HomeMy WebLinkAbout974258RECORDING REQUESTED BY: JONES WALDO HOLBROOK MCDONOUGH PC SEND TAX NOTICE TO: BRAD BARBER, Trustee 1733 South 1100 East, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, UT 84105 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: JONES WALDO, ATTN: CLV 170 South Main Street, Suite 1500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 RECEIVED 11/21/2013 at 11:44 AM RECEIVING 974258 BOOK: 824 PAGE: 391 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 0391 SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE AFFIDAVIT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Comes now BRAD BARBER the undersigned, being duly sworn, and states as follows: 1. Affiant is the Successor Trustee of the DELSA BARBER FAMILY PROTECTION TRUST, dated February 27, 1997, and all amendments and restatements thereto (hereinafter "the Trust Affiant is presently eligible to act as Successor Trustee due to the death of the Initial Trustee, DELSA T. BARBER (AKA DELSA THURGOOD BARBER). This Affidavit is consistent with the Appointment of Successor Trustee provisions located in the Trust. 2. Affiant knows the said DELSA T. BARBER (AKA DELSA THURGOOD BARBER), Trustee, who is named in that particular Utah Certificate of Death, state file number 2013011515, a certified copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, to be the same person who is named as grantee and as Trustee of the DELSA BARBER FAMILY PROTECTION TRUST, dated February 27, 1997 in that particular Trustee's Deed dated June 27, 2012 and recorded on July 13, 2012 as Receiving number 965538, Book 789, Page 402 in the office of the Lincoln County Recorder, covering the following described property: STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE SS STAR VALLEY RANCH UN 2 LOT 5 3. Affiant hereby requests that the title to the above described property, upon recording of this document, be transferred to BRAD BARBER, Trustee, or his successors in trust, under the DELSA BARBER FAMILY PROTECTION TRUST, dated February 27, 1997. Date: 2013 BRAD BARBER, FIANT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this VW 1 2013, by BRAD BARBER, AFFIANT. BRI A SALcY Notary Public State of Utah Comm No. 607393 h ,t +r_ /V. My Comm. Expires Apr 11;2015 `f' 'iibllr This instrument has been prepared y ones al o of oo o ough PC solely from information provided by the client. There are no express or implied guarantees as to marketability of title, accuracy of the property or property legal description or quantity of land described, as no examination of title property was requested by the client. This:is a reproduction of the facts registered; in; the: Utah State Office of Vital Records and Statistics *0*., i lulu Security features of:this'.official document include Intaglio Border, V >R images in top cycloids, and intaglio microteizt ea Thi do displays.the date seal and s in 70'hi of the Utah Stat#Registrar anti th 'County/ eict i Yo�irh.rx+iN CERTIFICATIO TAL RECORD 177ECEDENT IN.O:RMATION Date'of Death, September 5 City of Death':': :'Syrdnuse laeeof: firth r red Services Spouse's Name I nd ustry7Business,. Residence: other's Name: acility or Address INFORMANT INFORMATION Name: Brad T Barber Relationship: Mailing Address: 763 N Pioneer Fork Rd, Salt Lake City, Utah 84:108 DIS POSITION tNFQ.RMATION. Method of Dtsposition Burial Place of Disposition Syracuse City Cemetery, gate of Disposition: September 12, :2013 FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION Funeral•Home Lindquist Mortua Layton A,tidress: '!'1367 North Fairfield Roeii, LaXton,: Utah 8404:1 Funeral Director: Norris. R`IValder MEQICACERTIFICATION Medi F r G Samuel Wilson MD, 440 Medical Drive, Bountiful, Utah 84010 CAUSE OF Congestive Heart Failure: [Onset :::2 Yearsj'> `7nbacco Use:. Non -user MedtCal Exam:iner.ontaCted No' Autopsy Performed: Date Registered: September 11, 203 1 :Dateitsued: Q.ctober..2, 2013 Syracuse, IJtah: No News a P S? p er Syracuse, Utati Neva Harris 2252 :1 :VIZ J anice L Houston, State Registrar• Office of.Vital Statisti TATEOF UTAH.: RTI FICATE 0F:p :State Fife Number: 20.1301151:5 Delsa'Thurgood Barber inae ofi Death: County of Death: Date of Birth Sex Marital: Status: Usuat Occupation: Education: Father's Name: faculty II M anner of Death: Natural. 21 :30 Davis April 8; 1:926 P.emale.. Widowed Reporter High School or GED` Joseph S Thurgood. Home Is R Gar irector/Heafh c o Cou11# fC3istrict Health:64'i tmant: