First Security Bank, N.A.
P.O. BOX 37
BOISE, ID 83707
Rrst Security Bank, N.A.
P.O. BOX 37
OO JUN —2 ld: 12
BOOK____ _PR PAGE 5 5 E
HUSBAND AND WIFE, whose address is 4511 STRAWBERRY CREEK ROAD, BEDFORD, WY 83112 (referred to
below as "Grantor and FIRST SECURITY BANK, N.A., whose address is 116 SOUTH MAIN, THAYNE, WY
83127 (referred to below as "Lender
GRANT OF MORTGAGE. For valuable consideration, Grantor mortgages and conveys to Lander all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to
the following described real property, together with all existing or subsequently erected or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures; all
easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; at water, water rights, watercourses and ditch rights (including stock in utilities with ditch or
irrigation rights); and all other rights, royalties, and profits relating to the real property, including without limitation all minerals, oil, gas,
geothermal and similar matters, located in LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming (the "Real Property
The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 4511 STRAWBERRY CREEK ROAD, BEDFORD, WY
Grantor presently assigns to Lender all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to all leases of the Property and all Rents from the Property
In addition, Grantor grants to Lender a Uniform Commercial Code security interest in the Personal Property and Rents.
DEFINITIONS. The following words shall have the following meanings when used in this Mortgage, Terms not otherwise defined In this
Mortgage shall have the meanings attributed to such terms in the Uniform Commercial Code. All references to dollar amounts shall mean
amounts in lawful money of the United States of America,
Credit Agreement. The words "Credit Agreement" mean the revolving line of credit agreement dated May 30, 2000, between Lender and
Grantor with a credit limit of $40,000.00, together with all renewals of, extensions of, modifications of, refinancings of,
consolidations of, and substitutions for the Credit Agreement.
Existing Indebtedness. The words "Existing Indebtedness" mean the indebtedness described below In the Existing Indebtedness section of
this Mortgage.
Grantor. The word "Grantor" means JOSEPH DOUGLAS FREEMAN and LISA CLARK FREEMAN. The Grantor is the mortgagor under this
Guarantor. The word "Guarantor" means and includes without limitation each and all of the guarantors, sureties, and accommodation
parties in connection with the Indebtedness.
Improvements. The word "Improvements" means and includes without limitation all existing and future improvements, buildings,
structures, mobile homes affixed on the Real Property, facilities, additions, replacements and other construction on the Real Property.
Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means all principal and interest payable under the Credit Agreement and any amounts expended or
advanced by Lender to discharge obligations of Grantor or expenses incurred by Lender to enforce obligations of Grantor under this
Mortgage, together with interest on such amounts as provided in this Mortgage, Specifically, without limitation, this Mortgage secures a
revolving line of credit, which obligates Lender to make advances to Grantor so long as Grantor complies with all the terms of the Credit
Agreement. Such advances may be made, repaid, and remade from time to time, subject to the limitation that the total outstanding
balance owing at any one time, not Including finance charges on such balance at a fixed or variable rate or sum as provided In the Credit
Agreement, any temporary overages, other charges, and any amounts expended or advanced as provided in this paragraph, shall not
exceed the Credit Limit as provided in the Credit Agreement. It is the Intention of Grantor and Lender that this Mortgage secures the
balance outstanding under the Credit Agreement from time to time from zero up to the Credit Limit as provided above and any intermediate
balance. The lien of this Mortgage shall not exceed at any one time $40,000.00.
Lender. The word "Lender" means FIRST SECURITY BANK, N.A,, its successors and assigns. The Lender is the mortgagee under this
Mortgage. The word "Mortgage" means this Mortgage between Grantor and Lender, and includes without limitation all assignments and
security interest provisions relating to the Personal Property and Rents,
Personal Property. The words "Personal Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and other articles of personal property now or hereafter
owned by Grantor, and now or hereafter attached or affixed to the Real Property; together with all accessions, parts, and additions to, all
replacements of, and all substitutions for, any of such property; and together with all proceeds (including without limitation all insurance
proceeds and refunds of premiums) from any sale or other disposition of the Property,
Property. The word "Property" means collectively the Real Property and the Personal Property.
