HomeMy WebLinkAbout866243Form 3100.11b (October 1992) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT OFFER TO LEASE AND LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS The undersigned (reverse) offers to lease all or any of the lands in Item 2 that are available for lease pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended and supplemented (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.), the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands of 1947, as amended (30 U.S.C. 351 -359), the Attorney General's Opinion of April 2, 1941 (40 Op. Atty. Gen. 41), or the 1 Name MARATHON OIL CO Street 1 501 STAML'FDE AVE City, State, Zip Code copy, WY 824144721 2 This application /offer /lease is for (Check only One) ((PUBLIC DOMAIN LANDS El ACQUIRED LANDS (percent U.S. interest Surface managing agency if other than BLM: Unit /Project Legal description of land requested: *Parcel W Parcel No.: *SEE ITEM 2 IN INSTRUCTIONS BELOW PRIOR TO COMPLETING PARCEL NUMBER AND SALE DATE. T. R. Meridian State Amount remitted: Filing fee 3. Land included in lease: T 0250N (Continued on reverse) R. 1 1 20W 06th h Meridian a 031 LOTS 2; 031 NE, yENW,N1SSW,N2S1 032 L(A)S 1-4; 0)332 N2, N282; 033 S2NE,NW; BOOK PR PAGE 6 4 8 Noncompetitive lease (ten years) Competitive lease (ten years) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING Future rental payments must be made on or before the anniversary date to: Minerals Management Service Royalty Management Program P.O. Box 5640 Denver, CO 80217 86 624 Rental fee DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE County WY State Lincoln (Title) Other EFFECTIVE DATE OF LEASE Serial No. *Sale Date (m /d /y)• V YW1'St)�'O RECEIVED P.! 00 JUN —5rr`i :77 �..o acres applied for fCEM to Y itftf jylUt3 County LA/ 3 /to Total acres in lease 1152.600 Rental retained 1729. 50 This lease is issued granting the exclusive right to drill for, mine, extract, remove and dispose of all the oil and gas (except helium) in the lands described in Item 3 together with the right to build and maintain necessary improvements thereupon for the term indicated below, subject to renewal or extension in accordance with the appropriate leasing authority. Rights granted are subject to applicable laws, the terms, conditions, and attached stipulations of this lease, the Secretary of the Interior's regulations and formal orders in effect as of lease issuance, and to regulations and formal orders hereafter promulgated when not inconsistent with lease rights granted or specific provisions of this lease. NOTE: This lease is issuedito' the high bidder pursuant to his/her duly executed bid or nomination form submitted under 43 CFi 3120 and is subject to the provisions of that bid or nomination and those specified on this form. Type and primary term of lease: THE 4 TATES OF A., ERICA by 1 i gning Officer) r isable Mineral *"AY A J 'ection 2.000' JUN 0 1 2000_ (Date) 4. (a) Undersigned certifies that (1) offeror is a citizen of the United States; an association of such citizens; a municipality; or a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any State or Territory thereof; (2) all parties holding an interest in the offer are in compliance with 43 CFR 3100 and the leasing authorities; (3) offeror's chargeable interests, direct and indirect, in each public domain and acquired lands separately in the same State do not exceed 246,080 acres in oil and gas leases (of which up to 200,000 acres may he in oil and gas options), or 300,000 acres in leases in each leasing District in Alaska of which up to 200,000 acres may be in options, (4) offeror is not considered a minor under the laws of the State in which the lands covered by this offer are located; (5) offeror is in compliance with qualifications concerning Federal coal lease holdings provided in sec. 2(aX2XA) of the Mineral Leasing Act; (6) offeror is in compliance with reclamation requirements for all