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Zions First National Bank
c/o Zions Agricultural Finance
500 Fifth Street
Ames, IA 50010 -6065
Zions Agricultural Finance
500 Fifth Street
Ames, IA 50010 -6065
Loan No. 20001249
THIS ASSIGNMENT entered into this 23rd day of May, 2000, by and between ZIONS
FIRST NATIONAL BANK (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor and U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL
ASSOCIATION, AS CUSTODIAN/TRUSTEE (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee
1. Assignor is the owner and holder of a Note dated May 23, 2000, in the original principal amount of
$1,300,000.00 (the "Note The Note is secured by the following Deed of Trust and Mortgage which
were filed for record concurrently herewith covering real property described in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference:
a. Deed of Trust executed by Putnam Ranch, LLP, a Utah Limited Liability Partnership; Keith
L. Putnam, not personally but as Trustee on behalf of the Keith L. Putnam Inter Vivos
Trust dated the 7th day of June 1994; and Erma N. Putnam, not personally but as Trustee
on behalf of the Erma N. Putnam Inter Vivos Trust dated the 7 day of June 1994, to
Assignor and duly filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Rich County, Utah; and
b. Mortgage executed by Putnam Ranch, LLP, a Utah Limited Liability Partnership; Keith L.
Putnam, not personally but as Trustee on behalf of the Keith L. Putnam Inter Vivos Trust
dated the 7 day of June 1994; and Erma N. Putnam, not personally but as Trustee on
behalf of the Erma N. Putnam Inter Vivos Trust dated the 7 day of June 1994, to Assignor
and duly filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
2. Assignor has the lawful right to endorse the Note and assign the Mortgage /Deed of Trust to Assignee.
3. Assignee desires to purchase the Note and have assigned to it all security instruments held by
Assignor securing repayment of the Note including, but not limited to the Mortgage/Deed of Trust.
ZOOZ `8Z kanntgad saatdxa uotssturtuoo
J Jo alums aq pun ut otignd X.rnloN
I 2002 '9Z /deluged
•iMOJ `soluy In `ptnsaiojn 1naiC pun ,Cup am was Jntotjo pun aanlnu$ls XuI SSUN.LIM
•uotlnaodaoo pans jo poop pun log ICanlunion
aql oq of luauttuisut lotus jo uotlnoaxa alp po palmourn doux •O Jnud plus alp pun `stoloaatQ jo pima slt
jo Xltaoglnu Xq uotlu.todioo plus Nip jp qoq uo paints sum luautn.tlsut plus Imp pun `uotluaodioo plus iCq poinooid
uaaq suq pas ou ingl `luautn.ilsut BU!O 0IOj aql uI plum 'uotleaodioa quln u 'NNVEI 'IVNOLLVN LS2iid
SNOIZ jo luaptsaad ao!A st aq ingl Xus pip `u.IOMS ,CJnp atu X.q Sutaq oqM `uMoux iCJlnuosiod ow of `doux 'O mud
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Imo ao!A `douN 'O Innd
`0002 'ITV qgb1J Ju AuP Pull stgl u0
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aloN pun isru J, Jo poou/aSapo JAl aql 3o dauMO aql st li ingl lum uM pun luasaadaa soop aouSIssy
•aloN alp 10 pm!" jo paaQ/a2n2laoJ,I all. 04 palniaa ao glpM `Japun !won sluautn.IlsuI /Cltinoas
puu )loots iaJsun.I4 04 ,Cautolln Jo SaaMOd `sluauiu2tssu Jn.talniloo `suatl JJn puu `lsn.IZ jo p00 /agnSl.IOJAI
plus Xq paanoas uquio puu lgap `aloM alp gltM 1040�4 Isnay Jo paaQ/aSnSlaoj^J aql
aau5tssd 04 aantlap pun JOAO las `astopua `,tanuoo `laJsuual `atssn 'llas ,Cgaio4 soop aou5tssy
:sMolloj sn aaau,Cga.Iaq sawed aql `papaJMourn iiga.Iaq st gotgM JO Xouatot ns pun ldta301
aql `uot4eioplsuoo anqunwnn daglo puu (00 is) s.tullou ua1, Jo uollnaaptsuoo ut `a odauaLL `MON
Real estate located in the County of Rich and State of Utah, and in the County of Lincoln and
State of Wyoming, to -wit:
PARCEL 1: Commencing at a point located North 89 °48'00" East along the Section line 215.36 feet from the Southwest
Comer of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 9 North, Range 6 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian;
thence North 0 °11'44" West parallel to the Quarter Section line 545.70 feet; thence North 30 °23'38" West 63.96 feet;
thence North 60 °46'05" East 72.86 feet; thence North 27 °48'05" West 134.11 feet; thence North 72°22'10" East 61.85
feet; thence North 12 °28'00" West 213.55 feet; thence South 45 °00'00" West along the South Right of Way line of State
Route 39, 77.07 feet; thence North 0 °11'44" West parallel to the Quarter Section line 391.49 feet to the Sixteenth Section
line; thence North 89 °30'06" East along the Sixteenth Section 1293.91 feet; thence due South 2640.15 feet to the South
line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, said Township and Range; thence South 89 °52'06"
West along the Sixteenth Section line 1155.38 feet; thence North 1 °38'43" East parallel to the Quarter Section line
1312.93 feet; thence South 89 °48'00" West 100.00 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel is subject to the Right of
Way for State Route 39.