Real Property. The words "Real Property" mean the property, interests and rights described above in the "Grant of Mortgage" section.
Related Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean and include without limitation all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan
agreements, environmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, and all other instruments, agreements
and documents, whether now or hereafter existing, executed in connection with the Indebtedness.
Rents. The word "Rents" means all present and future rents, revenues, Income, Issues, royalties, profits, and other benefits derived from
the Property,
MAY 111111112:51
Z Z3Wd XL/Al-Lib )ei ES :ET 00L SE AI N
leuo!leN eyl lepun les sllwi AOHod wnwlxew 9 1 of do 'ueo! eyf 6u!lnoes Auedold 0141 uo sue!! lo!1d Aue pus ueoi 0141 10 soueleq Iedlouud
piedun IIn; 9111 101 eouelnsu) poo13 (elepoj uielulew pus u!elgo of soeiBe 10111010 'eels plezey pool; le!oeds a se AoueBy luewe6euo
AaueDJew3 lelepej eyl 10 1o10eJ!Q 0141 Aq peleuBlsep 9919 ue u! peleool ewooeq ow!' Aue le Auedold plea eyf P1nogs •uosled 191410
Aue 10 10111010 ;o llne;ep 10 uo!ss!wo 'toe Aue Aq AeM Aue u! peiledw! eq 1ou IIIM lepuel 40 lone; u! ebelanoo iegl Bu!p(nold lueweslopue
ue epnIOU! Heys 0930 AOHod eouelnsu! Li0e3 •eo!lou Lions 006 01 ample; 101 Alll!geg s,lalnsu! 041 10 1aw!elas!p Aue fiu!u!eluoo sou pue
lepuel 01 eollou ua1111M 1olid ,sAep (0 t 1191 10 wnwlulw a lnoyllM peyslulw!p 10 pegeoueo eq 10U IIIM e5e1en001ey1 uo!lelnd!ls e Bululeluoo
1elnsu! wee wall efielenoo 40 seleo!;Ileo lepuel 01 lenllep (legs loluel0 •1epual 01 eIgeldeo0e Aggeuoseel eq Aew se wit); Lions u! pue
se(uedwoo eouelnsu! Lions Aq u81111M eq IIeys se!ollod •lepuel ;0 lone; u( esnelo eebe6uow plepUels a yl!M pue 'esnel0 eoue1nsuloo Aue 10
uo!leolldde pone o1 lue!ol;;ns lunowe ue u! Auedold leas 0141 uo sluewenoldw! Ile BUIlenoo mien elgelnsu) Iln; a (4110; s!seq luawe0eIdel e
uo sweweslopue e6e1ano0 pepuelxe plepuels y1!M eOueJnsul 801 ;o se10!lod we1U(ew pue elnoold Heys loluel0 •aouelnsue ;o aoueue;u1ouJ
'eBe61l0W 911110 lied a 819 Auedold eyl Bu!lnsu! 01 611!10181 suols!nold fiu!Mo1lo;
•sluewenoldw! Lions ;o Ism 0111 Aed film pue ueo 10311019 1ey1 iepuel of Aioloe;siles
seouelnsse eouenpe lepuel 01 ys!wn; lepuel ;o lsenbel uodn IIIM 103ue10 '00'000'9$ spee0xe 1st:* 9111 pue sIellelew 10 '3e01n198 '1I1oM
041 ;o lun000e uo peuesse eq Pinoo ue! 1B (4la 10 'ueH s,uewle!lelew 'ueH s,0(Uey0ew Aue 41 'Alledold 0141 of pegddns 019 sIe!lelew Aue
.10 'peys!UJn1 ale seolnlas Aue 'peOuewwoo s! )110M Aue elo;eq sAep (g;) uee111i me] le lepuel A111ou pegs 101UO30 uog0n1l§uo0 ;o 93140N
•Auedold 0111
lsule6e swOwssesse pue Saxes 8141 10 1U8w81e1s uen11M a ew(1 Aue le 18pual of 1an!l8p 01 1910111 IeIU8wU16no6 eleIJd01dde 8141 ezllowne
Heys pue sluawssasse 10 sexel 0141 ;o luewAed to eouePlne Aloloe;slles lepuel of ys!wn1 puewep uodn Heys lowing ;UaWAed ;o eouepin3
's6ulpeeoold 1§eluo0 0141 uI peys(uin1
puoq Alelns Aue iepun eeBllgo Ieuo111Ppe ue se lepuel eweu Heys 1o1U019 •Auedold 8141 1spe6e lueweolo;ue 810 ;eq luew6pnl eslenpe
Aue A;slles !legs pue lepuel pue 419911 pue;ap Heys loluel0'lsewoa Aue 111 'ueH 81111epun ales 1a 81nsOIO81o; a ;0 1Insal'd»gg,eO,(ooe moo'
low s09810140 191410 10 see; ,sAeulolle elgeuoseel pue slsoo Aue snld ueH ayl e6leyos(p of we(OH;ns wnowe ue.ui lapual o ;s(Tes
Al!lnoes 181410 10 puoq Mains elelodloo lu8!0!1;ns a 10 Lisea lapual y1IM llsodep 'lapual Aq pelsenbei 10 'ueH 8141 10 061ey0s1p ow tames
tun. 8141 ;o 0011011 say 1owe10 191 ;e sAep (g uee411 Uly1!M 'peal; SI U911 a 11 '10 898118 ueH 9111 181 49 sAep (9 uee11H u!y1!m Heys 101U819
luewAeduou ;0 llnsel a se peg; s! 1a sespe ua! a ;1 •pezIpledoef IOU s! Aledold 0143 u! 199101u! s,lepuel se 6uo! os 'Aed 01 uo(le6Hgo
eyl 19/10 eindsip Lille; pooh a 43IM uol100uuo0 u) wielo 10 'luewssesse 'xel Aue ;o luewAed ployyl!M Aew loluel0 •;0031100 0l 14
•yde16e1ed Bu!MOIo1 9141 U( pepinold Os!Mleylo se ldeoxe pue'MOleq 01 p01191e1
sseupelgepul 611310!x3 0141 10; ldeoxe 'enp sou sluawssasse pue sexes 10 U8(3 841 1o; ldeoxe '86961100; 0141 lepun lapual 10 1s8161u1 8111
of lenbe 10 19/10 A111o11d Bulney S1.1911119 10 9911 Alledold 9111 uielulew Heys loluel0 'AUadald e(1 01 peysluln; 1B1181BW 10 palepuel 9001/1199
101 10 uo euop 1I1oM lot swim Ile enp ueyM Aed Heys pue'Apedald 9141 ;o wn000e uo 10 lsule6e pine! S0019110 801/1189 18MOS pue 9861840
lelem 'sluawssasse 'sexes IB10eds 'sexes IIo1Aed 'sexes He (Aouenbuiep of 1o11d sluene He u! pue) enp ueyM Aed Heys 30311030 •lueuuAed
•e6e611oyi1 s!1.9 ;0 lied 8 918 A11edoId 9111 UO sue!' pue sexes 9111 01 61109101 suolslnold BuIMOIIO; e41 'SN3I1 ONV S3XV1
'Mee BuTwoAM Aq 10 met 191ap0; Aq pe11q!yoid s1 es)a1ex9
Lions ;1 lapual Aq peslalexe eq sou Heys uolldo 9141 'lenemoH •101U919 ;0 'aq Aew eseo eq se '030038311! Auedwoo Am(I!gell Pellw!l 10 sisO191u1
d)gsleuped'210019 811(30/1 8141 ;0 (%9Z) wooled en);- AlueMl ue (41 910W ;0 d(ysleum0 u! OBuego Aue sepnlou! 0910 1e ;suell'Auedwoo Ai!IlgB1I pellw!