Federal oil and gas lease holdings as required by sec. 17(g) of the Mineral Leasing Act; and (7) offeror is not in violation of sec. 41 of the Act. (b) Undersigned agrees that signature to this offer constitutes acceptance of this lease, including all terms, conditions, and stipulations of which offeror has been given notice, and any amendment or separate lease that may include any land described in this offer open to leasing at the time this offer was filed but omitted for any reason from this lease. The offeror further agrecs,that this offer cannot be withdrawn, either in whole or in part, unless the withdrawal is received by the proper BLM State Office before this lease, an amendment to this lease, or a separate lease, whichever covers the land described in the withdrawal, has been signed on behalf of the United States. This offer will be rejected and will afford offeror no priority if it is not properly completed and executed in accordance with the regulations, or if it is not accompanied by the required payments. 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any Department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. Duly executed this day of, h 4 11 14 4- 47 1 -1 Sec. 1. Rentals— Rentals shall be paid to proper office of lessor in advance of each lease year. Annual rental rates per acre or fraction thereof are: (a) Noncompetitive lease. $1.50 for the first 5 years; thereafter $2.00; (b) Competitive lease, $1.50; for the first 5 years; thereafter $2.00; (c) Other, see attachment, or as specified in regulations at the time this lease is issued. If this lease or a portion thereof is committed to an approved cooperative or unit plan which includes a well capable of producing leased resources, and the plan contains a provision for allocation of production, royalties shall be paid on the production allocated to this lease. However. annual rentals shall continue to be due at the rate specified in (a), (b), or (c) for those lands not within a participating area. Failure to pay annual rental, if due, on or before the anniversary date of this lease (or next official working day if office is closed) shall automatically terminate this lease by operation of law. Rentals may be waived, reduced, or suspended by the Secretary upon a sufficient showing by lessee. Sec. 2. Royalties Royalties shall be paid to proper office of lessor. Royalties shall be computed in accordance with regulations on production removed or sold. Royalty rates are: (a) Noncompetitive lease, 121/2 (10 Competitive lease, 121/2 (c) Other, see attachment; or as specified in regulations at the time this lease is issued. Lessor reserves the right to specify whether royalty is to be paid in value or in kind. and the right to establish reasonable minimum values on products after giving lessee notice and an opportunity to be heard. When paid in value, royalties shall be due and payable on the last day of the month following the month in which production occurred. When paid in kind, production shall be delivered, unless otherwise agreed to by lessor, in merchantable condition on the premises where produced without cost to lessor. Lessee shall not be required to hold such production in storage beyond the last day of the month following the month in which production occurred, nor shall lessee be held liable for loss or destruction of royalty oil or other products in storage from causes beyond the reasonable control of lessee. Minimum royalty in lieu of rental of not less than the rental which otherwise would be required for that lease year shall be payable at the end of each lease year beginning on or after a discovery in paying quantities. This minimum royalty may be waived, suspended, or reduced, and the above royalty rates may be reduced, for all or portions of this lease if the Secretary determines that such action is necessary to encourage the greatest ultimate recovery of the leased resources, or is otherwise