ALSO, commencing 20 rods West of the Northeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section
22, Township 9 North, Range 6 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence West 60 rods; thence South
80 rods; thence East 60 rods; thence North 80 rods to the place of beginning
ALSO, the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 9 North, Range 6 East of the Salt Lake
Base and Meridian. LESS: that portion of the above described land deeded to State Road Commission of Utah and
Recorded in Book Z at Page 155 on August 24, 1959.
PARCEL 2: Commencing at a point 68.2 rods East of the Northwest Comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of Section 23, Township 9 North, Range 6 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence South
240 rods; thence East 120.8 rods; thence North 67.3 rods; thence West 59 rods; thence North 15.7 rods; thence West 12
rods; thence North 77 rods; thence East 5 rods; thence North 25 rods; thence East 7 rods; thence North 55 rods; thence
West 61.8 rods to the place of beginning.
PARCEL 3: Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 9 North, Range 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and
Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 9, and
running thence West 792 feet to the East side of the State Road right -of -way; thence running Northeasterly along the East
right -of -way line of said road (said right -of -way making a curve to the right) 2900 feet, more or less to the North line of
Section 9, Township 9 North, Range 7 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence East 150 feet to the Northeast
Corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 9; thence South 2640 feet to the place of beginning.
•Z 1 put inrenb lsaiseupos alp Jo iauenb 1s-eat/nos at1 `..tnrena lseatpnoS
01P303Iu4 g1noS aui, :utipuayI put asug 07111uS at130 ma 8 a8utg uom ti drgsumol, `6Z uoipaS :LI 13c1IVd
t,1o�j :uuipuaJA put one mei lies au13o lstg 8 OSuu2I VON 171 digsumol, `gZ uogoaS :91 1332Idd
aauena lseatproN alp Jo
.raa.renb lstatPuoM ati1, 'urn)!"IN put asug 0 71 ITS °t13° 1su3 8 28 ut11 'TAN £T digsumoi, `gj uoipag :51 'I3D/Idd
'Aug UlluN.
0g13O3Tuq tpIO a1u :ueipuaN put asta °3F1 i li atyl3o 1S 3 8 r2utg £I drgsumo,1 `LI uotoag :171 'I3321Vd
•17 put `Z `1 s1oi :utipuaj put astg a i -i s at13o Isu3 8 aSutg `q JOM £I dTgsumo1 `6 uoloaS :£T 13JJIdd
•iauenb lsamtpnog aryl jo
iaa.rtnb lsamtn os atij :utrpuayg put astg 0 7 1 s atyl30 1su3 g aauug `tpioN £I digsumoi, `g uopoaS :ZI 'I3D'Idd
•Jauenb lseatpnos aq o
iauenb lstatgnoS atll :uuipuayg put osug 031¢1 IFS ag113o 1su3 g 02ut11 `guorl £T digsumol, `L uotloaS :II 'I3D'Idd
•iauenb lsamtpnoS
atp Jo numb lseatproN aryl put inrenb lsamtproN amp numb lseatpnoS aryl `.iavenb lseatptoM ag13o Hiug tylnoS
041 put Z 1 slog :uutpuayAl put rt i 2IrS aryl jo ma 8 ogueg `uu°N £I digsumol, `9 uoiroS :01 '1 D1Tdd
put `Z 1 slog :ueiPUoNI Put asug 0 7 1 lIgS 04230 2 8 0 Suull `g1IOt1 £I drgsum i `I, uotloaS :6 'I3D21dd
•.raaseno lsamtpnoS alp J0
3rug 1soM aryl ldaoxa TId aremPIAI put mg 03 1uZ 1ItS agjo 1su3 L 2Suug `41 £T digsumos `r 1.10r200S :8 'I3J21dd
•SutuurEaq Jo luiod aryl o1 tptoM aouatp `171 uotloaS Ares Jo iatuo3 2.samtylnoS 04101 ssal JO Oaour `1003 60L5
tylnoS aouatp `pn nS arueo t Jo pua 1st3 aryl uo ptog ,Cunoj act uo luiod a o110a3 0£ST 1sua aouatp Sup= put `gem
`uetpuayu a3rt -i lies `1su3 L aSutg `tpioN 6 digsumoj `171 uoiloaS3o JatuoD lsamguoM my. 1e Suiouaurtuop :L 13D1Idd