10 d14sJeuued 'uopelodloo a s! 1010019 Aue •lselelul Alledold lees 10 eoueA9nuoo to poylew 381410 Aue Aq 10 'Alodold lean 911 01 01111 bu(ploy
39/111 pue! Aue o1 10 111 Isamu! IB!O!;eueq Aue ;0 1010U011 10 'luewu8lsse '0180 Aq 10 '1ae13uoo uolldo -99891 's1eeA (8) e91y1 uew1 1018016 wlel
e y1!M 1S9192Ul pl04esee1 'peep 1o; 109/2000 'lOelluoa pue! 'lOelwoO ales IU9wIIelsu! 'peep 'ales 1146111/10 Aq 181119yM :Alelunlonul 10 Alelunlon
leyleyM :emel!nbe 10 Ie1ol;eueq '10681 leyleyM tuieleyl lselelul 10 8 1111 '1(4611 Aue 10 Al1edoJd lees 10 8OUBA8AUO0 0111 sueew „1849UB11 10 ales„
v 'Alledold 1988 8111 11! 109/91111 Aue 10 'A11ado1d 1988 0141 10 lied Aue 10 He 10 '311901100 ue11IIM mid s,l8puel 8141 1noy1IM '1e;sue11 10 ales 0Lil
uodn e681311on 0)143 Aq peinoes swns He elgeAed pue enp Alele!peww) eleloep 'uolldo sl( le 'Aew 1e
Z abed
8 41 "33NV8f1SNI 3JW9V0 Ala3d011d
Puel 'H30N31 A9 IN3SNO0 31VS NO 3f1O
'Aped old
0143 enleseld pue lOelold of A1B9se00u A(geuoseel 818 Alledold eyf ;o esn pue 1840919yo 8(41 W01; y014M'uo)10as sup U( enoge 14110; les sloe
030143 of uoll!PPe u! 'sloe 10410 Ile op Heys 301UO30 •Alledold 0111 pepuelleun 0/1881 JOU uopuege 01 1014110U 009160 303UO30 •430401d 0f AlnO
'190101u! s,lepue1 130101d 01'19puel of Aloloe;stos Algeuoseel 'puoq Alelns e 10 A1)lnoes elenbepe !sod of 1a1U810 e1(nbel Aew
lapual 'pezlpledoef sou 818 Alledold 8141 ul S1S8181UI s,lapuel 'uoluldo 81os s,l8pual ul 'se 6uol os Hue os Bulop 01 1o(1d 6u)111M ul lepuel
pe!;Ilou say 1owe10 se (Riot os 'sieedde ele!ldoldde 6u!pnlou) '6u!peeoold Aue Buunp eoue!dwoO ployyl.M pue 11011910681 10 'eOUeulplo 'Mel
Lions Aug 11130; pooB u! lseluoo Aew 10111010 •Auedold a (41 40 Aouadn000 10 esn e(1 01 elgeo11dde so uiogine Ieluewweno6 He ;o '108110 w
1011801014 10 Mou 'suo!le(n691 pue 'seOUeulplo 'smel He 1llm Aldwoo Aildwold Heys 1ow810 •sluewegnbaa Ie4uewweno0 y ;era aouegdwoO
'e6e6uoyy spa lo suouipUOO pue swIe1 9111 yl!M eOUB((dwoO 9,1011191p ;0 sesodlnd 101 AledoJd 0141 ioedsUl al pue 8199181U! s,l0puel
of pueile of sewn elgeuoseel Ile 1e Alledold Ilea 0141 uodn lelue Aew senlleweseldel pue slue6e sl! Hue lepuel •1e1u3 0l 214 s,lapual
'amen Ienbe lseel le 10 sluewenoldw) UiIM sluewenoldw( Lions e081d81 0l lepuel
01 Aloloelslles sluewe6ue11e exew of 1o1Ue10 e1)nbei Aew lepuel 'sluewenoldw] Aue 10 lenowel 0141 01 uolllpuoO a sy •lepuel ;o 311001100
ue1(1M mid 0141 100111(M Alledold IeeH 6141 W011 sluewenoldw) Aue 0n0W81 10 11SHOwep 10U Heys lolUBl9 •s1UOwanaldwl ;o !mount;
40 luesuo3 uell!IM la)1d 0141 lnoyllM slonpold 11001 10 (8/1816 '11os '(seb pue go 6ulPmouq sIelaww 'legwil Aue 'enowal 01 1(4611 9141 Ailed
leylo Aue of welt) 10 '0/towel sou IIIM 30311839 'Bu106010; eyl ;0 Alielsue6 eyl Bu!llwH 1001411M 'Alledold 0143 10 uoellod Aue 10 Auedold 0143
01 Ja uo 91senn l0 40 Bulddpls Aue nuns 10 'llwled 'lIWw0O JOU eaues!nu Aue llwled 10 lanpu0a 'esnea sou Heys 1o1Ue19 •alseM 'eoueslnN
•es1Mleylo l0 9109010810; Aq leyleyM
'Auedold 0141 111 1sa181u! Aue uollls!nboe s,lepuel Aq peloe; ;e eq sou Heys pue e6e611oyJ 0114110 uell 0141 to 90ueAeAUaa61 pue uoll0e;s(les
941_ pue sseupelgepul 0143 10 luewAed 0141 en!nlns Heys 'A;)uwepul of uo1186!1g0 9143 6u!pn(0u) 'o6e6uoyti eyl 10 110!1090 0!143 ;o suo!s!nold
941 'S8llladald 0141 uo 9auelsgns 10 0199M snoplezey a ;0 0888101 peUe1e01Li1 10 9989191 'iosodslp '8691010 '0lnlaelnuew 'uoieieue6
'esn Aue ;o eausnbesuoo a se 10 eBe6poiAi 041 ;o uo!l0es s!yl 10 40e81q a W01; Bu11(nsel 18 ;;ns 10 uleisn0 AllOaJ!pu! 10 Ahoel(p Aew
lepuel yO14M sesuedxe pue 'sellleued 'se6ewep 'soj2j qe!! 'sessoe 'swlelo Ile pue Aue lsule6e lepuel sselwley Ploy pue A;(uwepul 01 909168
(q) pue 'sMeI Lions Aue lepun moo 181410 to dnuee!o 101 me1! sewooeq 10111919 wane 0111 111 uolingllluoa 1e Alluwepu( l0; lapual lsule6e
sw!ela 01010; Aue senleM pue seseelel (0) Ageley 30111010 'seOUelsgns snoplezey pug elsem snoplezey 10; Alledold 0141 611(96(1senul
u! eoueB(Hp enp 9,10111810 uo peseq ale 11(01011 peu(e111o0 selwelleM pue suo!lelueseldel 8111 •uosled 10(430 Aue of 10 loluel0 Ol lepuel
;o pad eyl uo Al!Hgei 10 A1!Ilglsuodsel Aue 019019 o3 p0n11SUOa eq sou Heys pue Apo sesodind s,lepuel lo; eq Heys lepuel Aq spew sisal
10 suopoedsul Auy 'e6eB1oln) 041 10 110!3080 s111 y11M Alledold 0141 10 e0ueIdwo0 eulwlelep 01 elelIdoldde weep Aew lapual se 'esuedxe
0,30111019 le '92901 pue suoiloOdsul Lions e2ew of Alledold 0141 uodn 101Ue of sweBe 921 pue lepuel sez!loyfne 10111810 'enoge pagilosep
