TguTWTd pup 'abpTaaew pasnpo eA'q toTgb 9NVITou00911T geyq pup paTaaew aaaM quepua3ap 'uToouTZ go quno0 egg 3o Ap aqq buTpaoaad ATegpTpawwT sApp AgxTs upgg aaow JO; buTWOAM 30 agpgs ayq uT peptsaa set 33TquTpTd ayq geyq spuT3 gano0 eta •pasTwaad aqq uT pasTAP ATTn3 butaq pup aouapTAa egg pup MeT ayq paaapTsuoo buTA q pup uTaaay eTT3 uo saadpd pup buTpeaTd aqq pauTwexe buTAey gano0 ayg pue 'eoaoATp a JO; spunoab pup buTpaoaad sTgq 0 quepTouT saaggew TTe wayg ueatgaq parr; pup pagnoaxa buTApy asneo alp 3o TpTag p oq saTg1ed ayg geyg buTTggas saTgapd guesuoo ayg aao;aq buTapadde quepua3ao ayg buTaeaq JOT' AT1PTnbaa saTgaed ayg uaaMgaq uasTap aney saouaaa33TP 1661 1 80 aunt uo aaggo yoga oq pup 33TquTpTd gegg :buTwoAM 3o uT buTpTsaa awTq yons qv S M pup uo uTaaaq quTpTdwoo aay buTTT3 3o awn. 'AanC p gnoygTM 33T4uTpTd aqq pup '3Tasaay buTquasaadaa 33TquTpTd uo awpo asneo paTgtqua anoge eta 202IOAIa 30 aaa as pies 3o uM0pxeaaq aTgpTpawaaaT ayg a HOW' 2Id r t 100H d I, S,Ntmaaaa 'I'ISs1Cn ?i2IVW NIWOAM 113J3WWB)i 3'f 4..!'\i M JNNv3P d I NnrO0 IJ AINr103 N100N1 O3A13032! Z 'aoaoATp e oq pa1gTgue uoTgeTndTgs atg 1 3T 9 swT 1 1 sTtg PeTT3 agegS V 6 61 aTayg uTaaay buTguaseadea buTAeq ganoo pup '3Tes1ay buTquasaadaa buTaeaddp quepua ;ep ayg 3o quTpIdwoD uo Aep sTgg SA P JaIZNIV'Id q g' aSAH SHN�IL' N'I DPI 30 AZNnOD DNIWO2 M 30 3ZKaS 394 of the parties on file herein is in the circumstances fair and equitable to both parties and is hereby approved and confirmed by the court and herein after incorporated into this decree. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: 1. That the bonds of matrimony here to fore existing between plaintiff and defendant are hereby dissolved and the parties are granted an absolute divorce. 2. That the Plaintiff shall have sole custody of the minor child of the parties, Sean Dee Hysell, born February 16, 1992, subject to the right of the defendant to have visitation with said child every other weekend, alternate holidays and one month out of the summer vacation. 3. That defendant shall pay the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars 350.00) per month for the support of said minor child. Payment of said child support for child shall begin p 4, 1994 and shall continue each and every month thereafter until said child reaches nineteen years of age, marries or unless otherwise ordered by the court. 4. That each party shall at all times keep the other informed of his or her place of residence, and shall promptly notify the other of any change, giving the address or the new place of residence in order to allow effective communication regarding the child of the parties. 5. That plaintiff shall be allowed to claim the minor child an a dependent every other year for income tax purposes, and defendant shall be allowed to claim the minor child every other year also. •pTTgo .zouTw aqq 3o g,toddns pTTgo pup Apogsno egg oq uoTgrTa.1 sanssT TIr pup 'saTgapd aqq 3o pITgo 1ouTw 'seTgipd aqq 18/10 uotgoTpsT.znC spq ginoo sTgq gpq,L aqg JO; aoup.znsuT gqoq uT PT911 3o iipogsno agq ggTpaq Jo quppua3ap agq JeggTe C.36C uTpguTew 'PTTgo zouTw PTps TTpgs quppua3ap gpqs 'O1 •saTgipd aqq. Aq papTATp 1CTsnoTAa.1d sbutgsTu.1n3 pTogasnog (p agpi des pup aTos stq SP anpq TTpgs quppua3ap aqq gpqs Ag.zpd gope gpgg pup paT.1pw 9.19M Aagg aTTlM pa1znouT saTgard '1l •saTgzpd aqq 3o sawpu 'AM 3TTTnpuowpTQ uT paquooT asnoq aqs (o •saTgxpd egg uaatgaq ATTpnba papTATp aq TTTM 'Aup 3T 'gT3o aqq Pup pros aq TTTM pup 'saTg.zpd aqq 30 sawau gqoq uT pTaq pwTxpw uussTN Z661 (q seTgard aqq. 3o sawpu gqoq uT pTaq apTg 1T2T3 p.zoa 2661 (p :buTMoTTo3 egg uoa1agg ssaupaggapuT aqq oq goacgns 'Agiadoid '6 -ao1oATp egg. aag;p mat.