Suruui2og3o luiod alp o 1aa3 9ZZ51S3 aoua4yl `1aa3 UT $S ,5£p9Z t1110N aouatp
`1003 Z179Z $S T 0Z9 uu°N aouatl `1003 81761 IsOM .0Z 617 tpr0M 03110111 `uorloaS pies 3o Iau1o3 lseatpnoS aryl o11aa3
56Z5 41noS aouatn 2trunn i put £Z uopoaS pits 3o iatuop Iseaquom aryl 1e Suiouatuuroj :smolio3 sr papunoq uttpuayu
put 1 1 11reS 01 23 0 1n3 L aSueg 3O tptoN 6 drgsumo 1, ut £Z uotloaS 3o uoruod put lied Tutu, :913c2Idd
•utipuoJA pue aseg 0)rtJ 11uS ag13o 1se3 L aSut 1 Vox 6 drtrsumoj `6 uoipaS 3o .tauenb lstatlnog
ag13O3ruti pox alp JoJiug t fOM mil put aauena lseaguoN ag1303Itq TrOS alp 3O3itq tpnoS a 1L :5 'I3D Idd
•SuiuurSaq Jo amid 041 01 `ssal so aaour `10 0551 `6 uorloaS pies Jo aurr tproM pies III 1sOM
03110441 `.utipuayi put aseg a3W1 lies alp. Jo 1st3 L a Sut 1 VON 6 drgsumo j '6 uoyloaS 3o MITI tp ON alp 02 `ssar so azotu
PR; OSLZ (112u aryl 01 anino t Supietu ,iem 30 -24Sp pits) prat pits 3o aurr ,hem 3o -2gSu Isom atp Suore'IialseatproM
aouatyl C e m g S i N a2u1S u3o aurr km-Jo-212u Isom am 011003 65L 1su3 aouatl `1003 051 TIN 031.1014 `1 0 31Z5
ma 0311041 `.1003 0 1sOM,,00,I Z00 4TnoS aouatp `.1003 0 1 «LL817068 tpnoS 00110tl `.1aa3 9T•17179I (paooai Act
tpnos)1soM ,TZo0 g1noS 001101p 400317I•Z1717 Isom «Z0,i0o99 11310• aouatp 4003 56i Isom aouatp 4003 89L g3noS aouatp
Sutuutu put 6 uoloaS prts 3o aatuo3 lsamguoN amp 1st3 2003 006 1urod a 1e 5uiuui2ag :smolro3 se paquosap `uurpuaysi
put astg 031¢11TjS ag13o ma L aSueg `Trois" 6 digsumoy `6 uotloaS 3o 1auenb lsamtproN 04130 Ind
11 7
:17 'I3 »2Idd
PARCEL 18: Section 30, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The East half of the
Northeast Quarter; Lots 1, 7 and 8.
PARCEL 19: Section 31, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: The North half of the
Northwest Quarter; the South half of the Northeast Quarter; the South half of the Northwest Quarter; the South half; Lots
PARCEL 20: Section 32, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: All.
PARCEL 21: Section 33, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4.
LESS AND EXCEPTING FROM all of the above parcels, all, oil, gas and mineral rights as previously reserved in the
Book E, Page 889
Book G, Page 288
Book R, Page 53
Book T, Page 483
Book V, Page 505
Book X2, Page 53
Book U3, Page 519
Book X3, Page 37
Parts of Soctions 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 21 and 22, all in Township
22 North, Range 120 West of the 6th principal Meridian, being
more particularly described as follows:
Beginning on the North line of said Section 2 at a point located
south 69'57'07" East, 3760.40 feat from the Northeast corner
of said Section 2, said point being also located on the East
right of way line of Lincbin County Road No. 207; running thence
West along the North lines of said Sections 2 and 3 to the
Northwest corner of said Section 3; thence South along the
West line of said Section 3 to the Northwest corner of the MISWi
thereof; thence East along the North line said SW;SWi to the
Northeast corner thereof; thence South along the East line
of said SW3SW; to the Southeast corner thereof and the Northeast
corner of the NW }NW; of said section 10; thence South along
the East line of said NwWNW} to the southeast corner thereof;
thence West along the south lino of said NW +NW;,to the Southwest
corner thereof; thence South along the West line of the sWiNwj
to the Southwest corner thereof and the Northeast corner of
tho SE; of said Section 9; thence West along the North line
Book X3, Page 218
Book H4, Page 489
Book H4, Page 491.