se0ueu1Plo pue 'suollein6e1 'sMel asoyl uoilellwi 1noy1!M Bulpnlou! 'se0ueu!plo pue suollelnBel 'smell I80op Hue 'eleps '1810PO4 eigeolldde
He 41(M eoueidwoo 111 p81anp110a eq Heys A2!nuoe Lions Aug (H) pue Aledold 9(41 W01; 10 300(40 'lepun 'uo eauelsgns 10 elseM snoplezey
Aue eseelel 10 '10 osodsip '1e811 '91019 '9lnlae;nuew '918101106 'esn Heys Alledold 0141 to 3090 pezl1041ne le (4lo 10 lue6e '10138111100 '11101101
Aue 10U 1o1Ue19 101411011 'Opium 111 lepuel Aq pe6pelmou108 pue of pesoIaslp Alsn0!neld se ldeox3 (0) pue 's1eIlew lions 01 Bw19181
uosied Aue Aq puPI Aue 10 swlelo 10 110(30811!1 p0u0189Jy1 10 lenl0e Aue (g) 3o Alledold 0141 ;0 sluedn00o 10 sleuMO loud Aue Aq Alledold
041 wo11 3a lnage 'lepun 'uo eauelsgns 1a e1seM snoplezey Aue 40 8seele1 p0u91881111 10 '0009191 'IesOds!p 'luewlee11 '8681019 '81n1ae;nU8w
'110(30301106 'esn Aue (1) 'BuilllM u) lepuel Aq pe6pelmou113e pue o1 pesol0sip Alsnolneld se ldeoxe 'ueeq say 810141 18111 enegaq
01 U09091 10 10 e6pelMou1 ou say 10111019 (q) 'Auedold eyl W01; 10 700(40 'lapun 'uo uosled Aue Aq eauelsgns 10 OIseM snoplezey Aue
;o eseelel pe11alealyl 10 0008181 'Iesodslp 'luewleell '0681019 '0Jn1381nuew '110110101106 'esn ou uooq say 91ey1'Aiedold e(41 40 dtysleuMo
9,10111919 ;0 polled eyf Bullna (8) :1041 lapual 01 s1UBLeM pue sluese1d01 30311939 •solsegse pue 10010 (43 uopoei1 Aue 10 slonpold -Aq
wnelolled pue wneloll8d 'uo!lellwl) lnoyllM 'epnl0u! Oslo Heys eauelsgns snoplezey„ pue „a1seM snoplezey„ swiel 941 '611106010; 0111
;o Aue o1 luenslnd peldope suollelnBel 10 '00103 'sMeI lelepej 10 01819 elgeo((dde 18(410 10 ''bes le 1,069 uoIIOeS '0'S'P Zb '1014 A19no098
pue 110(lenlesuo0 O01noseH 8111 'bas 18 '108L 11011005 'O'S'n 61' 'l0V uolle1odsuell sle!leleyn; snoplezeH 9141 'L,V8VS 6617
'1 'gnd'9861 10104 u0)lez)1oglnee8 pue s1U0wpuewy pun;lednS 041'( „V10830.,) 'bes le 096 1101108S 'O'S'f1 Zb'Pepuewe se '0861 1.0
lay A1!Ilgell pue 'uo(lesuedwo0 'esuodse8 IeluewuoJInu3 enlsueyeldwo0 eyf u( quo; les se s6u!ueew ewes 0141 0/1014 Heys 'eBe8uo(n) s!yl
Li! pesn se „'eseelel peuelee1141, pus „'0000181„ „'iesodslp„ eouelsgns snoplezey„ „'01seM snoplezey„ sw181 841 •sa3uelsgns snoplezeH
•00(0/1 sl! enleseld 01 Alesseaeu eoueu91U!ew
pue 'sluewe0eldel 'sl!edel Ile Lumped Alldwold pue uo!1!Puo0 egleweuel u! Auedold 0143 u!e1Ulew Heys low919 •uleluley11 of AMC
•Alledold 0111 W014 slues 9111
1001100 pue Alledold 0143 e6euew pue eleled0 pue ;0 10131100 pue uolssessod ui u!ewel Aew 30111019 'llne;ep u! 311118 Gen pue uolssessod
;suo!slnold BulMo((o; 0141
Aq peuleno6 eq hays Alledold eyf ;o esn pue uolssessod 9,1olue19 ley1 see3Be 10111819 •A1tI3d02Id 141 dO 30NVN31NIVW ONV NOISS3SSOd
eBebpoV11 s!yl lepun suo(le6(igo 9,10111819 ;o He w10118d Allows Heys pue 'enp ewooeq Aeyl se e6e6popy
0(143 Aq peln0es slunowe He lepuel 01 Aed gays 10111019 'ebefi1oyti 91141 ui pepinold es(Mleylo se ldaox
3 '30NVW11O1a3d ONV IN3WAVd
(panu!luoO) ,41,y19 ui f) LL6L oN ueoi
3 J 1N IMF -0C-90
05 -30 -2000
Loan No 607917 -A
MAY 12 :53
RightFAX =.12
Page 3
Flood Insurance Program, or as otherwise required by Lender, and to maintain such insurance for the term of the loan.
Application of Proceeds. Grantor shall promptly notify Lender of any loss or damage to the Property if the estimated cost of repair or
replacement exceeds $1,000.00. Lender may make proof of loss if Grantor fails to do so within fifteen (15) days of the casualty. Whether
or not Lender's security is impaired, Lender may, at its election, apply the proceeds to the reduction of the Indebtedness, payment of any
lien affecting the Property, or the restoration and repair of the Property. If Lender elects to apply the proceeds to restoration and repair,
Grantor shall repair or replace the damaged or destroyed Improvements in a manner satisfactory to Lender. Lender shall, upon satisfactory
proof of such expenditure, pay or reimburse Grantor from the proceeds for the reasonable cost of repair or restoration if Grantor Is not in
default under this Mortgage. Any proceeds which have not been disbursed within 180 days after their receipt and which Lender has not
committed to the repair or restoration of the Property shall be used first to pay any amount owing to Lender under this Mortgage, then to
pay accrued interest, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied to the principal balance of the Indebtedness. If Lender holds any proceeds
after payment in full of the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid to Grantor.