( Jo wtq &q pa.LInouT sgqap aqq .103 aTgTsuodsa.z aq TTTM aqq qugq sgqap &up paposTp pup Aud TTpgs quppua3ap aqq gpqs g •PePTATP &TsnoTnald anpq satgapd aqg gpgg PTTgo souTw aqg pup 33TquTWTd 30 sg3a33a pup sbuTbuoTaq Tpuos.zad (q saTglpd aqg i q papTATp ATsnoTnald sbuTgsTu.zn3 pTogasnog (u :buTMOTTo3 aqq Agiadoid pagvirdas pup eTos Jag SP anpq og PemoTTP eq TTpgs 33TquTpTd agq gpqs 'L 'PTTgo .ZOUTw PTPs agq 9T0s 0ntaoa1 og sT uo laggo aqq (ggpap) 33TquTwTd oq uaddpq oq srm buTggAup 31 '9 12. That the parties shall execute and deliver and all instruments which may be necessary to full effectuate the provisions of the decree for divorce. 13. This decree is intended to be and shall be a full, final and complete property settlement between the parties and neither party shall make a property claim against the other except as herein provided and set forth. DONE BY THE COURT this STATE OF WYOMING 1 SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Robert M. McCloud, Clerk of the Third Judicial District Court within a foresaid county and in the State of foresaid, do hereby certify tb oregoing to be a full, true, and complete copy. SIGNED STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN` I, Kenneth D.,Rober#s,,C r c pfthe :Thirci Judicial District CoOtt vii m d fares-.ia county and in the State of for.eiaid, do hereby certify the foregoing ^to a full, true, and co j:lete dopy SIGNED day 1994. 396 DISTRICT JUDGE 04 1 t JG OUe .1,4A1=3d �ij ,7ew soD'eIO. ac ..j I4Jecl A044o qAtdp pup a4eaad63 aAT1 ol fiDe InJ.Arl ;NI ligq 7 77714vAdo5 ulaaaT,i sAuewaaJa pup cid Tivq.uw 4ualllaaa6c spp ,ACj ucllgaapTsuoD 8111 uol3paapT4U7 '1 -uur4.Taa al,eTalew 34 4 ;o quo .EuTrAcJ5 suolqe6liqo pue slqi)T;t aaqqc pue 'aplaaym gc ensT se acq uaapTItp peTedIougwoun aq4 4c apueue4ulew pug 4aoddos ato '61.t Aqaadoad alaq4 go 4uowei4qas ato 6uTpulDuT suoT4papdas aTeto Ti to uoTqz)auuon uT squewabugaag exew pup waTguop O ;ti sap sled 'sum pup q.aede pup Atoqpaedas aATI o; peaabe eAgq pue paqeaed5s eApq salgJed ato Lsaouaaagglp Addequn pue se:Inds go aottanbasuop uT gspaaatim uaoq 'ilasAH aec uees :smoTio; se uaaplItio uaoq enssT uaaq seq aaatp pue 'IIVARN sebeh ;o APE) 1448 eto uo papaem eaam seTqapd •TiasAN xaew pue 'IlasAH qauer uaamqaq 17661 'aaquattoN go Aep ato 110 Irlawam9v'mawarnzas qVIIEVA 'ON aIAID INawaauDv INatiaTuas 0V ariaga8KRI S. IT '66T iienJeLea afyelaaew aTeto go sea le 166T 'aunc fl 'Svatiallm quepuegeci TiesAH Naew SA 34TluTy ITOBAU laUTIT INIWOJI JO SIVWS 'N'IOONI7 JO AINnOD UL 10d4 ON?, NI 4DaIISTO (INTIM, RITZ ao Danoo mitusia aim, NI 6 11 ;tAi 3 9 3 4. Mutual Release. Subject to the provisions of the agreement, each party has released and discharged, and by this agreement does for himself or herself, and his or hers, legal representation, executors, administratior and assigns,releases and discharge the other of and from all caused for action, claims, rights or demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which either of the parties ever had ro now has against the other, except, any or all cause or causes of action for divorce. 