justified. An interest charge shall be assessed on late royalty payments or underpayments in accordance with the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (FOGRMA) (30 U.S.C. 1701). Lessee shall be liable for royalty payments on oil and gas lost or wasted from a lease site when such loss or waste is due to negligence on the part of the operator, or due to the failure to comply with any rule, regulation, order, or citation issued under FOGRMA or the leasing authority. Sec. 3. Bonds —A bond shall be filed and maintained for lease operations as required under regulations. Sec. 4. Diligence, rate of development, unitization, and drainage Lessee shall exercise reasonable diligence in developing and producing, and shall prevent unnecessary damage to, loss of, or waste of leased resources. Lessor reserves right to specify rates of development and production in the public interest and to require lessee to subscribe to a cooperative or unit plan, within 30 days of notice, if deemed necessary for proper development and operation of area, field, or pool embracing these leased lands. Lessee shall drill and produce wells necessary to protect leased lands from drainage or pay compensatory royalty for drainage in amount determined by lessor. Sec. 5. Documents, evidence, and inspection Lessee shall file with proper office of lessor, not later than 30 days after effective date thereof, any contract or evidence of other arrangement for sale or disposal of production. At such times alai in such form as lessor may prescribe, lessee shall furnish detailed statements showing amounts and quality of all products removed and sold, proceeds therefrom, and amount used for production purposes or unavoidably lost. Lessee may be required to provide plats and schematic diagrams showing development work and improvements, and reports with respect to parties in interest, expenditures, and depreciation costs. In the form prescribed by lessor, lessee shall keep a daily drilling record, a log, information on well surveys and tests, and a record of subsurface investigations and furnish copies to lessor when required. Lessee shall keep open at all reasonable times for inspection by any authorized officer of lessor, the leased premises and all wens, improvements, machinery, and fixtures thereon, and all books, accounts, maps, and records relative to operations, surveys, or investigations on or in the leased lands. Lessee shall maintain copies of all contracts, sales agreements, accounting records, and documentation such as billings, invoices, or similar documentation that supports LEASE TERMS 19 649 (Signature of Lessee or Attorney -in -fact) costs claimed as manufacturing, preparation, and /or transportation costs. All such records shall be maintained in lessee's accounting offices for future audit by lessor. Lessee shall maintain required records for 6 years after they are generated or, if an audit or investigation is underway, until released of the obligation to maintain such records by lessor. During existence of this lease, information obtained under this section shall be closed to inspection by the public in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). Sec. 6. Conduct of operations Lessee shall conduct operations in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts to the land, air, and water, to cultural, biological, visual, and other resources, and to other land uses or users. Lessee shall take reasonable measures deemed necessary by lessor to accomplish the intent of this section. To the extent consistent with lease rights granted, such measures may include, but are not limited to, modification to siting or design of facilities, timing of operations, and specification of interim and final reclamation measures. Lessor reserves the right to continue existing uses and to authorize future uses upon or in the leased lands, including the approval of easements or rights -of -way. Such uses shall