Unexpired Insurance at Sale. Any unexpired insurance shall inure to the benefit of, and pass to, the purchaser of the Property covered by
this Mortgage at any trustee's sale or other sale held under the provisions of this Mortgage, or at any foreclosure sale of such Property.
Compliance with Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any Existing Indebtedness described below is in effect, compliance with
the Insurance provisions contained In the instrument evidencing such Existing Indebtedness shall constitute compliance with the insurance
provisions under this Mortgage, to the extent compliance with the terms of this Mortgage would constitute a duplication of insurance
requirement. If any proceeds from the insurance become payable on loss, the provisions in this Mortgage for division of proceeds shall
apply only to that portion of the proceeds not payable to the holder of the Existing Indebtedness.
EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Grantor fails to comply with any provision of this Mortgage, Including any obligation to maintain Existing
Indebtedness in good standing as required below, or if any action or proceeding Is commenced that would materially affect Lender's interests in
the Property, Lender on Grantor's behalf may, but shall not be required to, take any action that Lender deems appropriate. Any amount that
Lender expends in so doing will bear interest at the rate provided for in the Credit Agreement from the date incurred or paid by Lender to the
date of repayment by Grantor. All such expenses, at Lender's option, will (a) be payable on demand, (b) be added to the balance of the credit
line and be apportioned among and be payable with any installment payments to become due during either (i) the term of any applicable
insurance policy or (ii) the remaining term of the Credit Agreement, or (c) be treated as a balloon payment which will be due and payable at the
Credit Agreement's maturity. This Mortgage also will secure payment of these amounts. The rights provided for in this paragraph shall be In
addition to any other rights or any remedies to which Lender may be entitled on account of the default. Any such action by Lender shall not be
construed as curing the default so as to bar Lender from any remedy that it otherwise would have had.
WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The following provisions relating to ownership of the Property are a part of this Mortgage,
Title. Grantor warrants that: (a) Grantor holds good and marketable title of record to the Property in fee simple, free and clear of all liens
and encumbrances other than those set forth in the Real Property description or in the Existing Indebtedness section below or in any title
insurance policy, title report, or final title opinion issued in favor of, and accepted by, Lender in connection with this Mortgage, and (b)
Grantor has the full right, power, and authority to execute and deliver this Mortgage to Lender.
Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Grantor warrants and will forever defend the title to the Property against
the lawful claims of all persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the interest of Lender
under this Mortgage, Grantor shall defend the action at Grantor's expense. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but
Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and
Grantor will deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such
Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants that the Property and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws,
ordinances, and regulations of governmental authorities.
EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The following provisions concerning existing indebtedness (the "Existing Indebtedness are a part of this Mortgage.
Existing Lien. The lien of this Mortgage securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an existing lien. Grantor expressly
covenants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment of, the Existing Indebtedness and to prevent any default on such indebtedness, any
default under the Instruments evidencing such indebtedness, or any default under any security documents for such indebtedness.
No Modification. Grantor shall not enter into any agreement with the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust, or other security agreement
which has priority over this Mortgage by which that agreement is modified, amended, extended, or renewed without the prior written
consent of Lender. Grantor shall neither request nor accept any future advances under any such security agreement without the prior
written consent of Lender,
CONDEMNATION. The following provisions relating to condemnation of the Property are a part of this Mortgage.
Application of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by any proceeding or
purchase in lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion of the net proceeds of the award be applied to
the Indebtedness or the repair or restoration of the Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all
reasonable costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in connection with the condemnation.
Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Grantor shall promptly take
such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but
Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Grantor
will deliver or cause to be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by it from time to time to permit such participation.
IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental taxes,
fees and charges are a part of this Mortgage:
Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such documents In addition to this Mortgage and take
whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for
all taxes, as described below, together with all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Mortgage, including without
limitation all taxes, fees, documentary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Mortgage.
Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (a) a specific tax upon this type of Mortgage or upon all or any
part of the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; (b) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct from
payments on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Mortgage; (c) a tax on this type of Mortgage chargeable against the Lender or the
holder of the Credit Agreement; and (d) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest
made by Grantor.
Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this Mortgage, this event shall have the
same effect as an Event of Default (as defined below), and Lender may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event of Default
as provided below unless Grantor either (a) pays the tax before it becomes delinquent, or (b) contests the tax as provided above in the
Taxes and Liens section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender,
SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relating to this Mortgage as a security agreement are a part of
this Mortgage.
Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a security agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures or other
personal property, and Lender shall have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as amended from time to
Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute financing statements and take whatever other action is requested by
Lender to perfect and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal Property. In addition to recording this Mortgage in the
real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further authorization from Grantor, file executed counterparts, copies or
reproductions of this Mortgage as a financing statement. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or
continuing this security interest. Upon default, Grantor shall assemble the Personal Property in a manner and at a place reasonably
convenient to Grantor and Lender and make it available to Lender within three (3) days after receipt of written demand from Lender.
Addresses. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debtor) and Lender (secured party), from which information concerning the security interest
granted by this Mortgage may be obtained (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Code), are as stated on the first page of this
FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY IN FACT. The following provisions relating to further assurances and attorney -in -fact are a part of this
Further Assurances. At any time, and from time to time, upon request of Lender, Grantor will make, execute and deliver, or will cause to
be made, executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requested by Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, refiled, or
21'30dd Xtidl•4bI SS:ET 001 SE AdW
•lepuel 40 luesuoa ue11!.1M eta anoyuM 'A1108de0 Aue ul lepuel ;O 11;eueq eta 10; Jo Aq pleg ewi
Aue ie Alledold eta uI elelse Jo isslalu! 113410 Aue giIM eliebuoIN s1y1 Aq peleelo elelse 10 189.107.14 eta 4o iebiew ou eq Heys emu 1a61aIA!