5. Child Custody. Notwhthstanding their seperation, the parties shall continue to let Janet have custody, with Mark having Sean every other weekend and alternate holidays. Until otherwise agreed by the parties, the residence of the child shall be with his mother, Janet Hysell. The visitation rights of each party with respect to Sean shall be Bally respected at all times by the other party All queations pertaining to the education, health, summer activities and welfare of Sean, shall be decided by Janet and Mark jointly, and each shall consult with the other as often as it may be necessary regarding all such matters. Neither shall do anything which may estrange their children for the other or hamper the natural development of their love for both parents. In the event of illness, the .first party to learn of such illness will notify the other immediately. Mark will pay the premium to maintain health insurance on all the the children with the same policy as he currently carries for their benefit. Each of the parties shall keep the other informed at all times fo the whereabouts of Sean, and neither party shall take them beyond the boundaries of the United States without the written consent of the other party. 6. Child Support Mark will pay Janet child support for th benefit of Sean in the amount of 20040 per month on the 4th day of each month beginning December 4th, 1994, so long as they are of minority age and actually residing with Janet. This agreement for child support is subject to modification by a court of competent jurisdiction. 7. Marital Estate The parties their mariatal extate consist fo the debts indicated: A House located at 110 Di Diamondville wy tipulate and agree that allowing assests subject to the mondville Ave, B. 1992 Nissan Maxima, Hell in both of the parties names. C. 1992 Ford Flair Side, held in both of the parties names. seagxed egg. uodn ettsnTouoo pue butputq 29n920; aq pue awes eq4 attnxns sgoadsea Tie uT Treys 4nq 'aaxoap Lions uT pabxaw aq you Treys gueweex6e sty; 'uoT4exodxoouT Lions 6uTpuegsyotMgou gnq 'xadoxd weep hew gxnoo tons se xo aoue 9; ex hq 'eaxoap Lions uT pegexodaoouT aq Timis ;oaxayo aoug ;sgns aya xo 'guew -aeabe sT44 3o suoTsTnoxd eLio 'aoxmntp agnrosge 3o aeaoep a buTluex6 ganop ato 3o eoTaoexd xo seTnx aye y4TM guagstsuoo 3I Woddns pue Apo;sno go suoTsTnoxd h ;tpow hew wno3 ay; se 4deoxe '4ueweax5e sTto 3o swaeg ayo Tie Aq punoq aq Treys saT red aye 'pagn414sut sT uotgoe Lions hue wane ayo u/ 4tns Lions hue buTpua ;ep •woa3 xayoo aLio aeq o4 you 'xagoo ay4 3o gonpuoo eangn; xo geed hue uodn paseq uoT ;•otpsTxnC hue uT xayoo aq; 4sutebe adxonzp agniosge xo; 4 a 6uiuteguTew wox; sat ;aed eq go xaq ;te guenaxd o; peweep aq TTegs pauTe ;uoo uTexay 6utg4oN eoxoATQ guenbasgirs OT swTeTo pue s4y6Tx '4saaaguT Lions Tie go guawysTn:utTax pue xaATeM Tengnw stye ;oa ;;.a o;uT hxxeo 04 aTgesTnpe ao hxesseoeu aq hew gotgM sguewnx ;suT Tie pue hue xatvTap pue a6paTmouxoe 'agnoaxa xayoo egg. 3o gsanbea aLig le 'TTTM h wed wee pue 'age we s,aayoo aLio 3o xognoexe ao xogexgstutwpe se ;oe og 4Li611 pue 'aagoo aye 3o TTtM eye. 4suTebe axe4 04 4401 'h0e4sagst uT exel og s4,1461a 'sggbTa peagsawoLi 'eoueMoTTe s,MopTm 'aoue,oTTe Aaogngegs 'hsagano aaMop uoT4e;tw1T 4notoTM 6utpnTout 'dTMSuotgeTax Te4Taew ato. 3o 4Tnsaa e se aaLioo et; 3o agegse egg. 3o Awadoad aye uT axets 04 'uoT4oTpstanc hue 3o sMe- ein ;xng go guasead alp xapun 'eaTnhoe ae4geaaeq xo eAeq Mou hew aqs xo eq s4g6tx Ile pue hue saysTnbuTTe1 pue sanTe1 hgaxaq hued goee pue 'hem hue uT x ;x'adoxd Ieq xo sTq 3o asodsTp hew Awed goea 'peptnoxd asTMxaMoo uTaaaq se gdeoxa 4sage4sH 4suTeEy swTeTo ;o sxantem 6 /wato uoaMgeq pepT "Tp seM Peyl aatI4Tualla a ate a(Ttnpuowetp OTT 4ue pageooT asno} "0 apes 1 T 2 T3 paoa Z66T suoTssassod Teuosxad sTI v s04e4se Te4Taew aqo woa; 6uTMoTro3 ayo enTeoex Treys xxeW xIPW 66E pue ;suer uaaMgaq papTATp seM 4e44 eang'tuxnd `hgeq 9E14 xo; suoTssassoa Q D {ewtxeW uessTN Z66T a suoTssessod Teuosaed xaH •V :9 e4se