be conditioned so as to prevent unnecessary or unreasonable interference with rights of lessee. Prior to disturbing the surface of the leased lands, lessee shall contact lessor to be apprised of procedures to be followed and modifications or reclamation measures that may be necessary. Areas to be disturbed may require inventories or special studies to determine the extent of impacts to other resources. Lessee may be required to complete minor inventories or short term special studies under guidelines provided by lessor. If in the conduct of operations, threatened or endangered species, objects of historic or scientific interest, or substantial unanticipated environmental effects are observed, lessee shall immediately contact lessor. Lessee shall cease any operations that would result in the destruction of such species or objects. Sec. 7. Mining operations —To the extent that impacts from mining operations would be substantially different or greater than those associated with normal drilling operations, lessor reserves the right to deny approval of such operations. Sec. 8. Extraction of helium Lessor reserves the option of extracting or having extracted helium from gas production in a manner specified and by means provided by lessor at no expense or loss to lessee or owner of the gas. Lessee shall include in any contract of sale of gas the provisions of this section. Sec. 9. Damages to property—Lessee shall pay lessor for damage to lessor's improvements, and shall save and hold lessor harmless from all claims for damage or harm to persons or property as a result of lease operations. Sec. 10. Protection of diverse interests and equal opportunity— Lessee shall: pay when due all taxes legally assessed and levied under laws of the State or the United States; accord all employees complete freedom of purchase; pay all wages at least twice each month in lawful money of the United States; maintain a safe working environment in accordance with standard industry practices; and take measures necessary to protect the health and safety of the public. Lessor reserves the right to ensure that production is sold at reasonable prices and to prevent monopoly. If lessee operates a pipeline, or owns controlling interest in a pipeline or a company operating a pipeline, which may be operated accessible to oil derived from these leased lands, lessee shall comply with section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920. Lessee shall comply with Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended, and regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant thereto. Neither lessee nor lessee's subcontractors shall maintain segregated facilities. Sec. 11. Transfer of lease interests and relinquishment of lease —As required by regulations, lessee shall file with lessor any assignment or other transfer of an interest in this lease. Lessee may relinquish this lease or any legal subdivision by filing in the proper office a written relinquishment, which shall be effective as of the date of filing, subject to the continued obligation of the lessee and surety to pay all accrued rentals and royalties. Sec. 12. Delivery of premises —At such time as all or portions of this lease are returned to lessor, lessee shall place affected wells in condition for suspension or abandonment, reclaim the land as specified by lessor and, within a reasonable period of time, remove equipment and improvements not deemed necessary by lessor for preservation of producible wells. Sec. 13. Proceedings in case of default —If lessee fails to comply with any provisions of this lease, and the noncompliance continues for 30 days after written notice thereof, this lease shall be subject to cancellation unless or until the leasehold contains a well capable of production of oil or gas in paying quantities, or the lease is committed to an approved cooperative or unit plan or communitization agreement which contains a well capable