oBe611ovl 9141 ;o SUOISIAOJd
eta eultep 10 1eidiel i o1 pasn eq o1 uou 818 pue /quo sesodind eoueluenuoo 10; 018 e6e81.1olN 9141 u1 sbulpeey uolldeo •sBulpeoH uollde0
•6u1woAM ;o ems b ;o sate( 944 4aim aouepl000e ul panlasuoO pue Aq pauleno6
eq Heys eBe61io(gl slyu •BuIwoAM io ems ail u( lepuel Aq palda00e pue lapual o1 paioiij p umeq say abe611oW situ •ate! algeol)ddv
•wewpuewe 10 uoile18118 eta Aq punoq 10 Wimp eq o1 1gDnos segued 10 Aued eta Aq peu8ls
pus eu11!1M ul uen16 sselun OAIlos ;tO eq Heys abebuon sltl 01 luewpuewe 10 1.0 uo11e1a1Ie oN 'eBeDllolN 9141 U! quo; les s1813ew eta 01
se sallied eta ;o lueweelbe pue Buapuelsiepun alllue eyi ssan111suo0 'sluewnooa peleleb Aue 141IM ieyleBoi 'ebeBuolN situ •sluawpuewy
:e6eBUojN s1y1 10 lied e 018 suolslnald snosuepeosaw BuIM011o;
13 41 •SNOISIAO11d Sf103NV1130SIIN
sselppe iue11nO s,lolue.10 to sewal He 1e pewlo ;ul lepuel deal! of seeJBe
loluel0 'sesodlnd eoalou ioj •ofe611olj sly! 4o Buluul6eq eta 188U annoys se 'sselppe s,.1epuel 01 hies eq Heys e6eDiioIN sail JOAO A311o11d
sett gown u9H Aue 4o leploy e41 wo14 ainsop8.101 ;o seoiou ;o seidoo Hy 'swipe s,Aued eta eBue1O o1 si e0hou eta 4o esodind eta ley1
BwA ;loads 'sellled 101410 0(41 01 eOalou ueullm !Bum; Bu!nlB Aq efieBUoW sly! lepun sea!lou 104 sselppe s1! e6ueyo Aew Aued Auy •eBeBuo1N
x1141 ;o Buauu!Beq 0141 lean umoys sesselppe e(41 01 pel0el!p 'P1edeld eBelsod 'anew (39.1e1si3w1 10 pel41ueo 'seep 1911; !sew selelS peliuf1 ey1
ui pellsodep uegm 9A1108448 peweep eq Heys 'peIew 11 '10 '1el.1no0 lyfIweno pez!UBo001 AHeuo!leu a tam peltsodep ueyM 10 'pelenHep AHenloe
ueyM 9n1108 ;413 eq Heys pue '(Mel Aq pellnbe.1 es!Mleylo sselun) ellwlsoe4elel Aq lues eq Aew 'Dualllm w eq Heys '1o1ue1D 0l ales to 13011011
Aue pue melee to eoliou Aue (m11 lnoyllM bu!pnioul '96e64101/1 sly1 iepun eouou Auy •s31LHVd 113Hio ONy HOINVH9 01 S3011oN
Aq paPlnold swns 1eylo He 01 uoalippe uI 's1so0 moo Aue Aed Him osie loluel0 'Me! elgeo idde Aq pell!wled iuelx0 eta 01 'eauelnsw 81111
pue 'see; lesaeldde pue 'suodel ,sloAeMns '(suodel elnsopelo4 Bulpnpw) suodei 811(1 Bululeigo 'spJoOe1 Bul!Oiees 10 isoo eta 's901n1as
uo11081100 luewbpnl -!sod peledloIlue Aue pue sleedde '(uollounful 10 Aels oIlewolne Aue ele0en 10 A41Pow 01 si1o446 Bulpnpu!) sbutpee3old
Ao1dnn1ueq 1o; 'lepuel 4o eeAoldwe pepeles e uou Aeuloue ue 01 18118 181 pue linelep 101 ;e see; ,sAewoaae elgeuoseel BuIpnlou! '11nsMel e
s! 818141 10 10141e14m sesuedxe 1136131 s,iepuel pue see; ,sAeulolle eigeuoseel s,lapuel 'me! eigeoIdde 1epun slip! Aue 0110e(gns 19A0M014
'uollel!w! inotaim 'epnloul ydel8eled says Aq peieAOO sesuedx3 'wewee1By 11p013 et1 w 10; pep!nox4 0181 0141 18 pledel pun elnlapuedxe
;o ewe eta wo14 1seJelu! leeq Heys pue puewep uo oigeAed sseupalgepul eta 40 lied a ewooeq iiegs slgDil 81! 1 luewa0lotue 0141 1891911.11
sa! ;a uolloelo.1d 811 .1o; awl! Aue le Aiesseoeu e1e uo!u!do s,lepuel u! 1ey1 lepuel Aq pe11now sesuedxe eigeuoseel He 'penlonw s1 uoluoe
unoo Aue IOU 10 10y1e14M leedde Aue 110 pue 1811119 see; ,sAewoue elgeuoseel s8 algeuoseel eBpn[pe Aew moo 0141 se wns tons 18A0001
01 P81111u8 eq Heys lepuel '8686uoW sail to sw1el eta to Aue mottle 01 11011013 10 laps Aue se1n13su! lapual 4! •sesuedx3 aaej sAeulo4ad
'06861100j 9!41 lapun
selpewel 91! espiex13 pue 1Ine48p a alepep 01 1I4 !1 s,lepual 1084413 uou Heys tamped 01 10111910 4o 81nHe4 10 14e °BeB11o1N x1141 lapun 1olue19
;o uo1186114o ue tamped 01 U01138 evil 10 selnllpuedxe 81lew o1 uo11oOIe ue pue 'Apewe.1 181lo Aue ;o lanslnd epnpxe IOU Heys Apawel Aue
enslnd o1 lepuel Aq 110110013 •uolslnold 181.410 Aue 10 uolslnold 10141 tam eouelldwoo 10!119 puewep 01 es1Mleylo sig0u s,AUed eta eOlpnfeld
10 ;0 18AIBM a e1n!RsuoO 1ou Heys e6e611o4N siy1 40 uo!sIn01d e 10 1408131(1 a 4o A1 Au A q lentem y selpewet1 to uopaa13 :1enleM
•uo111sods!P 10 ales eta ;o 8W11 ail 9lo ;eq sAep (0O uel 1980! le uan1B
0011011 ueew Heys 0011ou elgeuosesa 'epew eq of s! Auedold leuoslad ail 4o uoilsods!p pepueiw .1etlo 10 ales 819A11d Aue y014M 1n1 ;e
awl eta 10 10 Auedold leuos.ted eyi 4o ales olignd Aue 40 eoeld pue 0W11 8111 4o e0!lou elgeuo98a1 1olue10 an!6 Keys lepuel 'ems 4 OapoN
•Alledold 014140 uo!uod Aue 10 He uo 01es oHgnd Aue le Piq 01 P01111ue eq Heys lepuel •sales ele18des
Aq 10 01es euo 111 'Aleleledes 10 /0418601 Auedold eta to a led Aue 10 He 11es 01 8814 eq Heys lepuel 'se!Pewel pue 91146!1 sa! Buisio18x0 u!