Te4txew aqo wo23 6 uppoTTo; eqo antaoax Treys Bauer a; ale4sH re4TaeW gp uotsTATa 8 swe4T pioyasnoy utegxao .p '49S0 OM: A i 400 11 Debts of the Parties Each of the parties agrees tht they shall be seperately and personally responsible for the items of debt incurred by either or each of them since the date of their seperation As recited previously, each transferee of property which is the subject of this agreement shall take the same subject to any debts, encumbrances or liens thereon except as other wise provided herein Each of the parties shall indemnify and hold other harmless from the cost of any obligation, including collection expenses, incurred by the other since the date of the seperation 12 Breach If either of the parties breached any provision of the agreement, the other party shall have the right, at her or his election, to sue for damages for such breach, rescind his ro her agreement and maintain an action for separation, or seek such other remedies or releif as may be available to him or her i3 Additional Instruments Each of the parties shall from time to time at the request of the other, execute, acknowledge and deliver tothe other party and and all future instuumtns that may be reasonable reauired to give full force and effect to the provisions of this agreement 14 Voluntary Execution The provisions Of this agreement and thier legal effect have been fully ecplained to the parties by their respective counsel and each party acknowledges that the agreement is fair and equitable, that it is being entered into voluntarily, and that it is not the result of an duress or undue influence 15 Income Tax Exemption The parties agree that Mark shall have the right to claim Sean as exemptions every other year for purposes of the federal Income Tax and that they w ill execute the mecessary IRS forms for that purpose 16 Entire Agreement This agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and there are no representations, warranties, covenants or undertakings other than those expressly set forth herein 17 Modification and Waiver A modification or waiver of any of the provisions of this agreement shall be effectiove only if made in writing and executed with the same formality as this agreement The failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of anyv of the provisions of theragreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any subse went default of the same or similar nature The fo befog me by 18 Situs This agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming 19 Partial Invalidity If any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid of enenforceable, all other provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect 20 Binding Effect All of the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon parties and their respective heirs, next of kin, executors and administratiors IN WITNESS: WHgREOF, the parties a day 'a n year f i rt above w :F�. /f�:C ±.tt1 SS. t xUi'.l "Y0FL I COLN1' 1, Kenneth D. t oberts of the,Thij1'. judicial District. COM t i ro fatiszit4 county and in the WO of foresail d hereby certify th,of to a h' full,: true, and comp SIGNED STATE OF OM;ING County of Lincoln My commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal My commission expires: have ng Mar'tal ettlement Agr.ment w��cknowledged n.c.� his day o fr i ,,.....rC4... 1994 STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Marita Settlement A ement w s acknowledged before me by e f, i ,J, 4 �2t( -r he day of 1994 executed this NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC 401 agreement