of production of unitized substances in paying quantities. This provision shall not be construed to prevent the exercise by lessor of any other legal and equitable remedy, including waiver of the default. Any such remedy or waiver shall not prevent later cancellation for the same default occurring at any other time. Lessee shall be subject to applicable provisions and penalties of FOGRMA (30 U.S.C. 1701). Sec. 14. Heirs and successors -in- interest —Each obligation of this lease shall extend to and be binding upon, and every benefit hereof shall inure to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, beneficiaries, or assignees of the respective parties hereto. 0 9 spueT 9ui2s ago log auo stga oq ioTad pansst 9sE91 Ts.zautu 5utDstxa prIPA P uioag uotponpoad 10 /pua quaudolanap AT1apao aqp LT4Tm aaa31a .aut ktgauossaaun pinoM ',zaot ;to pazTaogons ago. 3o uotutdo aqq ut 'gotgm panoadd2 aq qou TTtM suoTosaedp NoL,LK'IndIJLS L3wdo'Iaa asammIH 3'IdI. inw aot33O pTat3 ysri zadozd alp Uroz3 pauTpggo aq Apur Aouabp agpTadozddp au4 3o aursu auy °Aouabs agpTzdozddp auq oq appur aq TTTM uoTTso3Tgou 'paouaunuoo azp spupT anogp alp uo suotlpzado aurtq alp w °4TUrzad esn aaz3 /e4Ts sTsTzagsur s se pats au3 3o esn alp u4tt AHptza -Tem aza3.zaquT qou ITT saT4TAT4os bu -TTtzp zo uoTgpzoTdxa alp gpuq uoTgpTndTps alp oq goaCgns appur Agazau azp spupT asau4 uo saspaT ssb pus TTo peouaza ;az auy •(zaTem aop3zns T2Tuuazad oq pagTurTT aq Apuz zo saoznos zagpM Tpzauraude pup quaggTUrzaqut upoq apnTouT Asir „spazp upTapdTZ zo /pus zagsM aop3zns„ '•a•T) TanaT PTaT3 alp qp pagpauiTap aq gsnur uzaouoo 3o spotzad aurT pup S azp TpoTUdszboab 'zanamoH •aTgpTipnp uotppurzo;uT gsaq alp uodn paspq paustjgpgsa uaaq ansu (zagpM uroz3 4 00S ''b•a) pTz94T10 pTogsazu4 0T3t0adg •uoTgop au4 butzTzougnp uauM Tpnozddp zo3 uoTgTpuoo s auiooaq pup quaurdoTanap oq zotzd zn000 TTTM uoTgpTaobau sTUy •sgopdurt pagpdToTqup 3o uoTTpbTp pu zo3 usTd aTgpgdaoop up ,p anTzzp (yNs) Aouabp quaurabpupur aop3zns aqq pup antgpquasazdaz pagpubtsap aul zo eaTaTUUad aqq TTqun zo ssaTun pagTgtuozd aq TTZM saT1TATgop butgzngstp aop3zns 'gstxa suoTgtpuoo anogp aup 3o azour zo auo uauM qpp (ssogpzado 'se vpirzad 'saassaT TwTquajod) saTgzpd pagsazaquT urzo3uT oq st aoipou sTua 30 quaquT auy •(sauiTzaMod 'sautTedtd 'sppo1TTsz 'spsoz 'sApMubtu agsgs pup •s•n '•a•t) ApM- 3o- squfT1 buTgstxe zaugo 30 4993 OOZ Pus SAPMu5TU 94p49z94uI 30 4993 OOS UT TM fi •zn000 oq ATa3ITT sT abpursp pauszag2M uauM zo pagpznTss ST TsTzaJpUr TTos alp uauM spoTaad butznp zo TWTza,PUI uazoz3 ugtM uotpon1Dsuop •spazp ustzpdtz zo /pup za4pM aop3zns 30 4993 00S uT °Z °sITaM buTonpozd 3o uoTgpzado pup aousuaqutpur alp zo3 appUr aq TTTM suoTgoTzgsaz pasodurT oq suoT ;pot ;TpoUI eJptzdozddv •parTgTgozd 'Azpssaoau ATegnTosgs 3T 'au Partozquoo ATgoTzgs aq TTTM spazp Tstoads uons uTUgtN Aoupdn000 zo asn aop3zns Auy •MOTaq peT3TquapT azp spazp Tptoads aTgtssoa 'saoznosaz zauao zo /pup aop3zns oq abpursp 3uaAead 01 uoTqua3gs TWToads eaTnbaz Apur zo 'sasodznd TpToads zo3 tiapeau aq Apur 'sanTpn TpToads UTV4U00 APUI gpuf Su0TgpTndTps aspaT Aq passazppp ATTsoT;Toads qou spazp apnTouT Apui aspaT spin uTupTM spusT auy •sApp 09 0q do zo3 saTgtnT4op aoupgzngstp aop3zns buTpTgTgozd pup 'pTouaspaT alp ;go qou Tact 'sza4eur OOZ of do suoTgszado pasodozd butgsooTaz alTnbaz Apui uoTuM 'saznspaUr uoI4surnToaz TpuT3 pup urtzaquT 3o uotgpoT3Toads pup 'su0tJpzado 3o buTUtTq 'S9i i Top3 3o ubtsap zo buTqTS 30 not 3T3TPour 'off pa4turTT qou azp Inc{ 'apnTouT Apiu saznspaUr eTgvuospai uons •pasodozd eau suoTgszado aurtp atm qp suoTgpTndtps aspaT UT passazppp qou slam pup 'sasn pupT 'sanTpn aoznosaz zaulo oq sgopdUrz aszanpp azTUrtuTm 01 saznspaur aTgpuospea alTnbaz Apui zaoT33o paztzou4np alp '(TT uuzoa wris) aspaT auq 3o sULZaq pup Z -T' TOT£ 2ian £V uoT4PTnbag zapun CS9 °salTs TsTzaTew •sbutTTaip paTdn000 3o aTtUI uTu4TM T 'ON SJLLON SSva'I •quaozad SZ 3o ssaoxe UT sadoTS aoNvaine °9 °S °T ,79)9s0 (1) Nov 15 to Apr 30; On the lands described below: For the purpose of (reasons): TIMING LIMITATION STIPULATION TLS No surface use is allowed during the following time period(s). This stipulation does not apply to operation and maintenance of production facilities. (2) as mapped on the Pinedale RMP Oil and Gas Lease Stipulation Overlay #1; (3) protecting big game crucial winter range. 