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A portion of the NE1 /4SW1/4, Section 14, T34N, R119W, 6th P.M.,
Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more I;artiaularly
described as follows; BEGINNING at a oint in the East line of
Highway 89, said point being an existing driveway and
approximately S5 27'15 "E, 546.56 feet from the West center 1/16
corner of said Section 14; THENCE N 23'42 "E, 128.78 feet as
recorded, 129.73 feet as measured; THENCE NO 41'15 "E, 129.74
feet, more of less, to a point in the south line of a 30 foot
wide private road described in deed from carol Jean Walton to
Dennis C. Dana and Joan Dana, dated the 19th day of March,
1981; THENCE running 867 °13'E, along said South line, 122.72
feet; THENCE 672 °55'8, continuing along said South line 73.49
feet; THENCE SO 47'43 "E, 638.60 feet; THENCE N89 34'17 "W
81.83 feet; THENCE 8 80 40'10 "W, 155.44 feet to a point in an
existing driveway on said East line of said highway, said point
being on a curve having a radius of 1,859.86 feet; a radial
line there to at said point bearing N 27'14 "E; THENCE running
Northerly along said curve through a central angle of 12 56'25"
an arch distance of 420.05 feet to a highway marker at CS1465
plus 16.9; THENCE running Northerly along a spiral curve, the
chord of said spiral bearing approximately NO °03'S6UW, 190.29
feet as recorded, 190.32 feet as measured to the point of
EXCEPTING THEREFROM that parcel described in Warranty Deed
recorded August 13, 1984, Book 217 P.R., Page 364.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM A portion of the International Church of
the Foursquare Gospel property referred to in Instrument No.
728682 recorded in Book 294 PR on Page 191 all in the
NE1 /4SW1/4 of section 14, T34N, R119W, of the 6th P.H., located
within the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the East Right of --way line for U.S.
Highway 89, being the Southwest corner of the Brown
referred to in Instrument No. 621007 recorded in Book 2 on
Page 364, said point being 555.36, plus or minus, feet
S3 03 06 E from the H.L.M. type Monument set marking the Lloyd
B. Baker PE /LS 698, 2000 location for the Northwest corner of
said NE1 /4SW1 /4 (CW1 /16); thence S89 °43'10 "E 129.27,, plus or
minus, feet to the Southeast corner of said Brown property;
thence 51 19'24 "W, along the Southerly prolongation of the East
line of said Brown property, 25.00 feet to an Iron Pipe set;
thence N89 43'169W 128.62, plus or minus, feet to an Iron Pipe
set at a point in said East Right -of- --Way line, being a point in
a 1859.859 plus or minus Radius Spiral Curve to the Right;
thence Northwesterly, along said Spiral curve, (Chord beans
N0 °10'47uW 25.00 feet) an arc distance of 25.000 feet, to the
Point of Beginning.