pepeysl8w Alledold eta en814 o1 114611 He pue Aue senaeM AgO1e14 10111810 'me! eigeolldde Aq peu!wled lueIXe 0141 of •Alledold 014; 40 aleS
11110 me! le elgellene 10 luewee1BV 1lpala eta 10 9686110'4 9111 w poPlnold seapewei pue 81461.1 19(410 iie GAIN Heys lepuel •se!Pawaa 1a 4)0
•lepuel 4o puewep eta uodn Alelelpewwl Alledold
eta eleaeA (q) 10 'Alledold eta 40 esn eta 10; leluel 01Qeuoseel a Aed (9) 10 (4118 'uolldo s,lapuel le 'Heys pub Alledold eyi ;0 1aseN0lnd
eta 10 19PU91 4o eaue1e44ns le lueuel a ewooeq Heys 1olue19 '10111810 10 1lnelep uodn Auedold 0141 40 uolssessod 01 pe1111ue swwooeq
09!MlaNlo lepuel 10 eA0g8 pOPIAO1d 89 Nos 9! Alledold 8141011B Alledold 9(41 10 uolssessod Ul supewat lolue19 41 •aoueJelins le AoueuOI
•110110139 5141 u! pepnold 9114611 8141 esp18X8 Oil W014 p9A!00e1 slunowe He to uoaeOHdde 10148 lepuel 01
enp sseupelgepul eta u! 6uluaewel Aouepa4ep Aue 10; luew6pnf a welgo Aew lapual 'Mee e19eoHdde Aq peu!wed •auaw6pnr Aaua114a0
•1en1e091 8 se × wo1; uosied e A4Henbslp uou 118119 lepuel Aq luewAoldw3 •lunowe le11ue1sgns a Aq sseupeigepuI eta spaeoxe
Alledold 8(41 to enlen lualedde eta 10U 10 1e110ym 19!x13 118ys 1an!e0e1 a 40 luewlulodde 8141 01 1116!) s,lepuel 'Me! Aq pelllwled 4! puoq
lnoyllM 8AJ09 Aew 10A18081 814j sseupelgepul eta 2su!e6e 'dlysleAIeoel eta 40 1soo 014 enoge pue JOAO 'speeoold eta Aidde pue Alledold
eta wo14 s1ua8 eta 1001100 0l pue 'ales 10 elnsoIOelo; Bu!paaeld Alledold eta 01810do 04 'Alledold eta anleseld pue 100101d 01 leMOd
8141 tl!m 'Alledold eta 40 419d Aue to lie 40 uolssessod 91181 0l pewlodde J0 !0001 a eney 01 1(4611 Oil GAIN Heys lepuel •lanlaaaa auIoddd
10A18391 a 14600114110 'luefe Aq 'uosied u! 18(4118 gdel6eledgns
91111 lepun 914611 91! esp.1exe Aew lepuel 'pe1s4x9 puewep 0141 104 spunal6 iedoid Aue 10U 10 10141e14M 'epew 819 sluewAed eta golym
104 suollebllgo eta A;s11es Heys puewep s of asuodsel ut 1epuel 01 slesn 18t10 10 swam Aq sluewAed •speaOold eta 1001100 pue
ewes eta 918'1060U 01 pue 1olue19 40 eweu eyi w 40910141 luewAed u! peme0e1 sluewn11su! eslopu0 01 j084- w- Aewoue 9,101ue19 se lepuel
s818u0lsep Algeoone111 10111810 U8yl 'lepuel Aq P01391103 818 slues 0141 4! 'lepuel 01 A110etip sea; esn 10 rte.! 4o sluewAed e11ew 01 Auedold
ail 40 1090 10(410 10 lupuel Aue 011nbe1 Aew lepuel '1(4811 s!41 ;o 0011810(41104 u! •sseupalgepul eta lsule6e '91900 s,l8puel enoge pue
JOAO 'speeooid lea eta Aidde pue 'pledun pue enp used slunowe Bwpnpu! 'slues e41 1001100 pue 'Ieplpn( -uou 10 Ieplpnf 1ey1814M 'elnsopelo;
10 Aouepued eta 13u11np Bwpnloul 'Alledold eta to uolssessod 01181 01 '101ue10 01 ea(1ou lnoyllM '14611 eta (mey Heys lapual •slueu 1aeH0a
•epo0 leplewwo0 w1o41ufl eta lepun
Aired pampas 8 10 se!pewel pue sly6!) eta He aney Heys lepuel 'Alledold leuoslad eta to Lied Aue 10 He 01 loodsel 1411M •sOIpawou 00fa
'Aed 01 pel1nb9l eq P1noM 101U819 y011M A1leued luewAedeld Aue Bu!pn!ou!'elgeAed pue enp
Alelelpeww! sseupalgepul 13111119 eta alepep 01 1o1ue)o 01 eopou lnoyllM uolldo sIl le 146!) eta 9Aeq Haas lapual •ssaupelgopul 0;210103oy
:Mel Aq POP!AOld se!pewei 10 9114611 181410 Aue 01 uo!l!PPe w 'se!pewel
pue 91146!) Bu1MO11o1 eta 4o aloes 10 sue Aue espiexe Aew 'uolldo 91! le 'lepuel 'eBe811oLN s!41 11! uo11e11wH Aue 10 lueweel6y 11P010 ail
u! uo11e11w!! Aue 01 lOefgns lnq 18119010(41 eweu Aue le pue 1108 ;ea ;o luen3 Aue ;0 90ue11n30o eta uodfl •ilfltfj30 NO S]IO3W3d ONy SwHDW
'sesodlnd pellglgold 1o! Bu111emp a (41 spun; 40 esn eta 10'U814 191/10U8 ;0 19P1o14 ey1Aq 81nso130104'uolsslwled s,lapuel 1001411M
bu!lIeMp eyi uo ue1! a to uo11e010 'Bu!IIOmp eta to ales 10 011,1 to letsuell'luno00e 9(41 uo elgell suosled 1113 40 yleep 'saxes Aed of etnile4 '13u1!)eMp
eta 40 esn 0A11on11sep 10 01sem 'eouelnsu1 pennbel ulelwew o1 em11e; 'eldwexe 10; 'epnpu! ue0 s!4l •1818191100 eta w 914611 s,.1epuel 10
iun000e owl Hpato ail 104 18/8181100 eta s10944e Aleslenpe uo110eu! 10 11011013 9,1o1ue19 (3) •1uno00e ow! 1!P810 eta 10 spiel 1uewAedel eta 1e8W
uou 99011 1olue19 (q) uolalpuoo iel0ueul; s,1oaue19;0 s1013dse 1et10 Aue 10 'seµ!!!ge!l'slesse'ewoou! 9 10111819 ln0ge luawalels Isle; 9'eidwexe
1o4 'epnpul ue0 9!41 'luno008 eu11 11pa10 eta 411m uo110euuo0 11! Bwil Aue ie uol1eluaseldelsiw 184181ew a se1ew 10 pne14 sl1ww00 101U819
(9) :o6e611oy 91111 lepun „1ne4ea to luen3 Hnelep to wens ire e1n111suo0 Heys 'lepuel 40 uolldo eta le 'BulMollo; eta 10
4 '1lf1Vd30
'ewi 01 ewli wo14 lepuel Aq peulw181ep se eel uo118ww1e1 elgeuos8sl Aue 'me! e19eOHdde Aq pe111w1ed 11 'Aed Him 1o1ue10 •Alledold
leuoslad ail pue slues eta u! 19010111! Alilnoes s,1epual Bulauep1ne ell; uo luewelels bulousul! Aue 40 uolleulw1al 40 sluawalels elgel!ns