652 WYW150470 Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and /or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of this stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) ('ozaz Pus 0S6I Isnusw Sd a0 IOI£ pus IsnuuN wag 39S °uoTas'ndTls sTga go asn age uo aouupTng ao,I) °sa2uugo Bons ao; suoTsTnoad £aoq9In291 agp ao /pus us'd asn pus' alp gaTM aouspa000s uT apum aq IITM uoTgs'ndTas sTga oq sa2usgo �Cuy °asaTquq 2uTpsau aogdma 2uTaoaload :go asodand aqa aog :Xanans aogdsa aouugantsTp -aad s /Cq pauTmaagap ss JO `z# iCW'aano uoTas'ndTaS asua7 sup pus 'TO c IN I a'upauTd aqa uo paddum su (z) :aolaq pagTaosap spud alp uo :saosdmT pagsdT3Tpus go uoTas2TaTm aoj un'd a'qugdaoos uu anTaau iCoua2u 2uT2uuum aougans pus aogsaado aqa ssa'un paaTgTgoad JO paaoTaasaa aq IITM saaTs asau aoldsa anTlos ao paTdn000 Jo arcm I oa do go snTpsa s uTglTM I£ Ulf pus I qad uaatgaq asn ao ausdn000 aouganS (1) 0L+i0SIMAM °sauTsaasuoo $uTasaado IsToads 2uTmoTTo; ol aoafgns sT asn ao 6ousdnoao aosganS E 5 9 nso MoISvanauS asn aOVd2If1S arm:lump tyis Surface occupancy or use is subject to the following special operating constraints. (1) Surface occupancy or use within 1/4 mile or the visual horizon (whichever is closer) of contributing segments of the Sublette Cut -off of the Emigrant Trail will be restricted or prohibited unless the operator and surface managing agency arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Pinedale RMP Oil and Gas Lease Stipulation Overlay #2; For the purpose of: CONTROLLED SURFACE USE STIPULATION CSU WYW150470 65 (3) protecting contributing segments of the National Historic Trails System. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and /or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of this stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) aSP3j stgq butnsst aoT;go agsgs et14 gbno.1144 e gsitsns spaooaa quaurabsusyl pusZ 3o nsaang xaggo ut se TTaM ss aTt3 3SPO assaT eqq uT pautsquoo si (v)(Z)(s)g not ;oas gfTM aoust,duroo xoxa3susxq xo xossaTgns 'xoubtsss butp1P6aa uotgPurao3ul °(y)(Z)(P)Z uotgoas t[ M aousTTdnoouou oq anp assai stgq, 3o uotgsTTaouso 3 quana aqq ui uotgoagoad xassgaxnd apt; Puoq oq sggbta ou ssq 'sngq 'pus aaRegoxnd apt; suoq s ss A ;tTPnb qou saop aaaagsusaq xo aassaTgns 'aaubtsss all", °(y)(Z)(s)Z uoTgoas gfTM aousTIduroo ut xabuoT ou st aoaa3susaq SP xo aoubtsss ss aassaT Tet4tut ago. 'giun bututur TsotboT xo 'quaurgstnbutTax 'quaurubtsss ggbuaT -sums a-t 'uotpos Tsop butpuad s ;o aot ;0 agsgs s Aq Tsnoxddsstp xo Tstuap s 3o asnsoaq (Z) ao '(y)(Z)(P)Z uot1oas gq, tM aouWETduroo pat ;tga ATesTP3 ssq aoaa3susaq SP xo aoubtsss ss aassaT T eqq (T) ;t uoTgeTTaOUSO oq goaCgns ST assaT ss6 pus TTo stgq Jsg4 pat;Tgou Agaaaq axs saaaa ;susaq pus saaubtsss TTs 'sbutpToq assaT Tsoo Tsaapag Butuaaouoo suotgP ggTM aassaT TPTgT0T aqq Aq aoustTduroo oq goadsax ggTM 'essaT ssb pus TTo stgq 3o suraaq. ag.4 1.14IM aouspa000s ui ZLVE lig0 £V Ut pautsTdxa st (y)(Z)(s)Z not ;Oas g4TM SaassaT Tsoo Aq aous1ZduroD •'fU4 agq. xapun paqusab 9SPaT aaggo Alm 3o aousnsst eqq xo; A ;Trent gouuso 'eS ei tons T.p a wox; saT4T ;usnb Tsppxaunuoo uT Tso3 butonpoad qou st oqM pus '9L61 'fii 3snbny aaq ;s xo uo butuurBaq sasaA OT log assaT Tso' Tsxapag s pTag ssg pus spiog Tsgq Agtpua AuP gsq saxtnbaa '(y)(Z)(s) TOZ °0 °S'II 0£ 'WIN ago 3o (y)(Z)(2)Z uotgoas °aSP9T ssb pus TTo UP utsggo 0 SuoTgsoT;TTsnb s,Agtqua us gza3 ;s '9L6T 3o loy squaurpuaury butssaZ Tso3 Tsaapag eq4 Aq papuaurs ss '0Z6T ;0 610 (raw) qoy butssaj TPaauTYl alp 3o suotstnoad asssari oa =L ON 6