Book H4, Page 492
Book H5, Page 94
Book H5, Page 95
Book W6, Page 485
Book I7, Page 223
'aoT3*o plea uT
Pair.; oq o; „DNIWOM4 'XSN11O3 k'LOJNI'I ISM SZ l 3DWInt Ryt1014 tZ
Veld, 'pats i1 lerd eyl tap% aouepi000e u; Its 'EuTuuT6oq ;o
levaoa ay; oa sauTT ;sem pine gse3 pies attg Emote ;aa3 g't9£
'uaild•F.z sTq; u; Bu;aue9 slag ayt 'woo eouey; its goaas
pigs ;o atilt gse3 aqg 41Tm Tt?oT40aPT bZ lo►i pYes ;o auFT 4saM
eq; tflTM uoTgoasael uT ue 0; BUT eova; pies buote lea; S,E'ZEZ
'4SaM ,r60.6/. ggxoN eouagg !OuTT aoua; a ggTi uoTgoasaequl
Um 01 £b Noog. uT pxooax ;o goeaa ley; ;o euTt ;leg ot(1
pure 8L1 xoog u; paooaa 3o ;oexg 4 3o suit 3$8M alp 6uotu
qaa,; WOO '3$ M ESa t t Banos epusy; feu) a6+ed uo spsooev
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3o sauxoo geahgqxoz aq; q;pi teoT;uapi ;uTod 'p 0; gas; Er tLt
;s aouaq; fa*T; pies a41 uT peT3; 711e01[3Tg1a3 uoT;epxooax
xou.toa pupt pat ;tg,zao atm uT pagTxosap see pun(); ';sOM On. e6ueu
't{axoN ZZ dnt(sumox pTvs ;o is loex3 ;o =auioo gseetwoN ay; le
6uTuuTSea :seotto; se pegTxosap sszi e6 d uo spzooag 3Tgeleologd
;0 Z9L a(oog uT pUe ZZt ebed uo spaooea oT4elso 3 EP
zoos uT Aquno0 utoouTq ;0 XxatO ago ;0 e 43o 0 41 uT pxooax
;o sloes; asoq:t ;o ;zed pue buTwoAM 'A;unoa Ur00uT1 'gsa1 OZl
e6ueg 'tga=ort zz dTysusoy 'ZZ uotigoas ;o 6Z io't ;o gets
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4saM OZt abuej 'g2oN ZZ dygsunos giZ U0T10eS '6 407 3 ITV
;o ;utod ag; og suTI Aen 3o 10l= plea buotp Ailagseet(gxoN
souayl •'LOZ 'o1 peod Alunoo utvouT't ;o auTT Atm ;o 4g6T2 glut
ay; ggTh uon;oaszaguT sat o; Atlelsat pe.puagxa euTT q;nos pTes
pug t;6 ;oeia, ;o awn cam* et{a 6uotp ;salt eoueug =60 4oexx 30
auTT 41n aya Pup 0 L .20uxo0 0; 1 14 20 N aotiagg 1 6 aaux00 o; lse:.(
aou04; :g zeu,xoo oq q ioN aoueq; iL sauxoo as ase;t aouOgq
19 xagwnN sauxoo oq 411oN gp Peat buotQ away; !dtysuMot,
pYes uT 8b goe.rx, jo S asgwnN xauxoo 0; E6 ;OExs Plies ;0 awn
ya.zoN 1,q; Emote lsea aouagx :Ep g pies 3a sau2o0 Asemg4JoN
oqq o; sun ;sem pTws buote g31oN aouag; =dTgsuMoy plus uT tt
papxx ;o auTT 1s agl 04 auTT 4sex pies buoTe Jljxagseattgsog
elouagq !LOZ 'ON peon( k 4uno3 utoourI ;o auTT iei ;o gg6T1
lse3 aq; o; TMt PTes 0 our( 41110S at{g buoTe ;sea aouato !ZZ
uoT;oeS ptes ;a ,t'N au; ;o aauxoa gsattgano$ sto pue T3N pies
;0 zeuaoo gseaggnos .aq$ og auTT t;nos PTes 6uoYe gse3 aouat{a
tZ uotgoog plea ;0 aagzenb lseetwoN eta 3o auTT q; tos 0111 0;
auT t e;1, ;s' pTes 5uore ggaos eouaq :sup' ale ;S bunwo4A
atp 01 tZ uotgoag paps ;0 auTT ({010 eq; 5120te ;sag oouat{g
=lZ uoTgoas pYes ;o iauxoo gsnatpioN aqq pue ;oaaat(q asuaoa
;sor►ggnog eqg o; S t udp ;oag pYes ;o our( ;sem aqg 5uote q'Inos
aouaq; :5t uotgoag pYes ;0 xauxoo ;saMggxoM at{q pue 6 UOT ;oas
pies ;o sauxoo ;seal/4110g au; 0; euTT ggnos pTes Buoy? ;spa
aau0q; 16 sox ;oas PTes To aunt q;nos eql o; BUTT a4s4s pves
6uoTe q;nos eouaq; .out/ a;r;S buTwollM- ;elf au; og tics ',Tog ;0
That part of Tract 54A of•ToWnship 22 North, Range 120 West,
Lincoln County, Wyoming, and part of that tract of record in
the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 188 of
Photostatic )Records on page 317 described as follows: Beginning
at Corner No. 1 of.said Tract 54A found as described in the
Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate filed in the said
office, thence West, 46.00 feet along the North line of said
Tract 54A to an intersection with tho Southeasterly right -of -way
line of Cokeville -Utah line County Road No. 12 -207; thence
South 29'35' West, 372.31 feet along said right -of -way to an
intersection with the protraction of a fence line located in
Lot 24 of Section 22 of the Said Township 22 North, Range 120
West; thence South 79 09.3' East, 233.98 feet along a
protraction of said fence line to an intersection with the East
line of said Tract 54A; thenoe North, the base bearing for
this description, 367.80 feet along the said East line to the
corner of beginning; all in accordance with the plat titled
in said office.
Johnson Ranch
Beginning at a point situated upon the West boundary of Tract
42 from whence the Northwest corner of said Section 27 bears
North 0'12' for 2,501.4 feet; thence North for 1,269.6 feet;
thence South 63 57' East, 7,453.5 feet; thence South 2 57'
west, 192.0 feet along the Western boundaries of the holdings
of John Sedey and Beckwith -Quinn and Company of (Lawrence
Johnson); thence North 71'44' West, 7,058.7 feet to the point
of beginning.
Beginning at a point from whence the Northwest corner of Lot
24 of said section 22 bears West 314.8 feet; thence 1,005.2
feet to Corner No, 7 of Tract 43; thence North 3,999.6 feet
to Corner Ho. 8 of Tract. 43; thence East 1,320 feet to Corner
No. 5 of Tract 48, a point situate upon the North boundary of
Tract 43; thence South 23'59' East, 5,295.3 feet; thence North
01'38' West 636 feet; thence South 74'20' West, 1,164 feet;
thence North 84'25' West, 2,906.9 feet; thence North 11 53'
East 794 feat to the point of beginning.
Also a parcel of land in Section 15 and Section 22, Township
22 North, Range 120 West 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming,
commencing at Corner No. 5 of Tract 49 of Resurvey of Township
22 North, Range 120 West; thence South 25 09'49" West, 6,199.24
feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence
South 19'35'37" West, 3,982.04 feet;. thence North 89 °14'04"
East 1,338.01 feet; thence North 0 °03'10" West, 3,722.57 feet
to the point of beginning. LESS THE FOLLOWING: Beginning at
a point situate upon the West boundary of Tract 42 from whence
the Northwest corner of said Section 27 bears South 1,343.1
feet, more or less; thence 762.3 feet more or less, along the
West boundary of Tract 42 to the Northwest cornea of Lot 24
of said Section 22; thence East 314.8 feet; thence South 11'53'
West, 794 feet; thence North 84'25' West, 155.1 feet to the
point of beginning.
Meadow pines
Beginning at the Northwest Corner of Lot 24, which is situated
at the West boundary of Tract 42, Township 22 North, Range 120
West of the 6th P.M_, Wyoming (which point of beginning ales
2,105.3 feet North of the Southwest Corner of said Section 22);
proceeding thence North 89 °20' West 46 feet to the East
right -of -way line of the County Road; thence South 29'35' West
592.25 feet along said County Road right -.of -way; thence South
68'47' East 363.5 feet to the west boundary of Tract 42; thence
North 645.8 feet along the said West boundary to the point of