Pug 060611001 sa41 40 uoaoe ;s118s elge1109 a 10111910 011en11ep pue eln0exe Hegs lepuel's69B11mW slut iepun 1olue19 uodn pesodwl suo!lebaigo
041 He sw .10 ;led eslmle110 pub 'iuno008 awl 11119 e41 sel8u!w101 'enp ueyM sseupelgepul 041 He sAed 101ue19 4! '30NVVfll0iti3d llfl1
•yde18e1ed Bu!Pe081d eta 111 01 peuel81 s1a118w eta tslidwo00e 01'uo!uldo
egos s,1apuel 11! '01gellsep 10 Alesseosu aq Aew se s6uayl 10(410 He ()pop pue 'Bulp10001 '6u!114 'Bu!10 lIop 'Bullnoexe '6u13iew 40 asodmd
eta 104 1084- u!- Aewolle 6,10111819 se lepuel slwodde A(geoonelll Ageleg lolue19 'sesodlnd Lions 10j esuedxe 9,loluel9 le pue 1olue19
4o eweu 9(41 u( pue 1o4 os op Aew lepuel 'yde1001ed B4138081d eta 11! 01 penei91 s6u!141 e41 4o Aue op 01 9l!e4 1o1ue10 11 '108 u!- Aawo)V
•14d816e1ed says u! of Pe110491 sleueW eta 411M u01138uuo0
ua pe1lnOU1 sesuedxe pue 91900 Ile 104 lepuel esingw!el Heys 1olue19 'Bu!1!.1M 111 lepuel Aq A1e11uo0 eta 01 pee168 10 me! Aq peligiyoid
sselufl •101ue19 Aq pelinbae 10148010(4 10 peuMO Mou 1e(41914M 'Auedold eta uo 8686110V14 s1y1 Aq petee 3 9191319111! AIuOOes pue sues!
0(41 (q) pue 'sluewn0oa pele!ey 8141 pue '9686uo4A4 9141 'wewee1BV 1111010 0141 lepun 1olue19 4o suo11e6!190 eta (9) anleseld 10 'enu11uo0
loe419d 'eleldwoO '8100130 140 01 181310 u1 aIgensep 10 Alesseoeu eq 'lepuel ;o uo!u!do aids eta. u! 'Aew se sluewnOOp 18(410 pue '9918310100
'83ue.msse 1e1411n; 10 sauewnlasul 'sluawalels uo138nu11uo0 'sluawalels BwoueV4 'sluewee16e A1aln3es 'speep Alilnoes '19011 10 speep
'sobebuow Lions He pue Atm'ele!ldoldde weep Aew lepuel se seoeld pue se0144o Lions w pus sewn y3ns 18'aq Aew ese0 ail se'pep10001a1
q aged
(penui;uo3) L6 6LO9 ON ueoi
3DU W -0E -50
05 -30 -2000 ON 66141
Loan No 607917
Multiple Parties. All obligations of Grantor under this Mortgage shall be joint and several, and all references to Grantor shall mean each and
every Grantor. This means that each of the persons signing below is responsible for all obligations in this Mortgage.
Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Mortgage to be invalid or unenforceable as to any person or
circumstance, such finding shall not render that provision invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons or circumstances. If feasible,
any such offending provision shall be deemed to be modified to be within the limits of enforceability or validity; however, if the offending
provision cannot be so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of this Mortgage in all other respects shall remain valid and
Successors and Assigns. Subject to the limitations stated in this Mortgage on transfer of Grantor's Interest, this Mortgage shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person other
than Grantor, Lender, without notice to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Mortgage and the Indebtedness
by way of forbearance or extension without releasing Grantor from the obligations of this Mortgage or liability under the Indebtedness.
Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Mortgage.
Waiver of Homestead Exemption. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State
of Wyoming as to all Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
Waivers and Consents. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this Mortgage (or under the Related Documents)
unless such waiver is in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any right shall operate as a
waiver of such right or any other right. A waiver by any party of a provision of this Mortgage shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice
the party's right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any
course of dealing between Lender and Grantor, shall constitute a waiver of any of Lender's rights or any of Grantor's obligations as to any
future transactions. Whenever consent by Lender is required in this Mortgage, the granting of such consent by Lender in any instance shall
not constitute continuing consent to subsequent Instances where such consent is required.
On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared JOSEPH DOUGLAS FREEMAN and LISA CLARK FREEMAN, to me
known to be the individuals described In and who executed the Mortgage, and acknowledged that they signed the Mortgage as their free and
voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,
Given under my hand and official seal this
3d day of Nc
By i Residing at S i I,(..M
Nota(P blic In and for the State of 4f/()l4L lj My commission expires 10/14.06.0
LASER PRO, Reg. U.S. Pat. T.M. 011., Var. 3.29 (C1 Concentrex 2000 All rights reserved. [WV-G03 LP007460.LN L2.OVLJ
88 County of State of
Lincoln; Wyoming
I My Commission xpires Oct. 24, 2000
20 0 0
12:55 RightFfiX IIIIIII.14
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